Read The Cruise of the Frolic Page 21



  We were conducted by our friends to a handsome palace in one of theprincipal streets of Valetta. The ball-room was full of naval andmilitary officers in uniform, and ladies in dresses of every hue andgossamer texture. Many were fair and blooming, but the dark skins andflashing eyes of a southern clime predominated.

  Hearty and I walked in together. He cast a glance eagerly round theroom. Laura Mizen against the field, as Carstairs would say, thought I.How will she receive him, however, is the question? We men are toooften apt to forget that point. He was not long in finding her; hewalked up hastily, and put out his hand. She looked up, a gleam ofpleased surprise lighted up her eyes, and a slight blush suffused hercheek, and then she put out her hand with the same frankness he hadoffered his. All right, I thought; that is just as people should meet;they will understand each other very soon. Miss Mizen had entirelyoverlooked me when meeting Hearty, which, however complimentary to him,might, under some circumstances, have hurt my feelings.

  After allowing them to talk a little, I went forward and was cordiallyreceived as his friend. I was surprised that Carstairs and Bubble hadnot found their way to that end of the room. On returning towards thedoor, after exchanging a few words with some old naval acquaintance, Icaught sight of him bending over a lady who was leaning back in anarm-chair flirting with her fan. Her face was thus hidden from me, buton getting nearer I beheld no less a personage than Mrs Skyscraper; ata little distance was Bubble, carrying on an animated conversation withMiss Jane Seton, greatly to the chagrin, as it appeared, of amagnificently dressed Albanian who stood near them. The stranger's facewas turned away from me, so that I could not see the expression of hiscountenance; but the convulsive clutch which he ever and anon made atthe handle of his jewel-hilted dagger showed the irritation of hisfeelings; and so strongly did this movement impress me with his evilintentions, that I kept my eye fixed on his weapon to hold him backshould he attempt to do any mischief. Just at that moment Mite came upto me.

  "This is fun, isn't it?" quoth my young friend. "Now to my mind there'sa fine woman, the one Mr Carstairs is talking to; but by Jupiter Ammonshe's cut out by that girl there Mr Bubble has ranged up alongside.She's superb, isn't she? What a Juno-like head! Still, do you knowthat I don't think I should quite like to offend her. She looks as ifshe could twitch a fellow by the ear pretty sharply. Look there now,there's another girl, she's much more to my mind, though she has nothingof the stunner about her. The primrose style is what I like, or theviolet, if that's more to your taste--quiet and neat. Now, that's whatI should call that little fair girl there. I say, I must just try andhave a dance with her; I ought to, for the skipper made me toe and heelit with a little Smaitch girl, who was wonderfully heavy to haul about;and as she didn't understand a word I said, and as I couldn't make out aword she said, there was no great fun in it."

  Thus the youngster ran on somewhat flippantly, perhaps, drawing off myattention from Bubble and the Greek. I was, however, conscious that thelatter had turned his head and looked at me. Directly afterwards hewalked off to another part of the room. As I was neither lazy nor tooold to dance, nor blind to the charms of beauty, I was soon after thisengaged in moving about to the sound of music among the laughing throng.Among others, the fair Jane honoured me with her hand. I found her anything but a lively companion; somewhat absent, and far from haughty asbefore. Had the avenging Nemesis of an unrequited passion punished herfor her treatment of my friend Loring? It looked very like it; sheanswered my most brilliant sallies of wit by monosyllables, and smiledfaintly, putting her bouquet to her nose--but I am certain the sweetstherein conveyed no sensation to her olfactory nerves. What was thematter with her I could in no way make out. I was leading her to aseat, somewhat weary with my vain endeavours to arouse her, when weencountered Sir Lloyd Snowdon, one of the officers of the garrison, andevidently an admirer of hers.

  "It's all arranged, Miss Seton; we have fixed to have the pic-nicto-morrow. Mrs Seton has promised and so has Mrs Mizen, and MrsRowley, and Mrs Grey, and her daughters, and that charming personageMrs Skyscraper only waits to be asked." I recollected the pic-nic wehad had to Netley, when my friend Loring had apparently made such wayinto the good graces of the fair Jane, but she made no sign to betrayany recollection of the event. I was acquainted with Sir Lloyd, and heknew Hearty well, so he invited all our party to join the pic-nic on themorrow. Old Rullock of the "Zebra" of course was asked, and so wasCaptain Arden of the "Trident," and requested to bring some of theirofficers, rather an unusual stretch of military politeness at Malta,where midshipmen, and even lieutenants, are held often in but slightestimation.

  We were to visit the old capital of Citta Vecchia and the catacombs, andthe grotto of St. Paul's, and then to go on to a sheltered bay on theseashore, where the operation of dining was to be performed. The wholeplan was soon arranged, and everybody was pleased. I was talking toMrs Skyscraper when Sir Lloyd Snowdon came up to us.

  "By the by," said he to the widow, "I quite forgot to ask your friendthe Greek Count; can you, my dear madam, tell me where he is to befound? I would remedy my neglect."

  "Indeed, I cannot," answered the lady with a toss of her head; "I sawCount Gerovolio, but I have not watched his proceedings."

  "Oh, Mrs Skyscraper--Mrs Skyscraper!" thought I, "what were your eyesabout when they wandered just now so often towards Miss Seton and thatfinely dressed Albanian?" I had missed the fair Jane after supper, andheard her mother inquiring for her. I had wandered out on a narrowterrace which ran under the windows of a long corridor, to enjoy thefresh air and the moonlight. As I passed under one of the windows, Isaw two figures standing in the recess. One I saw was Count Gerovolio,the other I felt sure was Miss Seton. I would not have willingly beenan eavesdropper, but I could scarcely help hearing what was said. I wasarrested, also, by finding that the speakers were conversing in English.

  "Beautiful girl," exclaimed the Count, in a tone of deep devotion, "youhave enslaved me completely. I sought you but for my amusement, and youhave thrown your golden chains around me, so that I could not break fromthem if I would."

  "Oh! who are you?" exclaimed Miss Seton, in an agitated tone. "You didnot tell me you could speak English. Surely you are not an Englishman."

  "Whatever I am, I am a Greek at heart and by adoption," answered thestranger, with a slight hesitation in his voice. "I was first led tothe shores of that classic land to fight for the cause of herlong-oppressed children. My sword raised me to my present position.Let that suffice you. And now, lovely girl, do not longer hold me intorturing suspense. You know how deeply, how earnestly, I love you.Your mother, you tell me, will not consent to our union. Fly with me atonce. My beautiful vessel waits off the coast to receive us on board,and to convey us to a land of freedom and romance; and where,emancipated from the trammels of the cold, calculating world, we mayenjoy that bliss reserved for so few on earth."

  Miss Seton's answer I could not hear. I could scarcely believe that shecould be influenced by such palpable sophistry. Still I knew that thereare moments when even the wisest among the daughters of Eve, thrown offtheir guard by the wiles of the Evil One, are ready to listen to hismost barefaced falsehood; if they trust to their own strength--their ownwisdom--and seek not protection from the only source whence it can come."Oh, you consummate scoundrel!" I muttered to myself, as I retreatedto the doorway, whence I had come out. I had no longer a doubt as tothe identity of the pretended Greek. I resolved to put the matter tothe test. Entering the house, I walked briskly along the gallery,towards the window where I had seen the two speakers. Miss Seton wasthere--more like a statue than a living being--leaning against the wall,with her hands pressed to her forehead; but the pretended Greek wasgone.

  "Miss Seton," said I, going up to her, "tell me what has become of MrSandgate."

  "I know not of whom you speak," she answered. "I k
now no one of thatname."

  "The man in the Greek dress," I replied, calmly, for I felt that muchdepended on my tone and manner.

  "What! do you know him?" she asked in a faltering voice.

  "I do," said I; "and, Miss Seton, I would save you from him. He isworthless. He lives with a halter around his neck, and he will some dayfind it hauled taut."

  She stood perfectly silent for some time. I allowed her to remain sothat she might regain her composure. She did this in a wonderfullyshort space of time. I suspected that her feelings were not very acute.

  "You know my secret. I throw myself on your generosity, and I am surethat you will not betray me, Mr Brine."

  "Indeed, you may trust me, Miss Seton," I replied; "I shall rejoice atbeing the means of saving you from a very great danger. Let me entreatyou, therefore, not to see that man again on any account. Keep close toyour mother, and let nothing separate you from her. Another time I willtell you his history, and you will see that you have reason to beguarded."

  "Oh, tell me now, tell me now!" she exclaimed. "I will follow youradvice; but I would hear all about him, and then shut him out of mythoughts forever."

  I saw that she was right, so I told her briefly all I knew aboutSandgate. She shuddered several times at the narrative. She was notparticularly romantic, and fully alive to the advantages of a goodposition, thanks to her mother's instruction. Though she had seen nogreat objection to becoming a Greek countess, she had reason to bethankful at having escaped falling into the power of a villain of thestamp of Sandgate. "Now let me lead you to Mrs Seton," I replied,offering my arm. She took it. Hers trembled as it pressed mine.

  "Why, Jane, my dear, you look very ill; what is the matter?" exclaimedthe old lady, starting up with a look of real alarm in her countenance.I believe she loved her daughter, and fancied she showed it by helpingher to make what she called a good match.

  "Oh, nothing, nothing--the heat, I believe," she answered, turning stillpaler. "I think that I had better leave the room."

  Her mother thought so likewise. I found their carriage. They lived notfar off; so, following on foot, I watched them till they were safelywithin their own doors. On returning to the ball-room I heard MrsSkyscraper making anxious inquiries as to what had become of CountGerovolio.

  "Never mind, we shall see him to-morrow at the pic-nic. He promised tobe there," she observed. I saw from the look Carstairs gave that theCount had better behave himself should he venture to make hisappearance, which I did not think very likely.