Read The Coming of the King Page 25



  It came about in this wise. I had been taken away by myself into anempty chamber, which was carefully guarded. Not that I was treatedrudely. Rather marked respect was paid to me, and I lacked nothing whichany man might desire. Nevertheless I had thought much of the scenethrough which I had been passing, and what it all portended. I could nothelp realizing that the king had dismissed us very abruptly, and thatsore displeasure had rested upon his face as I had spoken. As forConstance, her condition troubled me more than my own. I had noted thelook in the king's eyes as he had watched her, and remembering what mensaid concerning him, I feared much. I determined however that no harmshould happen to her, whatever might befall, for did I not love her withall my heart, and had I not told her of my love? Moreover I had promisedthat I would protect her, and as I thought of this, even prison wallsbecame as nought to me. It was while I was scheming how I should fulfilmy promise to her that a lackey entered the room and bade me follow him.

  This I did like a man in a dream, for a great silence had fallen uponthe king's palace, and everything appeared grim and ghostly. He led methrough long corridors, and tortuous ways, so that without a guide Idoubt if I could ever have found my way back to the room from which Ihad come. Presently, however, I heard the sound of distant laughter, andthe noise of songsters, then as some intervening wall kept these soundsfrom reaching me, I passed by an open window, and heard thenightingales singing amongst the trees close by.

  The lackey spoke no word, neither good nor bad, to me. I thought helooked sleepy, and would gladly have gone to his rest. Perhaps this wastrue, for it was rumoured that the king kept strange hours, and expectedpeculiar service at the hands of his servingmen.

  Presently I stood in a little ante-chamber, where I was bidden to waituntil it was the king's pleasure to see me, and here I waited I shouldthink a full hour. The first part of the time was weary enough, but thesecond part passed like a flash of light, and this was because, evenalthough I had tried not to listen, I had to hear that which interestedme past words.

  Evidently I was close to the apartment where the king was, for everyword he spoke reached me with great plainness; but it was not his voicewhich thrilled my heart, it was anothers, as I shall soon have to tell.

  "I pray thy pardon, pretty maid," I heard Charles say. "I know thou hasthad a long day's ride, and must be aweary, but I felt I could not sleepuntil I had speech with thee again."

  "I have nothing to say to Your Majesty," replied the voice of Constance.

  "But I have much to say to thee, fair Constance. It is not oft that evena king beholds one so fair, or hears one whose speech is so pleasing.Besides, it will be to thine interest to listen to me, and to regard myproposals favourably."

  The king's voice was, as I thought, thick with much wine, and I fanciedI could see the evil leer in his black beady eyes as he spoke.

  "I have brought thee here to-night," he went on, "so that I may tellthee of many things. And first, I desire that thou shouldst tell me whatthou didst refuse but a few hours since. Where is this Puritan sister ofthine?"

  "And if I told Your Majesty?"

  "Ah, pretty Constance, if it had been thee--well I fear thou wouldsthave too lenient a judge. But thy sister is the wife of Denman, a manwhose immediate arrest I have commanded. A bitter, sour-faced, lyingPuritan, a man who took a leading part in the murder of my father. Andthis sister of thine, well she tried to kill the man who sought to bringme back to my kingdom. That is not easy to forgive. Had it been thylittle hand which would have done this, I should e'en have laughed atMonk's dour face, and forgiven. And yet I must not forget. Thou hastshielded thy sister; thou hast kept her from punishment, andtherefore--well, unless--but let me think----"

  "I have decided to forgive thee on two conditions," he went onpresently.

  "And they, Your Majesty?"

  "The first is that thou wilt tell me where this sister of thine is. Thesecond will, I trust, be pleasing to thee, for surely the king's smile,and the king's companionship should----"

  "Pardon me, Your Majesty," cried Constance, "but there is no need tospeak of the second condition since I will never accept the first."

  "You will not tell me where your sister is?"

  "No, Your Majesty."

  The king laughed. "I must e'en find out without your telling," he said.

  "You never can;" and there was defiance in her voice.


  I noted the anger in his voice, and I forgot that I was listening toconversation which the king never intended should reach my ears, soeager was I to know what would follow.

  "It is said that I am of an easy temper," he went on presently, "and itis hard to be angry in the presence of one so fair. Yet must the king beobeyed. So be sure of this, pretty Constance. I will e'en find thewhereabouts of your sister. As for your father, he is already underarrest, and it will depend on you as to whether he goes to the gallowswith the rest of my father's murderers, or whether he hold his head highin the state."

  "On me, Your Majesty?"

  "Ay, on you, pretty Constance." And then he said words which I will notwrite down, so base were they.

  "Of this be assured," he went on, and it was easy to see that wine hadunloosed his tongue, and driven away his judgement. "I will give noquarter to these canting Puritans. Neither for that matter will I bestowany favour upon these Presbyterians. I will have only such religion inmy realm as I please. Not that I am much wedded to religion at all,especially that of the stern and strict nature. But this I know, it isto the Episcopals that I owe my crown, and it was they who fought for myfather during the rebellion. Depend upon it, therefore, I will makeshort shrift of these hot-gospellers, and I will see to it that onlythose who are loyal to the crown shall be tolerated."

  "Then Your Majesty's promises will go for nothing!" And there was asting of scorn in Constance's tones, as well as in her words.

  The king laughed. "A man makes reservations even in his promises," hesaid, "and think not that I am going to allow my father's murderers togo around stirring up dissension, or hot-gospellers to preach rebellion.Nay, you will soon see. The Puritans had no mercy, and _Grand Dieu_neither will I!"

  At this there was silence.

  "So, fair Constance, I beseech you for your own sake to--to be obedientto my wishes, and----"

  "Will Your Majesty be pleased to forgive me," cried Constance. "It illbecomes me to boast, but I am not afraid of death, and so I beseech YourMajesty to mete out my punishment without delay."

  "You mean that----"

  "It would be better for me to die than that my father's child shouldturn traitor or coward."

  At this I could not help giving expression to my gladness; indeed soloud was the sound that escaped my lips that the king heard me.

  "Who is there?" he cried angrily.

  A minute later I was brought into the room where the king was. I sawthat his usually pale face had become of a purplish hue, while his slitsof eyes shot an angry light.

  "How now sirrah!" he cried, as I stood before him, "hast thou heardaught of the conversation between me and this maid?"

  "I heard it all, sire."

  For a moment he did not speak, gazing first at Constance and then atme. I also cast a hasty glance at the woman I loved, and in spite of myhelplessness my heart rejoiced. Her face was pale, but she showed nofear, rather there was a look of confidence in her eyes, and anexpression of unalterable determination.

  Whether Charles II. realized this I know not, but I saw he was in nohumour to be played with. Perchance this was the first time his will hadbeen opposed since he had come back to England, for since that day I hadfirst seen him at Dover he had received little but fulsome adulation.

  "Thou hast heard all!"

  "All, sire," I replied steadily, for now I felt no scrap of fear. Forlet who will say otherwise, Charles II., although King of England, wasnot a man to inspire reverence or awe. He looked cunning rather thanthoughtful, se
nsuous rather than noble; one who, if he was kind, waskind because it was less troublesome than to be cruel. He did notimpress me with his kingly presence, rather I thought of him even thenas a weak despot.

  He seemed to hesitate a moment as if to recall the conversation whichhad taken place between himself and Constance, and then as if herealized that nought of great importance was said, his brow cleared anda look of resolution came into his eyes.

  "Thou knowest then that this maid, Mistress Constance Leslie, hath againrefused to obey her king?"

  "Yes, sire."

  "But, mark you, I will know the truth. Look you, young sir, I judgedthat you know where her sister is. Speak the truth. I can detect a lie amile away."

  "I will tell you no lies, sire!"

  "Then I repeat the question, 'Do you know where this maid's sister is?'"

  "No, sire."

  "But you can make a shrewd guess? Come, yes or no. You believe you knowwhere she is?"

  "Yes," I made answer.

  "Ah, that is good. And now we will see, Mistress Constance, who ismaster. Now we will see whether the king will not have his way." Andthen again he said that which I will not write down.

  Surely, I have told myself since, he must have been brutalized by toomuch wine, or he would never have spoken as he did, for his speech wasthat of a villain in a fourth rate stage play, rather than of one inwhose veins ran royal blood.

  "I cannot get at you through your father," he said to her, "but I canand will through your sister. You care nothing for the oldhot-gospeller; well, I can forgive you for that. But this sister ofyours, well, you have suffered much for her already, and would suffermore. Ah, yes, pretty Constance, I see through you. To avert suspicionfrom her you have e'en gone abroad as the wife of this Denman; you havefetched and carried for him like a dog. Well, now, to save her, youshall e'en do as much and more for your king. For if you will not, Iwill make this sister of thine--but I will not speak of that now. Youwill be wise, and do my will. Now then, Master Roland Rashcliffe, yousay you can shrewdly guess where this other daughter of John Leslie is.Tell me, I command you."

  The king was gazing eagerly at me as he spoke, but instead of returninghis look I turned for a moment towards Constance, and I saw that hereyes were imploring me not to speak. But there was no confidence in themnow; rather there was a great fear. She could depend on her ownfortitude, but not on mine.

  "I trust Your Majesty will not insist on this," I said.

  "And why, Master Malapert?"

  "Because I cannot obey your command."

  He took a step towards me as if in anger, but he stopped suddenly, andthen I saw a change come over his face. The old cunning leer came backto his eyes again, the wine-inflamed, passionate man had gone, andinstead I saw the cynical mocking man I had seen land at Dover.

  He sat down on a low chair, and began to fondle his lap-dog, glancing atus both curiously as he did so.

  "I am indeed fortunate," he said. "Mostly my servants say they will obeyme, and then seek to have their own will, while you say you will notobey me and will have to do so in spite of all. Moreover, this youthsaid he had no favour to ask at my hands. Well, and what game are youplaying, young master?"

  "I am trying to be an honest man," I replied.

  "Prithee come a little closer, for surely thou art a rare sight," hesaid. "For twelve years I have been trying to find an honest man and avirtuous woman, and up to now I have discovered neither."

  "And yet your mother is alive, sire," I said.

  Again his eyes flashed fire, and I thought he was going to call hisservants, and order that I should be thrown in some dungeon. But againhe mastered himself.

  "I have not made up my mind whether I shall give you the cap and bells,or send you to the most stinking dungeon in Fleet Prison, MasterRashcliffe," he said quietly. "But of that anon; at present I am vastlyenjoying myself. There is some reason in your mind which makes you thinkyou can answer your king as you have answered him. You fancy you havesome secret power over him. Come now, speak!"

  "That need not be Your Majesty. I was ever taught that a man's duty wasto protect a woman."

  Again he eyed me keenly, and presently he laughed quietly.

  "Ah, I see," he said; "now I understand. You have cast eyes on thispretty Constance, and seek to gain her favour by this means. I thought Ishould discover your motive. What! she hath looked coldly on you, eh,and now you seek to win her favour. Ay, and what more likely to do thisthan to stand by her in her difficulty! Is a man likely to do aught butfor self? Tell me, do you expect to win the fair Constance's love?"

  "Nay; I do not expect that," I replied.

  "Ah, I see; but you hope, eh--you hope?" and again he laughed.

  "Well, and why not, Master Rashcliffe? The king is still king in spiteof these accursed Puritans; and I tell you this, Charles II. will not beungrateful to loyal servants. General Monk is now Duke of Albermarle, ishe not?"

  I was silent, for why should I speak?

  "Now then, suppose I promise to look favourably on this match, will youtell me where you believe this maid's sister is? Mark you, it will makeno difference whether you tell me or no, for I mean to find her, ifevery house in England hath to be searched from cellar to cock-loft.Now, will you tell me?"

  "No, sire."

  "Ah, then there is some other thought at the back of your brain. Butmind, you are both making a whip for your own backs. It is not often Iam so patient as to-night, so tempt me not too far."

  At this neither of us spoke, while Charles Stuart began to play with theribbon around his dog's neck.

  "What have you to say?"

  "Nothing, sire."

  "Yes, there is something. Three hours ago thou didst mention the name ofKatharine Harcomb. What did she tell thee?"

  "Of that which I have since seen, Your Majesty," I said boldly.

  "Ah--and what is that?"

  "That which if made known would alter the history of the nation, sire."

  "Where is it?" he cried, as if forgetting himself.

  "I do not know," I replied like a fool, for the moment I had spoken thewords, I realized that I had thrown down the only weapon by which Icould defend myself.

  The king laughed again quietly.

  "You are only fit for the cap and bells after all," he said quietly;"just the cap and bells. Still, a fool may be dangerous if you put apistol in his hands, so the best way is to keep him out of harm."

  "But others know where it is!" I cried, for his words made me angry.

  "Who?" he cried.

  I was silent.

  "Tell me," he commanded, but I could not speak. For who was the old manof Pycroft? Where was he now? At that moment all I had seen seemed but aJack-o'-Bedlam story, at which a cunning man like the king would laugh.

  He seemed to hesitate what to do, but presently he rose and pulled abell-rope, and before it ceased ringing the woman who had earlier in theevening accompanied Constance entered the room, while I saw two malelackeys at the door.

  The king gave some commands in a low voice, whereupon she prepared tolead Constance away. My heart fell at this, for while I was brave andconfident in her presence, my courage ebbed away at the thought of herleaving me. And yet it was not for myself that I feared, but for her. Agreat dread came into my heart concerning the indignities which Ibelieved the king would place upon her, for I had heard his words, I hadseen the look in his black beady eyes. But I could do nothing. I had tostand still while she left the room, and yet on her leaving I felt myheart grow warm with joy. And no wonder, for as she walked away, sheturned around, and her eyes met mine, and then, although she never spokea word of love to me, I knew that I did not love her in vain.

  Let the king do his worst now, I did not fear, for I had a strength anda joy of which he knew nothing.

  No sooner had the door closed than the king's mood changed again.

  "Now then we will speak plainly, Master Malapert," he said. "You knowwhere this maid's sister is?"

  At this I
was silent, for surely there was no need of speech.

  "Well, it doth not matter whether you speak or no, that is as far as itconcerneth me. As for you, it mattereth much. But there is the othermatter; tell me what you know concerning that?"

  Whether I was wise or no I will not try to say, but I told him what Ihad seen.

  "You say you saw this contract?"

  "Yes, sire, I saw it."

  "Signed by me?"

  "The name of Charles Stuart was affixed to it."

  He took a pen from a table and scribbled hastily on a piece of paper.

  "Like that?" he asked.

  "A facsimile of that, sire," I replied.

  For a time he was silent, and he took several turns up and down theroom, as though he were thinking.

  "You knew of this when I arrived at Dover?"

  "Yes, sire."

  "And when you went to the place again?"

  "It was gone as I have told you, sire."

  "You believe the old man hath it?"

  "Yes, sire."

  "And you have a suspicion where he is now?"

  At this I was silent, for what could I say. I believed that he was atGoodlands, the house of John Leslie, and that his discovery would meanthe discovery of Constance's sister, the sister whom she was ready toshield with her own life. Therefore, in spite of all the king'scommands, I held my peace, never by so much as a word or a suggestionmaking known my thoughts.

  Again the king grew angry, and he threatened not the wife of Sir CharlesDenman, but Constance with a doom at which any honest woman mustshudder, but even then I could not speak, for if ever a woman's eyes hadcommanded a man to be silent Constance's had commanded me. Besides, Ihad no faith in the man before me. The promises he made to-day would bebroken at the very moment it pleased his fancy.

  And yet I believed that the king was not altogether displeased with me,for even as he gave his commands concerning me he said--

  "An honest man is a good thing, Master Rashcliffe, but when he is a foolhe must be e'en treated as a danger."

  Before the sun which was now rising went down, I was in a foul dungeonin Fleet Prison.