Read The Concubine Page 9

  Branford slept little that night.

  I could still feel the presence of Sir Brigham and Dunstan behind me as I strolled through the marketplace outside the castle gates the next morning. I stopped near the fruit stand and purchased apples and pears, which I placed in a basket on my arm. My guards followed at a respectable distance as I walked through the stalls though they came closer as I left the security of the castle walls.

  There were a few children there, begging in the streets as they did most days. I made sure they had something in their bellies before I moved on, further emptying my basket for the other unfortunate souls who had come as refugees from Wynton and other areas of Hadebrand.

  “May God bless you,” an older woman who sat on the ground with her grandchild said as I left extra fruit in her lap. The child’s parents were killed as supporters of Silverhelm after the prior war. The woman reached for my hand, and I allowed her to take it and kiss my knuckles. She was unable to work, and the boy was too young and weak with a sickness to offer her any assistance. I smiled down at her and nodded my head.

  As I handed my last apple to a man who seemed to still be in good health though he was thin and ragged looking, I saw Father Tucker approach with a smile on his face. He was followed by a young lad in his service, who carried a bucket of water for the refugees.

  “Good morning, Father Tucker,” I said quietly.

  “My queen,” he responded as he bowed low to me. I felt heat creep to my face. Though I had grown accustomed to the commoners behaving in such a way, I thought Father Tucker above such behavior. He was a man of God and should not have to bow to anyone else. “How do you fare today?”

  “Well,” I responded.

  “You are making your rounds ahead of us this morning,” he remarked. “It is still quite early.”

  “The sun seemed warm already,” I replied. “I thought it may be too hot for them to wait very long. They will need to seek shelter from the sun.”

  He nodded as he peered at my face.

  “You seem troubled, my queen.”

  “I am fine, thank you,” I replied. He tilted his head and raised his brows at me.

  “All is not well in the court?” he asked, his tone nonchalant. He knew well what went on inside the castle walls.

  “Branford is troubled,” I said. “Our time is short and…”

  I looked around though there was no one too close to us. I did not wish to alarm our people.

  “I am still not…” My words faltered.

  “I understand, my queen.”

  I looked to his eyes, and indeed, they did seem to hold understanding. Perhaps he understood more than I. I felt as though I did not understand any of it, and tears burned in my eyes as I looked at him.

  “Why?” I asked him as I tried to blink the tears from my eyes. “Why would we be denied this and have our people placed in harm’s way because of it?”

  Father Tucker’s chest rose with his breath.

  “Queen Alexandra,” he said softly as his fingers touched my arm, “there is only one who can answer such questions. If that is what you seek, you will have to ask God.”

  I nodded, and I knew he was right.

  I continued along the walkway, my feet slowly carrying me to a place I had never frequented though I knew Branford had spent many hours at the chapel just outside the walls of Silverhelm Castle. I glanced over my shoulder and saw both Dunstan and Sir Brigham stop at the bottom of the stairs to the doorway as I continued up. They left me in peace as I opened the door to the church and slipped inside. It was cool out of the sun though there was still bright light coming from the windows as well as the candles lining the front of the church near the altar.

  I reached out and my fingers grazed over the smooth wood of the pews as I walked down the aisle. The wood was warm, and the morning light coming through the stained glass windows cast bright colors over the floors and benches. I reached the front of the chapel and gathered my skirts to walk up the few stairs that led to the altar. I knelt and looked up at the colorful glass at the back of the church. My lungs filled with the scent of the candles all around as I turned my eyes toward the ceiling.

  “I do not know you as Branford does,” I said aloud. “Perhaps that has been my failing. I know Branford asks you time and time again to bless me with a child, and now…well, now it seems that is not to be.”

  My voice cracked, and a sob escaped my throat. My own words had a tone of finality to them, and I dropped my head into my hands as I knelt at the altar. I did not understand what I had done wrong to bring all of this upon us.

  “Have I not been a good enough wife?” I asked as trails of wetness began to coat my cheeks. “Have I not done what was required of me to be worthy of him? If there is anything I must do to make this work…to stay with Branford and give him the heir he needs myself…anything…I will do it. I just…I do not know what I should do.”

  Again, my eyes rose to the heavens.

  “Please…please do not let this come to pass. Do not let our people suffer another war because I cannot give my kingdom an heir.”


  It was as if my most horrific nightmare was coming true right before my eyes. Court had convened to discuss Edgar’s threat of war. Branford sat on his throne and vehemently refused their decree. He said he would not renounce our marriage even if it meant going to war. The court disagreed, and as they continued to remind him that war would be a slaughter, Branford continued to tell them it would only be a matter of time. His advisor, Phillip, argued with nearly his every word.

  “Even if I do this thing you ask,” Branford said, growling at his advisor, “which I will not, it does not stop war! It only puts his puppet next to me instead of Alexandra!”

  “I will stand behind you, whatever the decision,” Lord William announced, “but I know if war comes to Silverhelm and Silverhelm falls, the consequences will be dire for us all.”

  “Alexandra,” Phillip said as he looked at me, “you know you do not want your people to suffer another war. Look at Wynton and how they still suffer because of—”

  “Enough!” Branford bellowed. “You will not use her compassion against her!”

  “Branford,” I said softly. “Perhaps—”


  The doors opened at the end of the great hall. King Edgar, Princess Whitney, and four of their guards entered. They were early, which was undoubtedly their intent. They walked quickly and with a clear objective. King Edgar walked straight up to Branford while Whitney came to stand so close to me, I had to take a step backwards.

  “The time has come, King Branford!” Edgar announced as he approached. “Your discussions with your advisors are at an end, and my army stands at the ready. Your decision must come now.”

  Branford glanced at Dunstan as he hobbled into the room, trailing the guards. I saw Dunstan nod once and knew Branford’s informants had confirmed Hadebrand was prepared to carry through with the threat.

  Whitney sneered at me openly.

  “You are early,” Branford said quietly. “We have not yet reached our conclusion.”

  “You have had more than enough time!” King Edgar yelled. “Is it war you seek, King Branford? Because I would rather end this peacefully and deliver your heir through my daughter, but I am also prepared to take Silverhelm by force.”

  Silence followed, and my eyes darted to my husband as he sat staring blankly at Edgar. Lord William looked between the kings, and I could see his hands shaking as he clasped them together. Phillip seemed about to speak when Branford’s voice stilled him.

  “I will speak with my queen,” Branford said softly, and his voice terrified me.

  “Then go right ahead and—”

  “Alone!” Branford yelled at Edgar. “Do not try my patience any longer!”

  “My army will be at your border by nightfall, King Branford.” Edgar sneered. “Do not take too much time.”

  He turned to go without a glance toward me. Whitney leaned close as
she turned, and her shoulder bumped into mine.

  “Once this is over and done”—Whitney smirked as she passed by—“you will be dressing me in my nightgowns before I go to my husband.”

  My stomach lurched.

  She had not taken a half-dozen steps from me when the large doors were once again opened, and a loud voice called out from the other side of the long room.


  My heart began to pound again as I looked back over my shoulder and saw Sir Parnell rush through the large doors at the end of the great hall. Behind him was a couple I had only seen a few times before—Sir Rylan and Lady Suzette from Seacrest. I knew Branford had been trying to enlist their support in case war was inevitable.

  Sir Rylan was dragging a woman by her arm.

  “How dare you?” King Edgar stood and shook a finger toward Parnell as he walked in. He took a few steps backwards to move himself into place beside Branford again. “We are in session!”

  Parnell ignored King Edgar as he approached Branford and the throne with the other three figures close behind him. As they came closer, I could see the woman in Sir Rylan’s grasp was Lady Nelle, the woman who had been punished along with her sister, Lady Kimberly, during my first month as Branford’s wife.

  “You must hear what she has to say, King Branford,” Parnell told him as Sir Rylan tossed the woman toward the ground in front of us. Nelle yelped and then covered her mouth with her hand as she stayed on her knees before my husband, staring at the floor in front of her.

  King Edgar stepped between Parnell and Branford, his eyes glaring intently down at Nelle.

  “This is ridicu—”

  “Silence!” Branford bellowed, stifling the neighboring king. “I will hear her words, and you will remain silent while she speaks!”

  Nelle looked from Branford to me and then to King Edgar. I examined the expression on Edgar’s face and could see his veiled threat toward her. She shuddered as she turned back to Branford, grabbing onto her knees.

  “Speak!” Branford commanded her. He took a step forward and placed his hand on the hilt of his sword. “Speak now, Nelle! What is it you have to say?”

  Edgar took a step forward, but Dunstan shuffled ahead, obstructing his path, standing tall and blocking the king’s view of the woman on the ground at Branford’s feet.

  “Tell him,” Parnell said as he sneered down at her. “Tell him what you know.”

  I could not see his hand but knew it was near the woman’s back. I wondered what he held, grasped in his fingers.

  “King….King Branford…” she stammered. “King Edgar has…plotted against you.”

  Branford looked slowly over his shoulder to the other king and then back to Nelle.

  “How so?”

  I could see the poor woman’s hands shaking as she stared down at the hard wooden floor. Her mouth opened and closed a few times before she finally uttered a word.

  “It is the tea,” Nelle said softly. “Lady Alexandra’s handmaid gives her a witch’s tea to keep her from becoming with child. The concubine is given it as well.”

  And that is when my prayer was answered.

  ~End Book 5~

  Order Unexpected Circumstances—The Apprehension on Amazon today!

  Author’s Notes

  It’s the tea!

  Did you already guess why Alexandra was unable to conceive? How do you think Branford will react to this news? How pissed off are you about the concubine, Janet’s actions, or the situation in general? Stop by my Facebook discussion group to voice your thoughts!

  There isn’t much time before the next installment is out, so make sure you grab Unexpected Circumstances—The Apprehension on Amazon today! It will be live on August 9th, 2016!

  More Books by Shay Savage

  Unexpected Circumstances Series:

  The Handmaid:

  The Seduction:

  The Consummation:

  The Shortcoming:

  The Concubine:

  The Apprehension:

  The Devastation: Coming Soon!

  Surviving the Storm Series:

  Surviving Raine:

  Bastian’s Storm:

  Evan Arden Series:

  Otherwise Alone:

  Otherwise Occupied:

  Uncockblockable (a Nick Wolfe Story):

  Otherwise Unharmed:



  Stand Alone Works:






  Kandace and the Beast:


  Novella Collection:


  Caged Trilogy:

  Takedown Teague:



  About the Author

  Shay Savage lives in Cincinnati, Ohio, with her family and a variety of household pets. She is an accomplished public speaker and holds the rank of Distinguished Toastmaster from Toastmasters International. When not writing, she enjoys spending her weekends off-roading in her bright yellow jeep, watching science fiction movies, masquerading as a zombie, and participating as a HUGE Star Wars fan and member of the 501st Legion of Stormtroopers. When the geek fun runs out, she also loves soccer in any and all forms—especially the Columbus Crew, Arsenal, and Bayern Munich. Savage holds a degree in psychology, and she brings a lot of that knowledge into the characters within her stories.





  Twitter: @savage7289




  Shay Savage, The Concubine



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