Read The Corner House Girls Page 7



  Uncle Rufus was a tall, thin, brown negro, with a gently deprecatingair and a smile that suddenly changed his naturally sad features intoa most humorous cast without an instant's notice.

  Ruth left him still sitting gingerly on the edge of the chair in thedining-room, while she slowly went upstairs to Aunt Sarah. It wasseldom that the oldest Kenway girl confided in, or advised with, AuntSarah, for the latter was mainly a most unsatisfactory confidante.Sometimes you could talk to Aunt Sarah for an hour and she would notsay a word in return, or appear even to hear you!

  Ruth felt deeply about the old colored man. The twist of soiled paperin her hand looked to Ruth like a direct command from the dead unclewho had bequeathed her and her sisters this house and all that wentwith it.

  Since her last interview with Mr. Howbridge, the fact that they wereso much better off than ever before, had become more real to Ruth.They could not only live rather sumptuously, but they could do somegood to other people by the proper use of Uncle Peter's money!

  Here was a case in point. Ruth did not know but what the old negrowould be more than a little useless about the Corner House; but itwould not cost much to keep him, and let him think he was of somevalue to them.

  So she opened her heart to Aunt Sarah. And Aunt Sarah listened.Indeed, there never was such a good audience as Aunt Sarah in thisworld before!

  "Now, what do you think?" asked Ruth, breathlessly, when she had toldthe story and shown the paper. "Is this Uncle Peter's handwriting?"

  Aunt Sarah peered at the scrawl. "Looks like it," she admitted."Pretty trembly. I wouldn't doubt, on'y it seems too kind a thoughtfor Peter to have. He warn't given to thinking of that old negro."

  "I suppose Mr. Howbridge would know?"

  "That lawyer? Huh!" sniffed Aunt Sarah. "He might. But that wouldn'tbring you anything. If he put the old man out once, he would again. Noheart nor soul in a lawyer. I always _did_ hate the whole tribe!"

  Aunt Sarah had taken a great dislike to Mr. Howbridge, because thelegal gentleman had brought the news of the girls' legacy, instead oftelling her _she_ was the heir of Uncle Peter. On the days when therechanced to be an east wind and Aunt Sarah felt a twinge of rheumatism,she was inclined to rail against Fate for making her a dependent uponthe "gals' charity," as she called it. But she firmly clung to whatshe called "her rights." If Uncle Peter had not left his property toher, he _should_ have done so--that is the way she looked at it.

  Such comment as Ruth could wring from Aunt Sarah seemed to bolster upher own resolve to try Uncle Rufus as a retainer, and tell Mr.Howbridge about it afterward.

  "We'll skimp a little in some way, to make his wages," thought Ruth,her mind naturally dropping into the old groove of economizing. "Idon't think Mr. Howbridge would be _very_ angry. And then--here is thepaper," and she put the crumpled scrap that the old colored man hadgiven her, safely away.

  "Take care of Uncle Rufus."

  She found Agnes and explained the situation to her. Aunt Sarah hadadmitted Uncle Rufus was a "handy negro," and Agnes at once becameenthusiastic over the possibility of having such a serving man.

  "Just think of him in a black tail-coat and white vest and spats,waiting on table!" cried the twelve year old, whose mind was full ofromantic notions gathered from her miscellaneous reading. "This oldhouse just _needs_ a liveried negro servant shuffling about it--you_know_ it does, Ruth!"

  "That's what Uncle Rufus thinks, too," said Ruth, smiling. What hadappealed to the older girl was Uncle Rufus' wistful and pleading smileas he stated his desire. She went back to the dining-room and said tothe old man:

  "I am afraid we cannot pay you much, Uncle Rufus, for I really do notknow just how much money Mr. Howbridge will allow us to spend onliving expenses. But if you wish to come----"

  "Glo-ree!" exclaimed the old man, rolling his eyes devoutedly. "Dassho' de good news for disher collud pusson. Nebber min' payin' mewages, Missie. I jes' wanter lib an' die in de Ol' Co'ner House, w'ichsame has been my home endurin' twenty-four years--ya-as'm!"

  Mrs. McCall approved of his coming, when Ruth told her. As Uncle Rufussaid, he was "spry an' pert," and there were many little chores thathe could attend to which relieved both the housekeeper and the Kenwaygirls themselves.

  That very afternoon Uncle Rufus reappeared, and in his wake two ofPetunia Blossom's pickaninnies, tugging between them a bulging bagwhich contained all the old man's worldly possessions.

  One of these youngsters was the widely smiling Alfredia Blossom, andTess and Dot were glad to see her again, while little JacksonMontgomery Simms Blossom wriggled, and grinned, and chuckled in a waythat assured the Corner House girls of his perfect friendliness.

  "Stan' up--you!" commanded the important Alfredia, eyeing her youngerbrother with scorn. "What you got eatin' on you, Jackson Montgom'ry?De _wiggles_? What yo' s'pose mammy gwine ter say ter yo' w'en sheyears you ain't got yo' comp'ny manners on, w'en you go ter w'itefolkses' houses? Stan' up--straight!"

  Jackson was bashful and was evidently a trial to his sister, when shetook him into "w'ite folks' comp'ny." Tess, however, rejoiced hisheart with a big piece of Mrs. McCall's ginger-cake, and the littlegirls left him munching, while they took Alfredia away to the summerhouse in the garden to show her their dolls and playthings.

  Alfredia's eyes grew big with wonder, for she had few toys of her own,and confessed to the possession of "jes' a ol' rag tar-baby wot mammydone mak' out o' a stockin'-heel."

  Tess and Dot looked at each other dubiously when they heard this.Their collection of babies suddenly looked to be fairly wicked! Herewas a girl who had not even a single "boughten" dollie.

  Dot gasped and seized the Alice-doll, hugging it close against herbreast; her action was involuntary, but it did not signal the smallestKenway girl's selfishness. No, indeed! Of course, she could not havegiven away _that_ possession, but there were others.

  She looked down the row of her china playmates--some small, some big,some with pretty, fresh faces, and some rather battered and with thecolor in their face "smootchy."

  "Which could we give her, Dot?" whispered Tess, doubtfully. "There'smy Mary-Jane----"

  The older sister proposed to give up one of her very best dolls; butMary-Jane was not pink and pretty. Dot stepped up sturdily and pluckedthe very pinkest cheeked, and fluffiest haired doll out of her ownrow.

  "Why, Dot! that's Ethelinda!" cried Tess. Ethelinda had been found inDot's stocking only the previous Christmas, and its purchase had costa deal of scrimping and planning on Ruth's part. Dot did not knowthat; she had a firm and unshakable belief in Santa Claus.

  "I think she'll just _love_ Alf'edia," declared Dot, boldly. "I'm sureshe will," and she thrust the doll suddenly into the colored girl'sopen arms. "You'll just take good care of her--won't you, Alf'edia?"

  "My goodness!" ejaculated Alfredia. "You w'ite gals don' mean me ter_keep_ this be-you-ti-ful doll-baby? You don't mean _that_?"

  "Of course we do," said Tess, briskly, taking pattern after Dot. "Andhere's a spangled cloak that belonged to one of my dolls, but shehasn't worn it much--and a hat. See! they both fit Ethelindasplendidly."

  Alfredia was speechless for the moment. She hugged her new possessionsto her heart, and her eyes winked _hard_. Then she grinned. Nobody ornothing could quench Alfredia's grin.

  "I gotter git home--I gotter git home ter mammy," she chattered, atlast. "I cyan't nebber t'ank you w'ite chillen enough. Mammy, she donegotter thank yo' for me."

  Uncle Rufus came out and stopped his grandchild, ere she could escape."Whar you done got dat w'ite doll-baby, Alfredia Blossom?" he asked,threateningly.

  Dot and Tess were right there to explain. Uncle Rufus, however, wouldnot let his grandchild go until "Missie Ruth," as he called the eldestKenway girl, had come to pronounce judgment.

  "Why, Dot!" she said, kissing her little sister, "I think it is verynice of you to give Alfredia the doll--and Tess, too. Of course, UncleRufus, sh
e can take the doll home. It is hers to keep."

  Alfredia, and "Jackson And-so-forth," as Agnes nicknamed the coloredboy, ran off, delighted. The old man said to Ruth:

  "Lor' bless you, Missie! I done _know_ you is Mars' Peter's relatifs;but sho' it don't seem like you was re'l blood kin to de Stowers. Deyain't nebber give nawthin' erway--no Ma'am!"

  The Kenway girls had heard something about Uncle Peter's closenessbefore; he had been counted a miser by the neighbors. His peculiar wayof living alone, and seldom appearing outside of the door during thelast few years of his life, had encouraged such gossip regarding him.

  On Main Street, adjoining the premises of the Corner House, was apretty cottage in which there lived a family of children, too. Theseneighbors did not attend the same church which the Kenways had gone toon Sunday; therefore no opportunity had yet occurred for Tess and Dotto become acquainted with the Creamer girls. There were three of themof about the same ages as Agnes, Tess and Dot.

  "They're such nice looking little girls," confessed Tess. "I hope weget to know them soon. We could have lots of fun playing house withthem, Dot, and going visiting, and all."

  "Yes," agreed Dot. "That one they call Mabel is so pretty! She's gothair like our Agnes--only it's curly."

  So, with the best intentions in the world, Tess and Dot were inclinedto gravitate toward the picket fence dividing the two yards, wheneverthey saw the smaller Creamer girls out playing.

  Once Tess and Dot stood on their side of the fence, hand in hand,watching the three sisters on the other side playing with their dollsnear the dividing line. The one with the curls looked up and saw them.It quite shocked Dot when she saw this pretty little creature twisther face into an ugly grimace.

  "I hope you see us!" she said, tartly, to Tess and Dot. "What youstaring at?"

  The Kenways were amazed--and silent. The other two Creamer childrenlaughed shrilly, and so encouraged the one who had spoken so rudely.

  "You can just go away from there and stare at somebody else!" said theoffended small person, tossing her head. "We don't want you botheringus."

  "O-o-o!" gasped Dot.

  "We--we didn't mean to stare," stammered Tess. "We--we don't know anylittle girls in Milton yet. Don't you want to come over and play withus?"

  "No, we don't!" declared the curly head. "We got chased out of thatold place enough, when we first came to live here, by that old crazyman."

  "She means Uncle Peter," said Tess to Dot.

  "Was he crazy?" asked the wondering Dot.

  "Of course he wasn't," said Tess, sturdily.

  "Yes he was, too!" snapped the Creamer girl. "Everybody says so. Youcan ask them. I expect you folks are all crazy. Anyway, we don't wantto play with you, and you needn't stand there and stare at us!"

  The smaller Kenway sisters went meekly away. Of course, if Agnes hadoverheard the conversation, she would have given them as good as theysent. But Tess and Dot were hurt to the quick.

  Dot said to Ruth, at supper: "Was our Uncle Peter crazy, Ruthie?"

  "Of course not," said the bigger girl, wonderingly. "What put such asilly idea into your little head?"

  The tale came out, then. Agnes bristled up, of course.

  "Let me catch them talking to you that way!" she cried. "_I'll_ tellthem something!"

  "Oh, don't let us quarrel with them," urged Ruth, gently. "But you andTess, Dot, had better not put yourselves in their way again."

  "Dey's berry bad chillen--dem Creamers," put in Uncle Rufus, who wasshuffling about the dining-room, serving. Although he was faultless inhis service, with the privilege of an old retainer when the family wasalone, he _would_ assist in the general conversation.

  In Agnes' eyes, Uncle Rufus made a perfect picture. Out of his bulgingtraveling bag had appeared just the sort of a costume that sheimagined he should wear--even to the gray spats!

  "It makes me feel just _rich_!" the twelve year old said to Ruth, witha contented sigh. "And real silver he got out of the old chest, andpolished it up--and the cut glass!"

  They began to use the dining-room for meals after Uncle Rufus came.The old man gently insisted upon it.

  "Sho'ly, Missie, you wants ter lib up ter de customs ob de ol' Co'nerHouse. Mars' Peter drapped 'em all off latterly; but de time was w'endis was de center ob sassiety in Milton--ya-as'm!"

  "But goodness!" ejaculated Ruth, in some timidity, "we do not expectto be in society _now_. We don't know many people yet. And not a soulhas been inside the door to call upon us since we arrived."

  However, their circle of acquaintance was steadily widening.