Read The Crystals of Tlalli: Awakened Affinities Page 10

but he was walking. It would be time to return to his studies soon.

  As he walked up the street, he thought of the dreams he had been having. He had had the same disturbing dream every night since he had woken in his room at school, the beautiful girl with long red hair and piercing green eyes. She looked terrified in his dream and reached out to him, swirling energy surrounding her and then the evil blackness stalking her. He would wake with a start, his heart racing, and the urge to help her strong.

  “Moyo!” He looked up and saw the young Kelnea spreading his fledgling wings ready to launch off in flight.

  “Kelnea, NO!” To late the boy was aloft and the wind caught his wings and flipped him end over end in a mad somersault. Moyo dropped the bag and ran to the boy and grabbed his foot as he went past. Dragging him down to the ground, the boy clutched at Moyo. Moyo set him on the ground and ruffled his feathered crest. Kelnea was the son of Mayla and Toric, Moyo’s friends from his days in Underschool. Underschool was the first schools the Miwa attended, then they would either go to a trade school or the Overschool depending on their aptitudes and affinities. The Overschool was similar to a University.

  “The wind is too strong today Kelnea.” Moyo chuckled. He dusted off the boy’s back where the dirt from the road had soiled the garment and went back and picked up the bag of fish.

  “Ugg, is that fish again?” Kelnea screwed up his face in distaste.

  “It’s the best of the catch today. Here go clean them and say hi to your mom for me.”

  “Aren’t you coming to dinner?” The boy sounded hopeful.

  “No I have to pack and get ready to go back to school. I’ll probably be back this summer if all works out ok.”


  “See ya Kelnea!”

  “Ok, see ya Moyo.”

  Moyo turned and walked down the street to the right. Half way down the street Master LeaNic stepped out of a shop door. “I wondered what you did with the fish every day.”

  “Master!” said a startled Moyo.

  “I don't mind you helping people Moyo. I didn't know they were going through hard times. Is Toric not back then?”

  “No, Toric hasn’t been back for over a year and Mayla hasn't heard any news.”

  Master LeaNic shook his head. “Ah, she just had to ask, I would have been happy to help.”

  “My friend is too proud to ask I fear. I didn't know until I came to help you after your accident and went to visit Toric. Mayla said Toric and his crew went with the merchant ship Dawn Star and they have not been seen or heard from again. They were supposed to only be gone for six months at the most.”

  “The Barbarian sailors have not come to trade this year. It’s strange. They are usually always on time.”

  The Barbarian merchant ships brought vegetables (Dried), herbs, grains, and other trade goods to the Miwa people. The Miwa traded dried fish, herbs, perfumes, jewelry, finely crafted arrows, and other trade goods to the barbarians.

  Moyo shook his head.

  “Let’s get some dinner and get you packed. Monsore will be here at eight to pick up your bags and take you to the clat launch.”

  The clat was a large enclosed car where passengers sat as the car was pulled up the mountain with heavy metal cables to the peak. His people the Miwa were winged and adept at flying but that didn't mean they flew were ever they went. And when they had suitcases and supplies to carry they used the transportation available.

  After he reached the university Moyo unpacked and settled into his room. Went to dinner, met up with his friends and retired for the night. The next day he made an appointment to see the Dean of Magic Professor Semloc. He would wait to see what the man said before signing up for his last class.

  When the meeting came around Moyo walked up the stairs to the dean’s office and knocked on the door. When he heard the “Come in.” Moyo walked into the man’s office. The Dean greeted him and asked him to sit at one of the chairs in the room the dean took a chair opposite him.

  “Shaleant de Curria, what can I help you with today?” The dean said using Moyo’s formal title. Moyo did not feel comfortable with his hereditary title and avoided using it whenever he could.

  “You can call me Moyo, no need to use my father’s title.”

  “There is every need in this society to remind us all who you are and who your parents were. I am proud to have you in our university and honored to have known you. You are young yet Moyo and do not yet appreciate all that was lost when the power structure changed in this kingdom. What are we now Moyo? No longer do we honor the monarchy but we still need you. The crystals are the only things that keep this world working. Your family is the only line that has a direct affinity to the core of the crystals the only family to hold the key to the Chamber of the Light. That key is not a thing you can hold in your hand but only in the heart of the Shaleant. You are the Shaleant whether you or anyone else disagrees with that it is still true. The failing of the crystals and the affinity’s that go with them are in my opinion tied to the people’s failure to honor the way of the One. It was a mistake to have destroyed the balance when your father and mother were killed in the uprising when you were three. I believe that is why no one has been able to attune to the violet affinity since that fateful day. The mob rose up and destroyed their only salvation. It was providence that saved the son of the Shaleant when Master LeaNic took you. Do not be ashamed to bare the title you inherited Moyo. Bare it with honor. Enough of my lecture, what brings you to me today?”

  “I am humbled by your words sir.” Moyo was stunned by the Dean’s pronouncement and beliefs in the old ways.

  “Yes well let’s get to why you are here. Please tell me your vision. Don’t leave any detail out no matter how trivial you think it is. Vision’s are only sent when the situation is dire.”

  “I have been plagued by these visions for years but they were always unformed. They always felt like dreams before.”

  “But something changed? What was it?”

  “Yes. It felt real last time. Like I was watching something happening in real life. I could almost reach out and touch her. It felt like if I didn’t help her she would die, or worse.” Moyo trailed off not sure he should continue. It sounded so fantastic in the light of day.

  “Like the world depended on you helping this girl?” The Professor said.

  “Yes. It sounds so foolish now that I say it out loud.” Moyo looked down at the rug.

  “No. You were right to come to me. I think this is part of a bigger issue. Years ago there was a magi who had a dream about four friends who would inter the Chamber of Light and realign the crystal metrics. I think you need to tell your dream to the other Magi here. This is an important vision.” He reached over and squeezed Moyo’s arm in reassurance.” Your family has always been gifted in this sort of thing.”

  The Dean went out and talked to his assistant then returned leading Moyo into a conference room.

  “I’ve called a meeting of the magi who I believe should hear this. I do think this is part of the prophecy of the four.”

  The other Deans were there as well as the Elder Counsel member in charge of Magic. Moyo related his dreams and answered their questions for what felt like hours. When they were satisfied they asked him to go and told him they would contact him with whatever decision they came to.

  It was many days until Moyo was called back to meet with the Magi. When Moyo entered the conference room, they had scrolls and books open on the table in front of them and called Moyo over and had him sit. Moyo had always been taller than everyone around him and had felt uncomfortable about it. Today he wanted to shrink so that he wasn’t so noticeable, but that would never happen. He stood out amongst his own kind, his hair was platinum blond almost white, his eyes were lavender, a rare eye color in any race but only his family had ever had that particular color amongst the Miwa. His wings were white with blue wing tips; again only his family had that coloring. Moyo felt self-conscious today mo
re that ever with all eyes on him as he walked in. He looked around at the assembled people. It didn’t look like they had slept since he had seen them last. The Dean of Magic had dark circles under his eyes and looked like he could hardly stay awake. The Elder Counsel told him of a prophecy and their concerns and decision to send him on a quest to find the mysterious girl he had seen in his dreams.

  “Which prophecy do you speak of? There are many prophecy’s.” Moyo asked.

  “Prophecies are peculiar things Shaleant de Curria. It is believed that if one is a part of the prophecy knowing it would change it. Causing unknowable repercussions. The learned men and women of this School and the Council of Magic have extensively studied this prophecy and have gone so far as to bring in the Scrying Masters to confirm that you and this girl in your dreams are key parts to it.” The Elder Counsel spoke slowly and all were quiet in respect to him and his great age.

  “Thank you Counsel Master Simorlant le Antice for your confidence in me.”

  “It is no confidence I hold in you Shaleant de Curria. You are merely a key player in this prophecy. The girl is the focal point. It is up to you to keep her safe and to make sure it plays out to its conclusion. You will do what she wants and go where she goes. Stay close to her. She will lead you.”

  Moyo felt as though all the wind had been knocked from him. Here he had thought he was the subject in a major