Read The Crystals of Tlalli: Awakened Affinities Page 34

their way.

  The Tres-de-la-Meork was an Inn that had been in business for hundreds of years and catered to the rich and powerful. It was known across the whole of the Amonic Continent for its cuisine and security. Nab’s mother always stayed on the upper floor of the Inn taking all the rooms for her entourage when she stayed here. The guards apparently thought Nab would also stay at the Tres because the treb they road in headed down the street toward the Inn. Nab turned and went toward the less notable Stormhaven Retreat where businessmen and merchants stayed. It was more relaxed and would allow him a bit of a reprieve from the verbal by play of the pretentious Tres. The guards noticed Nabs detour and hurriedly caught up with him.

  Nab parked and stepped onto the tree-lined walkway. The Captain of the guard stepped out of their treb with a scowl on his face.

  “Your Highness, this Inn is not up to the Royal standards that your mother wishes you to adhere to.”

  “I stay where I choose Captain Simon. Make no mistake. You do as I say or you are free to leave.” Nab said in a cold, hard voice broking no argument.

  Nab further irritated the Captain by insisting on checking them all in himself instead of having his man servant take care of such a mundane task as was expected. Nab had his reasons for doing what he did though. He made sure the guards were on the third floor on the west wing of the Inn while Nab was on the second floor. Nab didn’t intend to stay here long, contact NIP, the underground operative active in Denham, and go to the Rune Master Smith he had commissioned his two telescoping sword staffs from. He had designed the weapons himself, when finished they would be stunningly formidable weapons.

  When Nab got into his room he sat at the desk and opened the letter his mother had put in the outside envelope of the sealed courier pouch. He unfolded the letter she had written. A chill went up his spine at what he read. Was there no line his mother would cross? He read the words again.

  My Dearest Nabarun,

  It is laughable that you could possibly conceive of trying to play this game with me, and thinking you could ever win at it! I do applaud your deviousness however; you are defiantly my son. It’s just so obvious that you are hopelessly overmatched in this.

  Unfortunately, you will not accomplish the pitiful task your old teacher has set you with. He was informative though he sadly did not last as long as dear Magi Zeorun had hoped. The poor magi was so distressed his entertainment was cut short he was almost inconsolable.

  You will return home Nabarun, of that I am sure.

  It was signed Your Loving Mother – The Queen

  Nab sat and stared at the diplomatic pouch of the Onur nation and came to a decision. He would finish his business here as though everything was fine. Then he would take the pouch to the Onur nation himself and deliver it to someone in charge. The brother of the High Reagent what was his name. His father used to regale him with stories of their exploits at school. He would take it to him. Nab would try to make contact with the man NIP, not his real name, in Denham and send a message to the OLA and underground of what had happened to his old tutor and friend Master Longmark. There was too much at stake to give up now. Nab put the pouch in his jacket inside left pocket and hung the jacket in the closet. He changed his clothes and went down to eat dinner with the guards and his servant Thomas.

  The Captain sat across from Nab at the table they were shown to. Every time Nab looked up the Captain was looking at him. It was starting to irritate him. Conversation at the table was only between the guards and Thomas, who was telling a younger guard about a girl he was dating. Nab ate quickly and rose to leave the table.

  “Your Highness, I will escort you to your rooms.” The captain rose from the table and gestured for two of the guards to follow.

  “No Captain, you will not. I’m giving you all the night off.”

  “I am under the Queen’s orders to accompany you where ever you go and to make sure you are safe.”

  “You are relieved of that duty Captain.” Nab snapped.

  “You do not have the authority to release me from my duty sir. After you.” The Captain grinned and gestured for Nab to precede him. Nab was furious but complied, not wanting to draw undue attention to them.

  When they reached Nab’s rooms the Captain assigned two guards to watch his door, and bid him good night. Nab wanted to rip the smile off his face. He entered his rooms and shut the door behind him with out a glace back. He switched the light on. Nab froze in shock. His rooms were trashed. All of his things were strewn over the floor and the window in the living area was open. Nab went to the bedroom and saw his jacket on the floor by the closet. The courier pouch was gone. The only thing that was missing in all of this mess was the pouch. A torn slip of paper, folded in a particular way, was tucked in the pocket the pouch had been in. It had writing on it. Nab unfolded it and looked at the writing. It was in code. It read –NIP- Danger to you- get out fast. Nab burned the paper and threw the charred bits out the open window.

  Nab dressed in his black leather armor and strapped his weapons on. He threw his matching jacket on and climbed out the window and down to the windowsill of the room below him. He jumped the rest of the way to the ground and disappeared into the night.

  22 - Meetings

  Rica ducked behind a turned over treb, that had been stripped of its runes, on the street near the market square. She took a deep breath trying to calm down and focus. Sweat trickled down the side of her face. She could hear them as they searched for her. Rica stood and made a dash to the next street and ran as fast as she could. There was a pain in her side and it was hard to breath as she frantically tried to get away from the men chasing her. Where was Zafira? She had been right next to her in the market square. Rica could hear the Big one almost on her heels now. She sprinted and pushed some barrels that were along the wall trying to create a diversion. The man had her jacket in his hands now she could feel it as he grabbed it. Rica pulled her arms out of the sleeves and rolled away. Pain exploded in her head as the man grabbed her hair and her head snapped back. Rica went with the movement and pushed back with her head as hard as she could, she could feel his nose break when her head hit it. He let go of her hair and grabbed his nose crying out in pain. Rica rolled to a standing position and ran blindly the other direction right into someone else.

  The person caught her with one arm and twirled her around; he moved her back and down telling her to stay down. Time seemed to slow to a stand still. Rica opened her mouth in astonishment as the Opia man she had run into spun around to fight off her attackers. Each of his movements a precision of deadly fluidity, he blocked their movements and countered with lightning speed and grace. Rica had never seen anyone move that way except in kung fu movies. This guy was good! He was hot too. Although he was wearing black leather armor it fit to his body like it was molded to his form. His arms were bare and she could see his muscles ripple with power every time he connected with the men. His skin gleamed golden in the sun.


  Nab hoped the girl was not injured. She was just sitting where he had told her to with her mouth open. He turned abruptly to face her attackers. They fought like street thugs. The four men surrounded Nab. This was more like it. Nab smiled. It wasn’t often he had four on one competition, though these guys weren’t much of a challenge to him. He decided to fight without his weapons so they could have a fair fight. He laughed. He stood with his feet apart and his arms out and ready at his sides. The little kahshian feigned to his right and Nab spun and kicked him hard in the stomach. The boy went down to roll up to his feet and jump to catch Nab by the arm. Nab wasn’t there however, and spun to punch him in the lower back at the same time he turned and went into a spinning back kick that connected with the big humans head. He was knocked out. Nab jumped over him and turned to duck the punch the third man directed at his head. Nab back fisted his throat and he went down gasping for air. The fourth turned and tried to run, Nab swept his feet out from under him and punched him in the face. The kahshian jumpe
d on Nab’s back and Nab flipped him off and spun kicking him in the head. The four didn’t get back up. Nab checked to see if they were still alive. They would live to fight another day.

  Nab turned back to where he had left the girl. There was an amused look on her face. She stood there staring at him like he was her savior or something. Nab frowned.

  “Is this your usual amusement or is this a special occasion.” Nab snapped at her. Her amused look was gone in a flash.


  “Well thank you for saving my life. Are you always this arrogant or is it just a lizard thing?”

  It was at that moment Zafira ran up to them. She looked at Nab and recognition registered on her face.

  “Are you all right?” Zafira looked Rica over and saw the torn shirt and that her jacket was missing. There was dirt on her face and her hair was messed up. Zafira saw the four thugs on the ground; two of them were starting to come too.

  “They are starting to come too, we need to get out of here. Thank you Your Highness for your timely help of my friend. Come on lets go!” With that Zafira grabbed Rica’s arm and started away from the scene. Nab followed them.

  “Wait just one moment!”

  Zafira didn’t stop but continued away toward the safe part of