Read The Constitutional Convention of 2022 Page 28

statistical analysis on each document. From there I can do some document clustering, phrase analysis, topic identification. In a few hours I should have a full map of all their people, who talked to whom, clustered on what topics they spoke about and a full hierarchical organizational breakdown," says Andy.

  "In the meantime, we need to get Andy's clothes and other stuff from the van, he's moving in here. We should also set up a communication system that can't be hacked and alternative drop points we can hide out or meet at if this place is discovered," says Jim.

  "Yeah, and make sure no one can find out what we know," says Ryan. "We don't want get caught ourselves."

  "I'm working on that," says Andy. "Give me your phones again. I'm gonna install an app that will make it possible for us to text one another in a very encrypted mode. I'll give each of you a separate key that I can disable if one of you becomes compromised. I've uploaded backup copies of the Bader database to several cloud platforms. That way, if one gets found, the others will still be there."

  "What if you get caught?"

  "I'm setting up a doomsday event. If my network of servers don't get my password signal for more than three days, they go all Wiki-leaky and start sending the whole collection to a bot network around the world that will fire hose the contents to news networks, newspapers, and just ordinary people. It will be a data storm the likes of which no one has ever seen, thousands of emails and voice recordings starting with the one we captured tonight."

  "Say, Jim, you mentioned a lot of cables from Ft. Truck leading into the Dome. What kind of cables?"

  "Some power cables and some fiber optic Ethernet."

  "Any idea where the Ethernet terminates?"

  "Yeah, in a network closet in the Dome."

  "I think we should mosey over there and take a look. Got your keys?"

  "Yep. I always have the keys."

  "Let me get some things together and then we'll head over there."

  "Next question. How much beer is there?" asks Ryan.

  "Not much, while we head over to the Dome, you better make another run to the quicky mart. And get some food too," answers Jim.

  Andy gathers some cables, tools and connectors into his laptop bag and then announces, "Ok, I'm ready."

  As the others head for beer, Andy and Jim head for the Dome.

  Time: 10:00 PM

  It is a clear night and the campus is brightly lit as they walk towards the Dome. Many students are about, returning from late classes, the library, study sessions, the Union or, more likely, heading to the bars on the strip. One guy is sitting under a tree practicing guitar, some others are slacklining between two trees.

  They cross the bridge over the main highway and pass Ft. Truck. They follow the bundles of cables which link the trucks to telephone and Internet sources inside the Dome. The bundle passes through a special hatch door built into the wall. The hatch's usual function is to provide access during football games or other events for broadcast trucks normally parked where Ft. Truck is located now.

  Jim pulls out a key and quickly opens a door near the access hatch. Once inside the Dome, they are in one of the utility corridors surrounding the central field and seating area. They can hear a crew cleaning and readying the field for the Spring Home and Garden Show. This involves laying down a hard floor over the artificial turf, removal of the goal posts and installation of utilities to the area where the exhibits will be placed.

  They follow the communications cables to the telcom closet whose door is propped open. Inside the closet, Jim flips on the light and they closely examine the cable connections.

  Andy spots the main Ethernet fiber optic line which plugs into a special fiber optic router that, in turn, connects to the campus backbone. Wearing latex gloves, he pulls out a small box from his bag along with a plug in power adapter. He plugs the power adapter into a wall socket and attaches it to the small box. The then he connects a short strand of fiber optic cable which he plugs into an open port on the fiber router. Next he pulls the fiber going to Ft. Truck and attaches it to his own box. The lights on the router momentarily go dead but then resume blinking.

  "Made it myself!" crows Andy.

  "What is it?"

  "It's monitoring all the signals passing down the fiber so I can see all the traffic."

  "How do you access it?"

  "It has its own network address. I can access it from anywhere."

  He pulls out his smart phone and makes a few swipes until a busy screen appears.

  "See, that's a summary of what's going through it right now. Not much actually."

  "Do you think they noticed the interruption?"

  "Nope, wasn't long enough."

  Jim says, "Lets go, I think we're done here."

  They exit the Dome and walk back to East Gym and the replenished beer supply.

  Thursday April 14, 2022

  Time: 4:00 AM

  Many hours and six-packs later, having gone through hundreds of emails filtered by Andy's computer programs, Jim says, "Ok, I'm going to bed. I've read so much email I'm seeing @ signs in the air."

  "Any idea what we do now?"

  "Maybe something will come to me. Andy and I will meet you tomorrow at eleven in the Union, after I get my cop ID."

  The others quietly slip out and back to their apartment, crossing the deserted quiet campus, dark except for a few dorm room windows whose owners are pulling all-nighters. On College Street an empty beer can clatters as it rolls down the gutter. A few stragglers, mainly guys, stagger home.

  Time: 11:00 AM

  At the Union, Jim joins the group at a large round table and flashes his new security pass tethered on a lanyard around his neck.

  "So, with this I can get just about anywhere on campus next week. Seems they trust me over in campus security and my name cleared the security check. And guess who the clearing security agent was?

  "Your friend Mark?"

  "The one and only! If he only knew!"

  "Ha! Somehow, I don't believe he really cares about security."

  Ryan, sitting next to Jim, tugs the lanyard for a closer look and says, "Not quite as good as getting your picture at a post office but close."

  "Well Officer Jim, got any ideas on our little problem?" asks Ryan biting into a slab of pizza.

  "Andy wants to try to collect more information. He and I went up on the roof of East Gym with some binoculars to get a look at Ft. Truck," says Jim.

  "Yeah, and guess what we saw?" continues Andy, as he sits down with his tray. "Bader was there, going into one of the trucks, along with a couple of other guys. I would so love to be able to hear what was being said."

  "Did he have his laptop?" offers Ryan.

  "Yep," says Andy. "I want to get a mic over there attached to one of the trailer walls. A good sensitive mic should be able to hear what they say inside."

  "You do know that's impossible," says Phil. "The place is totally guarded."

  "Not from all sides," says Jim.

  "How so?"

  "Not from beneath."

  "So, you tunnel under the dome and pop up under the main trailer?"

  "Something like that."

  "Ok, how?"

  "When I was up on the roof I took a long look and noticed something I didn't see the other day."


  "The main campus steam tunnel runs right under them. They parked the trailers in a neat little row right above the frigging steam tunnel!"

  "What steam tunnel?"

  "The one that runs under the campus to all the buildings from the steam plant and heats this place all winter."

  "Really? I didn't know that?"

  "Yep, and all the main Internet fiber optic, phone lines, and power cables run through there as well."


  "And the trailer Andy wants to bug is right above one of the access covers."

  "And I suppose you have a key to this steam tunnel?"

  "Need you ask?"

  "Thought so."


  "Now. Andy has a mic with a magnetic mount but duct tape might work if the magnet doesn't."

  "What do we do?" asks Ryan gesturing at himself, Phil and Ben.

  "Act as lookouts. Phil, you go up to the roof on East Gym. We left the binoculars there. Ryan and Ben, you be at either end of the lot. Once we're in place in the tunnel under the trailer, we'll text you. Tell us if anyone is out and about watching and if it's safe to make our move. I figure we need to do it around noon. That way they'll probably be eating and the sun will be straight overhead. With all the white concrete and the white trailers, the glare should make the shadowed area beneath the trailers too dark for anyone to see us anyway. So, lets get into position, it's quarter after 11 and it'll take a while to get set up."

  "I'm ready," says Ryan pushing the last of the pizza into his mouth.

  The guys get up, bus their trays, then head off in different directions. Jim and Andy walk quickly towards Bander Hall, Phil slips into the back entrance of East Gym while Ryan and Ben head for the Dome.

  Time: 11:30 AM

  Inside Bander Hall Jim and Andy, after checking that the janitor isn't around, duck into the basement and quickly walk towards a bolted door at the end of a long, dingy, poorly lit corridor. Jim pulls out his keys and opens it. Inside, it's pitch black but Jim and Andy are prepared. They each pull out the LED flashlights they use during power brownouts. Jim closes and bolts the door behind them. A few feet away is a metal ladder descending into the depths. They climb down it.

  At the bottom, it's hot and musty. They're in the main steam tunnel, about 30 feet below the surface. All around them are pipes and cables. Jim finds the light switch and an array of bright ceiling mounted metal caged bulbs springs to life in a chain extending far into the distance. A few startled mice