Read The Cop And The Girl From The Coffee Shop Page 2

  Pressing the buzzer marked with her name he waited for her reply, while giving himself a final once-over in his reflection in the glass door.

  "Alex?" came Jade's sweet, sexy voice over the intercom.

  "It's me," he replied, pressing the talk button.

  "’Kay, I'll be right down."

  Since it was such a beautiful summer night in Portland, Maine they’d decided to just take a nice evening stroll through the city park. At 9pm the sun was nearly down, but still left telltale signs of its presence in the form of red, orange and purple streaks in the deep blue sky.

  Moments later, he watched as she stepped out of the elevator and started towards him, giving him a wide smile and a little wave. Yup, she was adorable, in every sense of the word. As his eyes scanned her compact shapely body, with her legs clad in faded low-rise denim jeans, and a tight black t-shirt which hugged her pert round breasts, his cock began to rise, because along with the cuteness she was damned sexy. Even the black and white converse sneakers on her feet looked sexy on her.

  Stepping out of the complex, Jade flipped her long silken hair over her shoulders and reached up, giving him a hug. He groaned inwardly as his cock rose to its full potential when her sexy little body pressed tightly against the length of him.

  "Well, hello Officer Kane," she greeted him, the warmth of her breath brushed against his ear and neck, sending a jolt of arousal through him.

  "What happened to Officer Hottie?" he asked trying to mask his arousal with humor, though he doubted she'd be able to miss his hardened cock pressed against her. Damn. He buried his face against her hair and took a moment to savor the smell of her shampoo - fresh strawberries.

  As she pulled back from him, the palms of her hands lingered on his chest. Alex fought an intense desire to slip his hand into her hair, and bring her lush lips, which shone from the lip gloss she was wearing, up to his.

  Whoa pal, get a handle on yourself otherwise it's going to be a long night, he scolded himself.

  "I guess you're never going to let me forget that, huh?" she asked, her face flushing slightly, accompanied with a coy little smile.

  Urging her towards his Green Jeep TJ he shook his head. "Nah. Doubt it. You see I'm so used to being referred to with endearments such as Officer Pig, Officer Motherfucker or my personal favourite, Officer Suck-on-my-ass, that when a cute little coffee hostess calls me Officer Hottie, I like to hang onto that."

  Reaching the jeep, he unlocked her door and opened it for her.

  Laughing, Jade paused before getting in and raised a curious brow at him. "Officer suck-on-my-ass? Really?"

  Alex snorted, "Yeah, Officer-suck-on-my-ass. It's great. Love my job. You get to meet all kinds of nice, wonderful people."

  "But do you have men asking you to get them cream so they can take the opportunity to stare at your rear?"

  Alex pretended to think about it for a moment and nodded slowly. "Only sometimes."

  Another bout of laughter hit her as Jade slipped into the Jeep and Alex shut the door after her.

  Still snickering, Alex suspected this was going to be one of the best nights he'd had in a very long time.


  As they walked side by side down one of the out of the way trails in the park, the conversation had flowed steadily, but was beginning to falter as they both contemplated what had been said so far. In truth, despite wanting to know everything about the man she'd been fantasizing about for weeks now, she enjoyed how they could share a comfortable silence together, without feeling the need to fill the silence with mindless babble.

  Jade took the short silence as an opportunity to inspect Officer Hottie aka Alex out of his uniform and in normal guy clothing. He was easily one of the sexiest men she'd ever laid eyes on - in or out of the uniform - and from the moment she'd wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed her body up against him in front of her apartment, all she had been able to think about was how good he felt against her. He was all muscle and power; she couldn't even allow herself to think about the size of his dick!

  Oh, and his aftershave. God, did she love the smell of his aftershave on him. She found she had to force herself to keep from leaning into him to get another whiff of that spiced, musky scent.

  Out of the corner of her eyes she scanned what he was wearing, faded blue jeans, a white t-shirt with 'Budweiser' written on it, which stretched across his massive expanse of chest and a brown corduroy jacket. Sexy in a casual sort of way.

  Without meaning to, but not being able to help herself, her eyes glanced towards his crotch. She could see the faint outline of his cock pressed against the denim. A shiver shot through her, which ended in a pulsating between her legs. She could only imagine what he had in store for her if and when they were both naked and he was hammering into her with his colossal cock.

  "We're here," Alex announced taking her hand in his and leading her over to the railed lookout. They were standing at the highest peak in the park, which overlooked the large lake, roughly fifteen feet below them.

  "I've never been up here before." Jade walked up to the railing and leaned against it to get a better look at the water below them. Since it was such a warm, cloudless, clear night, the moon now shone brightly in the sky and the light from it reflected off the water; the light glistened like small diamonds littering the surface.

  "Before I became a cop I worked for the park." He chuckled. "Park security, if you can imagine it. I don't think many people know about this area, but that's how I discovered it."

  Jade was so entranced by the picturesque view below her that she only vaguely heard what he had been saying and didn't hear him step up behind her, so she couldn't stifle the soft moan that escaped her lips as his large frame pressed itself against her back and his powerful arms wrapped themselves around her waist from behind.

  Alex reached up and swept her hair to one side, exposing the soft, ivory flesh of her neck. Her body quivered with anticipation as she felt the heat of his breath tease the sensitive skin. With a soft sigh, she tilted her head slightly in invitation.

  When his firm, yet tender lips grazed the side of her neck, Jade whimpered as her body came alive against him. The sound of her whimper was all the incentive Alex needed as he pressed up tighter against her, his already long, thick cock growing substantially larger against her bottom.

  Oh-my-god. She closed her eyes and let the sensations caused by his lips moving slowly up her neck to crash through her body. The wave of heated pleasure began at the top of her head and rushed down her body, warming her as it went and ending with a throbbing between her legs.

  She gripped his bicep with one hand, while the other hooked itself behind his head and she directed his lips to hers. "Kiss me Alex," she half-whispered, half-gasped.

  A low sexy growl came from his throat as his lips ghosted hers. He kept his lips suspended against hers, a mere sliver of air separating them. Their breaths mixed as one as both she and Alex fought to control the urges that were threatening to overtake them.

  Jade nipped at his lower lip, lightly capturing it between her teeth and sucking it into her mouth. He growled once more, another low feral sound, seconds before his lips came crashing down to hers, claiming them with his urgent need. She parted her lips, allowing his tongue entry into her mouth.

  She moaned a second time, against his mouth as his tongue found hers sending another, almost violent yearning for him through her. As their tongues duelled, her body began to move on its own, rocking against him, her ass rubbing against the hard ridge of his cock, which was desperately straining against his jeans.

  "Oh-my-God, I want you," she moaned, as he twirled her around in his arms so she was facing him. Her body shivered against him. It felt as though she were no longer in control of her own actions but a prisoner of the intense and sinfully wonderful sensations he was provoking within her.

  Pressing her back against the railing, Alex threaded his hand into her hair and brought her mouth up to meet his. His groin rubbed roug
hly against her, causing her to moan once more against his mouth, but this time she didn't even attempt to stifle it. His hands hadn't gone anywhere near her breasts or pussy yet and she was already desperately close to coming in her jeans, just from her need and the anticipation of being with him.

  As if sensing her distress, Alex grabbed her thigh and placed her leg around his waist, as he rubbed his groin roughly against hers. The ridge of his cock taunted and teased her pussy and clit through the many layers of clothing, until she felt a final intense wave of pleasure rock through her.

  Breaking away from their kiss, her head fell back and her body tensed against him. Jade clung tightly to him and she cried out as she was rocked to the core by one of the most intense orgasms of her life. Spent and panting she clung to him, burying her face into his neck while trying to gather herself together, both shocked at the unexpected orgasm and slightly embarrassed that it had occurred the way it did.


  A wide self-satisfied smile spread across Alex's face, despite the fact that he was so hard his cock literally pained him; it was so hard he was certain he'd be able to break bricks with it. If he was correct about what has just happened, then the cute little coffee shop girl just had a pretty intense orgasm and he hadn't even had a chance to fully explore her body yet, or show her his best moves.

  "Hey." He looked down at her, waiting for her to meet his gaze, but she seemed hesitant, almost as though she was embarrassed by what had just happened. Hooking a finger under her chin, he tilted her face up to his and sure enough there was a slight rosy glow to her cheeks. Perhaps partly due to the climax, but he suspected there were other reasons as well.

  Alex lowered his mouth to hers and kissed her softly.

  "I'm sorry about that... ummm."

  Not meaning to, but not being able to stop himself, Alex chuckled softly. "You're not going to dare try and apologize for that are you?"

  Running a shaky hand through her hair she shrugged trying to avert her eyes, but his hand under her chin kept her eyes locked to his. "It's not exactly usual. I mean... I don't normally. You know... like that."

  "You have no idea how much of a turn-on that was. Keep that up and you'll have me thinking myself some sort of sex God."

  The shyness seemed to melt away as she laughed and pressed herself against him. "Like a sex superhero?"

  "Orgasms with a single glance." he pulled back slightly, cocked an eyebrow at her and stared intently into her dark eyes. After a slight pause, he asked, "Anything?"

  "Nah, sorry."

  "Well, dammit. So much for that theory." With a loud sigh, he pulled her back against him and nuzzled the side of her neck. The sweet smell of strawberries assailed his nose - he couldn't seem to get enough of it. "Guess I'm just going to have to go back to doing it the old-fashioned way."

  "Nothing wrong with that way," Jade assured him, pulling up at his t-shirt and slipping her hands underneath. The touch of her soft, warm hands as they worked their way up his stomach, torso and to his chest was driving him wild. It was taking every ounce of reserve he had in him to keep from stripping her naked right there and having his way with her.

  As he claimed her mouth once again he wondered to himself how many orgasms she'd have as he fucked her. One, two, a half dozen maybe? Damn it. It was killing him wanting to know. One thing he knew for sure was that there was no way he was letting this sweet little coffee shop girl go anytime soon.


  The following night Jade gave herself one final inspection in the mirror as she waited for Alex to arrive. The previous evening had been one of the most amazing nights she'd ever had with any man. Nothing had happened sexually beyond the intense petting session, though it wasn't because she didn't want to. She'd have stripped naked and spread her legs for him at the park had he pushed, but he didn't. And she respected him for that.

  Tonight however, tonight her intention was to get a lot closer to him than some outside-the-clothing petting. She inspected herself in the full length mirror one more time. She had thrown on a short plaid, pleated skirt and a plain white cotton blouse. She supposed it had a sort of 'school girl' look to it, but as far as she was concerned it was all about whatever worked. It may only officially be their second date, but they'd been flirting through the drive-thru window for a month so that should have at least accounted for four or five dates by any calculation. Right?

  At the sound of the buzzer she found her heart beginning to race. Sweeping one more coat of strawberry flavoured lip gloss onto her lips she ran to the door and depressed the Talk button. "Alex?"

  "It is."

  "Come on up," she pressed the button to unlock the security door and waited. They were going to a movie later that evening, but he'd decided to drop by a few hours earlier so they could spend some time chatting - among other things. Considering how much pleasure she took just from a single thought of him, she would have been fine with bypassing the movie completely if she were to be completely honest with him.

  As soon as she heard footsteps outside the apartment she flung the door open. Impatient? Maybe, but it wasn't as though he didn't know she was standing there anyhow - she did have to buzz him in.

  She took a quick second to let her eyes wander up and down the length of him. His attire tonight was identical to that of last night, aside from the fact that instead of a t-shirt his chest now donned a plain forest green button down shirt.

  "I sort of forgot to give these to you last night," he gave her a cute, dimpled apologetic smile as he thrust a bouquet of a dozen red roses at her. "Listen, I noticed that there is an early showing of the movie, so why don't we go now and spend some time together afterwards instead?"

  After a moment’s consideration it occurred to her that after would be a much more beneficial arrangement if things went the way she'd planned for him tonight. Upon catching his eye and seeing the hunger beginning to simmer within them, she had a feeling that his line of thinking was in harmony with her own.

  Jade nodded. "That sounds great." She pointed to the flowers. "Just give me a second to take care of these."

  Positioning himself against the open door jamb, Alex crossed his arms over his chest and nodded. "Of course."

  Feeling his eyes on her, she put an additional little sway into her step as she walked away. The skirt accentuated her ass perfectly, so she wanted to make sure she got the most out of it. Just as she disappeared into the kitchen, she shot a glance over to him and was delighted; it seemed to have had the effect on him that she was aiming for. He had an intense, sexy look on his face and his eyes were glued to her rear.

  A soft smile touched her lips as she disappeared fully into the kitchen and out of his line of sight.

  Chapter 3

  For close to an hour Jade had been feeling a pair of eyes watching her as she and Alex sat in the back row, hands linked on the armrest between them. She'd determined the looks were coming from the couple to the far right and several rows ahead of them. Squinting, she attempted to get a better look at the pair, but the dim lighting, kept their identities veiled.

  I'm just being paranoid. She told herself, but something in the back of her mind told her she wasn't.

  Alex seemed content to watch the movie and would occasionally release her hand so he could run his finger tips up her inner leg. Just enough to tease her. His touch would draw her attention away from the couple and back to him, but once the hour mark hit, even his teasing caresses weren't enough to distract her from the unsettling feeling.

  Eventually she found herself staring at the pair. She'd determined that she didn't know the female and that was confirmed when the woman glanced back and shot her a piercing glare. Apparently her staring hadn't gone unnoticed.

  But the man... The man was too oddly familiar. Her head was beginning to ache from trying to figure it out.

  Finally, she gave up considering and glanced over at Alex, whose hand was once again beginning to hike its way up her bare inner thigh and rekindle the inferno bet
ween her legs.

  "Do you know them?" Alex asked, frowning as he looked over at the blonde-headed woman and her dark-haired companion and nodded in the direction of the other couple.

  "Huh?" Pulled from her thoughts, Jade turned her attention back to him.

  His hand froze mid-way up her thigh and his frown deepened. "What's wrong?" He turned in his seat to fully face her.

  "I ummm." Jade looked back at the couple, just as the man turned and his eyes locked with hers. Dark, nearly black eyes borrowed through her, eyes that had haunted her nightmares for several years of her teenaged life. A hint of a smirk touched the man's lips before he turned back to watch the movie.

  An involuntary shutter, rushed down her spine and she inched closer to Alex, as close as possible considering the armrest dividing them. But it couldn't have been him. Couldn't... It had to be someone that looked identical to the man who'd stolen her innocence so many years ago and shown her the darker side of life.

  "Who is that?" Alex's asked, his voice becoming sterner and he made a motion to stand, intent on finding out for himself if she wasn't inclined to tell him.

  Grabbing his arm, she settled him back into his chair. "It's no one. Someone from high school. Maybe, I'm not even sure. It's not important."

  "You sure?" he persisted.

  She nodded.

  "Doesn't seem to be nobody from the expression on your face." He muttered as he diverted his attention back to the movie. Removing his hand from her thigh, he placed it back on the arm rest, lacing his fingers with hers.

  She attempted to smile, but it was a weak smile at best. "I'm sure."

  Looking at her, Alex gave her a reassuring smile, while giving her hand a slight squeeze. "Alright then."

  Jade turned her attention back to the movie, vowing to not to look in the direction of that the couple for the rest of the movie. However, the eerie feeling continued and it quickly became a test of her willpower not to look at the man.