Read The Constitutional Convention of 2022 Page 5

transgendered drag ballet and tribute is canceled?"

  "It will happen but it won't be broadcast. Only sanitized images will be televised. We have agreements with all the print media and web news portals to only post pictures and articles supportive of the cause. During inconvenient episodes, we'll do special coverage of the celebrities and rock stars in attendance and their unique perspective on politics, economics, physics, world peace, that sort of thing. People are easily distracted," says Bob Cutter.

  Below them the convention drones on.

  Friday, July 17, 2020

  The convention plods on for several days. Each speaker attempts to out weird the other. No theory or idea, regardless of how ridiculous, is out of order.

  Finally, on Friday night, the poll of the states begins. In short order, Hillary DeWitt of Rhode Island becomes the Progressive nominee for president and Robert Jennings of Maryland becomes the nominee for vice-president.

  DeWitt's acceptance speech will be delivered Saturday night. Rapture and the smell of burning 'medicinal' hemp fill the hall.

  Saturday, July 18, 2020

  An air of fervid anticipation hangs over the crowd, mostly drunk, stoned or both. They wait in joyful anticipation of their hero and new leader.

  After a dull and wandering acceptance speech by Jennings and a one hour fictionalized video tribute to the life story of Hillary DeWitt, the chair of the convention rises.

  "My fellow Americans, it is my high honor and great privilege to introduce to you the woman of the hour, the Progressive Party's nominee for President of the United States. The next President of the United States, the Honorable Senator Hillary DeWitt!"

  The audience roars, several bands begin playing and the place is pandemonium. Her picture flashes on screens all around the hall. Laser beams flash. People are fainting in the excitement, or just ODing, it's hard to tell.

  She strides confidently in. Waving, bowing, blowing kisses to all, ginning ear to ear. She walks to one end of the stage and waves and bows, then to the other and waves and bows and then the same in the center.

  She holds her arms above in a V sign for victory.

  Finally, the podium rises from the floor along with the Teleprompters and she calls for silence. Over and over again.

  Eventually the crowd begins to quiet down and she starts, "Mister chairman, distinguished guests, delegates, my fellow Americans, I accept your nomination!"

  The crowd reverts to another ten minute demonstration. The network announcers and correspondents have a collective on-air leg tingle.

  Finally the crowd becomes quiet and she roars, "I believe that government should be the mentor of the economy because only government has the resources, skills, and insight necessary to efficiently, systematically and fairly coordinate the needs of people, industry, and the environment. Only government can insure that benefits are fairly distributed to all!"

  "I believe that the cutthroat, dog-eat-dog evils of capitalism can be eliminated and replaced by an efficiently managed centrally planned system whose benefits can, at last, be equally distributed to all."

  "I believe that only with scientific planning, can government end the economic waste of the past. Only the people's government, not the private sector, should decide, in the public interest, which products should be produced, in what amounts, where factories should be built, how many employees should be hired, what constitutes a fair wage, and what research and development truly benefits the public good."

  "It is my goal, as a progressive, and that of our partners, to foster greater reliance and trust in government. There should be more power vested in the executive branch and less in a factious and deadlocked, do nothing Congress. We need to move away from the eighteenth century model of society where a debating club of amateurs is allowed to make critical national decisions. We need to entrust these to those scientific, selfless government agencies and their administrative commissions who work daily for the welfare of each one of us. We must end political division and partisanship and learn to rely on those whose only purpose is to work for the public good."

  "For industry, I offer, in exchange for accepting comprehensive federal oversight, that their profits will be regulated but guaranteed. They will be freed from wasteful competition and a needless and wasteful race for innovation. It is time for us all to have a fair share of the economy."

  "I promise to authorize a National Economic Planning Authority, to unify and coordinate government management of industry and commerce. Our new EPA will allocate resources to those industries working for the public good and drive out those that are not. From now on, business needs to be on notice that it works for the common good and the welfare of the people, not the profit of the few. We will have a new national social contract between business, government and the people!"

  From the VIP booth above, her friends nod in approval as they sip champaign and watch the crowd below cheer ecstatically.

  "She's the one!" exclaims Salazar who invested nearly two hundred million in her rise to power. "Now, the payoff!"

  The others raise their glasses in a toast.

  Fall, 2020

  As the fall campaign begins, DeWitt finds that she has many on her side.

  The big money interests on Wall Street eagerly endorse her plans without reservation. To them it means no more competition, safe government partnerships, cheap labor, guaranteed profits and easy money. DeWitt is Wall Street's sweetheart. She and her radical progressives are wholeheartedly supported by a vast network of client mega-corporations with intricate, incestuous, interlocking boards of directors, eager to be insiders in the new order. They donate money to her by the truckload.

  She is also the favorite of the far-flung web of government unions. They drool at the chance to implement her scheme of comprehensive state economic regulation in all its bureaucratic splendor and detail. They eagerly and lavishly pour millions into her campaign coffers.

  The conglomerate corporate owners of the TV networks, broadcast stations, cable channels and newspapers, habitual addicts of huge government grants, contracts, licenses, bailouts and favors, slavishly support her. It is a duty dictated not only by self interest but also by personal preference. They perform their supporting roles with Pravda-like efficiency.

  The public teachers' unions have brilliantly done their job preparing the public. A generation lowfo voters, the product of a backward national public school system, ignorant of the smallest hint of history, economics or civics, are easily coaxed to memorize and imbecilically chant her slogans and wait in rapturous joy for her every broadcast text message.

  The fall election campaign is farcical. Her opponent is savaged daily in the media. Fabricated stories about mistresses, bribes, drug use, drunkenness, unpaid taxes, billions in off-shore bank accounts arise like clockwork. All manner of concocted charges that he has engaged in acts of racism and misogyny are broadcast and published. Shadowy PACs funded by her billionaires crank out slanderous social media memes while the comedy news shows spread the propaganda to the uninformed long since duped into believing what they are watching is actual news.

  The national TV debates are rigged. Her partisans are the only moderators and they take every opportunity to tilt the table in her favor.

  She knows every trick in the book. Her campaign is one of audacious deceit.

  To the lowfos and the dependent classes, she promises to double their government benefits and to spread the money around in ever new and more generous ways. She proclaims a crusade to punish the rich and disburse their ill-gotten wealth, something the rich, her true partners and sponsors, think very droll.

  The campaign focuses on the usual progressive vote buying giveaways, the catnip of the left. An EBT card in every pot and two in every wallet. Bribe them with free stuff then shackle them to lives of government dependency. It works every time.

  Tuesday, November 4, 2020

  She easily buys the election.

  In fact, she is so popular that, on election day, her vote
total in many precincts vastly exceeds that of the live population. Big city political machines are masters at the art of vote counting.

  However, while her personal vote total is a majority, she actually wins in very few states. She has fewer than ten percent of the counties nationwide in her column. Her votes are mainly in tightly packed, recently legalized, coastal urban enclaves.

  But the changes to the election laws that her friends worked so cleverly to establish have effectively eliminated the Electoral College and, with it, any need for broad, national support. Thus, the votes of her urban islands are enough to grant her victory.

  The inland states, the other ninety percent of the country, are now disenfranchised outsiders. They are no longer participants in this theater. They grow ever more angry and disaffected. They recoil at the prospect of being fettered to, and ruled by, a small, alien, seashore, parasitic, mega-rich progressive oligarchy.

  Congressional districts, however, are another matter. They are geographic in nature. While a Progressive Party district in New York might have a population that votes 110% Progressive, this only gives her one vote in the House.

  A rural district in Iowa, counts the same. While she has some loyalists in these places, they do not have majorities. Her opposition is widespread and far less clustered. Thus, it wins many more seats.

  The vast hinterland, fly-over country to Progressives, not sharing her