Read The Cruise of the Frolic Page 6



  I had promised to yacht during the summer with Hearty; and as he paid methe compliment of saying that he could not do without me,notwithstanding several other invitations I had received, I felt myselfin honour bound to rejoin the "Frolic." I had no disinclination to sodoing, though I own at times we led rather a more rollicking life thanaltogether suited my taste. Accordingly, I once more took up my berthaboard the "Frolic." Hearty was growing somewhat tired of the style oflife he was leading. He wanted more variety, more excitement. Indeed,floating about inside the Isle of Wight with parties of ladies on boardis all very well in its way to kill time, but unless one of the faircreatures happens to be the only girl he ever loved, or, at all events,the only girl he loves just then, or the girl he loves best, he verysoon wearies of the amusement, if he is worth any thing, and longs forthe wide ocean, and a mixture of storms with sunshine and smooth water.I found the party on board the "Frolic" increased by the addition oftwo. The most worthy of note was Tom Porpoise, a thorough seaman, andas good a fellow as ever stepped. He had entered into an arrangementwith Hearty to act as captain of the yacht; for though Snow was a verygood sailing-master, he was nothing of a navigator, and Hearty was nowcontemplating a trip to really distant lands.

  Porpoise was a lieutenant in the navy of some years' standing; he hadseen a great deal of service, and was considered a good officer. Hesang a good song, told a good story, and was always in good spirits andgood humour. He had been in the Syrian war, in China, on the coast ofAfrica, and in South America; indeed, wherever there had been anyfighting, or work of any sort to be done, there has dashing Tom Porpoisebeen found. He had a good appetite, and, as old Snow used to say, hisvictuals did him good. Porpoise was fat; there was no denying the fact,nor was he ashamed of it. His height was suited to the dimensions of asmall craft, and then, having stated that his face was red, not fromintemperance, but from sun and spray, I think that I have sufficientlydescribed our most excellent chum.

  The other addition of note was ycleped Gregory Groggs. How Hearty cameto ask him on board I do not know. It could scarcely have been for hiscompanionable qualities, nor for his general knowledge and information;for I had seldom met a more simple-minded creature--one who had seenless of the world, or knew less of its wicked ways. It was his firsttrip to sea, and he afforded us no little amusement by his surprise atevery thing he beheld, and every thing which occurred. He had atolerably strong inside; so, as we had fine weather, he fortunately forus and for himself, was seldom sea-sick. Our friend Groggs was a nativeof an inland county, from which he had never before stirred, when,having come into some little property, he was seized with a strongdesire to see the world. He had been reading some book or other whichhad given him most extraordinary principles; and one of his ideas was,that people should marry others of a different nation, as the only wayof securing peace throughout the world. He informed us that he shouldearly put his principles into practice, and that, should he find somedamsel to suit his taste in France, he should without fail wed her. Webantered him unmercifully on the subject; but, as is the case with manyother people with one idea, that was not easily knocked out of his head.

  Hearty, having fallen in with him on a visit to his part of the country,invited him, should he ever come to the sea-side, to visit the "Frolic."By a wonderful chance, Groggs did find his way on board the yacht, asshe one day had gone up to Southampton, and once on board, findinghimself very comfortable, he exhibited no inclination to leave her. Hetherein showed his taste; and Hearty, though at first he would havedispensed with his company, at last got accustomed to him, and wouldhave been almost sorry to part with him.

  So much for Groggs.

  We lay at anchor off Cowes. Several other vessels lay there also,mostly schooners--a rig which has lately much come into fashion.

  "What shall we do next?" exclaimed Hearty, as we sat at table afterdinner over our biscuits and wine.

  "What shall we do next?" said Carstairs, repeating Hearty's question;"why, I vote we go on deck and smoke a cigar."

  We had not time to execute the important proposal before the steward puthis head into the cabin and announced a boat alongside.

  "Who is it?" asked Hearty.

  "Mr O'Wiggins, of the `Popple' schooner, sir," answered the steward."She brought up while you were at dinner, sir."

  "Oh, ask him down below," said our host, throwing himself back in hischair with a resigned look, which said, more than words, "What a bore!"

  Before the steward could reach the deck, O'Wiggins was heard descendingthe companion-ladder. He was a tall, broadly-built man, with a stronglymarked Hibernian countenance. Hearty did not think it necessary to riseto receive his guest, but O'Wiggins, no way disconcerted, threw himselfinto a vacant chair.

  "Ah, Hearty, my boy! Faith, I'm glad to find any one I know in thisdull place," he exclaimed, stretching out his legs, and glancing roundat the rest of us, as he helped himself from a decanter towards whichHearty pointed.

  "We are not likely to be here long, but we are undecided what next todo," returned Hearty.

  "Och, then, I'll tell you what to do, my boy," said O'Wiggins. "Justlook in at the regattas to the westward, and then run over to Cherbourg.I've just come across from there, and all the world of France istalking of the grand naval review they are to have of a fleet, incomparison to which that of perfidious Albion is as a collection ofNewcastle colliers. There'll be rare fun of one sort or another, dependon it; and, for my part, I wouldn't miss it on any account. What sayyour friends to the idea? I haven't had the pleasure of meeting thembefore, I think?"

  "I beg your pardon," said Hearty; "I forgot to introduce them." And hedid so in due form; at which O'Wiggins seemed mightily pleased, anddirectly afterwards began addressing us familiarly by our patronymics,as if we were old friends. In fact, in a wonderfully short space oftime he made himself perfectly at home. The proposal of the Cherbourgexpedition pleased us all; and it was finally agreed that we would gothere. We could not help being amused with O'Wiggins, in spite of thecool impudence of his manner. He told some capital stories, in which healways played a prominent part; and though we might have found somedifficulty in believing them, they were not on that account the lessentertaining. Meantime coffee and cigars made their appearance.O'Wiggins showed a determination to smoke below, and Hearty could notinsist on his going on deck: so we sat and sat on; Porpoise enjoying thefun, and Groggs listening with opening eyes to all the wonders relatedby our Irish visitor, for whom he had evidently conceived a vast amountof admiration. At a late hour O'Wiggins looked at his watch, andfinding that his boat was alongside, he at length took his departure.

  We were present at most of the regattas to the westward, but as theydiffered but little from their predecessors for many years past, I neednot describe them. No place equals Plymouth for a regatta, either onaccount of the beauty of the surrounding scenery, or in affording a goodview of the course from the shore. By the by, it was some littlesatisfaction to look at the two new forts run up on either side of theentrance to the harbour, as well as at the one with tremendously heavymetal between the citadel and Devonport, not to speak of the screwguardships, which may steam out and take up a position whereverrequired. I can never forget the superb appearance of that mammoth oftwo-deckers, the "Albion," with her ninety guns, and a tonnage greaterthan most three-deckers. It is said that she could not fight herlower-deck guns in a heavy sea; but one is so accustomed to hear theignorant or unjust abuse and the falsehood levied at her talentedbuilder, that one may be excused from crediting such an assertion. Sheis acknowledged to be fast; and, from looking at her, I should say thatshe has all the qualifications of a fighting ship, and a great power ofstowage. What more can be required? [Note.] If she is not perfect, itis what must be said of all human fabrics. If Sir William Symonds hadnever done more
than get rid of those sea-coffins, the ten-gun brigs,and introduce a class of small craft superior to any before known in theservice, the navy would have cause to be deeply indebted to him. He hasenemies; but in the service I have generally found officers willing andanxious to acknowledge his merits.

  There is no little satisfaction in cruising about Plymouth Sound. Isuspect that now our neighbours would not be so ready to attempt tosurprise the place and to burn its arsenal, as they one fine nightthought of doing some few years back. People in general are soaccustomed to believe our sacred coasts impregnable, that they could notcomprehend that such an enterprise was possible. Yet I can assure myreaders that not only was it possible, practicable, in contemplation,and that every preparation was made, but that we were perfectlyhelpless, and that they would indubitably have succeeded in doing allthey intended. Neither Plymouth nor Portsmouth were half fortified; andsuch fortifications as existed were not half garrisoned, while we couldnot have collected a fleet sufficient to have defended either one or theother. Providentially the differences were adjusted in time, and theFrench had not the excuse of inflicting that long-enduring vengeancewhich they have a not unnatural desire to gratify. When they havethrashed us, and not till then, shall we be cordial friends; and, thoughelectric wires and railroads keep up a constant communication, may thatday be long distant! We had brought up just inside Drake's Island,which, as all who know Plymouth are aware, is at the entrance ofHamoaze. We were just getting under way, and were all on deck, when acutter-yacht passed us, standing out of the harbour. Our glasses werelevelled at her to see who she carried, for bonnet-ribbons and shawlswere fluttering in the breeze.

  "What cutter is that?" asked Porpoise. "There's a remarkably prettygirl on board of her."

  "That must be--yes, I'm certain of it--that must be the `Fun;' and, byJove, there's jolly Jack Mizen himself at the helm!" ejaculated Hearty,with for him unusual animation.

  He waved his cap as the rest of us did, for Porpoise and I knew Mizen.Mizen waved his in return, and shouted out,--

  "Come and take a cruise with us. We'll expect you on board to lunch."

  "Ay, ay!" shouted Hearty, for there was no time for a longer answerbefore the yacht shot by us.

  We had soon sail made on the "Frolic," and were standing after the "Fun"towards the westernmost and broadest entrance to the Sound. It was alovely day, without a cloud in the sky, and a fine steady breeze; such aday as, from its rarity, one knows how to value in England. Yachts ofall sizes and many rigs were cruising about in the Sound. Largest ofall was the "Brilliant," a three-masted square-topsail schooner, ofnearly 400 tons, belonging to Mr Ackers, the highly-esteemed Commodoreof the Royal Victoria Yacht Club; and as for the smallest, there weresome with the burgee of a club flying, of scarcely ten tons. We,meantime, were standing after the "Fun." Her owner, Jack Mizen, hadonce been in the navy; but before he had risen above the exalted rank ofa midshipman he had come into a moderate independence, and not being ofan aspiring disposition, he had quitted the service, with the intentionof living on shore and enjoying himself. He, after a few years,however, got tired of doing nothing, so he bought a yacht and wentafloat, and, as he used to say,--

  "Fool that I am! I have to pay for sailing about in a small craft, notknowing where to go or what to do, when, if I had stuck to the service,I might have got paid for sailing in a large ship, and have been toldwhere to go and what to do. Never leave a profession in a huff; you'llrepent it once, and that will be to the end of your days, if you do."

  Such was Jack Mizen. He was a jolly, good-natured fellow. He sang agood song, told a good story, and everybody liked him. He had sevenladies on board, two of whom we judged to be chaperones; the other fivewere young, and, if not pretty, were full of smiles and laughter. The"Fun" was much smaller than the "Frolic," so we easily kept way withher, and ran round the Eddystone and hove-to, while the racing-vesselscame round also. We four bachelors then went on board the "Fun," andwere welcomed not only by her owner, but by the many bright eyes shecontained. There were already four or five gentlemen on board, but theyhad not done much to make themselves agreeable, so nearly all the workhad fallen on Mizen. We gladly came to his assistance: poor Groggs,also, afforded them much amusement, but it was at his own expense--notthe first person in a like position--unknown to himself. They were alltalking about Cherbourg, and had insisted on Mizen's taken them overthere. He, of course, was delighted. The main cabin was to be devotedto them. Fortunately, however, one chaperone and two damsels could notgo, so the rest might continue to rough it for a few nights. We had alarge luncheon and much small talk. I mustn't describe the ladies, lestthey should be offended. If I was to say that one of the chaperones wasfat, and another tall, all the fat and tall elderly ladies on the waterthat day would consider I intended to represent them. However, therecan be no risk in saying that the eldest, dame was Mrs Mizen, an auntof the owner of the "Fun," and chaperone-general to the party. The verypretty girl was Laura Mizen, her daughter, and the other married ladywas Mrs Rullock, wife of Commander Rullock, RN, and who had also twounmarried daughters under her wing. Of the other young ladies, one wasFanny Farlie, a rival in beauty, certainly, of Laura Mizen--it wasdifficult to say which was the prettiest--and another was her cousin,Susan Simms, who read novels, played on the piano, was devoted to thepolka, and kept tame rabbits. It was perceptible to us, before we hadbeen long on board, that Mizen affected Fanny, while Miss Mizen at once,with some effect, set her cap at Hearty. She did not intend to do so,but she could not help it. She was not thinking of his fortune nor ofhis position, nor did she wish to become mistress of the "Frolic." Ofthe gentlemen, one was in the navy, Lieutenant Piper, an old messmate ofMizen's, and Mr Simon Simms, the brother of Susan, who had an office inthe dockyard, smoked cigars, and was very nautical in his propensities.There was a fat old gentleman and a thin Major Clay, of a foot regiment;but I have not space to describe all the party. They will re-appear intheir proper places. We ate and drank, and were very merry, and sailedabout all day, most of us hoping to meet again at Cherbourg.


  Note. Well we may say _Tempera mutantus_. A pygmy ram would send herto the bottom in a few minutes.--Editor.