Read The Counterfeit Bride Page 6

  She didn’t bother to watch; instead she turned her back on the drama and climbed up on the stage.

  “Howdy, y’all! Welcome to The Scorpion’s Tail. Where our stinger is worse than our bite.” Her smile was as bright as her hair.

  “Howdy, Cassie,” the audience replied in unison.

  “I’d like to thank y’all for being here tonight. There are a few simple rules for you to remember.” She paused while the crowd cheered. “We added tables and waitresses to accommodate everyone. Please remember to tip your servers well. If I find out they haven’t received a good night’s pay I will not expand to accommodate you all next time. Then there’ll be a lot of you won’t be able to git in.” She paused until things quieted down a bit. “The Scorpion’s Tail has a strict hands-off policy. If you inappropriately touch a waitress, a bartender, or a bouncer you will be immediately expelled and banned from future entrance.”

  Groans sounded from the back railing where all the single men were standing.

  “And the most important rule is, have a good time. Now, please put your hands together and welcome Gypsy’s Daughters to the Tail!”

  The crowd went wild as she left the stage. She circled the room chatting with people, working the room like a top notch politician collecting campaign funds. No one was left out of her friendly greetings. The bright smile never left her face. The woman was amazing.

  Her skirt, though short, never exposed her precious parts. Shouldn’t a prostitute be showing the wares? Why did she pay so much attention to the women? Surely men would be her best customers.

  As she pranced around the bar she acted as if she owned the world. Something wasn’t making sense here.

  She hadn’t reached him yet, but she was getting closer when a fight broke out in back of her. The sound of a bottle smashing against a table raised the hackles on the back of Theron’s neck. Childhood memories of rescuing his mother’s face rushed over him.

  He watched as the little fool waded into the middle of three large cowboys. They towered over her, shouting at each other over her head. Even her cowboy hat didn’t obstruct them. He was about to go after her when he noticed Sandy the bartender pick up a baseball bat from behind the bar. The man did not leave the bar to help Cassidy. He merely walked to the end with the bat balanced on his shoulders and watched. The mikros pyrotechnia stomped her booted heel on the instep of the man in back of her as he tried to grab her from behind. Simultaneously she reached up and caught the man with the broken bottle by the ear lobe and dragged him across the floor. He went with her, wailing all the way like a recalcitrant child caught in a misdemeanor by his yiayia. Every person standing in her way quickly evacuated the space until she led him out the door. His friend limped behind them whining, “Dammit, Cassidy, I think you broke my foot.”

  “Good. Maybe next time you’ll think twice before you cause a ruckus in my bar.” Her tone was as sweet as honey, but the strong flavor of steel underlying the sugar held everyone’s attention.

  Theron returned to his seat and Sandy placed the bat under the register and sauntered down the bar refreshing drinks along the way.

  “Why did you not go help the girl?” Theron asked.

  Sandy flashed a cheeky smile. “If I tried to interfere the boss would fire me. She believes in the Prime Directive.” Theron was puzzled. It must have shown on his face because Sandy continued, “Non-interference with alien cultures and societies. She hires big men to dissuade fights, but once one starts she goes in herself to defuse the situation. Most men will back down from her because they don’t want to look like brutes,” the bartender laughed “Don’t worry about Cassidy. She’s a bitty thing and I had my doubts until I saw her in action. When she’s riled she can take down a full grown buffalo without breaking a sweat.”

  A warning prickle at the base of his neck had Theron spinning around. Cassidy edged close to him.

  “Kali spera, dhespinis.” In his surprise at finding her so near, he gave the tradition Greek greeting.

  “Kali spera, kirios Christofides. What brings you to our little ole neck of the woods?” The innocent look in Cassidy’s purple eyes was belied by the mischievous grin on her face.

  “Where else should I be, when my fiancée is here?” He couldn’t help himself. He had the urge to tease her. He wanted to see what her reaction would be.

  “Whoa, I am nobody’s fiancée,” she exploded. Had she wondered how good their bodies would feel together since they had kissed in the embassy? It had certainly crossed his mind more than a few times an hour.

  She moved closer. If he wrapped his hand around her waist, would she melt into his arms or knock him off the bar stool? His heart thumped in anticipation. He really wanted to know the answer.

  “Hey, boss, Joanie Franklin just walked through the door. She looks like she’s loaded for bear and she’s headin’ straight for Annie May,” Sandy said from the other side of the bar. He had a big smile on his face as if he took a great deal of pleasure imparting the news.

  Cassidy sighed “I’m sorry, I have to take care of this. I’ll be back later and then we can talk.” She reached her hand over the bar. “Give me my Slugger.”

  The band staggered to a discordant stop.

  The bar was now silent. All conversation had stopped. All attention focused on two women who had taken a combative stance. An eerie silence hovered in the thick air. They waited in anticipation.

  Cassidy wrapped her slim fingers around the wooden shaft of the bat and gave it a loving stroke. Her rosy lips touched the wood in a kiss that increased the pressure on Theron’s zipper. If this kept up it would leave permanent teeth marks on his cock.

  She strode as if she were Athena entering the battle field at Thermopylae.

  The crowd parted like the Red Sea before her. Confidence beamed from her like a beacon on a clear night at sea. She moved toward the two women who now confronted each other on the edge of the dance floor.

  They stared at each other. Hate permeated the air around them. They were so absorbed in their conflict they were unaware that retribution was headed their way. Nemesis arrived wrapped in the magnificent body of Cassiopeia Flynn.

  The sway of Cassidy’s hips as she walked away from him held his fascinated gaze. The long lines of her legs made his fingers itch to see just how far up they went. He didn’t see one woman slap the other. He only became aware of the physical action when the sound of a hand connecting loudly with flesh vibrated around the timbered walls.

  He sprang forward. If anyone had dared to hit Cassiopeia . . .

  A wall of people surrounded the trio. He watched as a blond woman threw a drink in the older woman’s face. The older woman grabbed the blond by the hair on the back of her head. They screamed obscenities at each other. Apparently, a man was involved. A cold chill ran down Theron’s spine. He had seen situations such as this before. They could turn deadly in a matter of seconds. He had to get Cassiopeia out before she was the one to be hurt.

  She was almost within his reach.

  While Theron kept his eyes on Cassiopeia, she used both hands to lift the wooden baseball bat over her head. The bat smashed down on the table, demolishing all that was within its path.

  The two women had been screeching louder then the band’s amplified noise had been, until the sound of breaking glass and plastic struck their ears. Stunned into silence they stared at Cassidy with dropped jaws. Their hands still in the other’s hair.

  “My cell phone. You’ve destroyed my beautiful Smart phone!” The pregnant blond screeched. “Cassidy, you’ll have to buy me a new one.”

  Cassidy stood with her bat still at the ready in her hands. “I’m not buying you anything, Annie May. That’s the price you pay for bringing trouble into my business. Joanie, get your hands off Annie May.”

  “She should’ve kept her hands off my husband. Why do you let a tramp like her come in here with decent folk?”

  “I run a business. I am not the morals police. If I were, I wouldn’t have any business
at all. We do not serve Annie May alcohol because of her pregnancy, but as far as her other activities go, she’s on her own. If I have to ban Annie May for being a tramp, then half the people who come in here and leave with someone other than their own spouse would also have to be barred. That would include you and Jane Bowen.”

  “Whaddaya mean me and Jane? We never leave with anyone else’s man.” The older woman growled.

  “You and Jane always come in together on Ladies Night. You drink together. You dance together. You laugh and whisper in each others’ ears. You leave together. How do I know you two aren’t leaving to have a torrid hot lesbian affair in my back parking lot?” Cassidy paused for a moment. The silence was so deep you could hear the ice melting in the drinks. “Lucky for you and everyone else who comes in here, I am not in charge of anyone’s morals but my own.”

  The older woman dropped her hands from the blonde’s head. Her fingers choked the air. She looked at Cassidy with pure hate in her eyes. Cassidy wiggled her cute little buttocks. Was she preparing to hit a home run?

  “None of that is true,” the Joanie gasped. “Jane and I have been best friends since we were five years old. We started kindergarten together. How dare you say something that dirty about us?”

  “I’ve heard those rumors about you and Jane ever since I moved to Primrose. I heard the rumors about Annie May and your Jack, but I didn’t see anything out of the ordinary going on in here. I heard rumors, sure, but that’s all they are to me,” Cassidy paused. “If I were you I would go home and have a long talk with Jack. He’s the one married to you. He’s the one who made you vows and promises. He’s the one who has broken your trust. Not Annie May. She never made any promises to you. Go talk to your hound dog husband. Leave your private business at home, where it belongs. Don’t bring it to the Scorpion. You ever pull a stunt like this in here again and you will be permanently barred. Now get out.”


  “Out. Now!”

  There was a slight stir in the crowd and two bouncers appeared. They flanked the older woman and escorted her out.

  The young blonde threw herself into Cassidy’s arms. “Oh, Cassidy! Thank you so much for sticking up for me. Nobody has ever stuck up for me before.”

  Cassidy pushed her away shaking her head. “I wasn’t sticking up for you, Annie May. I don’t allow any fighting in my bar.”

  “But you kicked that old cow Joan out and let me stay,” Annie May pouted her full lips.

  “I’m only letting you stay until Joan has left the property. Then you will also be escorted to your vehicle.”

  Annie May stomped her stiletto heeled foot. “Cassie, that’s not fair. It’s Friday night. There’s nowhere else to dance and have fun. The Scorpion’s Tail is the hottest place in the county.”

  “You should have thought of that before you did the dirty with a married man in my parking lot.”

  The blonde’s full lower lip got even fuller as she pouted it out further. “I thought you said you weren’t the morals police?”

  “I’m not, but in this case I am the arbiter of good taste. You have definitely committed a crime in the eyes of the Court of good sense. How could anyone go with Jack Franklin? He’s a mean junk yard dog. Always putting the moves on anyone female. You have a nice, good looking young husband. He’s been willing to forgive you and start again.” The mikros pyrotechnia’s deep purple eyes misted over. “Not every woman is as lucky as you. Your war hero husband came home alive and uninjured. Go home and start setting up your nursery. You’ll have plenty of time this week. You’re barred for one full week. If I see you here before next Saturday you’ll be barred for a month. Be careful, any more trouble because of you, could result in your permanent banishment.”

  Annie May left without another word. Silent black tears ran down her face, her shoulders slumped in despair, as two of the tattooed bouncers walked her out the main entrance.

  Cassidy pointed the bat at the band. “The floor show is over, start earning your paycheck. Play me something country.”

  Cassidy in crisis mode was an instant aphrodisiac applied directly to his groin. She displayed a ruthlessness that reminded him of the Dolmides family. Except she did her own dirty work. He almost felt sorry for Costas Dolmides. Almost.

  Chapter 8

  If this night didn’t kill her, nothing ever would. First that fool grabbed her bottom and she had been so jumpy she reacted first, thought later. She probably broke the poor guy’s nose. If he went to the doctor he had better take care of the bill himself. She couldn’t afford the bar’s insurance premiums going up.

  She had done her meet and greet routine, with the hope she could cool down the volatile situation already simmering away. She felt the Greek watching her. She had actually felt him. Was that cool or spooky? It was spooky cool, she admitted to herself.

  Her hands shook as she continued around the room. Why hadn’t she worn something more attractive? Something feminine. Why did she choose tonight to introduce her new tee-shirts?

  While she dealt with Joan Franklin and Annie May Cox, Cassidy was sure she felt Theron Christofides in back of her. When she turned around he was there. He looked concerned. It had been a long time since anyone had been concerned about her in that way.

  She hadn’t been able to get the man out of her head. While his body was on the other side of the world, his dream spirit cavorted with her every time she closed her eyes. Now he was here, in her world. Would she be able to keep her hands off of him? Her lips? Did she want to?

  After dealing with Annie May she was depleted, emotionally exhausted. She had just shown her not-so-pleasant side to the sexiest man she had ever seen. She wanted to cling to him just as much as she wanted to avoid him. It was still early and there were twice as many people crowded into the bar as usual. She hadn’t expected the confrontation between Joan and Annie May until much later in the evening. Now she had to worry about keeping everyone entertained for the rest of the night. It was a Friday night with a full moon and a full house. She was exhausted. It was going to be a long night.

  There was no sense putting this off any longer. She headed towards Theron. She had just reached the service station when the mayor lifted a regal hand in summons. She sent a round of drinks over to Theron’s group along with her apologies. She never had another free moment all night. By the time last call came Cassidy knew she would not have the time nor the energy to deal with the Greek situation.

  “Take another round of drinks to the gentlemen at the end of the bar. Offer my apologies. I will not have time to speak to him tonight. Get his contact information and tell him I’ll call him either tomorrow or Sunday.”

  “Cassie, the man’s been here all night. Why don’t I send him to your office after we close? He’s not the type of guy who hangs around all night just for the chance of a few words with a girl.”

  “Thanks for the advice, Sandy, but I’m too tired to deal with anymore drama tonight. I just want to pick up my son and go home. Tomorrow is another day. I’ll deal with him then.”

  “Really. You’re quoting Scarlett O’Hara? I thought Z was spending the night with Lynda and Moose?” Sandy said as he mixed the drinks.

  “He was, but I miss him. I called Lynda. I’m picking him up as soon as the lights go out.”


  Theron’s jaw tightened in disbelief and anger. How dare that woman make him wait all night to speak to her and then send a message through a flunky saying she had no time to speak to him tonight? Heads of state did not leave Theron Christofides waiting. The most beautiful women in the world courted his attention. And this scrap of a woman sends him a message. No attempt at a smile or a private word. Instead she sent her lover over with alcohol.

  It was time the pyrotechnia mikros learned who she was dealing with.


  The lively banter of the occupants at the table Cassidy was clearing came to an abrupt stop. She looked up, a smile on her face. A furious thundercloud glowered back.
  Her first impulse was to turn and run for her life, but Cassidy determinedly kept the friendly smile firmly in place.

  “Mr. Christofides, how nice, but you didn’t have to come over to say goodnight.” The sweet southern drawl was firmly in place too.

  “Okay, fellas, time to wrangle yer favorite cowgirl and cozy up for the last dance of the night,” the lead singer shouted.

  “Our dance, I believe,” Theron said with a cold showing of his perfect teeth.

  Cassidy looked at the bronzed hand he stretched out to her. She was tempted to refuse, but one look in his cold eyes and she chose discretion over valor. A brawl between her bouncers and his security might be entertaining, but it would cost a fortune to rebuild the bar. She bit her lip as she placed her hand in his. He grabbed the hat off her head and tossed it onto the table.

  “My hat!” Was that squeak her voice?

  “I want to see your eyes.”

  As soon as they reached the dance floor he released her hand and embraced her with both arms, the way a lover embraced his partner. At first she tried to maintain a bit of distance between their bodies, but he wouldn’t have anything to do with that. With a strategically placed hand on her buttocks he pulled her closer. So close she could feel his very impressive erection mold itself into her belly. Her nipples tightened, pushing their way into his chest. Her panties became very uncomfortable due to the unbidden moisture that had gathered there.

  He nuzzled her throat and sniffed. The scent of her excitement joined the innocent flower scent she wore. He buried his face in her hair. It was as warm and alive as he had thought it would be. He wanted to sweep her up into his arms and carry her to the nearest point where he could make love to her. The wall, the bar, the stage, anywhere there was enough room for her to wrap her legs around him.