Read The Dark Hole Of Rainbows Page 1







  The Snub Nubbins

  The Dark Hole Of Rainbows

  Copyright 2014 Brian Cain

  The information, views, opinions and visuals expressed in this publication are solely those of the author and do not reflect those of the publisher. The publisher disclaims any liabilities or responsibilities whatsoever for any damages, libel or liabilities arising directly or indirectly from the contents of the publication.

  Previous general and adult publications by Brian Cain

  Circles of Fear

  The Sword And The Dagger



  Once Upon A Time In Australia

  In The Name Of The Mother

  Jodi Ann

  Bella Elizabeth

  The Hunt For Rose

  Louise Legrande

  Children's series;

  Larco and the Quog

  Larco Builds a Bok Bok

  Return of the Wizard

  The Cave of Knowledge

  Larco and the Dictionary

  Larco the Wizard

  For Aidan and Rhiannon, who are growing up hearing stories, and drawing pictures of the Snub Nubbins.


  After billions of dull years, the Snub Nubbins have a new Wizard, Larco the scientist continues his quest. Being a scientist is about discovery, and Larco is keen to explore the dark hole of rainbows, to expand his wisdom and wizardry.





  The fact the planet Snub was previously the planet Plop Plop so many millions of palliums ago did not deter Larco from investigating the dark hole of rainbows, and its access to the past, or future, of the planet Snub Nubbin. Larco had read of the dark hole of rainbows and its workings in the cave of knowledge, and was keen to find out why humans had become extinct and Snubs had flourished. To accomplish this he would draw on all his courage and cast himself into the dark hole or rainbows, he told no one as he lacked the knowledge to deliver teachings about the mysterious dark hole. Only experience would expand his wisdom and understanding, a veil of secrecy hung over Larco's quest.

  The dark hole was part of the planet once called earth, and so was Larco, he was to use his massive brain and its ability to communicate with planet now called Snub to go back in time to the era of the human being. Whilst controlling a Bok Bok, Larco's nerve endings connect with a mother tree, and his mind deep inside his massive brain would control movement by sub conscious connection, he had read the same was achievable when using the dark hole of rainbows. One must concentrate on the vision in time that could be seen with your head in the dark hole, then cast yourself in, and by miraculous transformation you are transported to the time of your vision and thoughts. Although this was written, it was still a theory, as the only known Snub to enter the dark hole had not returned.

  Larco spent many pecks studying with his head in the dark hole, he was concerned a blue pear shaped being would be conspicuous and frightening to humans, and he knew humans may destroy things they didn't understand, especially one considered an alien. Larco perceived he need find a human of his own heart, a scientist whom would be as keen as he to learn of each others secrets.

  During his studies of the ancient land, he observed a person of science, his name was Steven, he appeared to be a wizard, Steven couldn't walk and had a special apparatus called a wheelchair that he could use to move around, disease had stricken Steven, but he had not given up. Although Steven couldn't physically do what many other humans could, his brain and mind were very powerful. Larco decided to travel to the time of this human's existence to study, as it was not long before the extinction of human beings. Larco wondered how Steven could think as well as he could, as his brain was a hundred times smaller than a Snub, but these were the things Larco accepted as gaps in his own understanding, but he wanted to fill these gaps with facts.

  Another thing Larco did not understand was how Steven communicated with a computer because he could no longer talk, computers were written of in the cabin books, of the great cave of knowledge. Computers were mentioned in the book of evil, what had caused this perception of a thing that helped Steven the wizard? Without it Stevens's great mind and his ways of science would have been lost. Computers were written of in the book of evil as brains with no emotions, things that could be controlled and control others. Larco was puzzled about these things, but it sounded very familiar.

  Larco had also read of war in the book of evil, humans were a warring species, they killed each other for gain, the emotion greed was written of in the book of evil. All these things were written in the same short space of time in the same book, why? Larco had no answers, but he had courage, wisdom and knowledge. He hatched a plan in his brain to travel to the time of Steven the Wizard.

  Larco didn't like one thing about his plan, he would need to take a weapon to defend himself, he had no understanding of this, and he didn't like it. In the presence of blue Quog, humans become very ill, passive and sleepy, blue Quog was mentioned as a weapon in the book of evil against the human race. To define his survival, Larco would carry a piece of blue Quog around his neck tethered by a mother vine like a necklace. Only one Snub had ventured to the past of earth, a Wizard, it is believed it had perished for it had not returned, but a human had. This was the very human the Grand Wizard had spoken of, the human was in the book of evil, he took control of the city of Snub but became sick. Grand Wizard was the one that worked out Quog made the human sleepy and ill, Grand Wizard confronted the human with a piece of pure blue Quog, the human became passive, fell gravely ill, went yellow and died in a few short pecks. Larco hoped the blue Quog would protect him from the warring mind of the humans, should he encounter such conduct. Larco meant harm to none, but valued the principle of protecting himself from the writings in the book of evil.

  Larco was concerned humans that were approachable such as persons studying science like Steven would be affected by the blue Quog. Larco conducted experiments by hiding the piece of Quog in the tuft on top of his head, the thick leaf formation that looked rather like hair on a human made up of woody fibres in the shape of leaves, where he had been attached to his mother tree via a stalk coming from the centre of his head. Larco remembered placing the orange Quog that made Snubs sick inside a mother tree, or water, to diminish its power. The leafy fibres on his head hid the glow of the blue Quog, and the vine looked like a headdress hanging around the rear top of his head, he felt quite warm and safe, his woody structure not only hid the glow but eliminated the affect of the Quog when near water, the water failed to warm up, Larco was convinced the Quog would only be of any danger if it was pulled from the confines of his twizzle top and exposed hanging around his neck in front on him.

  Then an astonishing discovery, when about to board a Bok Bok with the blue Quog firmly hidden in his twizzle top, as Larco thought of his planned flight, he lifted from the ground and began to fly without a Bok Bok. This was a marvellous discovery that would further enhance his safety when venturing into the dark hole of rainbows. He thought about investigating why blue Quog made him fly, but he suspected answers may be found in the past, so he continued his quest.

  Larco had begun to develop deep emotions, and he was sad at leaving his family and friends, but the emotion of adventure and discovery was strong with Larco.

  The dark hole of rainbows was a hole just a little larger than a fully grown Snub, it lipped up just a little around the edge with a wall like structure you coul
d stand on, a bit like a mini volcano, surrounded by undergrowth and ferns the location was quite pleasant. The hole was full of thick liquid as black as black could be, at one point around the circular entrance the lip had a gap just big enough for a Snub to fit through. Larco stuck his head in the darkness and concentrated, he could see Steven the human Wizard, Larco took his woody hands form the walls of the dark hole and let go, and without fear he cast himself in to the dark hole of rainbows.

  Larco discovered why it was called the dark hole of rainbows as colours abounded, he floated around, rainbows and circles of brilliant colour, he drifted through them, he reached out but couldn't touch them, then, something grabbed his arms and feet, and he landed on the ground inside a hollow tree.

  He was unhurt, in good spirits and felt well, the tree was in a garden beside a tall building, much taller than the ones in Snub City, there was something in the holes, and from his studies in the great cave of knowledge he knew they were windows. The garden was brilliant green, with lush grass and many flowers growing in rows, as if someone had put them there, for on Snub things grew at random and were all over the place. He could hear things he had never heard before, strange noises, humming, toots like loud bird calls but he could only see a few small birds that made no noise. Larco could see these things in front of him out of the hole of a big hollow tree, of the oak family, the hole was just big enough for a fully grown Snub to Squeeze through. He carefully peered out and looked around, what a strange place, square beings with wheels, Larco had read of these things, travelling along a black pathway, they were in a hurry.

  Larco was sure Steven the Wizard would be nearby, he waited in the confines of the tree, he nestled his feet into the dark damp soil and tasted the ground, the nutrients tasted good but had a harsh flavour to some. He placed his hands on the mother Oaks shell penetrating her remains with his woody nerve stems, they became one and she gave up five hundred years of earth history. Larco studied the information with great interest, it flashed like a film before his eyes, iron age man, the industrial revolution, religion, war, sacrifice, the gaining of knowledge by learning from the past, the rise of the human race above all others species due to the size of its brain. Larco was shocked and thrilled within the same instance, he took his hands from the mother oak, he felt sorry for what she had been through. The perception of his fortunate life came to mind, for he had entered a world so far displaced from his, he failed to believe they had developed on the same planet.

  He contemplated what had happened between the times of Steven the Wizard, earth and Snub Nubbin. Larco knew from his study in the cave of knowledge the earth revolved and had day at night at this period of its existence. Larco again connected with the mother Oak and asked questions as he waited for the cover of darkness and begin his search for Steven the Wizard. Larco had been safe studying in the cave of knowledge on the dark side of Snub, he felt the dark side of earth would offer the same protection. In all this excitement, Larco had not considered how he would return to Snub Nubbin.