Read The Courageous Ocelot, Book 4: A World In Peril Page 3

I talked with Greg and Edd about what Loki had told me the day before.

  - “Is he nuts?! What in the world is he thinking, after all?” Edd asked.

  - “Knowing Loki, this seems suspicious. I doubt it that he just wants to be released.” Greg said.

  - “I thought the same, but I can’t see what else it’s in for him. Perhaps he wants to live out of prison, and that’s all… Remember guys, he doesn’t have any powers and friends.” I said.

  - “But even so… It’s Loki! I don’t like that guy one bit, and I never trusted him.” Edd said.

  - “Same here, Edd.” I said. “We’ve been through tough times because of him… I will never forget what he did.”

  - “No one will, Lilly. The citizens from all cities despise Loki and his presence in the streets would only cause a big commotion. In fact, I think it’s more dangerous for him to be out on the streets rather than inside his wooden cell.” Greg said.

  - “You’re right. We should also consider his safety.” I said.

  - “Wait, are you two really considering the option of setting him free?!” Edd said.

  - “Edd, do you have a better plan?” Greg asked him.

  - “No, but… I mean, anything is better than releasing Loki!” Edd said.

  - “Edd… The situation out there is desperately urgent. The citizens have been planting saplings day and night, but what for? The trees grow and then they die within days. Many of them have already given up on the job, and soon enough we won’t have anyone else to hire…” Greg said.

  - “But…” Edd said. “There has to be another way. Maybe we could look out for the answer ourselves.”

  - “Maybe we could, Edd. I am all in for that option.” I said. “But the problem here is not finding the answer to the problem, but the time it will take us to do so. Remember, our time is short – the polar biomes are defrosting quickly and the water in the oceans is rising.”

  - “You’re right... I wish we had more time…” Edd said. “I mean, we’ve postponed this for too long. We’ve been replanting the saplings and changing the dirt of the soil.”

  - “No, you’ve done everything you could at the time. No one knew something bigger was going on with the forest.” I said. “But now, it’s time to go after this issue, and we need to do it as fast as possible.”

  - “Even if it means asking for help from our worst enemy.” Greg said.

  - “Yes. I see where you two are coming from, and I won’t deny. We are out of good choices, and… I hate to say this, but I am in. We will ask Loki for help. I’d rather get help from Loki than put my cities at risk.”

  - “Way to go, Edd.” Greg said. Putting your citizen’s well-being above everything else.”

  - “No problem, let’s work on this together. If Loki really knows what’s going on, then we should ask for his help. After all, what could go wrong? He doesn’t have any powers, and allies.” Edd said.

  - “Exactly! If freedom is all he wants, then we can sure make a good deal out of this.” I said.

  - “Alright, tomorrow the three of us will go to that prison and talk with him.” Edd said. “And thank you, Lilly.”

  - “What for?” I asked him.

  - “For having the courage to talk to Loki in the first place. Greg and I should have done that a long time ago… but we were blinded by our pride.” Edd said.

  - “You’re right, Edd. We thought we knew what was best for the city, but we never considered that last option. Even though it sounded like a dramatic option, Lilly didn’t hesitate in doing what was best for everyone.” Greg said.

  -“ Oh come on guys, it was nothing!” I said.

  I’m happy to see that Greg and Edd have come in terms with this deal. I also understand why they were concerned in the first place, and it’s totally reasonable. However, this is our best option to save the forest and also the other biomes from a natural catastrophe.

  Day 16

  Today, we headed to the prison where Loki was incarcerated. It was time to make a deal with him and find out what Loki knew about the forest. As we stepped into the prison, Loki glanced at us from his cell.

  - “I knew it! I knew you would take my offer, Ocelot!” Loki said. “And look who’s coming with her, Mr. Mayor and his Deputy! What an honor!”

  - “Shut it, Loki. We are not here to waste our time or make jokes.” Greg said.

  - “We’ve heard from Lilly what you have to offer, and we are here to talk with you about this deal.” Edd said. “Nothing more, nothing less.”

  - “I see. Well, isn’t that nice! I was really looking forward to making this deal with y’all.” Loki said. “You know, it’s lonely inside this prison sometimes. And you made the cell out of wood just to make fun of my inability to break blocks, didn’t ya? This is cold, man!”

  - “It doesn’t matter what we did or not, Loki. What really matters is what YOU did to this world! In fact, we are only here today talking to you because we need your help to fix an issue created by yourself.” Greg said.

  - “I know! That’s why I did it! Hehe.” Loki said.

  - “Did what?” Edd said.

  - “Well, I won’t tell you anything. It’s classified information, but it’s all part of the package! In other words, if we make the deal, I’ll tell you everything I know.” Loki said.

  - “Fine. We’re here for that, anyway.” Edd said. “These are our terms for the deal: first, you are not allowed to live in any of the three cities. And second, if you ever do anything against the biomes again… you’ll be locked up for good. Understood?”

  - “Wait, how come I can’t live in the cities? I ruled them for a while!” Loki said.

  - “Yes, and now everyone hates you. Trust me Loki, you wouldn’t want to wander around any of the three cities alone.” Greg said.

  - “My people despise me that much? What have I become under their eyes…” Loki mumbled.

  - “So these are our terms, Loki. Now we also want to know yours.” Greg said.

  - “Alright. The first one is pretty simple: Freedom. Absolute freedom! I don’t want anyone watching me or following me around.”

  - “Like I said, you’ll be granted that request. As long as you don’t go near the cities, you’ll not be watched by anyone.” Edd said.

  - “Okay, whatever. I can live in the mountains to the north of West City, I know that area pretty well.” Loki said. “As for my second term… I want my powers back!”

  - “Wait, what?” Edd said.

  - “You gotta be kidding.” Greg said.

  - “No, I am not! Do you two really think I am happy as of now? Have you ever went a day without crafting anything in your life? What about a full YEAR! Players were not meant to be unable to craft. This is horrendous!”

  - “Loki, you do realize that Herobrine took your powers away, and he is an independent creature, right?” I said. “We can’t summon Herobrine and ask him whatever we want!”

  - “Exactly. Loki, your request is impossible to be fulfilled.” Greg said.

  - “I don’t care. Find a way!” Loki said.

  - “Sigh… You’re just being silly, Loki. Listen, we can’t call Herobrine. He doesn’t take orders, or grants wishes. Herobrine is not Santa Claus, Loki.” Edd said.

  - “Like I said, none of my business. Find a way out, or else…” Loki said.

  - “I think nothing will come out of this deal, guys.” Greg said.

  - “Alright Loki, here’s what we can do for you… Right now, we don’t have any way to contact Herobrine. To be honest, the only time we ever saw him was when he removed your powers. But if you work with us in this case, we’ll not only grant you your freedom, but we’ll also go after Herobrine to bring back your normal powers.” Edd said.

  - “Edd… Are you sure?” Greg said.

  - “Yes. A promise is a debt. As the Mayor, I wouldn’t lie even to a prisoner like Loki.” Edd said.

  - “That’s what I like to hear, Mayor!” Loki said. “Then it’s a deal.”

sp; - “Great. Can’t wait to listen to your great and precious information.” Greg said.

  - “Ah-ha! But first, my freedom.” Loki said.

  Greg broke down the wooden blocks from the cell. The guards thought Loki was fleeing from the cell and quickly ran towards him, but Edd stopped them.

  - “Don’t worry, he is with us.” Edd said.

  - “A-Are you sure, Mayor? That’s Loki, the most wanted criminal in this server!” The guard said.

  - “Yes. We’ve made a deal with him, and I am a man of my word. Now please, step back. We’ll take Loki to the Town Hall with us.”

  And we returned to the Town Hall with Loki.

  Day 17

  At the Town Hall, it was time for Loki to carry out his part of the deal.

  - “Speak it out, Loki. You’re free and we’ll let you go once we’ve got our part of the deal.” Edd said.

  - “Ah, of course Mr. Mayor! I am a man of my word, as well.” Loki said. “Let’s start from the very beginning, shall we? So, back in the days when the cities thrived and the citizens of the North City had a brain… They chose me to be their Mayor!”

  - “Cut it out, Loki.” Greg said. “We’re not here to listen to your fairy tales.”

  - “Psst, I am not done yet, Greg! If you want to grab my piece of information, you’ll have to hear me out.”

  - “Let him talk, Greg. Let’s see where this goes.” Edd said.

  - “Anyway. Back in my days as the leader, I used to rule with a fist of Iron. No one disrespected my orders, so take notes Mr. Mayor! That’s how a real leader guides its people.”

  - “Okay, we’re taking him back to the prison. This is just nonsense.” Greg said.
