Read The Crescent Page 26


  “Brandon?” I asked confused. My head was foggy as I tried to decide if I was really here or if that long bike ride was another dream.

  Lily stood up and backed away. “He’s not here. I told you they have him.” The woman tried to quiet Lily; she turned her around and sent her back into the kitchen.

  The woman came and sat on the edge of the couch, her kind eyes surveying every inch of me. “I’m Emile. It’s nice to finally meet you Lacey.”

  “Where is Brandon?” I asked, convinced that this couldn’t be a dream and I needed to see Brandon to validate it.

  Emile’s face turned somber. “In his weakened state, they were able to take him.” She turns my hand over to stare at my palm, as tears formed in her eye. “He needs you to be strong for him. If you do not fully transform and complete the union, Brandon will die.” She hesitated, “And so will you.”

  “WHAT?” I gathered all the energy I could and sat up from the couch, instantly feeling light headed and nauseated. “What do you mean I will die?”

  “That is why they sent Alex for you. If he was able to stop your transformation, then Brandon would die.” She cleared a few tears from her cheek. “The two of you need each other to survive.”

  I tried to stand but found my body growing weaker. I fell back quickly onto the couch. “Easy honey, easy. Matt and Trevor think they found him. We are awaiting their return now.” She tried to comfort me, but it wasn’t working since she had just told me I’d die without Brandon.

  “So my fate is to become a werewolf and kill my parents?” I asked as a tear rolled down my cheek. Emile reached out and swiped away my tear with her fingertips. My skin tingled under her touch. “I’m not saying that at all. That is what the legend foretells. The offspring of a werewolf and a human would be born and mated with a dominant male in our pack. They would lead the Amana’s against their enemies. My husband, Michael, is our leader and you were mated with our only son.” She brushed her fingertips down my arm.

  “You’re Brandon’s mother?”

  “Yes. I am Head Mistress of the pack.” Emile was careful in her pronunciation and pride was apparent her tone.

  “My parents are a werewolf and a human?”

  “Yes, for the first time in thousands of years, a werewolf’s mate was a human instead of another werewolf. The day you were born, all the boys and men from the pack were summoned to hold you. My son, Brandon was only seven years old at the time, when he held you the mark appeared instantly. I was overjoyed and fearful for my son. The both of you bear a great responsibility.”

  “Brandon told me I was stolen from my parents …”

  An uncomfortable smile graced Emile’s face. She looked down at her lap and pressed firmly at a crease in her skirt. “That was the most horrible night. Brandon refused to leave your side, even though half of the pack was standing vigil at your home. Those thieves waited until night fall and then attacked.” Another tear escaped her eye. “Brandon awoke and fought them the best he could. They stabbed him and left him for dead knowing that he was your mate. They knew you would die without him. It wasn’t until years later that they discovered he lived and started to come after us, after him.”

  The weight of her words hung in the air. “You don’t think they have killed him, do you?”

  “No, we believe he is still in the area. Only their pack leader can be called upon to kill him and we have people watching their movements closely. Your transformation is upon us. You will be eighteen in less than two weeks. We must keep you safe and bring Brandon to you so you can develop your bond before your birthday.”

  I shook my head. “I can’t be the one then. My birthday is in December.”

  Emile smiled. “No honey, we hid your birth date and your very existence from the world as long as we could. They stole you in January and thought you were a month old then because you were so tiny.”

  I started breathing heavy and I felt pearls of sweat collecting at my hairline. “I know this is a lot to understand. I’m sorry I have to be so blunt with you. You must understand, you are my son’s life, his future. Our pack is relying on you both.” She squeezed my hand. “You will be like a daughter to me, and I, like the rest of the Amana’s, will do anything to keep you safe.”

  I was panicking inside, but tried to keep myself together.

  “What about my parents?” Emile didn’t answer. “They were killed, weren’t they?” She nodded her head in quiet recognition. I started to sob. I never knew my real parents and would never get the chance to.

  “Shhhh … it’s ok. It’s ok.” She tried to comfort me. I heard loud footsteps coming from the back of the house down the hallway.

  “Is she ok?” A man larger than Brandon stood in the archway of the hall.

  “She’s fine. Just a little too much information for one day.” She cradled my face into her neck. “OH MY … why are you so hot?”

  “Hot?” Lily asked as she came back into the room.

  “Get me some cool washcloths.” She commanded to the man. “That is Michael. Brandon’s father.” She whispered. “We hope to be your in laws one day.” She let out a small laugh and hesitated before adding, “You’ve started having dreams, haven’t you?” I nodded as she pushed a piece of sweat soaked hair from my forehead. “Ahhh, that is the favorite part of the courtship, the beautiful flowery images of being in love with your soul mate.”

  Emile and Lily quickly covered my body with various cool towels and washcloths. “How long have you been sick?” Lily asked.

  “Since yesterday.” I replied, my voice barely louder than a whisper.

  Emile stood abruptly and pulled Lily into the kitchen. Michael sat next to me on the couch. He was just as handsome as Brandon with beautiful skin and fetching eyes.

  “Don’t worry; we are going to bring him home. I promise.” He held my hand for a few moments before walking back down the hallway.

  “Sorry, my husband is more the provider than the comforter.” Emile smiled sweetly and picked up my hand. “I think your body is starting to fight the change. You’ve been away from

  Brandon too long.” She examines the mark again on my hand and turns her palm over to reveal her perfectly outlined and detailed full moon. “I mated with Michael when I was only six months old. He was ten and they thought he was the werewolf that would be mated with a human. His father was so disappointed when he wasn’t the one. But then we had Brandon.” A proud smile overtook her face. “And he is destined to be your mate. You are a very special, very unique girl.”

  My body was shaking under all the cool towels. My heartbeat had finally slowed, but I was still panicked. If what she was saying was true, then I had no choice in my future. Brandon and the Amana’s would be my family, and the only family I’ve ever known would die by my hand.

  c h a p t e r


  I lay motionless on the couch for several more hours. I wasn’t sure if I should run screaming and crying from the house or stay put. Emile and Michael sat together at the dinette in the kitchen. Their muffled voices expressed panic and concern for me and for Brandon. If he wasn’t found soon, they were convinced my transformation would not happen, forever sealing our fates.

  Lily sat next to me on the couch combing the hair of a Barbie doll. “I couldn’t imagine ever being away from Matt.” She looked at me from the corner of her eye before continuing. “Matt never goes anywhere without me anymore. We are too weak without each other.”

  “Aren’t your parents worried for you? I mean, don’t they miss you?”

  Lily smiled. “Matt would give his own life for me. They trust him completely. I don’t know what would happen to us if we were apart longer than a few days.” She looked at me carefully. “You know they are worried for you. I think they are right. I think that your body is trying to stop you from changing.”

  “Would I really die if I didn’t allow the transformation?” I asked her as a shiver went down my spine.

  I could see chills rise across L
ily’s arms. “I don’t know. I’ve never met anyone that’s decided not to change.” I watched her maneuver the delicate comb down the Barbie’s platinum blonde hair. She flipped the brush just at the ends to cause the perfect bouncy wave at the bottom. “You’re going to transform … aren’t you?” Lily looked at me with the saddest eyes I had ever seen.

  I thought about my parents and Aunt Jamie. If I transformed, I’d be signing their death warrant not to mention Alex’s also. If I didn’t, I’d sign my own and Brandon’s. I sat up on the couch and pulled Lily tight into my arms. Her skin was ice cold compared to mine. “You can’t leave us now. Brandon needs you. We need you.” She whispered. I held her for several more moments brushing her long hair down her back as she had done to the Barbie.

  “How are you feeling?” Emile said walking back into the room with another glass of water for me. She looked down at Lily. “Honey, go into the kitchen. Michael has made you some lunch.” She gently pulled at Lily’s arm to coax her from the couch. Emile waited until she was out of sight. “You must understand, finding you has been a long, exhausting journey for all of us. Lily has grown up with Brandon; he is like a big brother to her and she is in agony right now. Not only over him being gone, but worried that something will happen to her mate trying to help him. If Matt is hurt or killed, then she too will fade away before she transforms.”

  I looked towards the kitchen. I