Read The Crystals of Tlalli: Awakened Affinities Page 15

follow in their families business. He just wants to start working on his own projects. He is more interested in science then magic and has been his father’s worrisome child. Nottia may only have the yellow affinity but not enough to train more then the beginning studies, but she at least takes an interest in her father’s business. Melnone is gifted in the red affinity and his parents just don’t know what to do with his lack of motivation. So he is touchy to everyone lately. It’s not you Rica it’s a combination of his frustration with the system and his desire to be different.”

  “It’s ok. He didn’t hurt my feelings or anything. It must be hard for him to want to go against what is expected of him and still want to please his family.”

  “I suppose it is.” Chaura said.

  “Mother, something else happened on the way here. We were at the line and I don’t know exactly what happened but when Rica touched the wastes it healed where she touched it.”

  “Healed? Tell me exactly what happened.” Chaura’s interest was intense. Rica could feel her excitement. Zafira told her mother what had happened and then Chaura asked Rica questions about the experience. When Rica told her about the electricity and that she could feel what others felt and about the wave she seemed stunned. Zafira stared at her, which is exactly why she hadn’t said anything about it to her. Rica was the alien on this world.

  “This is serious. You were right to advise Melnone not to say anything. I’ll make sure to talk to him myself.” Chaura was worried and didn’t mention anything about Rica’s ability.

  “I didn’t mean to cause any trouble.” Rica felt uncomfortable with all this attention.

  “You have not caused any trouble Rica. I am worried however about the power within you. It has attuned with you, and by what you said it is not under your control.”

  Fear clutched at Rica. This just kept getting better and better. If she could find a way out of this world it would be all right. Chaura seemed to read Rica’s expression.

  “This will not go away Rica. If you return home like this, without gaining control of this power, it could destroy you. You need to learn the basic control spells so it doesn’t rule you.”

  “I – I don’t know anything about this power or magic. I just want to go home.”

  “I know dear. We will find a way to get you there. The control spells wont take long to learn. This is important. Lets not talk about it now. There is time.” No, Rica wanted to yell. There is no time. I just want to go home. But she didn’t. Zafira changed the subject and the conversation turned to the dinner preparations and what to do with Melnone and his attitude.

  Talking with Zafira’s mother and watching the two make dinner Rica felt homesick. She didn’t want to get in the middle of what appeared to be some kind of family discussion on the fate of Melnone. Zafira got plates down from a cupboard and Rica took them to set the table in the Dinning Room.

  The furniture was highly padded and comfortable with high backs and wide seats. The table was a honey brown wood and oval shaped. Every bit of furniture in the house seemed to be designed to be inviting and comfortable yet it looked elegant at the same time, the cloth covering the pieces were richly colored in greens and yellows with intricate designs over every part and edged in gold. Rica was reminded of pictures she had seen of India and the grand palaces of the Maharaja.

  Dinner was interesting. There were little round purple things that tasted like tomatoes. There were red mashed potatoes tasting things but with a nutty after taste that was wonderful. The meat was weird. Rica thought it would taste more like beef when she put it in her mouth but it tasted like fish. She almost spit it out. Was this the same meat she had had on the sandwich on their way here? She controlled herself and forced herself to swallow. Rica didn’t eat more of the fish stuff, not that she didn’t like fish, but she liked her fish to look like fish. This world was strange and in many ways wonderful but scary too. Rica didn’t talk much, missing her life at home, wishing she could be there now.

  Half way though dinner Zafira’s father came home and dished up a plate, sat at the table and the conversation again changed to Rica and her adventure in the affinity caves.

  “Who have we here?” Zafira’s father was tall with brown and tan stripes that were obvious. His hair and eyes were dark brown. He had kind eyes Rica thought and felt a pang of homesickness for her father.

  “This is Ulrica Simpson, from Earth. Rica this is my father Tod Leanista.” Zafira made the introductions. Rica started to stand to shake his hand but he didn’t seem to know what to do with the hand that she held out. Rica sat back down embarrassed, but the feeling soon passed. Tod made her feel welcome in his home.

  Zafira told her father about how they had found Rica, about the crystals, the incident in the affinity chamber with Rica, and all that had happened there. Rica noticed she left out the part about the line and what had happened there. Her father was fascinated and seemed excited about it. He asked many questions. Rica reiterated she just wanted to find a way back home. Zafira told them she planned to take Rica to town to buy clothes and personal supplies the next day. They would stop by the Academy of the Arts in Jamara so she could sign up for her classes.

  “I think Rica might want to go with you to talk to our friend Magi Locke or Magi Kohl.” Tod suggested.

  “Magi Kohl is a strictly by the rules sort of mage. I would be careful what you tell him. Though he might be of help getting some training.” Chaura replied. Rica could feel her dislike.

  “I don’t need training. I just need to find a way back home.” Rica blurted.

  “I agree you need to find a way home. But the best way to do that would be to use a portal. To do that you would need a spell rune for your world or you would need to learn the appropriate spell. Magi Kohl could get you instruction in the use of the proper spell. It wouldn’t hurt to learn a little about your affinities as well since you are there. To activate the spell you would need a working knowledge of how the magic of the portals works.”

  “I don’t mean to offend but I just want to get home as soon as possible. I don’t have time to learn magic and all that. Isn’t there a way to just go to a portal thingy and just have them send me?”

  “I wish it was that simple. The portals are all failing. Only the most powerful portal magi can activate them these days, and if you don’t know exactly where you are going you could end up on a hostile world.”

  Rica was feeling overwhelmed with all this, after all she had fallen into this world couldn’t she just fall back? She was frustrated and felt a little trapped. Maybe the only way was to learn this spell thing and be done with it.

  “How long does it take to learn this spell thing?”

  “That depends on the student. That and they would have to identify the world’s portal coordinates. That might take time. Not all the worlds are listed at every portal station. The only portal station to list them all is in UPT, United Peoples of Trentwall. The Magi Portal Master there might know it or be able to find it for us.” Chaura saw the look of overwhelming emotion on Rica’s face and saw the tears form in her eyes. “Don’t give up Rica. I will search our records here. Your being able to enter our families affinity caves is unusual. Don’t tell anyone about that by the way. Having an affinity to all the disciplines is beyond rare. There has only been one other in all history to have such a gift. Many Magi will have felt the release of power when the crystals accepted you.”

  “Don’t frighten the girl Chaura. Magi Locke could talk to the Portal Master in UPT. We will find a way to help you Rica.” Tod said.

  “Did you feel it when I was in the affinity caves? All the way over here?”

  “Yes. I felt a shift in the power. And became dizzy. This can be dangerous.” Chaura cautioned. Rica pushed the strange food around on her plate.

  “All the more reason I should get home as soon as possible then. There is no magic on my world, I don’t know anything about it and from what I have seen, I’m not sure I want to learn it.??
? Jim jumped up on the table and Rica grabbed him before he could get far, putting him on her lap. He seemed happy to sit there and curled up into a ball.

  “It isn’t going to be easy to get you back to the world you came from. I will help you all I can but it will take time with the boarder closed to the Opia nation.” Chaura said.

  “I was so worried on the way back. There was no traffic on the flow-way.” Zafira recalled.

  “The Opia are citing some kind of treaty violation regarding transport of livestock over their pass or some such. It’s all a big mess. I’m sure it will be resolved soon enough.” Tod replied.

  Rica half-heartedly stabbed a piece of the purple things and pushed the fish with it. She looked around the table and then met Chaura’s eyes.

  “How much time will it take to get me out of here?” She didn’t want to seem ungrateful but she needed to get home. She just wanted to go to the nearest portal and go home, how hard could it be?

  Chaura reached out and put her hand over Rica’s squeezing her hand gently.” Rica, I don’t know how long it will take. I’ll start tomorrow. While I find out you need to be careful. Not all Magi are good people. Some will want to use you to their own ends. So it is wise not to let them know it was you who was the source of the surge in power. I don’t want you to think you