Read The Crystals of Tlalli: Awakened Affinities Page 30

it hard for Rica to breath. When the study door opened again and Tod and Chaura stepped into the living room again it was clear by the look on their faces that a decision had been made.

  Tod took a deep breath and squeezed Chaura’s hand then looked at them all in turn. “I think Zafira and Rica should go to the school as usual tomorrow. We don’t want to draw attention to us. I think if they were going to take Rica they would have done it by now. Chaura and I will pack some things and get ready to go. We will leave for the Southern Kingdoms when the girls get home tomorrow. We need time to get things in place.” Sorren shook his head in bewilderment. Rica felt a flutter of fear. With everything that had been said she would have preferred to just leave tonight. Not wait for another day.

  “I think you are making a serious mistake my friend. I’ll also go to the school tomorrow then and make sure the girls get home safely. I’ll stop by and we can leave together Tod I know a way into the Southern Kingdoms that will get us there unobserved.”

  “Well if Moyo is going to the western mage tower I would like to go with him. I don’t want to put any of you in more danger. I think it would just be best if I can get off this world and go home. I want to put this whole thing with the thief the magi and all behind me. I’m putting everyone I have met on this world in danger. If I remove myself from here you all will be safe then.” Rica’s voice quavered. Zafira looked stunned by her words.

  “It’s not just because of you the Opia are here. Those reports of missing persons and Opia sightings were happening before we found you. Yes the Magi are now after you but this Opia thing is not your fault. Your being here is coincidence.” Zafira looked at her and frowned, her ears back slightly.

  “Well the magi are a dangerous element but not your fault they are after you.” Zos shrugged.

  “I’m going with Moyo, it will be better if I’m gone. You will be safe then.”

  “It’s settled then, we will go together.” Moyo nodded toward Rica.

  “I’ll go with Rica as well. I found her out in the wastes and I feel sort of responsible for her.” Zafira said to her parents. “Rica you are a part of our family now whether you want to be or not. You are like a sister to me. I want to help you.” Zafira looked at Rica.

  “Good, and I want Zosimo to go with you as well. I’ll feel better knowing he is there to keep you safe Zafira.” Tod nodded.

  “No!” Chaura did not look at all pleased with her husband at his suggesting both her children leave on a dangerous journey with a complete stranger.

  “I see no other way Chaura. Zaf and Zos can keep each other safe and see to the safety of Rica. Four together have a better chance then just Moyo and Rica. They can take her to the Mage Tower and then sail down to the Southern Kingdoms. We can meet them there.” Rica felt relieved to know Zafira would be coming with her.

  “It will be fine Mom we will be careful.” Zafira hugged her mother.

  Moyo nodded in agreement. “I am going to start out at first light to pack what we will need. We will need to stay off the roads so we will need Trebs that have the capability to travel cross-country. We will have to move quickly before they figure out which way we are heading. With your parents heading one direction and us the other we should be able to get to Denham with no problems at all.”

  “We have Trebs in the barn that would work they are farm vehicles for hauling feed and seed. I’ll show you tomorrow before we leave for school.”

  19 - Escape

  The next morning was crisp and cold. Every breath generated a cloud; Rica went back into the house and got a sweater to wear. Since the conversation last night, everyone was quiet. No one seemed to want to chat like they always had in the past. Rica climbed into the back of the treb and looked out the window. Zos was coming up the road toward them. Zafira was in the driver seat and Moyo sat next to her. Zos waved and climbed into the back with Rica.

  “I thought I would tag along today. I could help Moyo get everything we need for the trip.” Zos said.

  “Thanks Zosimo, that’s a good idea. Zafira is dropping me off at the store in town here.” Moyo smiled at Zos. Moyo’s wings didn’t fit in the small treb well. He sat on the edge of his seat; his wings awkwardly out to the sides.

  “Do you have trebs where you are from Moyoleh- um Moyo?” Rica asked.

  “We don’t have the same kind of vehicle you have here no. But we do have vehicles.”

  “It must be uncomfortable for you to set in these trebs.”

  “Not to bad. When I went to school in UPT I learned to adjust to set in the seats without too much discomfort.”

  “Ah. Okay I just thought you looked uncomfortable.” Rica didn’t know what UPT was and didn’t want to ask. Moyo did look uncomfortable in the seat though.

  “It’s alright. Thank you for asking. My wing feathers have no feeling so it doesn’t hurt if I set on them. Just the arm and shoulder they are attached too has feeling.” Rica frowned and looked closely at his wings. He had two shoulders on each side and the feathers were attached to thin arm like appendages. His other shoulder and arm was normal looking.

  “Sorry for staring. I just think they look beautiful. Your wings I mean.” Rica could feel her face and neck heat up in embarrassment. Shut up Rica! She shouted at her self silently.

  Moyo laughed, “It is alright. If I went to your world I’m sure I would be the one staring at things that were strange to me. Thank you, I’m glad you like my wings.” He reached down and picked up a long white and blue feather that had fallen out when he had entered the treb. “Here you can have this, as a souvenir.” He shrugged and smiled. Rica’s heart beat erratically as she reached out and took the feather. She put it in her bag she had her books and change of clothes in. He had the sweetest smile. Stop! She told herself. Get a grip. You are in a strange world and you are going home – without the bird guy! Rica stifled the giggle she felt rising at the thought.

  Zafira’s parents were already packed and were closing up the clinic in Shani. They had let the animals in the barn out to pasture and set up an alibi. They had told all the employees they were heading east to check on a new supplier for the herb business. It had been a hectic night of packing and planning. Now with the good-byes all said Rica had butterflies in her stomach. No one knew what would happen today. As they started out of the driveway Magi Locke drove up and waved for them to stop. He told them he wanted to ride with them to the Academy today. He handed his control crystal for his treb to Moyo. Moyo and Zosimo climbed into Magi Locke’s treb and drove off. Magi Locke sat in the front with Zafira and they started out again toward Jamara.

  They drove in silence down the road. As they got closer to Jamara they could see more and more Opia around, always in groups of six or more. They were out openly in daylight now as though they didn’t care who saw them. Rica remembered when she had first come here, the only people she had seen then had been Kahsha with an occasional human. Were the Opia responsible for the disappearances of the people in Jamara? Rica thought that they were.

  The Opia were tall with an oriental look to their faces, there skin color was darker then Rica’s and seemed sort of metallic. Maybe she was just seeing things. When they stopped at a stop sign (which was an orange triangular shape, not like earths red octagon) there was a group of Opia on the corner close to where they were stopped. Rica looked at their faces and gasped. Their eyes! The pupils of their eyes were like that of a snake, no whites at all. When the male she was staring at blinked Rica thought the eye lids came up from below and down from the top of the eye to blink. Could it be possible that they had two eyelids! Their skin was definitely metallic in color and shown like oiled skin in the sun.

  Magi Locke turned to look at Rica when she gasped. “Everything ok back there Rica?”

  “Do the Opia have two eyelids?” was all that Rica said in reply.

  “Yes, and their skin is subtly different from a humans in the color and texture of it.”

  “Their eyes sort of look like
lizard eyes. Its creepy.” Rica shuddered. She didn’t want to meet one of those lizard men anytime soon.

  People were quickly getting through the gate with out stopping to talk as they usually did. The Opia were here too. Two large groups of them, one to each side of the gate, they stood and watched everyone who passed them with uncanny focus as though they were looking for someone in particular.

  “Don’t stop here Zafira, drive around toward the north side and park across from the school on Kahsha Memorial Way. I don’t want us to be blocked in if anything happens.” Magi Locke looked tense, with his back stiff. Zafira drove to where he indicated and parked behind a small stonewall. It was three blocks to the academy from there. They got out and walked in silence until they were near the Academy wall.

  “This way, I want you to see how to get out this way just in case.” The Magi nodded his head toward the middle of the wall. Zafira frowned.

  “I don’t see a way in there.” She said.

  “Its an optical illusion Zafira, I’ll show you.” Magi Locke smiled tightly.

  They approached the wall and Rica still couldn’t see any way in. When they were half way down the block there was a gust of wind that blew Rica’s hair back. She looked at the wall, and it looked seamless.

  “Look down at where the wall and ground meet. Not at the wall