Read The Crescent Page 7

When Alex touched me, I imagined kissing him; but this was so different. This was … real.

  The taste of his mouth on my lips was sweet, like a freshly opened pack of bubble gum.

  Brandon caught my eyes once more and then left the office. “It’s times like those when I SERIOUSLY doubt that you and Alex have even met before. Are you always this stupid around guys?”

  Ignoring her I stayed securely seated in the chair. She thumped her high dollar sandal on the floor a few times expecting me to move, but when I didn’t she sat on the desk. Mrs. Stone came back into the office and I asked to go to the Nurse; I was still light headed and dizzy, not to mention incredibly confused by the taste of his lips that still lingered on mine.

  I stayed in the Nurse’s office much longer than I had anticipated. By fourth period I was feeling somewhat normal again. I dropped my books off at my locker and headed into Mr.

  Thompson’s classroom.

  “Wow, you look … awful.” Jillian didn’t sugar coat …anything.

  “Yeah, thanks.” I kept my head down; it felt as though a million partiers were dancing around on my brain. Even the light stung my eyes.

  “Can I borrow your cell?” I asked Jillian.

  “Why? What’s up?” She pulled her phone from her bag and handed it to me under the table so the teacher couldn’t see. Even though class hadn’t started, cell phones were not allowed.

  “I want to text my aunt and let her know I’m going home after class. I’m not feeling so hot.”

  “I’m sorry to hear that. Anything I can do? Wanna ride home?” Alex loomed over the table. He smelt … sour. I leaned back and fought the urge to gag.

  “No, I’m fine. I think I’m getting sick.” I swallowed hard trying to keep myself from throwing up.

  “Well, the offer stands for a ride. I saw you walking out of school yesterday. Don’t have any afternoon classes?” Alex’s words echoed in the distance. His brown eyes grew deeper with concern when I didn’t answer.

  “I don’t think she got much sleep last night. She volunteers at the clinic with her aunt and they had a dog come in that had been hit by a car …” Jillian’s voice trailed off. Beads of sweat collected in my hairline and on my neck. THUD THUD THUD, my heart pounded in my chest and through the rest of my body.

  Then another, much louder, more painful THUD, my head smacked harshly onto the desk.

  “Well, you better figure out who it is and take care of them before they become an issue.” My eyes strained as though they had been shut for days as I fluttered them open to the sound of voices. A stinging pain vibrated my forehead. The last thing I remember was passing out. The voice of my father and mother rose, muffled by my closed door; I could hear part of what my father said, but there was another, much stronger voice in the hallway.

  “If they’ve already made contact, then the time has already started.”

  “Don’t be stupid, they wouldn’t have already approached her. It’s only the first week of her senior year. You are over reacting. She is probably just sick.” As I lifted slightly from the bed, I tried my best not to alert them.

  “You haven’t noticed the changes? Look, we are glad you are here to help but …” then the floor creaked under my weight. The voices outside went silent. I sat back on the bed just as my mother opened the door.

  “Honey, you’re awake!” Her eyes were red.

  “Why were you crying?” I whispered as she sat next to me.

  “I’ve …” She hesitated and looked at my father. “I was just worried about you.”

  “What were you guys talking about?” I asked bluntly. My father wouldn’t look me in the eye. Then the source of the third voice came into view- Alex.

  “How are you feeling?” He strode into my room, not looking the least bit out of place. “You scared the crap out of me. First we were talking … the next thing I knew …” He motioned with his arm mimicking falling and smacked one hand into the other. “I’m sure your head hurts like hell.”

  “What are you doing here?” Not that I didn’t want him here, but I was devastatingly aware that he was how I got home … in my passed out state.

  “He was nice enough to bring you home. It’s good to finally meet one of your boyfriends. We were starting to wonder if we ever would.” My mother’s eager tone embarrassed me. I couldn’t look at Alex.

  I leaned into her shoulder and mumbled. “He’s not my boyfriend.”

  “Ok I guess that’s my cue to go. Ummm …” Alex hesitated; he sounded nervous. Guys like Alex don’t get nervous or at least I didn’t think so. “Do you want me to get your homework tomorrow?” Homework? Was he for real?

  “No, I’ll be back at school tomorrow. This is just a bug … it’ll pass.” I wished I could convince myself. Then again, maybe another day at home would be a good idea; I’m sure I’d have a big fat bruise from my desk and head colliding. Alex shoved both of his hands in his pockets and rocked back on his heels. The room grew silent and filled with tension.

  “Ok, well …” Mom stood swiftly and grabbed Dad’s hand.

  “We will just give you two a minute.”

  Alex waited until they were both out of the room to come and sit on the bed next to me. There was plenty of room, but he still sat close enough that my thigh and his touched each other. The strange smell from earlier overtook my senses and I just wished it would stop. I wouldn’t want to throw up if he tried to make a move right now.

  “I hope you are ok. I mean you did freak me out.” Alex pulled one of my hands into his. Images from the first time he held my hand flooded my mind and I could see his full lips overtaking mine. My overactive imagination had us both ripping off our clothes with my parents downstairs.

  My skin grew hot as he rubbed circles with his fingers on the back of my hand. “I’ve never passed out like that before. I think I didn’t get enough sleep.” I barely concentrated on my words. I just hoped I made sense right now.

  “Maybe you should lie back down?” He said in a much deeper voice that made my heart race, but not in a good way.

  “I think I’d like to shower first.” I didn’t want to embarrass myself anymore today and if I was reading his signals wrong, this could turn into a catastrophe.

  The room went silent again for a few seconds when Alex’s powerful hand pulled my chin up to look him in the eyes. “I’m throwing a party at my house tomorrow night. Will you come?”

  My breathing became strained, I barely choked out, “Yes.”

  My mind scrambled over every imagined encounter I’ve had about him since the day we met. His hands, lips, eyes, chiseled back, arms, every part of his body rushed through my mind and not in that order.

  Alex grinned, “You know, this whole asking you out thing would be easier on me if I knew you were truly oblivious to how beautiful you are.” STOP. That’s pretty much what my mind, heart, and lungs did. He just called me beautiful.

  “Are you messing with me?” I hesitated, almost losing my nerve for what I wanted to say next. “Don’t get me wrong, I’m flattered … actually … I’m a little floored. Why would you want to ask me out?”

  Alex’s smile overtook his face and he looked down at the ground half laughing as he said, “Ok, so you are oblivious.” He rubbed one finger down my cheek, across my jaw line and then rested it on my lips. He slowly licked his bottom lip; if I was sick before, I’m not remembering that now.

  I swear I hallucinated his head and body leaning towards mine; it couldn’t be happening. My eyes grew wide as the reality hit me; his full inviting lips softly pressed against mine. Lacey you idiot! Your eyes are supposed to be closed now, my head screamed. I obeyed, squeezing them shut tightly as his hands claimed either side of my face and the world stopped turning. His tongue brushed with mine, the overwhelming smell from earlier intensified and I shrugged it off, praying that I didn’t get sick right now. Alex’s hand trailed down my face and neck to slide across my collarbone. My head was full of incoherent thoughts as I barely breathed in and out.
  I pulled away from him. My mind won the battle; my body cursed me.

  “Sorry.” Alex’s skin turned a fantastic shade of pink. “I didn’t mean …” He paused and took in a deep breath. “So, tomorrow?” All I could do was nod my head yes.

  A few hours later, after my stomach was no longer churning and the taste of Alex’s kiss was gone, I picked up the phone to call Jillian. I slid into my favorite t-shirt and lounge pants and let Grant in from the backyard.

  “Hey girl.” I started talking before I was fully up the stairs, Grant moving slowly behind me.

  “OK- I want to hear all about it! Alex INSISTED on bringing you home!”

  “I know! He met my parents and invited me to a party at his house tomorrow.”

  “Seriously? He asked you out?” Jillian’s voice trembled through the phone.

  “Yeah …” Grant strained to get on the bed. “Hold on Jill. Grant?” I ran my hand across his head. “Are you ok boy?”

  “What’s wrong with your monster?” Jillian said.

  “I’m not sure, he’s just moving slowly.”

  “Did you stop feeding him the hamburger and rice?”

  “Yeah, yesterday.”

  Jillian started laughing, “Then he is probably starving.”

  Determined to make him feel better, I headed back down to the kitchen and pulled out some hamburger. Surprisingly, my parents had gone to dinner together and I had the house all to myself.

  “So I didn’t tell you, but Alex kissed me.” I said as I watched the hamburger rotate in the