Read The Curved Blades Page 5


  Inspector Brunt and the young detective, Hardy, were interviewing themembers of the household in the library, and the task was not an easyone. The two girls were distinctly at odds, and Gray Haviland, whetherauthoritatively or not, persisted in assuming a major role.

  "It seems to me," Haviland said, "that it is the most remarkable mysterythat has ever occurred in the experience of you police people. Now, Ithink the wisest plan is to call in a big detective,--no offence, Mr.Hardy,--but I mean a noted fellow, like Stone, say, and let him get atthe root of the crime."

  "I think, Gray," and Pauline looked very haughty, "that any suchsuggestion would come better from me. I am now mistress of the place, andit is for me to say what we shall do."

  "I know it," and Haviland looked no whit abashed, "but you know CarrLoria is equally in authority, even if he isn't here, and you see----"

  "I don't see that Carr's absence gives _you_ any authority!"

  "But it does, in a way. As Miss Lucy's man of affairs, I ought to lookout for the interests of her heirs, at least, for the absent one. I'msure Loria would want to do everything possible to find the murderer."

  "Has this nephew been notified yet?" asked Inspector Brunt.

  "Yes," returned Pauline; "we've telephoned a cablegram to the city to besent to him in Egypt. But I don't know when he will get it, nor whenwe'll get a response."

  "Where is he?"

  "His permanent address is Cairo, but he is off in the desert, orsomewhere, so much that sometimes he is away from communication for weeksat a time. Still I've sent it, that's all I can do."

  "What did you tell him?"

  "I made it rather long and circumstantial. I told him of Aunt Lucy'sdeath, and that she was killed by a blow on the head by a burglar, whichfractured her skull. I asked him if he would come home or if we should gothere. You see, we were intending to sail for Egypt in February."

  "Who were?"

  "Myself, my aunt, Miss Frayne and Mr. Haviland. Carrington Loria has beenbegging us to make the trip, and at last Aunt Lucy decided to go. Ourpassage is engaged, and all plans made."

  "And now----?"

  "Now, I do not know. Everything is uncertain. But if the burglar can befound, and punished, I see no reason why I, at least, shouldn't go on andmake the trip. The others must please themselves."

  Pauline looked at Anita and at Haviland with a detached air, as if nowthey were no longer members of the household, and their plans did notconcern her.

  Not so Haviland. "Sure I'll go," he cried; "I fancy Carr will be mightyglad to keep me on in the same capacity I served Miss Carrington. He'llneed a representative in this country. I doubt he'll come over,--there'sno need, if I look after all business matters for him."

  "What does he do in Egypt?" asked the Inspector, who was half engrossedlooking over his memoranda, and really took slight interest in the absentheir.

  "He's excavating wonderful temples and things," volunteered Anita, forPauline and Gray were looking, amazed, at a man who came into the room.He was the detective who had been left in charge of the boudoir, and hecarried a strange-looking object.

  "What _is_ it?" cried Pauline.

  "It's a black-jack." replied the detective. "I found it, Inspector, justunder the edge of the tassel trimmin' of the lounge. The fellow slung itaway, and it hid under the fringe, out of sight."

  Gravely, Inspector Brunt took the weapon. It was rudely made, of blackcloth, a mere bag, long and narrow, and filled with bird shot.

  "That's the weapon!" declared Brunt. "A man could hit a blow with thatthing that would break the skull without cutting the skin. Yes, there isno further doubt that Miss Carrington was murdered by a burglar. This isa burglar's weapon; this it was that crushed the shell comb to fragments,and fractured the skull, leaving the body sitting upright, andunmutilated. Death was, of course, instantaneous."

  "But the jewels!" said Detective Hardy, wonderingly; "why----"

  "I don't _know_ why!" said Brunt, a little testily; "that is for youdetectives to find out. I have to go by what evidence I find. Can I finda broken skull and a black-jack in the same room and not deduce aburglarious assault that proved fatal? The thief may have been scared offor decided he didn't want the loot, but that doesn't affect the certaintythat we have the weapon and therefore the case is a simple one. Thatburglar can be found, without a doubt. Then we shall learn _why_ hedidn't steal the jewels."

  "But the snake?" said Pauline, looking wonderingly at the Inspector; "theburglar must have been a maniac or an eccentric to put that snake roundmy aunt's neck after he killed her,--and nothing will ever make mebelieve that she allowed it there while alive!"

  "That's what I say," put in Haviland; "the whole affair is soinexplicable,--excuse me, Mr. Brunt, but I can't think it such a simplecase as you do,--that I think we should engage expert skill to solve themysteries of it all."

  "That must come later," and Inspector Brunt resumed his usual gravity ofmanner which had been disturbed by the discovery of the black-jack. "Willyou now please give me some detailed information as to the circumstances?Is the house always securely locked at night?"

  "Very much so," answered Haviland; "Miss Carrington was not overly timid,but she always insisted on careful precautions against burglary. She hada house full of valuable furniture, curios, and art works besides herpersonal belongings. Yes, the house was always supposed to be carefullylocked and bolted."

  "Whose duty is it to look after it?"

  "The butler Haskins, and his wife, who is the cook, had all such mattersin charge."

  "I will interview them later. Now please tell me, any of you, why MissCarrington was arrayed in such peculiar fashion, last evening."

  "I can't imagine," said Pauline. "My aunt was not a vain woman. I havenever known her to sit before a mirror, except when necessary, to haveher hair dressed. It is almost unbelievable that she should deliberatelydon those jewels and scarf and sit down there as if to admire the effect.Yet it had that appearance."

  "But she wore the jewels during the evening, did she not?"

  "Not all of them. She wore her pearls, because, as she told us, and as Ihave often heard her say, pearls must be worn occasionally to keep themin condition. But she added a large number of valuable gems--or, some onedid,--after we left her last night."

  "Whom do you mean by we?"

  "Miss Frayne and myself. We were in her room, to say good-night to her,and we left at the same time."

  "At what time?"

  "About quarter past twelve, I should think, wasn't it, Anita? We wentupstairs about midnight, and were with my aunt ten or fifteen minutes."

  "Were your good-nights amicable?" asked the Inspector, and Pauline lookedup in surprise. Then, recollecting the last words of her aunt, she shuther lips obstinately and made no reply.

  "Indeed, they were not!" declared Miss Frayne; "Miss Carrington told bothMiss Stuart and myself that it would be our last night beneath this roof!That to-day we must seek some other home, for she would harbor us nolonger!"

  "Ah! And why did she thus treat you?"

  "There was no especial reason," and Anita's lovely blue eyes lookedstraight at the Inspector with a pathetic gaze, "she was in a tantrum, asshe frequently was."

  "She didn't mean it," put in Pauline, hastily.

  "She did!" asseverated Anita; "I've heard her threaten to send us awaybefore, but never so earnestly. She meant it last night, I am sure. And,too, she knew something would happen to her last night,--she said so."

  "What? what's that?"

  "Do hush, Anita!" said Pauline; "those foolish words meant nothing!"

  "Proceed, Miss Frayne," and the Inspector spoke sternly.

  "She did," went on Anita. "I don't remember the exact words, but she saidI little knew what was going to happen to her, and she said 'to-morrowyou may sing another song!' Surely such words meant something!"

  "If they did," said Pauline, angrily, "they me
rely meant that she wasgoing to dismiss you to-day!"

  "Not at all," and Anita glanced at her, "she distinctly said somethingwould happen to her,--not to me."

  "You know better than to take things she said in a temper, seriously! Ifwe are to repeat idle conversations, suppose I say that I heard _you_ saylast evening that you'd like to kill her!"

  "I didn't!" shrieked Anita.

  "You did," declared Pauline, calmly; "and Gray said she ought to bekilled, too. I know you didn't mean to kill her, but I've just as muchright to quote your foolish words as you have to quote hers."

  "Nonsense!" said Haviland; "let up, Polly! You two are always at eachother! As there is no question as to who killed poor Miss Lucy, why rakeup our foolish words spoken under the intense provocation of herexhibition of temper,--which was specially trying last night. Inspector,can we tell you anything more of importance?"

  So far the Inspector had been almost silent, and appeared to be learningsome points from the conversation not addressed to him. Now, he changedhis manner, and began briskly to ask questions.

  "This glove," he said, holding it out, "was, as you know, found claspedin her hand. Is it yours, Mr. Haviland?"

  "No," said the young man, as, after a close examination of the glove hehanded it back; "no, it is a size smaller than I wear, and it is of adifferent make from mine."

  "Have you any idea whose it can be? It is highly improbable the burglarleft it."

  "I've no idea," and Haviland shrugged his shoulders. "But if it was notleft by the intruder, where could it possibly have come from? It is aman's glove."

  "Could it be one of Cousin Carr's?" said Pauline. "Aunt Lucy was awfullyfond of anything of his. She kept one of his caps in her drawer formonths, after he left the last time."

  "No," replied Haviland; "it isn't Loria's. He wears larger gloves than Ido. My theory points to a sort of gentleman burglar, a 'Raffles,' youknow, and I think he talked with Miss Lucy, before he struck that blow,and disarmed her mind of fear."

  "What an extraordinary idea!" and Pauline looked thoughtful.

  "But how else explain the glove?"

  "And the snake? Did your gentleman burglar persuade her to wear thatpaper thing? Never! Gray, you're absurd!"

  "Another thing," went on Inspector Brunt, returning the glove to hisroomy pocket-book; "In the bedroom we noticed a glass of milk and besideit an empty plate. Was it the lady's habit to have a night lunch?"

  "Yes," said Anita; "but she rarely ate it. In case of insomnia, she hadready a light repast, but she almost never touched it."

  "The glass of milk is still untouched," said Brunt, "but the plate isempty. What did it contain?"

  "A sandwich, I think," said Anita. "That is what Estelle usually preparedfor her. She will know,--Estelle, the maid."

  "Miss Carrington's lady's maid?"

  "Yes; though not hers exclusively. She was expected to act as maid forMiss Stuart and myself also, at such times as Miss Carrington didn'trequire her services."

  "And she, then, brought the breakfast tray, that is upset on the floor?"

  "Yes; Miss Lucy always had an early cup of tea, before she dressed forbreakfast with the family."

  "And the maid took it to her this morning? Did she not then discoverthe--the tragedy?"

  "She says not!" cried Pauline; "but I'm sure she did! She says she sawMiss Lucy at the mirror, and thinking her engrossed, merely left the trayon the tabouret and went away."

  "Ridiculous!" exclaimed Haviland; "What does Estelle mean by such lies?Of course she saw Miss Carrington's strange appearance, of course she wasfrightened out of her wits, and of course she dropped the tray and ran.But why not say so? And why not give an immediate alarm? She took thattray, probably, about eight. Pauline went up at nine. What was Estelledoing all that time? Why didn't she go in to dress Miss Carrington? Itell you, Mr. Inspector, there's a lot of queer work to be explained, andwith all due respect to the force, I'm pretty sure you'll need expertservice if you're going to get anywhere. And I'm sure, too, that if wecan get word to Carrington Loria and back, he'll say spare no trouble orexpense to avenge his aunt's murder. He is equally heir with you,Pauline, and he ought to be consulted."

  "The will hasn't been read yet," said Miss Stuart; "we can't assumeanything until that is done."

  "Pshaw! you know perfectly well half of the bulk of the estate is yoursand half Carr's. I have a small slice and Miss Frayne a bit. The olderservants have small legacies, and there are a few charities. That, Mr.Brunt, is the gist of the will. Do you not agree with me, that as I wasthe man of business for the late Miss Carrington, I am justified, in theabsence of Mr. Loria, in continuing my services, at least, until we canget definite directions from him?"

  "Those matters are outside my province, Mr. Haviland. Miss Carrington'slegal advisers will doubtless come here soon, and such things will bedecided by them. Now, here's another point. I noted in the course of ourinvestigation in the boudoir a quantity of powder fallen on the floornear the dressing table, in such relation to it that it would seem MissCarrington was using the face powder as she sat there. Was this herhabit?"

  "Her habit? Yes;" said Anita, "Miss Carrington was in the habit of usingface powder,--even cosmetics. It is not strange then, that such aproceeding was part of her night toilette."

  "No, not at all," agreed Mr. Brunt. "But where the powder was thickest,on the hard floor, near the rug, was a muddled spot, as if some one hadwiped out or swept up a mark or print. Can any of you explain this?"

  No one spoke, and the stern voice went on. "I remember, Miss Stuart, thatyou began to say something bearing on this while we were in that room,and you suddenly stopped, appearing confused. I ask you why?"

  Pauline hesitated, bit her lip, looked at Gray and then at Anita, andfinally said, "I may as well tell. It is nothing. When I went to myaunt's room, and found what I did find,--I was so excited and nervous Iscarce knew what I did. But I remember seeing a footprint in that powder,and in obedience to an impulsive instinct I--I obliterated it."

  "With what?"

  "With my handkerchief. I merely slapped at it, and the light powder flewabout it."

  "Why did you do this?"

  "I don't know. I had no real reason. I was not thinking of what I wasdoing."

  "Then you did not have a desire to shield some one from possiblesuspicion?" The words were shot at her so swiftly that Pauline gasped.

  "Suspicion! What do you mean? Was it not the work of a burglar?"

  "Was the impression of a foot that you saw, the foot of a man or awoman?"

  "How can I tell? It was large, but as it was a bare or stockinged foot Icould not judge. Might not the burglar have removed his boots, beforeentering the room?"

  "He might, indeed, and that is just what he did do. For more prints ofthat stockinged foot have been discovered on the stairs, and there is nodoubt that the tracks are those of the assailant of Miss Carrington. Withyour permission, Miss Stuart, I will now go to interview the servants.May I ask you to await me here, all of you? I shall not be very long."

  As the Inspector and the detectives left the room, Haskins appeared toannounce Mrs. Frothingham and Count Henri Charlier.