Read The Dark Star Page 3



  As long as she could remember she had been permitted to play with thecontents of the late Herr Conrad Wilner's wonder-box. The programme onsuch occasions varied little; the child was permitted to rummage amongthe treasures in the box until she had satisfied her perennialcuriosity; conversation with her absent-minded father ensued, whichultimately included a personal narrative, dragged out piecemeal fromthe reticent, dreamy invalid. Then always a few pages of the diarykept by the late Herr Wilner were read as a bedtime story. And bathand bed and dreamland followed. That was the invariable routine, nowonce more in full swing.

  Her father lay on his invalid's chair, reading; his rubber-shodcrutches rested against the wall, within easy reach. By him, besidethe kerosene lamp, her mother sat, mending her child's stockings andunderwear.

  Outside the circle of lamplight the incandescent eyes of the stoveglowed steadily through the semi-dusk; and the child, alwaysfascinated by anything that aroused her imagination, lifted her gazefurtively from time to time to convince herself that it really was thebig, familiar stove which glared redly back at her, and not a dragoninto which her creative fancy had so often transformed it.

  Reassured, she continued to explore the contents of the wonder-box--atoy she preferred to her doll, but not to her beloved set ofwater-colours and crayon pencils.

  Some centuries ago Pandora's box let loose a world of troubles; HerrWilner's box apparently contained only pleasure for a little childwhose pleasures were mostly of her own invention.

  It was a curious old box, made of olive wood and bound with bands ofsome lacquered silvery metal to make it strong--rupee silver,perhaps--strangely wrought with Arabic characters engraved and inshallow relief. It had handles on either side, like a sea-chest; asilver-lacquered lock and hasp which retained traces of violent usage;and six heavy strap hinges of the same lacquered metal.

  Within it the little child knew that a most fascinating collection ofarticles was to be discovered, taken out one by one with greatestcare, played with discreetly, and, at her mother's command, returnedto their several places in Herr Wilner's box.

  There were, in this box, two rather murderous-looking Kurdish daggersin sheaths of fretted silver--never to be unsheathed, it was solemnlyunderstood, except by the child's father.

  There was a pair of German army revolvers of the pattern of 1900, theunexploded cartridges of which had long since been extracted andcautiously thrown into the mill pond by the child's mother, much tothe surprise, no doubt, of the pickerel and sunfish.

  There were writing materials of sandalwood, a few sea shells, a dozenbooks in German with many steel plate engravings; also a red Turkishfez with a dark blue tassel; two pairs of gold-rimmed spectacles;several tobacco pipes of Dresden porcelain, a case full of instrumentsfor mechanical drawing, a thick blank book bound in calf andcontaining the diary of the late Herr Wilner down to within a fewminutes before his death.

  Also there was a figure in bronze, encrusted with tarnished gold andfaded traces of polychrome decoration.

  Erlik, the Yellow Devil, as Herr Wilner called it, seemed too heavy tobe a hollow casting, and yet, when shaken, something within rattledfaintly, as though when the molten metal was cooling a fissure formedinside, into which a few loose fragments of bronze had fallen.

  It apparently had not been made to represent any benign Chinese god;the aspect of the yellow figure was anything but benevolent. Thefeatures were terrific; scowls infested its grotesque countenance;threatening brows bent inward; angry eyes rolled in apparent fury; itsdouble gesture with sword and javelin was violent and almosthumorously menacing. And Ruhannah adored it.

  For a little while the child played her usual game of frightening herdoll with the Yellow Devil and then rescuing her by the aid of a fairyprince which she herself had designed, smeared with water-colours, andcut out with scissors from a piece of cardboard.

  After a time she turned to the remaining treasures in the wonder-box.These consisted of several volumes containing photographs, others fullof sketches in pencil and water-colour, and a thick roll of glazedlinen scrolls covered with designs in India ink.

  The photographs were of all sorts--landscapes, rivers, ships in dock,dry dock, and at sea; lighthouses, forts, horses carrying soldiersarmed with lances and wearing the red fez; artillery on the march,infantry, groups of officers, all wearing the same sort of fez whichlay there in Herr Wilner's box of olive wood.

  There were drawings, too--sketches of cannon, of rifles, of swords;drawings of soldiers in various gay uniforms, all carefully colouredby hand. There were pictures of ships, from the sterns of which thecrescent flag floated lazily; sketches of great, ugly-looking objectswhich her father explained were Turkish ironclads. The name "ironclad"always sounded menacing and formidable to the child, and theforbidding pictures fascinated her.

  Then there were scores and scores of scrolls made out of slipperywhite linen, on which had been drawn all sorts of most amazinggeometrical designs in ink.

  "Plans," her father explained vaguely. And, when pressed by reiteratedquestions: "Plans for military works, I believe--forts, docks,barracks, fortified cuts and bridges. You are not yet quite old enoughto understand, Ruhannah."

  "Who did draw them, daddy?"

  "A German friend of mine, Herr Conrad Wilner."

  "What for?"

  "I think his master sent him to Turkey to make those pictures."

  "For the Sultan?"

  "No; for his Emperor."


  "I don't exactly know, Rue."

  At this stage of the conversation her father usually laid aside hisbook and composed himself for the inevitable narrative soon to bedemanded of him.

  Then, although having heard the story many times from her crippledfather's lips, but never weary of the repetition, the child's eyeswould grow round and very solemn in preparation for her next andinevitable question:

  "And did Herr Wilner _die_, daddy?"

  "Yes, dear."

  "Tell me!"

  "Well, it was when I was a missionary in the Trebizond district, andyour mother and I went----"

  "And _me_, daddy? And _me_, too!"

  "Yes; you were a little baby in arms. And we all went to Gallipoli toattend the opening of a beautiful new school which was built forlittle Mohammedan converts to Christianity----"

  "Did I see those little Christian children, daddy?"

  "Yes, you saw them. But you are too young to remember."

  "Tell me. Don't stop!"

  "Then listen attentively without interrupting, Rue: Your mother andyou and I went to Gallipoli; and my friend, Herr Wilner, who had beenstaying with us at a town called Tchardak, came along with us toattend the opening of the American school.

  "And the night we arrived there was trouble. The Turkish people, urgedon by some bad officials in the Sanjak, came with guns and swords andspears and set fire to the mission school.

  "They did not offer to harm us. We had already collected our convertsand our personal baggage. Our caravan was starting. The mob might nothave done anything worse than burn the school if Herr Wilner had notlost his temper and threatened them with a dog whip. Then they killedhim with stones, there in the walled yard."

  At this point in the tragedy, the eagerly awaited and ardently desiredshivers passed up and down the child's back.

  "O--oh! Did they kill him _dead_?"

  "Yes, dear."

  "Was he a martyr?"

  "In a way he was a martyr to his duty, I suppose. At least I gather sofrom his diary and from what he once told me of his life."

  "And then what happened? Tell me, daddy."

  "A Greek steamer took us and our baggage to Trebizond."

  "And what then?"

  "And then, a year later, the terrible massacre at our Trebizondmission occurred----"

  That was what the child was waiting for.

  "I know!" she interrupted eagerly. "The wicked Turks and the cruelKurds did come galloping
and shouting 'Allah!' And all the poor,converted people became martyrs. And God loves martyrs, doesn't He?"

  "Yes, dear----"

  "And then they did kill all the poor little Christian children!"exclaimed the child excitedly. "And they did cut you with swords andguns! And then the kind sailors with the American flag took you andmamma and me to a ship and saved us by the grace of our Lord Jesus!"

  "Yes, dear----"

  "Tell me!"

  "That is all----"

  "No; you walk on two crutches, and you cannot be a missionary anymore because you are sick all the time! Tell me, daddy!"

  "Yes. And that is all, Rue----"

  "Oh, no! Please! Tell me!... And then, don't you remember how thebrave British sailors and our brave American sailors pointed theircannon at the _I_-ronclads, and they said, 'Do not shoot or we shallshoot you to pieces.' And then the brave American sailors went onshore and brought back some poor little wounded converted children,and your baggage and the magic box of Herr Wilner!"

  "Yes, dear. And now that is enough tonight----"

  "Oh, daddy, you must first read in the di-a-ry which Herr Wilnermade!"

  "Bring me the book, Rue."

  With an interest forever new, the Carew family prepared to listen tothe words written by a strange man who had died only a few momentsafter he had made the last entry in the book--before even the ink wasentirely dry on the pages.

  The child, sitting cross-legged on the floor, clasped her little handstightly; her mother laid aside her sewing, folded it, and placed it inher lap; her father searched through the pencilled translation whichhe had written in between the lines of German script, found where hehad left off the time before, then continued the diary of Herr ConradWilner, deceased:

  _March 3._ My original plans have been sent to the Yildiz Palace. My duplicates are to go to Berlin when a messenger from our Embassy arrives. Murad Bey knows this. I am sorry he knows it. But nobody except myself is aware that I have a third set of plans carefully hidden.

  _March 4._ All day with Murad's men setting wire entanglements under water; two Turkish destroyers patrolling the entrance to the bay, and cavalry patrols on the heights to warn away the curious.

  _March 6._ Forts Alamout and Shah Abbas are being reconstructed from the new plans. Wired areas under water and along the coves and shoals are being plotted. Murad Bey is unusually polite and effusive, conversing with me in German and French. A spidery man and very dangerous.

  _March 7._ A strange and tragic affair last night. The heat being severe, I left my tent about midnight and went down to the dock where my little sailboat lay, with the object of cooling myself on the water. There was a hot land breeze; I sailed out into the bay and cruised north along the coves which I have wired. As I rounded a little rocky point I was surprised to see in the moonlight, very near, a steam yacht at anchor, carrying no lights. The longer I looked at her the more certain I became that I was gazing at the Imperial yacht. I had no idea what the yacht might be doing here; I ran my sailboat close under the overhanging rocks and anchored. Then I saw a small boat in the moonlight, pulling from the yacht toward shore, where the crescent cove had already been thoroughly staked and the bottom closely covered with barbed wire as far as the edge of the deep channel which curves in here like a scimitar.

  It must have been that the people in the boat miscalculated the location of the channel, for they were well over the sunken barbed wire when they lifted and threw overboard what they had come there to get rid of--two dark bulks that splashed.

  I watched the boat pull back to the Imperial yacht. A little later the yacht weighed anchor and steamed northward, burning no lights. Only the red reflection tingeing the smoke from her stacks was visible. I watched her until she was lost in the moonlight, thinking all the while of those weighted sacks so often dropped overboard along the Bosporus and off Seraglio Point from that same Imperial yacht.

  When the steamer had disappeared, I got out my sweeps and rowed for the place where the dark objects had been dropped overboard. I knew that they must be resting somewhere on the closely criss-crossed mesh of wires just below the surface of the water; but I probed for an hour before I located anything. Another hour passed in trying to hook into the object with the little three-fluked grapnel which I used as an anchor. I got hold of something finally; a heavy chest of olive wood bound with metal; but I had to rig a tackle before I could hoist it aboard.

  Then I cast out again; and very soon my grapnel hooked into what I expected--a canvas sack, weighted with a round shot. When I got it aboard, I hesitated a long while before opening it. Finally I made a long slit in the canvas with my knife....

  She was very young--not over sixteen, I think, and she was really beautiful, even under her wet, dark hair. She seemed to be a Caucasian girl--maybe a Georgian. She wore a small gold cross which hung from a gold cord around her neck. There was another, and tighter, cord around her neck, too. I cut the silk bowstring and closed and bound her eyes with my handkerchief before I rowed out a little farther and lowered her into the deep channel which cuts eastward here like the scimitar of that true believer, Abdul Hamid.

  Then I hoisted sail and beat up slowly toward my little dock under a moon which had become ghastly under the pallid aura of a gathering storm----

  "A poor dead young lady!" interrupted the child, clasping her handsmore tightly. "Did the Sultan kill her, daddy?"

  "It seems so, Ruhannah."


  "I don't know. He was a very cruel and wicked Sultan."

  "I don't see why he killed the beautiful poor dead lady."

  "If you will listen and not interrupt, you shall learn why."

  "And was the chest that Herr Wilner pulled up the very same chest thatis here on the floor beside me?" insisted the child.

  "The very same. Now listen, Rue, and I shall read a little more inHerr Wilner's diary, and then you must have your bath and be put tobed----"

  "Please read, daddy!"

  The Reverend Wilbour Carew turned the page and quietly continued:

  _March 20._ In my own quarters at Trebizond again, and rid of Murad for a while.

  A canvas cover and rope handles concealed the character of my olive wood chest. I do not believe anybody suspects it to be anything except one of the various boxes containing my own personal effects. I shall open it tonight with a file and chisel, if possible.

  _March 21._ The contents of the chest reveal something of the tragedy. The box is full of letters written in Russian, and full of stones which weigh collectively a hundred pounds at least. There is nothing else in the chest except a broken Ikon and a bronze figure of Erlik, a Yildiz relic, no doubt, of some Kurdish raid into Mongolia, and probably placed beside the dead girl by her murderers in derision. I am translating the letters and arranging them in sequence.

  _March 25._ I have translated the letters. The dead girl's name was evidently Tatyana, one of several children of some Cossack chief or petty prince, and on the eve of her marriage to a young officer named Mitya the Kurds raided the town. They carried poor Tatyana off along with her wedding chest--the chest fished up with my grapnel.

  In brief, the chest and the girl found their way into Abdul's seraglio. The letters of the dead girl--which were written and entrusted probably to a faithless slave, but which evidently never left the seraglio--throw some light on the tragedy, for they breathe indignation and contempt of Islam, and call on her affianced, on her parents, and on her people to rescue her and avenge her.

  And after a while, no doubt Abdul tired of reading fierce, unreconciled little Tatyana's stolen letters, and simply ended the matter by having her bowstrung and dumped overboard in a sack, together with her marriage chest, her letters, and the Yellow Devil in bronze as a f
inal insult.

  She seems to have had a sister, Naia, thirteen years old, betrothed to a Prince Mistchenka, a cavalry officer in the Terek Cossacks. Her father had been Hetman of the Don Cossacks before the Emperor Nicholas reserved that title for Imperial use. And _she_ ended in a sack off Gallipoli! That is the story of Tatyana and her wedding chest.

  _March 29._ Murad arrived, murderously bland and assiduous in his solicitude for my health and comfort. I am almost positive he knows that I fished up something from Cove No. 37 under the theoretical guns of theoretical Fort Osman, both long plotted out but long delayed.

  _April 5._ My duplicate plans for Gallipoli have been stolen. I have a third set still. Colonel Murad Bey is not to be trusted. My position is awkward and is becoming serious. There is no faith to be placed in Abdul Hamid. My credentials, the secret agreement with my Government, are no longer regarded even with toleration in the Yildiz Kiosque. A hundred insignificant incidents prove it every day. And if Abdul dare not break with Germany it is only because he is not yet ready to defy the Young Turk party. The British Embassy is very active and bothers me a great deal.

  _April 10._ My secret correspondence with Enver Bey has been discovered, and my letters opened. This is a very bad business. I have notified my Government that the Turkish Government does not want me here; that the plan of a Germanised Turkish army is becoming objectionable to the Porte; that the duplicate plans of our engineers for the Dardanelles and the Gallipoli Peninsula have been stolen.

  _April 13._ A secret interview with Enver Bey, who promises that our ideas shall be carried out when his party comes into power. Evidently he does not know that my duplicates have been stolen.

  Troubles threaten in the Vilayet of Trebizond, where is an American Mission. I fear that our emissaries and the emissaries of Enver Bey are deliberately fomenting disorders because Americans are not desired by our Government. Enver denies this; but it is idle to believe anyone in this country.

  _April 16._ Another interview with Enver Bey. His scheme is flatly revolutionary, namely, the deposition of Abdul, a secret alliance, offensive and defensive, with us; the Germanisation of the Turkish army and navy; the fortification of the Gallipoli district according to our plans; a steadily increasing pressure on Serbia; a final reckoning with Russia which is definitely to settle the status of Albania and Serbia and leave the Balkan grouping to be settled between Austria, Germany, and Turkey.

  I spoke several times about India and Egypt, but he does not desire to arouse England unless she interferes.

  I spoke also of Abdul Hamid's secret and growing fear of Germany, and his increasing inclination toward England once more.

  No trace of my stolen plans. The originals are in the Yildiz Palace. I have a third set secreted, about which nobody knows.

  _April 21._ I have been summoned to the Yildiz Palace. It possibly means my assassination. I have confided my box of data, photographs, and plans, to the Reverend Wilbour Carew, an American missionary in the Trebizond sanjak.

  There are rumours that Abdul has become mentally unhinged through dread of assassination. One of his own aides-de-camp, while being granted an audience in the Yildiz, made a sudden and abrupt movement to find his handkerchief; and Abdul Hamid whipped out a pistol and shot him dead. This is authentic.

  _April 30._ Back at Tchardak with my good missionary and his wife. A strange interview with Abdul. There were twenty French clocks in the room, all going and all striking at various intervals. The walls were set with French mirrors.

  Abdul's cordiality was terrifying; the full original set of my Gallipoli plans was brought in. After a while, the Sultan reminded me that the plans were in duplicate, and asked me where were these duplicates. What duplicity! But I said pleasantly that they were to be sent to General Staff Headquarters in Berlin.

  He pretended to understand that this was contrary to the agreement, and insisted that the plans should first be sent to him for comparison. I merely referred him to his agreement with my Government. But all the while we were talking I was absolutely convinced that the stolen duplicates were at that moment in the Yildiz Kiosque. Abdul must have known that I believed it. Yet we both merely smiled our confidence in each other.

  He seemed to be unusually good-natured and gracious, saying that no doubt I was quite right in sending the plans to Berlin. He spoke of Enver Bey cordially, and said he hoped to be reconciled to him and his friends very soon. When Abdul Hamid becomes reconciled to anybody who disagrees with him, the latter is _always_ dead.

  He asked me where I was going. I told him about the plans I was preparing for the Trebizond district. He offered me an escort of Kurdish cavalry, saying that he had been told the district was not very safe. I thanked him and declined his escort of assassins.

  I saw it all very plainly. Like a pirate captain, Abdul orders his crew to dig a secret hole for his treasure, and when the hole is dug and the treasure hidden, he murders the men who hid it for him, so that they shall never betray its location. I am one of those men. That is what he means for me, who have given him his Gallipoli plans. No wonder that in England they call him Abdul the Damned!

  _May 3._ In the Bazaar at Tchardak yesterday two men tried to stab me. I got their daggers, but they escaped in the confusion. Murad called to express horror and regret. Yes; regret that I had not been murdered.

  _May 5._ I have written to my Government that my usefulness here seems to be ended; that my life is in hourly danger; that I desire to be more thoroughly informed concerning the relations between Berlin and the Yildiz Palace.

  _May 6._ I am in disgrace. My Government is furious because my correspondence with Enver Bey has been stolen. The Porte has complained about me to Berlin; Berlin disowns me, disclaims all knowledge of my political activities outside of my engineering work.

  This is what failure to carry out secret instructions invariably brings--desertion by the Government from which such instructions are received. In diplomacy, failure is a crime never forgiven. Abandoned by my Government I am now little better than an outlaw here. Two courses remain open to me--to go back in disgrace and live obscurely for the remainder of my life, or to risk my life by hanging on desperately here with an almost hopeless possibility before me of accomplishing something to serve my Government and rehabilitate myself.

  The matter of the stolen plans is being taken up by our Ambassador at the Sublime Porte. The British Embassy is suspected. What folly! I possess a third set of plans. Our Embassy ought to send to Trebizond for them. I don't know what to do.

  _May 12._ A letter I wrote May 10 to the German Embassy has been stolen. I am now greatly worried about the third set of plans. It seems safest to include the box containing them among the baggage of the American missionary, the Reverend Wilbour Carew; and, too, for me to seek shelter with him.

  As I am now afraid that an enemy may impersonate an official of the German Embassy, I have the missionary's promise that he will retain and conceal the contents of my box until I instruct him otherwise. I am practically in hiding at his house, and in actual fear of my life.

  _May 15._ The missionary and his wife and baby travel to Gallipoli, where an American school for girls is about to be opened.

  Today, in a cafe, I noticed that the flies, swarming on the edge of my coffee cup, fell into the saucer dead. I did not taste my coffee.

  _May 16._ Last night a shot was fired through my door. I have decided to travel to Gallipoli with the missionary.

  _May 18._ My groom stole and ate an orange from my breakfast tray. He is dead.

  _May 20._ The Reverend Mr. Carew and his wife are most kind and sympathetic. They are good people, simple, kindly, b
rave, faithful, and fearlessly devoted to God's service in this vile land of treachery and lies.

  _May 21._ I have confessed to the Reverend Mr. Carew as I would confess to a priest in holy orders. I have told him all under pledge of secrecy. I told him also that the sanctuary he offers might be violated with evil consequences to him; and that I would travel as far as Gallipoli with him and then leave. But the kind, courageous missionary and his wife insist that I remain under the protection which he says the flag of his country affords me. If I could only get my third set of plans out of the country!

  _May 22._ Today my coffee was again poisoned. I don't know what prevented me from tasting it--some vague premonition. A pariah dog ate the bread I soaked in it, and died before he could yelp.

  It looks to me as though my end were inevitable. Today I gave my bronze figure of Erlik, the Yellow Devil, to Mrs. Carew to keep as a dowry for her little daughter, now a baby in arms. If it is hollow, as I feel sure, there are certain to be one or two jewels in it. And the figure itself might bring five hundred marks at an antiquary's.

  _May 30._ Arrived at the Gallipoli mission. Three Turkish ironclads lying close inshore. A British cruiser, the _Cobra_, and an American cruiser, the _Oneida_, appeared about sunset and anchored near the ironclads. The bugles on deck were plainly audible. If a German warship appears I shall carry my box on board. My only chance to rehabilitate myself is to get the third set of plans to Berlin.

  _June 1._ In the middle of the religious exercises with which the new school is being inaugurated, cries of "Allah" come from a great crowd which has gathered. From my window where I am writing I can see how insolent the attitude of this Mohammedan riffraff is becoming. They spit upon the ground--a pebble is tossed at a convert--a sudden shout of "Allah"--pushing and jostling--a lighted torch blazes! I take my whip of rhinoceros hide and go down into the court to put a stop to this insolence----

  Her father slowly closed the book.

  "Daddy! Is that where poor Herr Wilner died?"

  "Yes, dear."

  After a silence his wife said thoughtfully:

  "I have always considered it very strange that the German Governmentdid not send for Herr Wilner's papers."

  "Probably they did, Mary. And very probably Murad Bey told them thatthe papers had been destroyed."

  "And you never believed it to be your duty to send the papers to theGerman Government?"

  "No. It was an unholy alliance that Germany sought with that monsterAbdul. And when Enver Pasha seized the reins of government such analliance would have been none the less unholy. You know and so do Ithat if Germany did not actually incite the Armenian massacres she atleast was cognisant of preparations made to begin them. Germany isstill hostile to all British or American missions, all Anglo-Saxoninfluence in Turkey.

  "No; I did not send Herr Wilner's papers to Berlin; and the events ofthe last fifteen years have demonstrated that I was right inwithholding them."

  His wife nodded, laid aside her work basket, and rose.

  "Come, Ruhannah," she said with decision; "put everything back intothe wonder-box."

  And, stooping, she lifted and laid away in it the scowling, menacingYellow Devil.

  * * * * *

  And so, every month or two, the wonder-box was opened for the child toplay with, the same story told, extracts from the diary read; butthese ceremonies, after a while, began to recur at lengtheningintervals as the years passed and the child grew older.

  And finally it was left to her to open the box when she desired, andto read for herself the pencilled translation of the diary, which herfather had made during some of the idle and trying moments of hisisolated and restricted life. And, when she had been going to schoolfor some years, other and more vivid interests replaced her dolls andher wonder-box; but not her beloved case of water-colours and crayonpencils.