Read The Crystals of Tlalli: Awakened Affinities Page 21

Rica projected a wave of caution toward her instinctively Zafira stopped a confused look on her face.

  “We will set up a preliminary schedule for you. You can pick it up the first day of classes. I’ll have to find an instructor who will be willing to try to teach you” Ouch that hurt. Rica hadn’t missed the slight. Hope he didn’t have to dig to deep to find someone to teach the stupid girl. Rica kicked herself mentally at the thought. Stop it!

  When they returned home Zafira filled the family in on what had taken place and discussed her own and Rica’s upcoming education at the Academy. Zosimo had come over to have dinner with the family and took a real interest in Rica’s dilemma.

  “What happed at the office? It was strange, I wanted to say something but then I couldn’t. It felt wrong.” Zafira said.

  “I felt like he didn’t believe me. He thought I was lying! I had a feeling that he was dangerous. It was better to let him believe what he wanted. This color kaleidoscope was swirling around him and it made me feel like I wanted to not say anything to him.”

  “You see colors around people?” Chaura was staring at her.

  “Yes all the time lately. Though it’s not so bad since I got the necklace for the crystals. Now I can since what the colors mean. And sometimes I can project what I want to happen and it does, sort of.” Rica felt queasy in her stomach. Would they kick her out for the weird freak she was turning into?

  “Fascinating! That is a clear manifestation of the pink affinity. That’s wonderful. You know what that means don’t you?”

  “I’m weirder than I thought?”

  Chaura laughed, “No, it means Magi Kohl is wrong you do have all the affinities. The white and black affinities do not manifest strongly in any one of the others. You would have to have a strong pink affinity to know what others are feeling. And to see the colors of their aura’s so clearly? Well that is phenomenal. You were right to not tell him anything about your ability’s. He wouldn’t have believed you and would have become a clear threat to you.”

  “I didn’t do it on purpose. It just sort of happens.”

  “Your own emotions will trigger the affinities. I’ll look up the abilities each affinity manifests and we can go over it. But tonight, lets just set down and try to but the day out of our minds. It has been a day of discovery and we need to take a vacation from it.” As if to emphasize the point Zafira yawned and walked into the family room to watch something on their viewing screen. Zos had listened to it all and reached over to touch Rica on the arm.

  “We could go work out tomorrow at the studio, I have some free time. You could beat up the sparring dummy and take out your frustrations.” He laughed.

  “That sounds like fun Zos. Thanks I think I will take you up on it.”

  Chaura served desert and a fiery drink that tasted like nuts but burned Rica’s throat a little. Rica liked the taste but soon started to feel dizzy.

  “Take it easy on that liquor Rica your not used to it.” Zos teased.

  “This is alcoholic?” Rica asked stunned. She had never drunk alcohol before.

  “We don’t drink it often but this is a special occasion. Is there something wrong dear?” Chaura asked.

  “I’m underage where I come from and only adults can have it. I know some of the kids at my school did drink but I didn’t.”

  “How old are you Rica?”

  “Eighteen now. My birthday as far as I know was last month.”

  “You look older than eighteen dear. What do you mean as far as you know?” Tod asked.

  “I was adopted. No one knows my real birthday.”

  “Oh my I didn’t know that. We will have to have a party for you.”

  “No its ok I don’t need a party.”

  “Nonsense. Everyone needs a celebration to commemorate his or her coming into the world. No matter if they don’t know the exact day or not.” Tod said firmly.

  “It’s settled then we will have a birthday party this week end for you.” Chaura said in a no nonsense voice all mothers seemed to possess.

  “We can go to the studio tomorrow and that will give them time to get everything planned for your party. Can I bring a guest to the party mom?” Zos chimed in.

  “A guest? Of coarse you can. Who are you planning to bring Zos?”

  “Someone I’m starting to care about. You will see.” Was all Zos would say. But Rica smiled, she thought it would be the instructor from the studio. The night went on with Tod and Chaura trying to get Zos to tell whom he was bringing.

  12 - Nottia’s News and Rica’s Party

  Jim had crawled in the window last night and now wanted out. Rica stretched and went to let him out. The dawn just breaking over the horizon was a breathtaking display of reds, oranges and purples. Rica stood a few minutes and watched as the colors slowly changed. She was starting to enjoy getting up this early just to watch the day begin.

  “You are up early!” Zafira popped her head in the doorway.

  “Morning Zaf.”

  “Lets head into town and go shopping today. Nottia wants to get a nice dress for the party and so do I. I thought we could make a day of it. Maybe head to the fair in Motterling.”

  “Sure that sounds fun. Now get out of my room so I can take a shower and get ready.” Rica threw her pillow at Zafira’s head. Zafira ducked and laughed as she shut the door.

  After they had breakfast the two girls went into Jamara to pick up Nottia. Motterling was a little town north of Shani and had some nice dress shops. A fair was set up in a farm field near the town. Rica could see colorful tents and people milling about as they drove by on their way to the dress shops.

  “How do you like it here so far Rica?” Nottia asked.

  “I like it. I have been learning how to speak your language without the translation rune and most of the time it has been fun. Sometimes I get confused with the words that sound a little alike but mean totally different things.”

  Zafira laughed. “Remember the day the man asked for the unguent and you thought he was asking for the bathroom?” Rica flushed and pushed Zafira.

  “How can I ever forget when you keep reminding me?” Rica laughed.

  “Oh that would be embarrassing.” Nottia smiled

  “The guy just laughed and Zafira helped him though.” Rica nodded

  “That was when you were working at the Forrest Street shop?”


  “Did you ever find out what happened to those two people who went missing?”

  “No but we did report it to the Guardians. They have stepped up the investigation.”

  “There have been other disappearances in Jamara. It’s strange. If you look at a map you can see the people who are missing were in an almost a perfect circle around the city. It was on the news last night.”

  “I haven’t read a newslist or watched the news on the broadcast for awhile. We have been busy.” Zafira replied.

  “Well if you go down to that studio where Zos practices be careful, Rory thought he saw a group of Opia down there hanging out near the transport hub.” Nottia cautioned.


  “That is what he said. I don’t know why the Opia were there but we‘ve heard other people say they have seen Opia men and women in the areas where the missing people were too.”

  “What is an Opia?” Rica asked.

  “They are people who live north of Kahsha Nation. They are of Olinka decent.” Nottia replied. Olinka? Now that explains everything.

  “Still don’t know what an Olin- what ever is.” Rica could hear the frustration in her own voice and tried to calm down.

  “How would you describe an Opia? Hmm. Well they have skin that is thicker then yours no hair except on their heads. And that hair is thick too. Their eyes are different than yours. They tend to be thinner then a human. Hmm. That doesn’t explain it good does it?” Nottia’s colors were pink and blue swirls. Rica could feel she was trying to help. But she was right she still didn’t
know what an Opia was.

  “Well I guess I could find a picture of one and see it for myself. I didn’t mean to get you off the subject of the missing people. Did you report it to the Guardians?” Rica asked

  “No, its just rumor. Well except for Rory who saw it first hand.” Nottia sighed heavily, and with some dismay added, “I haven’t heard from Rory for two days now. He went on a trip to Kenlock and was supposed to be back by now.” Nottia said.

  “Kenlock?” Rica asked.

  “It’s a town up by the boarder between the Opia nation and ours.” Zafira chimed in.

  “I think you should report this.” A feeling of dread swept over Rica.

  “I think I will when we get back. Lets go in this shop and get a dress or two for Rica.” Nottia said.

  The rest of the afternoon they went from one shop to the next then went to the fair. They played some games and watched the Yemis trials. Yemis pleasure classes and hunt classes were being held on the tracks. The hunter class was exciting. The Yemis didn’t have to jump over anything but they did climb huge walls with obstacles on them, the riders expertly guiding their mounts around them. Some of the walls were over fifty feet high. Rica forgot all about the conversation they had had on the way into town. This sport of Yemis hunt class was exciting. She was afraid they would fall off and crush the riders but Zafira assured her it wouldn’t happen. Yemis were sturdy and sure of foot or rather claw. They had claws that would come out and help them cling to the wall.

  It was almost dark when they made it back to Shani. Rica had all but forgotten her promise to work out at the