Read The Companions of Jehu Page 5


  Roland remained motionless, not only as long as he could see thecarriage, but long after it had disappeared. Then, shaking his head asif to dispel the cloud which darkened his brow, he re-entered the innand asked for a room.

  "Show the gentleman to number three," said the landlord to achambermaid.

  The chambermaid took a key hanging from a large black wooden tablet onwhich were arranged the numbers in white in two rows, and signed to theyoung traveller to follow her.

  "Send up some paper, and a pen and ink," Roland said to the landlord,"and if M. de Barjols should ask where I am tell him the number of myroom."

  The landlord promised to obey Roland's injunctions and the latterfollowed the girl upstairs whistling the Marseillaise. Five minuteslater he was seated at a table with the desired paper, pen and inkbefore him preparing to write. But just as he was beginning the firstline some one knocked, three times at the door.

  "Come in," said he, twirling his chair on one of its hind legs so as toface his visitor, whom he supposed to be either, M. de Barjols or one ofhis friends.

  The door opened with a steady mechanical motion and the Englishmanappeared upon the threshold.

  "Ah!" exclaimed Roland, enchanted with this visit, in view of hisgeneral's recommendation; "is it you?"

  "Yes," said the Englishman, "it is I."

  "You are welcome."

  "Oh! if I am welcome, so much the better! I was not sure that I ought tocome."

  "Why not?"

  "On account of Aboukir."

  Roland began to laugh.

  "There are two battles of Aboukir," said he; "one which we lost; theother we won."

  "I referred to the one you lost."

  "Good!" said Roland, "we fight, kill, and exterminate each other on thebattlefield, but that does not prevent us from clasping hands on neutralground. So I repeat, you are most welcome, especially if you will tellme why you have come."

  "Thank you; but, in the first place, read that." And the Englishman drewa paper from his pocket.

  "What is that?" asked Roland.

  "My passport."

  "What have I to do with your passport?" asked Roland, "I am not agendarme."

  "No, but I have come to offer you my services. Perhaps you will notaccept them if you do not know who I am."

  "Your services, sir?"

  "Yes; but read that first."

  Roland read:

  In the name of the French Republic--The Executive Directory hereby orders that Sir John Tanlay, Esq., be permitted to travel freely throughout the territory of the Republic, and that both assistance and protection be accorded him in case of need. (Signed) FOUCHE.

  And below:

  To whom it may concern--I recommend Sir John Tanlay particularly as a philanthropist and a friend of liberty. (Signed) BARRAS.

  "Have you read it?"

  "Yes; what of it?"

  "What of it? Well, my father, Lord Tanlay, rendered M. Barras someservices; that is why M. Barras permits me to roam about France. And Iam very glad to roam about; it amuses me very much."

  "Oh, I remember, Sir John; you did us the honor to say so at dinner."

  "I did say so, it is true; I also said that I liked the French peopleheartily."

  Roland bowed.

  "And above all General Bonaparte," continued Sir John.

  "You like General Bonaparte very much?"

  "I admire him; he is a great, a very great, man."

  "By Heavens! Sir John, I am sorry he is not here to hear an Englishmansay that of him."

  "Oh! if he were here I should not say it."

  "Why not?"

  "I should not want him to think I was trying to please him. I say sobecause it is my opinion."

  "I don't doubt it, my lord," said Roland, who did not see what theEnglishman was aiming at, and who, having learned all that he wished toknow through the passport, held himself upon his guard.

  "And when I heard," continued the Englishman with the same phlegm, "youdefend General Bonaparte, I was much pleased."


  "Much pleased," repeated the Englishman, nodding his head affirmatively.

  "So much the better!"

  "But when I saw you throw a plate at M. Alfred de Barjols' head, I wasmuch grieved."

  "You were grieved, my lord, and why?"

  "Because in England no gentleman would throw a plate at the head ofanother gentleman."

  "My lord," said Roland, rising with a frown, "have you perchance comehere to read me a lecture?"

  "Oh, no; I came to suggest that you are perhaps perplexed about findinga second?"

  "My faith, Sir John! I admit that the moment when you knocked at thedoor I was wondering of whom I could ask this service."

  "Of me, if you wish," said the Englishman. "I will be your second."

  "On my honor!" exclaimed Roland, "I accept with all my heart."

  "That is the service I wished to render you!"

  Roland held out his hand, saying: "Thank you!"

  The Englishman bowed.

  "Now," continued Roland, "as you have had the good taste, my lord, totell me who you were before offering your services, it is but fair that,since I accept them, I should tell you who I am."

  "Oh! as you please."

  "My name is Louis de Montrevel; I am aide-de-camp to General Bonaparte."

  "Aide-de-camp to General Bonaparte. I am very glad."

  "That will explain why I undertook, rather too warmly perhaps, mygeneral's defence."

  "No, not too warmly; only, the plate--"

  "Oh, I know well that the provocation did not entail that plate. Butwhat would you have me do! I held it in my hand, and, not knowing whatto do with it, I threw it at M. de Barjols' head; it went of itselfwithout any will of mine."

  "You will not say that to him?"

  "Reassure yourself; I tell you to salve your conscience."

  "Very well; then you will fight?"

  "That is why I have remained here, at any rate."

  "What weapons?"

  "That is not our affair, my lord."

  "What! not our affair?"

  "No; M. de Barjols is the one insulted; the choice is his."

  "Then you will accept whatever he proposes?"

  "Not I, Sir John, but you in my name, since you do me the honor to actas my second."

  "And if he selects pistols, what is the distance to be and how will youfight?"

  "That is your affair, my lord, and not mine. I don't know how you do inEngland, but in France the principals take no part in the arrangements.That duty devolves upon the seconds; what they decide is well decided!"

  "Then my arrangements will be satisfactory?"

  "Perfectly so, my lord."

  The Englishman bowed.

  "What hour and what day?"

  "Oh! as soon as possible; I have not seen my family for two years, and Iconfess that I am in a hurry to greet them."

  The Englishman looked at Roland with a certain wonder; he spoke withsuch assurance, as if he were certain that he would not be killed. Justthen some one knocked at the door, and the voice of the innkeeper asked:"May I come in?"

  The young man replied affirmatively. The door opened and the landlordentered, holding a card in his hand which he handed his guest. The youngman took the card and read: "Charles du Valensolle."

  "From M. Alfred de Barjols," said the host.

  "Very well!" exclaimed Roland. Then handing the card to the Englishman,he said: "Here, this concerns you; it is unnecessary for me to see thismonsieur--since we are no longer citizens--M. de Valensolle is M. deBarjols' second; you are mine. Arrange this affair between you. Only,"added the young man, pressing the Englishman's hand and looking fixedlyat him, "see that it holds a chance of certain death for one of us.Otherwise I shall complain that it has been bungled."

  "Don't worry," said the Englishman, "I will act for you as for myself."

  "Excellent! Go now, and when everything
is arranged come back. I shallnot stir from here."

  Sir John followed the innkeeper. Roland reseated himself, twirled hischair back to its former position facing the table, took up his pen andbegan to write.

  When Sir John returned, Roland had written and sealed two letters andwas addressing a third. He signed to the Englishman to wait until he hadfinished, that he might give him his full attention. Then, the addressfinished, he sealed the letter, and turned around.

  "Well," he asked, "is everything arranged?"

  "Yes," said the Englishman, "it was an easy matter. You are dealing witha true gentleman."

  "So much the better!" exclaimed Roland, waiting.

  "You will fight two hours hence by the fountain of Vaucluse--a charmingspot--with pistols, advancing to each other, each to fire as he pleasesand continuing to advance after his adversary's fire."

  "By my faith! you are right, Sir John. That is, indeed, excellent. Didyou arrange that?"

  "I and M. de Barjols' second, your adversary having renounced his rightsof the insulted party."

  "Have you decided upon the weapons?"

  "I offered my pistols. They were accepted on my word of honor that youwere as unfamiliar with them as was M. de Barjols. They are excellentweapons. I can cut a bullet on a knife blade at twenty paces."

  "Peste! You are a good shot, it would seem, my lord."

  "Yes, I am said to be the best shot in England."

  "That is a good thing to know. When I wish to be killed, Sir John, I'llpick a quarrel with you."

  "Oh! don't pick a quarrel with me," said the Englishman, "it wouldgrieve me too much to have to fight you."

  "We will try, my lord, not to cause you such grief. So it is settledthen, in two hours."

  "Yes, you told me you were in a hurry."

  "Precisely. How far is it to this charming spot?"

  "From here to Vaucluse?"


  "Twelve miles."

  "A matter of an hour and a half. We have no time to lose, so let us ridourselves of troublesome things in order to have nothing but pleasurebefore us."

  The Englishman looked at the young man in astonishment. Roland did notseem to pay any attention to this look.

  "Here are three letters," said he; "one for Madame de Montrevel, mymother; one for Mlle. de Montrevel, my sister; one for the citizen,Bonaparte, my general. If I am killed you will simply put them in thepost. Will that be too much trouble?"

  "Should that misfortune occur, I will deliver your letters myself," saidthe Englishman. "Where do your mother and sister live?"

  "At Bourg, the capital of the Department of Ain."

  "That is near here," observed the Englishman. "As for General Bonaparte,I will go to Egypt if necessary. I should be extremely pleased to meetGeneral Bonaparte."

  "If you take the trouble, as you say, my lord, of delivering my lettersyourself, you will not have to travel such a distance. Within three daysGeneral Bonaparte will be in Paris."

  "Oh!" said the Englishman, without betraying the least surprise, "do youthink so?"

  "I am sure of it," replied Roland.

  "Truly, he is a very extraordinary man, your General Bonaparte. Now,have you any other recommendations to make to me, M. de Montrevel?"

  "One only, my lord."

  "Oh! as many as you please."

  "No, thank you, one only, but that is very important."

  "What is it?"

  "If I am killed--but I doubt if I be so fortunate."

  Sir John looked at Roland with that expression of wonder which he hadalready awakened three or four times.

  "If I am killed," resumed Roland; "for after all one must be preparedfor everything--"

  "Yes, if you are killed, I understand."

  "Listen well, my lord, for I place much stress on my directions beingcarried out exactly in this matter."

  "Every detail shall be observed," replied Sir John, "I am verypunctilious."

  "Well, then, if I am killed," insisted Roland, laying his hand upon hissecond's shoulder, to impress his directions more firmly on his memory,"you must not permit any one to touch my body, which is to be placed ina leaden coffin without removing the garments I am wearing; the coffinyou will have soldered in your presence, then inclosed in an oaken bier,which must also be nailed up in your presence. Then you will send it tomy mother, unless you should prefer to throw it into the Rhone, which Ileave absolutely to your discretion, provided only that it be disposedof in some way."

  "It will be no more difficult," replied the Englishman, "to take thecoffin, since I am to deliver your letter."

  "Decidedly, my lord," said Roland, laughing in his strange way. "Youare a capital fellow. Providence in person brought us together. Let usstart, my lord, let us start!"

  They left Roland's room; Sir John's chamber was on the same floor.Roland waited while the Englishman went in for his weapons. He returneda few seconds later, carrying the box in his hand.

  "Now, my lord," asked Roland, "how shall we reach Vaucluse? On horsebackor by carriage?"

  "By carriage, if you are willing. It is much more convenient in case oneis wounded. Mine is waiting below."

  "I thought you had given the order to have it unharnessed?"

  "I did, but I sent for the postilion afterward and countermanded it."

  They went downstairs.

  "Tom! Tom!" called Sir John at the door, where a servant, in the severelivery of an English groom, was waiting, "take care of this box."

  "Am I going with you, my lord?" asked the servant.

  "Yes!" replied Sir John.

  Then showing Roland the steps of his carriage, which the servantlowered, he said:

  "Come, M. de Montrevel."

  Roland entered the carriage and stretched himself out luxuriously.

  "Upon my word!" said he. "It takes you English to understand travelling.This carriage is as comfortable as a bed. I warrant you pad your coffinsbefore you are put in them!"

  "Yes, that is a fact," said Sir John, "the English peopleunderstand comfort, but the French people are much more curious andamusing--postilion, to Vaucluse!"