Read The Constitutional Convention of 2022 Page 11

for coming and I look forward to seeing you all again very soon."

  The meeting has ended but the work is only beginning.

  Monday, April 5 2021

  The dollar debacle went as predicted and U.S. currency becomes effectively worthless in foreign markets.

  Outside, a cold wind sweeps across the south lawn. Sheets of rain clatter against the Oval Office's bullet proof windows.

  DeWitt is at her desk while Matt Richards, Secretary of Defense, Gloria Marlin, Secretary of State, Steve Black, NSA, and Shane Bader sit in chairs around the desk.

  "Alright Richards. What's the situation."

  "We're proceeding as quickly and as orderly as possible with the worldwide military withdrawals, from NATO, South Korea, the Mideast, Japan. Foreign governments are helping, to some extent. Air transport is hard to come by, given the currency issues, so we've taken to using Navy ships. The carriers can handle very large numbers and, thankfully, don't run on oil. In several countries, a significant number of soldiers are deserting and asking for refugee status which, for the most part, is being granted. I estimate about twenty percent will not be returning."


  "Well, our foreign alliances are effectively at an end. A number of countries that depended on our foreign aid are no longer friendly territory. We expect a number of regional wars to break out soon. We have no idea what will happen with North Korea or Iran. Looks bleak at the moment. "


  "Our intelligence indicates that Russia will soon move into the part of the Ukraine they don't already control, then the Baltics, Poland, Hungary, Austria, the Balkans. Very little to stop them. We expect an attack on Turkey and, ultimately, the annexation of Istanbul. The dream of the czars will soon be accomplished. Our analysis indicates that it is likely there will be war between China and Japan. Japan has begun to assemble it's hidden nuclear arsenal and is rearming at a breakneck pace. We expect Iran to do something soon, but we don't know what. But don't be surprised if there's a mushroom cloud over Tel Aviv. The Saudis are negotiating with Pakistan to buy nukes. For all we know, they may already have them."


  "The spring of 2021 was the coldest since 1816. The long range outlook for summer is not promising. Planting in the Midwest is at a standstill. There are shortages of fertilizer and pesticides. The outlook for a good crop yield is bleak. Grain co-ops are hoarding their supplies. We're seeing cutbacks in deliveries of pork, chicken, and beef. Farmers are holding back their herds and the packing houses aren't shipping what they do have. Shortages are beginning to appear on supermarket shelves. We're still getting some shipments of fresh vegetables from Florida and California but, because of currency issues, imports from Mexico and Central America have halted. With the lack of diesel and gasoline, transportation is becoming problematic. Air travel is effectively unavailable. Many airports are without jet fuel. We've introduced rationing with first priority going to the government and then needs associated with food supplies and transportation. Warehouses are running low on many basic non-food items as well. Stores in New York and Boston are short many, many items. The Midwest is the only area with more or less ample fuel supplies. Electricity production is sporadic."

  "Is there no good news? None?"

  "Oh, yes! Our See something, Say something campaign seems to be working very well. Homeland has been rounding up so many dissidents that we've had to open special detention camps. Pulling these malcontents off the streets is doing a lot to keep a lid on protests."

  Monday, May 3, 2021

  The mood in the Oval Office among the seated officials is grim. They wait in nervous silence. At last a side door opens, DeWitt enters, they rise, she gestures them to be seated. The bleak monthly assessment begins.

  "Bader?" calls out DeWitt as she leans back in her desk chair.

  "The shortages are becoming even more serious in the Northeast. We're hoping farmers' markets beginning in late June will help a bit. There will be some local production but just a trickle. The Midwest meat packers and farmers are no longer producing for us unless we pay them in hard currency. Most of what they are producing is either being shipped to Canada or down the Mississippi to New Orleans for export."

  "We are, however, able to get some food shipments when we can get hard currency. In that regard, we're finding that a few banks, here and there, still have some Euros, Pounds or Yen. These we're appropriating. Selling overseas assets is also helping a bit. Now that we have so many fewer foreign embassies, we're auctioning off those properties. Many are in very upscale locations. And, so far, the Navy has been able to negotiate the sale of about two hundred ships to foreign governments. The Air Force is doing likewise with a number of buyers, especially in the Mideast."

  "We never really needed a military anyway," mutters DeWitt.

  "We've also begun a program to confiscate private gold and silver, mainly in eastern states, in the same manner that Roosevelt did in 1933 with his famous Executive Order 6102. Quite a lot of people, it appears, bought gold and silver coins in recent years. Seems they didn't trust us. We're posting notices in the media demanding people turn in their jewelry, coins and silverware under penalty of social treason. We've ordered banks in the East to begin going through safe deposit boxes and confiscating any gold, silver or jewelry they find. SecTreas will have the total but the amount may be substantial and give us a month or two of breathing room."

  "Why just the eastern states?"

  "Federal authority is not very strong at the moment in other parts of the country."

  "And after we loot everyone's safe deposit boxes, what's next?"

  "We need large emergency tax increases, new fees, increased tariffs, and we will be raising the rates on electricity from the hydro plants we still control. About 52% of U.S. hydro generation is owned by the Bureau of Reclamation, Army Corps of Engineers and other federal agencies. About 133 hydro plants in total. Starting two days ago, we began requiring payment for electricity in Canadian Dollars, Euros, Pesos or Yen. Likewise, all tariffs, whether for export or import, must be paid in the currency of the nation where the product is being sent to or bought from. And we've raised tariff rates to 50%."

  "Also, we're about to attempt to collect tariffs on private shipments between the states. This may be tricky since there are so many roads but the main shipping routes are the Interstates and those are our first targets. We've started placing toll booth roadblocks for trucks on I90, I95, I80 and I70. We're also hiking taxes on income, investment, financial services and so forth."

  "How do we get this through Congress?" asks Gloria Marlin.

  "We don't. Emergency executive order," snarls DeWitt.

  Friday, July 9, 2021

  Time: 5:00 PM

  Bader, Table and Salazar sit at a corner table at one of Washington's more exclusive watering holes drinking scotch and bourbon in the early evening hours.

  "Well, all those emergency tax increases, new fees, tariffs, and sky-high energy rates have certainly made a mess of things," muses Salazar as he nibbles on some cashews.

  "Ruined would be a better term. Producers are not producing. The economic death spiral is only getting worse," adds Table.

  "And, if the economy keeps going down, tax revenues will keep going down. Businesses are failing everywhere. They can't get supplies and, because of the collapse of the dollar, they have no markets for what they actually can produce," says Salazar.

  "Well, I guess it's inevitable. Eventually, government devours the governed," says Bader philosophically as he swills down the last of his drink and signals for another. "Geez, I just wish we could get some real scotch again."

  "Don't we all," adds Table.

  'What's next?" says Salazar.

  'Who knows? Whatever it is, it's not going to be pretty. Things are falling apart everywhere," says Bader. "But at least you guys are safe with your billions in a nice Swiss bank."

  "I get hardly any interest there," sniffs Table. "Barely a few million a month."


  "Hell no, Swiss francs. Do you think I'm an idiot?"

  "Well, our real problem is that our Progressive Party is nothing but a band of parasitic gimme groups. For the most part, they're really natural enemies. Now they all hate one another. My question is, what will happen when they realize there's no treasury left to raid?" says Salazar grimly. "What then?"

  "I guess it won't be long before we find out," says Salazar. "But while were waiting, my limo is outside. Lets hit the rooftop garden at the Vendome. They do a very nice roast beef but I have no idea where they get beef from these days, now that the Midwest is off limits for U.S. dollars."

  "By the way, I noticed there aren't as many stray dogs in Georgetown this year," says Bader with a smirk.

  They rise and leave.

  Friday, September 5

  Time: 10:00 AM

  The Cabinet Room on an unseasonably cool day for early September finds DeWitt in the center chair while the rest of the cabinet, along with Steve Black of NSA, George Salazar, and Shane Bader sit around the table.

  "All right, Bader, summarize," barks a frustrated DeWitt.

  "Well, as most of you will know, the income transfer payments to our domestic dependents have stopped. When the EBT cards weren't recharged, the riots began. Right now, New York, Los Angeles, Washington and Chicago are war zones."

  "Seems like the core of the Progressive Party is a bit charred," wise cracks Salazar as DeWitt shoots him a withering glance.

  "Well, our problems are not confined just to the big cities, the midlands are up in arms as well. They still won't ship unless we pay them with hard currency which we simply don't have. And if we don't start getting shipments, before winter sets in, the riots will only get worse," adds Bader.

  The meeting drones on with more reports of shortages, transportation outages and civil unrest.

  While still adored by her court lackeys and sycophants in Washington, the country is seething.

  Through heavily sanitized and censored news reports, bathed in the gauzy haze of manufactured, idolizing rhetoric, a grim reality is emerging for all to see, the federal government is impotent. Support for the Progressive Party is vanishing like a house of cards in a blizzard.

  At the end of a very depressing two hours DeWitt looks to Bader and says, "Any ideas?"

  'Well, if we figure if we could distract the people from their real problems, get them fighting with one another, stir up envy, that sort of thing, we might buy some time. Salazar and I are working on some Occupy Wall Street do-over themes. The original was a big success. This time we'll introduce race and gender story lines into the class warfare meme. Maybe we can get some race riots going. Then both sides will need us. We've run the idea past some focus groups and it tests well. The networks and cable guys are all, well, almost all, on board. We're working on hiring some charismatic and photogenic ring leaders. We should be able to have something out on the street in a week or so."

  "So, basically we distract, confuse, polarize, frighten and fragmentize the public? Just make sure this time they're potty trained. Otherwise, sounds like a plan. Let me know if you need anything," says DeWitt rising. The meeting is over.

  Monday, October 20, 2011

  Time: 10:00 AM

  Then things went from bad to worse.

  DeWitt and her cabinet huddle in the cabinet room along with Salazar, Admiral Black, Table, Shouter, Army General Roger Simpson, commander, Joint Force Headquarters, National Capital Region, Mike Bunker, head of the Homeland Security Paramilitary Assault and Security Service Division, and Bader. The look on everyone's faces is ashen.

  DeWitt stumbles in and takes her place and screams, "What the fuck is going on?"

  "The secession movement seems to be growing, Madame President" says Gloria Marlin, Secretary of State.

  "SEEEEEEEMS! What the hell does that mean. How many now?" screams an unhinged DeWitt.

  "In addition to the independent states of North Colorado, Nebraska, the Dakota Federation, and the Republic of Texas, over the weekend we got word that the New Confederacy and North Mexico have declared independence," answers a nervous Gloria Marlin.

  "On top of that, we've pretty much lost control of a large part of southern border. The area is now pretty much run buy the Mexican drug gangs," adds Bunker.

  "And several states have begun printing their own money, based mainly on gold or silver," adds Shouter. "We can't have that! It's our job to print the money!"

  "Where the hell did they get gold and silver?"

  "They earned it by selling their products in foreign markets."

  "Some states are raising their own armies. In those areas still loyal to Washington, federal troops are struggling to keep order and they're not being paid. In some secessionist states, we're seeing whole Army units beginning to desert. Marauders are roaming large parts of the country. It's quickly becoming very unsafe to travel between cities at night," says Matt Richards, Secretary of Defense.

  "And that's the good news," says Admiral Black looking up from his smart phone. "I've just been informed that a Mexican army is, as we speak, marching across the border at Nogales. I'm told they're being welcomed as liberators by the local, if not native, population. They've just broadcast an announcement declaring that they're reclaiming the lands of the Gadsden Purchase which will now be known as the Mexican State of Nuevo Mesilla. So far, they've met no resistance except from the drug cartels. We expect that they may set their sights on California as well. We've gotten word that Arizona and North Mexico are mobilizing their National Guards. Things are very unclear right now. The federal government, however, is completely powerless to intervene."

  "Alright, I'm declaring another national emergency, suspending the Constitution, as Lincoln did when the Confederate States seceded, declaring marshal law in Washington and nationalizing the national guard in all the disloyal states," screams an unhinged DeWitt. "I want hourly updates. This meeting is over."

  Monday, November 8, 2021

  Time: 10:00 AM

  DeWitt and her cabinet meet as snow squalls rush across the White House lawn.

  "Secretary of Defense?" says DeWitt, awaiting reports from the field.

  "Your orders nationalizing the state guard units have, for the most part, been ignored in the rebel states and their units remain under state control. The Mexican army has made camp for the winter, having taken roughly one hundred miles of the U.S. borderlands."

  "In answer to your threat to send a federal army to the Midwest and seize food supplies, the governors of Arkansas, Iowa, Missouri and Minnesota have closed the bridges across the Mississippi and they remain closed at this time. This, in turn, has resulted in total disruption in what little food and other supplies that were reaching the east coast. Consequently, more food riots in large, eastern cities."

  "It is the opinion of the Army that any attempt to take the Mississippi bridges might result in the bridges being destroyed. We have reason to believe that they have been rigged with explosives."

  "Is there no air option?"

  "Very little. The rebels have National Guard air support units as well and we are not confident that Federal Air Force units will obey a command to attack the Midwestern states."

  "So, our option is to do nothing?"

  "That's about it unless you want to initiate an all out civil war which, given our financial and supply situation, would probably be a losing proposition."

  "So, for the time being, if we do nothing, will they open the bridges open?"

  "Yes. We believe so. It will be an uneasy truce but a truce nonetheless."

  "Truces can only last so long but given the early start of this winter, for now, I guess we do nothing. Tell them. Maybe something will turn up," says a depressed DeWitt.

  The meeting proceeds to discuss food shortages, riots, and currency issues. A dark age is descending.

  Monday, November 15, 2021

  Time: 10:00 PM (CST)

  After several weeks of committee heari
ngs and much discussion, at a late meeting in Lincoln, the unicameral legislature of Nebraska is ready to act.

  "The chair recognizes the gentleman from North Platte."

  "Mr. Speaker, in light of the usurpations of power by the federal government as amply identified and set forth in the Special Select Committee report, I move that the Legislature of Nebraska, pursuant to Article 5 of the Constitution of the United States, does hereby call for a Constitutional Convention for the purpose of proposing Amendments to the Constitution of these United States."

  "Is there a second?"

  Ayes are heard from all around the chamber.

  "A second having been heard, and, pursuant to the special procedural rule of order, the Legislature will now proceed to a vote on the motion. Given the grave and important nature of the Act in question, the vote will be by roll call. The clerk will call the roll."

  The clerk slowly calls out the names of each of the forty-nine senators. The final vote is lopsided.

  "Forty-three votes in the affirmative, four in the negative and two abstentions. The Act is adopted." announces the Speaker with a crash of his gavel like a clap of thunder from a sudden prairie thunderstorm in the middle of the night.

  The news from Nebraska makes a small, five line box on page thirty-one of the New York Globe and an inside back page line item in the Washington Traveler. The TV and cable news networks ignore it totally.

  But with the help of the Internet, talk radio and a cable news network, the idea spreads like wildfire. Within a week, forty states ratify the call, far more than the thirty-four required by the Constitution.

  Washington is dumbfounded. This is now no longer a back page news item.

  Monday, November 28, 2021

  Time: 10:00 AM

  At an early morning session, the House of Representatives quickly passes, on a voice vote, an enabling resolution authorizing and summoning the Constitutional Convention.

  Time: 1:00 PM

  The Senate, still controlled by DeWitt and fearing what will come, upon receipt of the official copy of the House resolution, refuses to concur. A Constitutional Convention will not be called.

  All eyes are on the relevant paragraph of the ancient text:

  The Congress ... on the Application of the Legislatures of two thirds of the several States, shall call a Convention for proposing Amendments, which ... shall be valid to all Intents and Purposes, as Part of this Constitution, when ratified by the Legislatures of three fourths of the several States, or by Conventions in three fourths thereof …

  The meaning of the verb shall as in Congress shall becomes the target of discussion.

  In the Oval Office Bader and DeWitt watch the live proceedings.

  "Looks like we have them checkmated," say Bader. "Without the Senate, they can't get their convention and we still control the Senate."

  "But for how much longer?"

  "At least for now. Perhaps things will be different next Fall. In the meantime, it looks like we're safe. A Constitutional Convention would be a disaster. Do you know that in a Convention each state,