Read The Dark Page 25

  ‘Will I be interrogated?’

  ‘Yes. Thoroughly. But you will also be protected.’

  The hounds come bounding in, scattering us from the doorway. As before, they remain just outside the inner octagon. The rest of us take sancturary within it. Marduke walks in close behind them. He sees Dillon and stops. ‘So this is where you are! Lathenia has been running through the tunnels herself looking for you! What are you doing with them?’ His eyes shift to John. ‘It seems we have a room full of traitors! And look at you, old friend.’ He attempts to mock me. ‘Your healer has troubled herself in vain. But my mistress will be pleased. For you are all together now. And this temple will soon become your tomb.’

  Chapter Thirty-one


  Lathenia appears before our eyes, along with the old man with the silver beard who helped kidnap Arkarian. She sees Dillon immediately. ‘You stand with them!’

  Dillon stiffens by my side.

  ‘Stay with us,’ I whisper. ‘We’re your only chance, you know.’

  He nods so vigorously I think his head’s going to drop off. Not that Matt would notice. He hasn’t even realised Lathenia is here yet. He’s distracted again, standing in the direct centre of the octagon, sometimes staring at the high central point, but mostly down at his feet. I’m starting to worry the strain is too much and he’s losing his mind. I have to get his attention. ‘What are you doing? Lathenia is here!’

  His head shakes. ‘I feel something pulling me to this spot. I keep coming back to it.’ He starts tapping his foot on the marble flooring.

  ‘We’re all about to die, and you can think of nothing except tap dancing?’

  He gets down on his knees and starts running his hands around the floor, drilling his fingers.

  ‘Leave him,’ Ethan says. ‘There must be something we can do to get out of here. Maybe I could try another illusion.’

  Arkarian moves to stand in front of us, touching Ethan’s shoulder as he passes. ‘I feel my powers resurging. Stand behind me, all of you.’

  ‘No,’ I tell him. ‘We’ll stand beside you.’

  Ethan stands on Arkarian’s other side, with Sera clinging to his arm. Dillon takes a position beside Ethan. Even John steps forward. But Matt is now on all fours, his ear to the flooring.

  Lathenia smiles, but it’s a smile that reeks evil. ‘Did you think I would simply let you go? I am more powerful than all of you combined!’ She looks directly at Dillon. ‘How did you get out?’

  ‘You forget my power is strength.’

  ‘I forget nothing! But it seems you have. How can you forsake me after all that I have done for you? What about our cause? It’s your cause too!’

  Dillon remains silent and Lathenia’s eyes flare. ‘Haven’t I shown you the riches that will be yours? I can give you everything you dream of!’

  Dillon’s voice drops to a mere whisper. ‘Whatever I do now, you will kill me. If only to set an example to your soldiers.’

  ‘You give me no choice!’ Lathenia’s whole body flashes a brilliant luminescent hue. Even her eyes glow. It’s difficult not to cower and run at the sight. ‘You have brought this on yourself with your foolish doubts, and your fear of becoming like him!’ She points towards Marduke, then hisses like a snake. Marduke grunts.

  ‘You have chosen death,’ she says. ‘You shall die with them.’

  Lathenia raises her hands. The seven Great Danes snarl viciously and start to drool. They look as if they haven’t eaten for a year.

  Focusing on the hounds, Arkarian makes eye contact with each of them, seizing and holding their attention. Suddenly they shake their heads, give a painful whimper, and run out the temple door as fast as they can.

  Lathenia practically growls. ‘Quickly, Keziah, his powers are back!’

  It looks as if the old man could be a magician. That’s how she must be securing Arkarian’s powers. Strange how she sounds hurried, desperate even. I have to wonder why. Sure, she’s had first-hand experience of Arkarian’s powers, but my sixth sense is telling me there’s another reason, one much more relevant to her very existence. One that has to do with our getting out of this world.

  Lathenia’s head turns in my direction. She perceives my thoughts, and she’s not happy with my reasoning. Her eyes flash. I don’t get an instant to react. Her hand lifts, long fingers pointing at me. The power of her hit sends me skittering backwards. For a moment the room and everything in it goes white. Matt drags me into the very centre of the octagon and starts talking rapidly.

  ‘Slow down,’ I tell him. ‘My head’s fuzzy and I can’t understand you.’

  He takes a deep breath and whispers, ‘I think we can get out through this temple.’

  ‘What! How?’

  ‘Well, I’m not sure. But see this?’ He looks to his feet. He’s found a loose slab of marble. He puts firm pressure on one particular spot and it tilts to reveal a crystal, about the size of a small hand, in the shape of an eight-sided octagon. I go to touch it, but when my hand draws near, the crystal starts to glow. It startles me and I take my hand back.

  ‘I think it’s a dial or something,’ Matt says, then looks up. ‘I reckon the ceiling wasn’t built that way for nothing. It’s going somewhere. Didn’t John say the people that lived here simply disappeared?’

  ‘Are you thinking they didn’t disappear at all, but escaped?’

  Ethan comes running over. ‘What are you doing over here? Arkarian can’t hold them off much longer. He needs everyone’s help.’

  Lathenia’s voice sings out, ‘Now, Keziah! Hurry! Marduke, hold him still so Keziah can do his work.’

  I drag Arkarian back to the centre, just as Marduke raises his hands. Green light, like a wave, pulses towards us. We hit the ground hard and the green light continues on, exploding two pillars of marble. I dig my fingers into Arkarian’s arm, rushing my words out before Lathenia and Marduke have time to work out what we’re doing. ‘Listen, you can get us out of here.’

  His head shakes. ‘Only an immortal can open a rift. But I think I can hold them while you get the others out. Dillon is helping.’

  I give him a strong shake. ‘Listen to me: immortal or not, Lathenia thinks you can do it.’

  ‘But how?’

  Dillon, apparently, agrees. ‘It’s true. That’s why she’s so paranoid about containing your powers.’

  ‘She knows something that you don’t,’ I tell Arkarian. ‘Now is the time for you to believe in yourself. Look at the power that comes from your hands.’

  Lathenia screams, a sound of frustration. I look across and see her eyes blazing, hands outstretched. ‘Watch out!’ I scream. Beams of vibrant energy shoot from her fingertips. They hit us full on, scattering us in all directions.

  Stunned, I crawl over to Arkarian. I have to make him understand. ‘You have the power we need.’

  He struggles to get his breath back. ‘But Isabel, I was trained to make the power you speak of. It wasn’t one of my skills.’

  ‘Whatever, Arkarian, I believe you can propel us out of here. And I think Lathenia knows this too.’

  Lathenia lifts her hands, preparing to send another blast of energy our way. But just as it starts to generate, Ethan rams her, knocking her to the ground, and her fingertips flash in Marduke’s direction instead. He doubles over in pain, groaning.

  I tug Arkarian back to the centre where Matt is still fiddling with the crystal he’s discovered. ‘Trust and believe,’ I whisper. ‘Isn’t that what we’re trained to do?’

  ‘Yes, but, Isabel, there’s no rift here.’

  Marduke is up again with a wild look in his eye. He descends on Dillon, while Ethan tries to keep Lathenia on the ground. She screams, and suddenly Ethan is flung backwards. I call him over, then look frantically at Arkarian. ‘Just concentrate on creating that power.’

  Hurrying now before Marduke and Lathenia strike again, I yank on Dillon’s arm and get everyone to form a circle around Arkarian and Matt.

  ‘What are you doi
ng?’ Ethan asks me.

  ‘We have to protect Arkarian from Keziah’s magic. And Matt has an idea to get us out of here, so we have to protect him too.’


  ‘Yes, Matt.’ I cross my fingers behind my back. ‘I just hope he’s right.’

  Suddenly an explosion shatters the air. The ground vibrates below us, the marble cracking in several places. We stumble and fall over each other. When I find my balance, I see it’s Marduke’s work, and I wonder fleetingly what magnitude of power he possesses these days. Power I don’t want to know about. He raises his hands, attempting to strike at us again.

  ‘They’re protecting him!’ Lathenia screams out. She catches my eye and her own blaze brilliant blue, then deeper blue again; and from her fingertips shoot sparks of sizzling electricity, exploding around and over us. We try not to lose our positions, protecting Matt and Arkarian our first priority.

  ‘Nothing’s happening,’ Matt says behind me.

  Lathenia screams out, ‘Keep trying, Keziah!’ And to Marduke, she says, ‘We finish this now!’

  Turning my head slightly, I see Marduke and Lathenia separate and stand at right angles from us. Both of them – their entire bodies – begin to glow. There’s a power building between them, and I get the sense that it’s going to be something special. It becomes clearer as they hold out their hands towards each other. Electric currents sizzle and crackle as their energy reaches out across the space between them and meets in mid air, where a luminous ball of blue and red and purple light begins to generate. It doesn’t take long to work out what’s about to happen. The Goddess and Marduke are creating something huge, a powerful explosion of energy. It will bring the temple down.

  This is how she plans to entomb us.

  ‘It’s going to be big, Isabel,’ Ethan whispers in awe as their bodies continue to glow brighter. He glances over his shoulder. Dillon’s eyes follow. Matt is still on his knees on the floor. Arkarian sees the crystal and his body freezes, distracting his concentration. ‘You found it!’

  ‘Hurry, Arkarian,’ I whisper.

  ‘But, Isabel, you don’t understand.’

  ‘We’re running out of time! Keep trying!’

  He nods and closes his eyes again.

  ‘Whatever they’re doing, I’m afraid it’s going to be too late,’ Dillon says.

  It’s in this moment that despair touches my soul. Within the cover of our arms and bodies Matt is still trying to work out what to do with the crystal, while Arkarian still searches within him for the power he needs.

  Ethan looks at Lathenia and Marduke’s glowing bodies, which now fill the temple with dazzling light. ‘Lorian knew this would happen, knew there was no way the Goddess would let us escape.’

  The entire temple starts to vibrate. Without the need for words, we all come to the understanding that it’s only a matter of seconds before we’re eliminated – for ever.

  My mother’s face flashes before me, bringing tears to my eyes.

  Beneath my feet vibrations begin to shift the marble flooring. The Goddess and Marduke’s combined powers swell to scorching point and the marble shatters. Between them they have created a shimmering orb of pulsing energy. It sparks a flash, and the entire temple fills with intense white light. We have to shut our eyes and bury our heads to avoid blindness.

  It’s at this precise moment Matt screams out, ‘Yes! I’ve got it!’

  Arkarian calls back, ‘Bring it with you!’

  ‘I can’t. It won’t budge.’

  Arkarian’s voice takes on a panicked tone. ‘You must! If we leave it here, Lathenia will find—’

  Arkarian abandons this thought as the room, and everything in it, ignites. ‘Too late,’ he says, then throws his hands up into the air. ‘Now!’

  The panelled ceiling flickers to life. It starts spinning, picking up speed quickly. Light pours down and all seven of us are propelled into the high central peak, swirling ever upwards. Then there is nothing but darkness.

  Chapter Thirty-two


  We drop a long way into a room in the Citadel. The same room I stumbled across when running from Arkarian’s abduction. Looking around, it seems everyone is here, including Dillon, Sera and John, sprawled out across the floor.

  Getting up, I notice others gathering around us. Strange-looking people of different shapes, sizes, colour and species, though all appear to resemble human beings.

  Arkarian comes towards me, each slow step making my heart slam against my ribs. Raising his eyes, they lock with mine, and my mouth goes tinder dry. He stops in front me, so close that it would only take one small movement for his hand to skim the side of my face. ‘Are you all right?’

  How can I be? My thoughts can’t help but scream out. When you don’t want me! I make sure this last part is thoroughly scrambled.

  We hold eye contact but the effort is costing him. ‘Isabel,’ he whispers in a tone of regret. The effect is crushing and I turn away.

  Nearby Matt groans, but seems fine. He helps Dillon to his feet. Sera starts getting up too, as does John beside her. But as our eyes drift to the wren, we notice something strange happening. He appears to be growing taller, his shape lengthening right before our eyes. Sera notices too and starts backing away. ‘What’s happening, Ethan?’

  Ethan shrugs his shoulders, flicking Arkarian a worried look. We brought John through with us, but did we have a choice?

  John continues to change shape. The transformation only takes a few moments, but once complete, has us all look on in amazement. Even the growing crowd surrounding us give a collective sigh.

  John is no longer part bird, part human or mostly beast, but a man of about thirty years of age, with soft blue eyes, dark brown hair, and skin that slightly glows. Just like Sera’s. In fact, he has the same ethereal look about him.

  He gazes down at himself. ‘I … I think I’m free.’ He pauses as moisture floods his eyes unashamedly. ‘I don’t know how to thank you.’

  Sera’s hand comes up to cover her mouth, her head shaking. ‘Does this mean we’ll be leaving together?’

  ‘I believe it does, miss.’

  Sera gives a little nod, her eyes glistening. ‘I guess we’d better say good-bye then, before whatever happens, happens.’

  Arkarian and I turn unconsciously to look at Ethan. His eyes flick to ours and back again to his sister in uncertainty. ‘I can’t believe that after all these years we’re only going to have a few moments together. There’s so much I want to say to you.’

  Before our eyes Sera begins to fade, as does John; and Ethan starts to panic. ‘No, you can’t leave yet!’

  Arkarian goes over to John and shakes his hand, then gives Sera a hug, which she fiercely returns. He motions to Ethan to hurry. ‘A few moments is all you’re going to have, Ethan. Go straight to what’s in your heart.’

  Sera fades a little more and Ethan runs over and drags her fast-disappearing body roughly into his arms. ‘I’m so sorry. I should have protected you from Marduke. I should have remembered his name. I should have sought justice for your death. And I should have listened to you through my dreams. You wouldn’t have suffered all these years.’

  She pulls back to stare up at him with disbelieving eyes. It’s obvious she wants to tell him none of what happened was his fault, that there is nothing for him to feel guilty over. But it’s clear that a simple denial will not be enough, especially with so little time left. And so she raises her small hand to his face, and says, ‘I forgive you.’

  With these words Sera and John completely disappear.

  It takes several seconds for us to collect our thoughts and take in what just happened. But a whooshing sound behind us gets our attention quickly. We turn to find Lord Penbarin and Lady Arabella.

  Lord Penbarin is first to speak. ‘You’re to accompany us straight to Athens. Your hearing has been set.’

  Though all of us have questions to ask, Ethan’s concern for his mother has him pushing roughly to the fr
ont. ‘I have to go home first. Take me home, Lord Penbarin. Take me home now.’

  Lady Arabella holds her hands up. ‘I’m afraid that’s impossible, Ethan.’

  ‘You don’t understand.’

  ‘It’s you who doesn’t understand. All will be explained at the hearing.’

  Ethan can’t believe it. His head rolls backwards as he glares at the vivid panels overhead. How long has he carried the weight of his mother’s depression on his shoulders? And now he has to wait even longer. ‘Well tell me this much, what day is it?’

  Lady Arabella appears puzzled. ‘In your time?’

  Frustration and concern adds a hard edge to Ethan’s voice. ‘Yes, in my time!’

  ‘Why, I believe it is Thursday the tenth.’

  Ethan looks at me, but I’ve figured it out already. We spent ten whole days in the underworld. Before we left, there were still five days before his mother was due to go to the sanatorium. She was to stay there for a further five, which means …

  ‘I’m too late. She could already have …’ He glares from Lady Arabella to Lord Penbarin. ‘My mother … Do you know anything …?’

  A soft smile comes to Lady Arabella’s lips. ‘She is perfectly well, Ethan.’


  ‘She has spent the last ten days waiting by the phone for any word on your disappearance. She had no thought for anything but your safe return.’

  Disappearance? When I planned this rescue I never thought that our mortal bodies would just seem to have disappeared. ‘What about my mother?’ I flick a brief look at Matt.

  ‘She’s been fraught with worry. Shaun and Jimmy released the story that the three of you went missing while hiking in the woods. They’ve been trying to keep everyone calm, and convince your mothers that you will make a safe return.’ And to Ethan she says pointedly, ‘Your mother hasn’t spared one thought on herself these past ten days.’

  ‘So she didn’t go to the sanatorium?’


  ‘And she didn’t … attempt … anything stupid?’

  ‘No, Ethan.’