Read The Crystals of Tlalli: Awakened Affinities Page 17

just to our family but to all Magi on this world and on some others as well. The crystals are the largest natural crystals ever found on this planet. There are some larger at the Academy but those were grown to that size with the use of magic. Some believe these crystals are tied to the fabric of this world. Our family were the ones who found the cave thousands of years ago and have kept it since. There are strong protective runes active to this day barring entry to all but our family. Yet they did not react to you when Zafira brought you into the cave. It is a puzzle.”

  “I was unconscious. I don’t know.”

  “Zafira does not know of the runes and their nature. They would only have prevented you from entering. They would not have harmed you. Only a master Shaman of our family would know of it.”

  “You are a Shaman then. Is that a religious title or something?”

  “You ask good questions Rica. No it is not a religious title it refers to a deeper affinity with the caves not just the crystals in the caves.”

  “What does it mean then? That the crystals in your affinity caves reacted to me?”

  “I’m not sure. I will have to do a vision trance to try to find out. One thing is sure you are special. You are not of our race. Yet the crystals accepted you.”

  “Why does it matter that I am not a cat person?”

  “Each race has their own affinity cavern that only responds to that race. You are not Kahshian. That is what is so puzzling?” Chaura shook her head. “I have to look deeper into this. I had a dream last night. Darkness engulfed the world and you were standing with a light in your hand. You are special in ways I cannot name. Because of the dream I will not speak to anyone else about the caves and you. I advise you to keep quiet as well. If any ask where you got the crystals tell them you went to an affinity cavern. They will think it was one closer to Jamara. Knowledge is power and you don’t want anyone to have power over you. Zafira’s vision with my dream makes me sure you should be careful what you tell people about your experience.”

  “I’m ready to go mom.” Zafira said cheerfully as she walked into the room.

  “We are ready too. You two go ahead and get in the treb I’ll be along after I put this up.” She stood and closed the book carefully, picking it up and walking out of the room.

  Rica followed Zafira out to the treb. It was a modern shinny green one with four doors. Rica climbed into the backseat and sat looking at the interior. It was nice. The controls were a lot like a car with buttons and levers but used a joystick like control instead of a wheel.

  “What was my mom talking to you about?” Zafira asked.

  “About the caves and the affinities. She doesn’t want me to tell anyone where it happened. She said she had a dream about me.”

  “My mom had a dream about you?” Zafira was alert and looked at Rica with her eyes round and her ears pricked forward.


  “I had a vision of you in the caves as well. Maybe she is right. We wont tell any one where this happened. It could be important.”

  Zafira’s mom opened the driver’s door and got in. “You two look like you have seen a spirit. Everything alright?”

  “You had a dream about Rica?”

  “Yes I did and it echoed your vision of her. Those caves are special in ways even our family does not understand completely.”

  “All right mother.”

  “Ok um. Mrs. -- I don’t know your last name.” Rica stammered.

  “Leanista is our last name but you may call me Chaura” She smiled warmly at Rica. Rica felt at ease with her and relaxed. The rest of the day was spent in stopping for lunch in Shani and shopping at various clothing stores.

  9 - Finishing the Garden

  The new cloths she had bought the day before were folded and put away in the drawers built into the closet. Rica opened them and looked at the colorful garments. These cat people sure liked color. Rica had tried to find something that wasn’t too colorful but it had been hard to do. Rica picked out on the new outfits Chaura had bought for her. The fabric was soft and the fit comfortable. To ware new clean cloths that actually fit was a wonderfully luxurious feeling. This outfit was warm browns and dark greens with streaks of orange and black. The pattern looked like fall leafs. All the cat cloths were colorful, but Rica had managed to find pants that were solid colors. She slipped dark brown slacks on. She looked in the full-length mirror and admired the ensemble. The colors complemented her completion and hair. She looked good even if she sort of looked like a fall postcard. Rica smiled at the thought.

  Rica went down stairs and walked into the kitchen just as Chaura was putting the eggs she had poached onto a plate with the meat. She looked up at Rica and smiled.

  “Good morning!” Rica said smiling.

  “Yes I think it will be.” Chaura said. Puzzlement radiated from Chaura. She glanced at Rica oddly.

  “Where I come from its sort of a greeting like hello to say good morning or good night. But I think it will be. A good morning I mean.” Rica stammered. Rica felt her face heat at her awkwardness. But the feeling passed as she felt Chaura’s happiness.

  “It’s a wonderful greeting! Your world must be full of pleasant people.”

  “Well um sometimes yes and sometimes no. Any way that smells good. Can I help with anything?”

  “No I think we have it. Just have a seat and enjoy the breakfast.” She nodded toward the kitchen table where Zafira and Tod her husband were seated already. Tod was reading from a flat thin device.

  “Morning everyone.” Rica said as she sat at the table.

  “Yes.” Tod said absently.

  “That’s a greeting where Rica comes from. I think it’s nice.” Chaura said as she put the plate of food on the table and took a seat.

  “Morning then Rica!” Tod said. Rica could feel his sudden interest at a reference to her home customs. “What are you two doing today?”

  “We are about half way finished with the garden harvest so we will try to get it finished. Unless mom has something else she needs us to do?” Zafira replied.

  “No not today. But tomorrow I will need you to work out at the new herbalist shop we opened on Forest Flow-way. Two of the new hires have been unreliable in showing up so we have to replace them. I could use your help. We have that new stock of Feather Plant smudges to put out. And I’m expecting a shipment from the Eastern Alliance herb growers at the plant and cant be there to over see.”

  “Sure, I wanted to visit Nottia anyway and that’s not far from there. Rica needs to get some jewelry findings to make the Crystal Affinity necklace and I wanted to go to that new club Nottia’s been telling me about. We could stop by after work. It would be fun.” Excitement burst out from Zafira at the prospect. Rica was starting to feel confusion over all the feelings around her and tried to block them or tone them down so she could function. Warmth suddenly started to form between her eyes and it became uncomfortably hot quickly. Rica pictured a cool steam in her mind. Slowly the pain and heat faded and she felt moisture all over her body. He cloths were wet now. Great! Rica tried to focus on what everyone was doing. Her experiment with visualization pushed to the back of her mind.

  “That sounds good dear.” Chaura said. Curiosity spiked from Chaura.

  “I don’t want you girls staying out to late though.” Tod said. He looked over at Rica and his ears pricked forward then one ear flicked back as though he didn’t like something. He looked over at Zafira.

  “Oh that reminds me. The secretary for the admissions Dean called. Your appointment has been changed to two weeks from now. Apparently they had more appointments then she had thought and had to move yours. I told her it was no trouble.”

  “Oh I forgot to feed Jim!” Rica said remembering the little furry friend she had made. Any excuse would do to get away from the table and not draw any more attention to her wet cloths.

  “No Jim has been taken care off.” Chaura laughed. Then looked at Rica, noticing her wet cloths. Rica flush
ed. Concentrate on the conversation, maybe they wont notice that your hair is now dripping wet.

  “What do you mean?” Rica said a little animatedly.

  “I set out a dish of vegetables and grains for him last night and this morning. He actually brought a friend with him.” Chaura’s eyes sparkled in merriment, and then shook her head.

  “Friend?” Rica didn’t know of any friend she could mean. I wish I were dry! She shouted in her mind.

  “He has a new mate it seems. A little shy female rako was with him this morning.” Chaura was watching her with interest. Great!

  “Oh.” Rica could feel her skin warm. Steam rose from her cloths. Will this never end? I have become a weird freak! Everyone will notice.

  “Not to worry they will probably take off into the fields and live their lives away from us. I was expecting it. He has stayed around a lot longer then I had thought he would.” Chaura smiled pointedly ignoring Rica’s now steaming cloths and hair. Tod and Zafira were staring at their plates. Zafira’s mouth twitched as though she were trying not to smile or laugh.

  “That rako is attached to Rica. He even tried to protect her when we were on the way back from the caves. Zos was showing Rica how to use a staff.” Zafira looked up at Rica and stifled a giggle. Rica sighed.

  “That is unusual.” Chaura nodded. But not one of them commented on Rica’s strange changes. These were nice people. Rica was thankful they didn’t say anything about the clothing