Read The Dark Ones Page 1



  April Rice

  In this day and time, vampires walked among the world, preying on innocent humans, draining their blood, and killing without remorse, regret or just plain out killing them. No one could stop them; they were too powerful, too strong, stronger than any human born, even a vampire slayer. The vampires were so strong that any slayer who went up against them ended up dead.

  The year was 1999; a vampire leader who went by the name Hellion commanded his gang to go get some fresh, innocent blood. As the vampires left, Hellion and his vampire mistress, Kali, were thinking up a plan to erase humans off the earth.

  “Hellion, baby, don’t get stressed out. We will figure out a way to erase those bloody humans.” Kali expressed.

  “Every time we kill these bloody humans more are appearing, nonstop. It’s driving me crazy, they just won’t die.”

  “Baby, look at me. It will be ok, I promise you, we will find a way, remember we are the ones who are on the top of the food chain, and we have been for years and will be for years to come.”

  “You’re right, let’s just enjoy the night and have a good dinner.”

  “That’s my boy.” Kali expressed as she passionately kisses Hellion.

  The hour had passed, Hellion’s vampire gang who was in charge of bringing dinner to Hellion and Kali, as well as some for themselves, has just returned with six humans.

  “It’s about time you idiots, Hellion was getting extremely hungry, what took you minions so long?”

  “We had a problem.” Raven said.

  “What kind of problem?” Kali said with haste.

  “A damn slayer tried to kill us.” Raven replied.

  “Well...” Kali expressed angrily.

  “Well, what?” Raven said confused.

  “Did you kill this slayer?”

  “Yes, of course, Mistress, she’s gone.”

  “Good, now take Hellion this precious human for him to feed on.” Kali said as she slowly takes her hand and slides it down the human’s face.

  “Yes, Mistress, is there anything else you need me to do?

  “No, minion you may go.”

  Raven took Hellion his dinner, a young woman, blonde, in her mid-twenties.

  “Master, your dinner is here, I apologize that I’m late.”

  Without saying a word, Hellion grabs her and starts sucking the young woman’s blood, enjoying every drop of blood he intakes as he feels it starting to course into his veins.

  Kali had finished with her dinner; heads off to where Hellion is.

  “How was she, sweetie?”

  “Her blood was really warm and sweet but not as sweet as you, Baby. How was your human?”

  “He was sweet as a room full of candy”

  “Her blood was amazing but, he said with a lick of his fang, I would love to have another taste of young blood, wouldn’t you?” Hellion smirks.

  “Shall we?” Kali said with an evil grin; then both she and Hellion laugh evilly.

  Hellion and Kali leave their lair which is in an old warehouse located five minutes from downtown Los Angeles. They walk the dark streets of Los Angeles, hunting for more young, tasty blood. As they come up to an alley, in which a young child of about eight is walking through the dark, damp alley. Hellion and Kali follow a few feet behind the young child, Kali was about to grab the child, when the youthful child flips up into the air and lands perfectly behind both Hellion and Kali.

  “What the...” Kali paused.

  “I guess you two have met your match.” The young child uttered hastily.

  “What do you mean, we’ve met out match?”

  “What are you, an idiot and a stupid one at that? What I mean is, we humans, talking about me or my kind, will let you or your kind take over our world. We humans belong in this world, not vampires.”

  “You’re world? Ha! That’s a laugh; this is not your world it is ours, the vampires’. If it was your world then all of your so-called ‘slayers’ would have killed us by now. We are at the top of the food chain and don’t you forget that. We vampires will have this world and the humans will be our breakfast, lunch and dinner for eternity.”

  “Not true, for every human you kill, another human takes their place.”

  “What are you talking about, little girl?"

  “Why do you think every time that you kill one of our kind, it doesn’t seem that anyone has disappeared?”

  “Oh, that’s very touching, but you remember this, little girl, your race will on my dinner table pretty soon, so be ready to give your blood to us and your body to be cut up in little pieces, I’ll cut you up myself, can you remember that or do I have to write it down for your little mind to remember to tell your family and friends?”

  “Wow! For a dumb, blonde vampire you know how to say five sentences at the same time and make sense. I have one more thing. If you don’t stop killing humans, me and mine will return and kill your precious little bloodsucking family.”

  Suddenly, the young girl disappears into the mist of the night. Hellion and Kali look around for her but couldn’t find the young girl. Both Hellion and Kali headed back to the lair and told the other about the young girl.

  “If anyone sees the girl, kill her.” Hellion said with anger. The others, of course, agreed.

  Several days had passed; no one has seen the mysterious girl again until one night. Hellion told his gang to go hunt for some fresh blood; the whole gang saw the young girl. She commanded the vampires to challenge her in a brawl, of course being the idiots they are, they accepted the challenge. The gang didn’t think that Hellion and Kali would lose their cool for accepting the fight with the human, but before the fight could start, Hellion and Kali showed up.

  “What in the hell is going on?” Hellion expressed angrily

  “Master, we’re sorry but this little girl commanded us to challenge her. We are only doing what you told us to do.”

  “No, we said to “KILL” the girl not to challenge her.” Kali said harshly.

  “But Mistress, we thought if we killed her and all her kind that you and Master would be pleased.”

  “Raven, leave us! We will take care of this girl.”

  “But, Mistress…”

  “Raven, leave now!”

  Raven and the other minions left their Master and Mistress at the hands of this mysterious, young girl hoping they will kill her. Kali and Hellion stand there looking very angry

  “Vampire, you have no idea who you are dealing with, we are humans, and God put us on this earth to keep demons like you out of our world.”

  “God put us on this earth as well to keep you humans from ruling it with violence, crime and killing. As you see when we feed we don’t kill the victims, we turn them into vampires like us. The only time they die is if they die from fright or if they are criminals, but in this case, to us, you are considered a criminal so it won’t matter if we kill you or not, understand?’

  “You have no idea where you came from do you?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “You’ve heard of Dracula, right?”

  “Of course, he is our father, the one who made us what we are.”

  “Well, did you know that you’re so called father was half-human and half-vampire?

  “What are you talking about, Human?”

  “You are such a blonde; read your vampire bible.”

  “Our vampire bible it doesn’t mention anything about our father is half-human and half-vampire."

  “Yes, it does. You just have to know where to look.”

  “How do you know where to look?”

  “Well, one: I have been studying your kind for a while now. Two: I’m smarter than you.”

  “Please, Human my kind is a lot smarter than you.”

>   “Ha! Just read your vampire bible and you will find out who you really are.”

  As the young girl disappeared into the nightly air, Hellion and Kali look at each other with a confused and empty look. They head back to their lair and read their vampire bible. For the next few days they study the bible.

  One day both Hellion and Kali go into a trance. Kali sees what she believes is her sire (the one who made her). He is the master of one of the twelve houses in the vampire cult and she sees him turn her into a vampire. Hellion sees his sire, as well as, being the master of another vampire house, and then both Hellion and Kali see each other in their trances. They both see a young girl walking with a handsome, beautiful being who everyone is calling Sanvi the Angel of God. A few minutes later, they come out of the trance. Hellion and Kali both look at each other.

  “That little girl in the vision was the same little girl we encountered tonight.” Hellion said.

  “Why was she walking with Sanvi?” Kali said nervously. ....

  “She is the descendant of the first slayer; the true slayers are the only ones that can cause us true death.”

  “So you’re saying we’re basically screwed?” Kali said.

  “Pretty much.”

  Kali picks the vampire bible back up. “Hellion, we have to make sure that she is the descendant of the first slayer.”

  As Kali reads on in the vampire bible, she comes upon a passage that mentions about Adam’s first wife, Lilith, as Kali reads; it states that Lilith demanded equality with Adam, because she didn’t like male dominance. She cursed Adam and ran away to her home by the Red sea. Adam complained to God, so God sent his threes angels; Sanvi, Sansanvi, and Semangelaf to bring Lilith back to Adam. As they reached her, she cursed them.While she was living by the Red Sea, she became a lover of demons; she produced at least one hundred babies a day. She had slept with Satan and produced a child who goes by the name of Djinn.

  Later, God created Eve for Adam, but both Adam and Eve forsake God by eating the forbidden fruit in which had a serpent around it. God told Adam and Eve to not eat that fruit, but they didn’t listen and ate it anyway. God banished them from Eden. Later on, Eve had two son Cain and Abel. One day Lilith came to Cain and told him to kill his brother Abel. She told Cain that Abel was evil and he had no place or right to be on earth. So Cain being ignorant, he listened to Lilith and killed his own brother; of course, Lilith was pleased.

  Years passed, Lilith lived on, not in the human sense but in the evil spirit sense. One of Lilith’s grandchildren gave birth to Nosferatu; he becomes the master of Azariel, one of the twelve vampire houses. As Nosferatu began his clan, he picked eleven more vampires to be the guardians’ of the other eleven houses. He called them the ‘Pure Bloods’ (vampires that are born vampires). Of course Nosferatu was one of the pure bloods. His next descendant that became the guardian of Blackraven was Vlad the Impaler, ever though Vlad was not born a pure blood, he wanted Vlad to be in charge of the Blackraven house. .

  The vampire bible mentions that Vlad the Impaler and his Elizabeta were very religious people and very much in love. One day Elizabeta got a letter from the Turks saying that Vlad had been killed in the war. She was so devastated that the love of her life was dead that she threw herself of the cliff that her and Vlad’s castle was. Vlad came home and found out that she committed suicide. The priest would not let her be buried on holy ground because killing oneself was considered a sin, so Vlad took her to a chapel.

  There he commanded the priest to let him bury his wife on the holy ground of the church, but the priest disagreed with Vlad's command, so Vlad tells he that he will regret his decision. Thus that moment on, Vlad had tortured his victims by impaling them in the side, had their eyes gouged out, skinned alive, boiled, burnt, dismembered, eviscerated or he physically disfigured them for his own pleasure. Soon enough, Vlad gained his nickname Dracula. He had made this very torturous for his victims, causing them to suffer in pain until their death. Nosferatu wanted Dracula for this very reason.

  As Kali and Hellion read on, they came to realize that Nosferatu was Kali’s sire and Dracula was Hellion’s sire. Kali and Hellion spent all night trying to figure out how they are going to kill this slayer. It mentions in the bible that the little girl, who goes by the name Calpurnia, went up against Dracula and Nosferatu some years ago and had killed them both. Kali and Hellion were very much in trouble.

  The next night Kali and Hellion decided to prepare for battle with Calpurnia, hoping they will win. Calpurnia and her people were.

  “Prepare to die, Slayer.” Kali expressed angrily.

  “Are you really sure you want to go up against me when you know now that I killed your sires?” Calpurnia smirks.

  “That was then: this is now! Hellion and I are going to kill all of you.”

  “You know, I can’t believe you fell for that bit about Dracula being half-human and half-vampire, I was laughing the whole time you were studying you precious vampire bible.”

  “How about we just fight so I can get back to my life?” Kali said harshly.

  “Not going to happen, Vampire you and your kind will be dead in a matter of seconds.”

  Kali and Calpurnia started to struggle; Hellion and Calpurnia’s brother Damien started fighting. Hellion caught Damien off guard and decapitated him. Calpurnia saw Hellion kill Damien. She started fighting more and ended up killing Kali by disemboweling her. Hellion was really angry.

  “You have won, Slayer, kill me and get it over with.” Hellion sadly expressed

  “No, I have a better idea.”

  Calpurnia took Hellion and put him in a stainless steel cell, leaving him there torturing him just as he tortured her people. Years went on and Calpurnia still has Hellion incarcerated and still alive, but she is using him as an experiment to learn more about how she can erase vampires completely or to find a cure to turn them back into humans.


  The Dark Ones

  April Rice

  Copyright 2010 by April Rice