Read The Dagger-Key and The Lost Treasures of Kebadon Page 5

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  When Aestasol, a young muscular soldier of the King’s army, and two well-trusted members of the crew, Zeal and Willow, were making their rounds, they noticed smoke oozing from under the door of Room 10. Mekon and Nelg quickly joined them. “What can we do?” Mekon asked.

  “Stand by,” Zeal ordered as Willow pried the door open. Flames had begun to engulf the chair. “Aestasol, find Alil and bring her here,” Zeal demanded as Willow grabbed a blanket to put out the fire which had consumed the seat cushion.

  As it continued to rain with a sharp chilling breeze coming in from the west, Alil and Gelhona, another one of the ship’s trusted female crew-Zacs, arrived on the scene. Alil couldn’t believe her eyes when she saw Korts and Turnar. Both of them lay in their beds in their nightclothes with their hands and feet bound. It appeared Korts had been smothered by a pillow while Turnar’s throat had been slit. She noted as she looked at Mekon and Nelg. “Go back to making your rounds. But by all means, be sure to keep an eye out for loose rigging. We don’t want any of the sails coming loose.”

  After sending Gelhona to inform the captain of the murders, Alil, Zeal and Willow searched the room and the bodies for clues. Alil, feeling somewhat dazed, draped a blanket over the bodies. “Well, I never. I never would have thought this could happen. It’s a good thing two rooms were rented instead of one,” she said in a tone of anger. “I’ve been with Captain Joenf since the beginning of his cruise ship career, but nothing compares to what has happened here tonight—”

  Shortly after Alil sent Willow to room 4.

  The pounding on the door woke up Washburrn, who opened his eyes and stretched. He took out his timepiece. “Who could that be who doesn’t know the code knock?”

  Kyhawn quickly did his best to reset the pegs as Washburrn went to the window. “It’s most likely someone who’s had too much to drink. But you should go ahead and put the chest away.” Just as he opened the curtain a bit, there was another loud knock.

  “It’s me—Willow,” a familiar voice pleaded. “Open the door!”

  Kyhawn shoved the chest into the closet. Washburrn quickly opened the door. Willow let his hood drop to his shoulders, then gave the X detective a look of disbelief and horror. “There’s been a fire in Room 10. Korts and Turnar—they’ve been … murdered.”

  Aestasol ran up right behind him, breathing heavily. “Captain Joenf told me Emit took the extra set of master keys. When he called out to him, Emit tossed something overboard, then fled toward the dining room. The Captain sent Tobben and Shanel after him.”

  A chill swept through each of them.

  “Kyhawn, get my cloak. We’re going after him.” Washburrn turned to Willow. “I’d like it if you and Zeal would remained here along with two others of your choice” He paused, “preferably someone we can trust.” He added, “Where’s Zeal, he’s usually with you?”

  “He’s in room 10 with Alil.”

  Washburrn pointed toward room 10, “Aestasol. I want you to report to Alil, stay with her, and insist that Zeal return here with two other’s we can count on.”

  As the young slender Aestasol quickly returned to room 10, Washburrn loaded his pistol as Kyhawn hurried to his side. “Take this one,” Washburrn ordered, unbuckling his holster and handing both to Kyhawn. He reached into his cloak for another pistol and loaded it as well.

  Kyhawn held his new pistol in silence, realizing the seriousness of the situation. He glanced at the closet again and slipped the pistol into its holster.

  Moments later Zeal returned with two of the King’s soldiers. Willow smiled with relief knowing there were four of them going to look after the chest. He stood next to Zeal as Washburrn and Kyhawn proceed out into the rain for the dining room.

  Kyhawn glanced at the railing just outside the door. And for a brief moment he thought about his mother and her fears. The railing reminded him of their picket fence back home; beyond that the ocean and sky faded into darkness like an abstract painting with no beginning or ending in sight.

  Washburrn opened the double doors. “Hurry, Kyhawn—he’s not out there.”

  Kyhawn had never been on a real pursuit. He shook off his fears and followed his mentor. But in his minds eye he could see a large window standing in the ocean. A beach and a small pile of sand; an unusual shiny object lay on top. A large gray bird swept through the scene and distorted the vision, as the wind and rain whipped against his face. He was determined to understand his latest dream about a chained bird falling into Room 10.

  As Kyhawn and Washburrn began their pursuit, just around the corner from Room 10, two passengers were having a conversation beneath the exterior steps. Their hoods hid their faces from the wall lanterns. The male passenger asked his female friend, “Did you see what room Washburrn came from?”

  “Room 4,” she answered as she brushed back her long red hair and drew her hood tightly around her face.

  The male passenger smiled in delight. “Whoever started it, this fire… is lucky for us. Now we know where the loot’s hidden. There hasn’t been any passengers coming or going from that room, only members of the crew.”

  “But there’s at least three crew-Zacs in that room,” she stressed.

  “No doubt there would be. However, one of them is most likely that young Zac working with Washburrn. Luxton spoke with them both earlier.”

  “Can you believe it—Luxton as a server?”

  The male passenger chuckled. “He’s been worse to carry out our dirty deeds.”

  “Our shipmates said they’d be here later tonight,” the female whispered. “We better have the chest by then.”

  “Someone’s coming. We should move on to our room,” he whispered.