Read The Dagger-Key and The Lost Treasures of Kebadon Page 23


  As they reached the graveyard, Lord Mytoolwan turned to Kyhawn. “You’re a reasonable lad … shame you’re not siding with us. The world is changing, and Goducess rewards those who labor for him.”

  “I’d rather die,” Kyhawn retorted, “than associate with anyone who uses religion to justify their evil deeds.”

  La’mamm stopped and held the lantern to Kyhawn. “The only talk I want coming from you is when we arrive, and that better be soon.” He glared at Lord Mytoolwan. “Don’t speak to him. He’s too ignorant to understand.”

  The long minutes passed as they neared the graveyard. Kyhawn stopped and looked around. “I’m not sure where it’s buried.” He quickly added. “I mean I know where it’s located on the map, but I don’t have it on me,” he said as he noticed the fresh graves, along with some grave stones that appeared to date back for as long as the old cabins they were staying in had been erected.

  Kyhawn took one last look around the small grave sight, while La’mamm handed the lantern to one of the passengers who called himself Coilpec, then grabbed Kyhawn by the front of his coat. “You better get that little mind of yours thinking real fast!” He shoved him forward and walked away a few feet almost falling into a freshly dug grave.

  Kyhawn was looking forward, beyond the graveyard, trying to get a clearer picture of the map in his minds eye. It was dark out but not so dark that he couldn’t see. He turned to them. “That way,” he pointed, “I’m sure of it.”

  The dreaded minutes passed as the search continued. Finally after searching two possible locations near the foot of the mountain with no success Kyhawn stopped. “Here, at the foot of this mountain.” He remembered the hollow forked tree growing against a large boulder. “I’m quite sure this is where it’s buried.” He knelt and ran his hand over the ground. “You can start digging here. There appears to be a fresh hole dug here,” he said as he studied it closely.

  He glanced around at them as La’mamm handed him a shovel. “Start digging.”

  O’Rost quietly approached Lairron. “Keep a tight grip on her,” he said as he handed Shellean over to him.

  “I got her,” Lairron sneezed.

  “O’Rost, where you off to?” La’mamm growled. “We need to get this hole dug.”

  “I’ve got’a go,” O’Rost said as he went to a nearby tree. What’s that, he thought as he made a quick change of mind and decided to investigate what appeared to be a light colored hat lying under another tree.

  Seconds later there was a scream. In haste La’mamm grabbed Kyhawn, and everyone went to see what could have happened to O’Rost, to make him scream so loud.

  A brief moment later all eyes were on O’Rost, who was standing in front of a large tree. Its roots grabbed him and pierced his flesh like spikes. The ground opened beneath his feet. Within seconds, he was coiled in its roots, then sucked underground to feed the massive plant. White flowers grew where large roots lay on top of the dark red soil.