Read The Cry at Midnight Page 22


  From beneath the dusty tarpaulin, Penny had listened tensely as FatherBenedict and Winkey planned their escape.

  She knew that by morning they would be in another state, beyond reach ofRiverview police.

  Fifteen minutes! The time was so short--too short for her to summonauthorities even if she could reach a telephone.

  And what of Rhoda in the chapel bedroom? Father Benedict had spoken ofturning on machinery in the cellar! What machinery did he mean?

  A great fear arose within Penny. Rhoda was in great danger! She must makeevery effort to save her--but how?

  Father Benedict and his servant now were leaving the cloister, walkingdirectly toward the canvas under which the girl huddled.

  Suddenly, to Penny's horror, the dust of the tarpaulin began to irritateher nose.

  She fought against an impulse to sneeze but could not control it. Thoughshe pressed both hands against her nose, a muffled ker-chew came frombeneath the canvas.

  Father Benedict halted, looking sharply about the darkened cloister.

  "What was that?" he demanded.

  "I didn't hear nothin'," replied Winkey, flashing his lantern on thepillars.

  "I thought someone sneezed."

  "You're getting jumpy, boss," insisted the hunchback. "I sure didn't hearnothing."

  "What's that over there by the fountain?" Father Benedict demanded,noticing the tarpaulin.

  "Only an old piece of canvas. I brought it up from the basement thisafternoon."

  "For a second, I thought I saw it moving!"

  "You've sure got the jumps," said Winkey. "If you want me to look forthat girl again, I'll give the place a good going over."

  "No, there's no time!" the monk decided. "As long as the dogs are loosein the yard, she never can get out of here without them sounding analarm. Then we'll nab her."

  "I'll go after the car and have it at the rear exit before you're readyto leave," the hunchback promised. "Just be sure you get the sapphire!"

  "Leave it to me," said Father Benedict grimly. His voice faded away andPenny knew that the two conspirators were at last leaving the cloister.

  Waiting a moment longer to be certain they would not change their mindsand return, she extricated herself from the folds of the grimy canvas.

  "Wow! That was a close call!" she told herself. "If what Father Benedictsaid is true, then I'm trapped in this building along with the others!What a predicament!"

  Penny groped for her flashlight and was reassured to find it still in herpocket. She tested it briefly, then switched it off again.

  Tiptoeing down a long, damp-smelling corridor, she passed a window.Hopeful that it might be unlocked, she paused to test it.

  Not only was the catch fastened, but the window also had been nailed.Peering out, she gazed hopefully toward the distant road. No cars were insight. Nor was there a light gleaming in the windows of the Eckenrodcabin, over the hill.

  Instead, Penny saw an ugly hound circling the monastery grounds, his noseto the earth.

  "Winkey already has turned the dogs loose!" she thought in dismay. "Ihaven't a chance to get out of here quickly!"

  Switching on her flashlight for an instant, Penny looked at herwristwatch. In astonishment, she saw that it was only twenty minutesafter nine. She had assumed the hour to be much later, so many events hadtranspired since her arrival at the monastery.

  "If only I could let the _Star_ office know of my predicament!" shethought. "Mr. DeWitt won't even wonder what's become of me before teno'clock. By that time Father Benedict and Winkey will be miles fromhere!"

  The main gate of the monastery had been closed and locked. Penny reasonedthat even if she were able to get out of the building, the dogs would beupon her before she could scale the high boundary fence, and make herescape.

  As she hesitated at the window, debating whether or not to smash theglass and take a chance, she heard the roar of an automobile motor.

  For a moment she was hopeful a car was coming down the road. Then, with asinking heart she realized that it was Winkey bringing the big blackautomobile from the front of the house to the rear exit.

  "The minute he and Father Benedict get their thieving hands on thesapphire, they'll leave here!" she reasoned. "Oh, why can't I think ofsome way to stop them?"

  Penny had left her own car parked on the road not far from the monastery.She was hopeful that should her father or anyone from the newspaperoffice seek her, they would see the car and deduct that she was somewhereinside the ancient building.

  "But no one will come until it's too late," she thought. "Mrs. Weemsprobably went to bed early and didn't tell Dad I came here. Mr. DeWittwon't think about it until nearly deadline time at the _Star_."

  Outside, the hounds kept roaming the grounds. Penny had never seen suchvicious looking animals.

  Abandoning all hope of getting away without risking being torn to pieces,she decided her wisest course would be to keep hidden until FatherBenedict had driven away.

  "Maybe by staying, I can help Rhoda," she reflected. "Father Benedictintends to force her to tell where the sapphire is hidden!"

  With noiseless tread she started toward the chapel bedroom which adjoinedthe church ruins. In passing the monk's study she noticed that the doorstood slightly ajar.

  Peering cautiously in, she saw that the room was in disarray. All ofFather Benedict's clothing, art treasures, and personal belongings hadbeen removed. Drawers of the desk had been emptied of their contents.

  In the fireplace, flames leaped merrily. Plainly, the monk had disposedof many papers by consigning them to the fire.

  At the edge of the hearth lay several sheets torn from a notebook. One ofthe pages had caught fire and was burning slowly.

  Recognizing it as a sheet listing society contributions, Penny dartedforward and stamped out the flames.

  Only half of the paper had been charred. Many of the names still could beread. Folding the good section, she placed it in her coat pocket.

  Two other pages which had not caught fire proved to be blank.

  Unable to rescue anything else from the flames, Penny quitted the studyand moved hurriedly toward the chapel bedroom.

  From the dormitories she now could hear muffled cries and poundings whichtold her cult members had discovered themselves locked in their rooms.

  "I can't get them out without keys," Penny thought. "But if they makeenough noise, someone may hear and come here to investigate."

  The closing of a nearby door brought the girl up short. As she frozeagainst the passageway wall, Father Benedict stepped from the closetadjoining the bedroom where Rhoda was imprisoned.

  Instantly Penny guessed that he had been watching the girl through thepeephole.

  Father Benedict's satisfaction as he started toward the ruined church wasfrightening to behold. Thin lips were twisted into an ugly smile, and ashe passed within a few feet of where Penny stood he muttered:

  "Ah rest!--no rest but change of place and posture; Ah sleep--no sleep but worn-out posture; Nature's swooning; Ah bed!--no bed but cushion fill'd with stones."