Read The Company of Shadows Page 51

  Chapter One

  Prin lumina acestei lumânări

  Conjur puterile întunericului

  The words reverberated through her mind, indistinct; she couldn’t quite place the language or make out the intent. The air grew oppressively hot, the scent of bitter herbs permeating the room. Her breathing came in shallow gasps as an unreasoning panic seized her limbs. She was in grave danger…

  Să îmi dea puterea

  Să îmi recapăt tinereţea şi să îmi dea viaţă de-a pururi

  Suddenly there was no air, no breath, no light; only a terrible sinking sensation, as though she was being sucked into a black hole. A terrified scream ripped through her, drawing her out of the void, even as the final words hovered in the air.

  Aşa cum am spus aşa sa fie...

  Annaliese clutched at the twisted bed sheets, chest heaving as she sucked in a greedy breath. Her entire body was covered in a fine sheen of sweat, heart beating like a jackhammer as she grew more aware of her surroundings. All a dream…

  Already the words began to fade, the edges of the dream becoming blurry and indistinct. All too happy to let it fade away, she let go of the sheets fisted in her hands, willing herself to take slow, calming breaths. “Just a dream,” she murmured shakily. Drawing comfort from that mantra, Anna repeated it to herself again and again.

  Just a dream.

  Normally a nightmare kept its hold on her for quite some time, trying to reassert itself into the next dream. Trying to avoid that particular circumstance, she reached over to turn on the clock radio by her bedside, cheeks puffing out as she exhaled again, arm crossing over her eyes. The dream receded quickly, abnormally so; but she didn’t question it, letting the fatigue catch hold of her. Scant moments later, Anna slipped back into a peaceful sleep, untroubled by dark dreams.