Read The Darwinian Extension: Completion Page 10


  Kinsey agreed. Sadat spoke two words. “Hugo Ayala.”

  Kinsey took his time and asked Sadat to continue. As unbelievable as the story was it now had to be checked out and maybe Ayala did have to be extradited to the USA. “Thank you Mr. Sadat. Can I expect your mystery General to remain with you for the foreseeable future?”

  “Indeed you can, he does not want to go anywhere.”

  Kinsey had to think about how to approach Rodham.


  Carvalho and Alex 2 were about to dock. They anticipated that the successful procedure on Sabine Cheverry would rise to the surface of all agendas now that is was public. He had already been asked if he could take Madame Cheverry back with him to reunite her with the girl. Alex 2 had in the meantime agreed to postpone his mothballing of Symbiant assistance to humans for now, and would confine his speech to the urgent need for more transparency on exactly where humans could dedicate effort.

  Carvalho said that a helpful first step would be to get rid of Logan. He was the worst kind of conduit. Alex 2 chided the Commander for not taking the post himself. It would be tricky to engineer his departure overtly but maybe he could be persuaded to fall on his sword. Alex 2 concurred but said he would leave this to those with the aptitude for such circuitous plotting.


  The think-tank was back on song and Evander had made such an impact that they insisted Jet rejoin them from the orbiter project. The young man’s ideas and concerns were laid out and ranked. He wanted the Seaborgium Oxy-chloride to be deposited on a flexible but extremely durable material. His concern was the uniformity and ability to achieve the thinness with acceptable tolerance. He was also concerned about the deformation and rebound capacity of the carrier material. As the velocity required was pedestrian while the technique was employed, he favoured ‘electronic’ means as he was concerned about the accuracy of alternatives in both delivery and response to the closed loop criteria. The field generator would have to partially reflect the distortion pattern of the deposited Seaborgium Oxy-chloride. The gradient management would be critical here but he was less concerned about that specific aspect, than harmonisation of both of the non-linear parabolic distorting surfaces. As this corralling of the Gravity A waves was the ‘dog’ and the rest were the ‘tail’, it was obvious that it had to be at the front of the vessel. The radioactive shielding at the back of the prototype unit, for the rest of the ship would need to be substantial. He was not concerned about this as he had seen the Axis achievements in robotics. He said this was a preliminary list but it covered the critical areas. The matter of fact way he referred to the concerns didn’t really register with the humans and Jet, but they were not lost on the Symbiants.

  His final offering was that he would like to see a demonstration of the computational prowess of the inorganic species, because, if this was lacking the rest was meaningless. Red promised him such an opportunity.


  Kinsey left Brazil to speak to Rodham in person. A phone call would not betray body language in the same way. He also wanted to be ready with extradition procedure if that proved necessary. When they met he started with the search for the other two Caracas connections and indicated that it may be prudent to give the impression that the trail had gone cold. The name of the man in captivity meant nothing to Rodham. A swift change in emphasis to the possible Chino/American strategy caused Rodham to go on the defensive. “Look, there is a serious threat in North Korea and for once we are considering a supporting role to help convince the UN that they must address this powder keg in a far more responsible way.”

  Kinsey probed. “Oh, I see, is that why this loose alliance has also broken off from the ‘five’ and demanded access to crystal?”

  “That is a totally separate issue. It has been a shared view of ourselves and the Chinese that we must accelerate change to greener and cheaper power. The potential of these replicants offers a fast track. We have however had second thoughts on that feature following the kidnap. We had not previously witnessed their phenomenal physical attributes. This episode has spawned a rethink. We still want to avail of this Axis technology but now favour human construction and operation.”

  “Who are we?”

  “Well it appears the Chinese enthusiasm for the original plan is undiminished – so ‘we’ means the USA is realigning with the others.”

  Kinsey chose this proclamation to confront him with the Sadat assertion. Rodham was temporarily lost for words. He seemed genuinely confused then angry. “How would they hope to get away with such a subterfuge?”

  “Well you would be complicit by default, and if no UN forces were involved, they would presumably deny any such preposterous claims from North Korea, as being typical of such a delusional dictator. It could work if the conflict was short. The alternative explanation may lie in the fact that historically the Chinese themselves did not have an unblemished record in human rights. They have demonstrated with their own citizens, a blatant disregard of external criticism. We may think they have undergone a moral shift when actually they just have more pragmatism.”

  Rodham was now angry. “This, if true, is not merely pragmatism – it is barbarism. It must be halted, but with absolute discretion. I’m personally going to meet with my Chinese counterpart to carefully explore the veracity of this claim.”

  Kinsey was satisfied for now. “Will you initiate the extradition request?”

  “Maybe we should bottom out the truth first.”

  There was no deflecting Kinsey on this. It was important to file for this even if it would be rejected. “I see it the other way Mr. Rodham. If you confirm what I believe you will discover, it will be dangerous to have this Ayala left with the Brazilian security unit. The same logic was used to get Evander de la Cruz out of there and safely to Mars. It needs to be done now.” Rodham conceded.


  Chapter 16

  It was a source of tremendous satisfaction for Stella to see Singh observing one of his own children playing with Sabine even though they both had limited English vocabulary. Singh also conversed with her after visiting hours and they compared notes on how it felt knowing they had a box in their head instead of a brain. Sabine amused him by insisting she had never seen a real brain so she was more comfortable with a box. Her complete recuperation would be quicker simply because of her age-related regeneration capability. Although all was going well on Mars the issue had intensified on Earth as Carvalho and Alex 2 were coming out of the new and less stringent quarantine. Finally it was accepted by Earth medics that the risk of straying from ethical practice was potentially higher going the other way – and polluting Mars. Stella hoped that the debate would give way to a compromise road map of development. Scillacci suggested this was a forlorn hope. Her recent experience with Isaakson in the manufacture of the synthetic brain had attracted protest, some of it turning to vandalism and violence. “I believe, as the Commander does, that the furore over the individual organs will subside. It is the unknown which causes the extreme reaction. The invasion of medical advance taken as a whole, and ultimately being prejudicial to procreation, is the common denominator of the different protest groups. There is a rising supportive lobby, even before Sabine’s case, that we have to help sufferers. We need to tap into this, and the best way to do it is to take it head on and get started with helping living, infertile individuals by being able to correct or replace their reproductive system. We know that all other transplant breakthroughs have overcome the hurdle.”

  Stella thought this had merit and although it would be controversial on Earth it could be given a much greater priority on Mars. There was an important step which would test this view. Neither Singh nor Sabine were candidates with new brains that were imminently about to procreate. It would be interesting to have evidence, whatever it showed, regarding the exact effect, if any, on the procreation capability of a brain box parent. Pascal 2 theorised that the more logical, less emotional synthetic archit
ecture could ultimately reduce sex drive. Replacing the reproductive system would be a feat of considerable achievement, but futile if the cerebral ‘sex organ’ was lacking potency. Scillacci was right – now was the time to find out. She would speak to Carvalho as a matter of urgency when he returned.


  The sight of Logan at the quarantine exit did not fill Carvalho with confidence. “Commander it’s good to see you. Hello Alex 2. We need to bring you up to date with the latest developments here. The meeting schedule has been brought forward a few hours due to the level of unrest which has spread around the world. You know we have pulled the whole subject of physiology modification to the top of the agenda.”

  “Yes I know you’ve done that, but it isn’t what we want to do. If Earth struggles with this subject we accept that, and we will respect it. You can continue to send us patients who cannot be treated here or stop sending them; in the words of my friend here ‘it is for you to decide’. We are here for other more pressing issues. The kidnap and its implications for red crystal affect all of us. The threat that certain government-led initiatives could result in enforced reclamation of the crystal from our protective domes is offensive to us. Then there is the item of most importance - the intended use of the life form resulting from replication. We were expecting some discussion on new propulsion research and our decision to build a Martian fleet. Finally there is the overall trading accord; as we are in trade surplus we may need to review the situation depending on the outcome of the other discussions. So, we do not want to take up your valuable time on a point which is entirely your own to determine what to do. If you’re requesting a delay to the rest of the meeting until you have finalised your course of action on physiology, then that’s perfectly acceptable, just let us know when you are ready.”

  Logan squirmed. “You may have misunderstood; there is an element of Mars being part of the problem. We have to clarify this and there....”

  “No Mr. Logan, I’ve made it perfectly clear. If we are unfairly perceived as part of the problem we will defer to your wishes in our relationship with you on the issue. What we do on Mars with our own citizens is our business. If it is that which worries you we may need to put the Mars Charter at the top of the agenda. We are not going to discuss your complexities on physiology – that would be intrusive. Now please let us know when you want to begin with the real agenda. We will rest until then.”

  Logan wandered off unhappily and was not comfortable with the prospect of informing an angry band of so-called decision makers of the rebuff. It would be interpreted as a weakness in his authority which would ignite debate over his suitability for this office. His tendency to bluff his way out of these situations wasn’t going to wash this time. Alex 2 congratulated Carvalho. “Commander, I believe we are both learning much about one another on this trip.”


  Red asked the Axis, via Jet, if there was any way they could speed up the remainder of the orbiter programme so they could start modifying the robotics for the Quantum Spatial Distortion (or QSD) prototype. He shook his head but said they could begin with some components. The technique to deposit the Seaborgium Oxy-chloride could be done in the sphere assembly line. The same might be true of the field generator depending on the detailed schematic Evander had in mind. By the time they had results on these the orbiter programme should be concluded. The shielding, both behind and in front of the QSD unit could be formed in the carcass modification line.

  Red settled for that and asked Evander to make haste with the field generator design as his time on Mars could be limited.


  Although Logan had delivered the response from Carvalho, both he and the ‘edict’ were brushed aside by the rest of the Council executive and the government representatives. When Carvalho and Alex 2 had taken their seats Arnold Rodham opened proceedings. “Despite your reluctance to debate the emotional reactions here, following a medical procedure you performed, we will begin with that item.”

  “Have it your way,” said Carvalho, “but we will not contribute. That would be like you interfering with our decision to continue such research and application. You should be glad we don’t want to muddy the waters.”

  Rodham was undeterred. “But you are involved Commander, you have performed these procedures on two Earthlings, and whatever the fallout is from them, you are implicitly involved. As we understand the situation Singh will stay but Madamoiselle Cheverry will return. They are both high profile individuals and there is a growing undercurrent of accusation that only such people will avail of the treatment. This could be a big problem.”

  Carvalho could hardly control his feelings. “What you’re really saying is that you allowed the two individuals to apply to us for help. You could’ve done it here; Dr. Scillacci and Isaakson are more than capable. You had the choice – refuse permission, do it here, or ask us to help you out of a difficult situation. Now that we’ve done so, you feel you may have chosen wrongly and want us to be dragged into a debate on something we’ve already chosen to pursue. You can’t be serious. As I told your messenger, we’ll simply comply with what you decide on Earth. Obviously if you opt in future for more procedures we can only accommodate a certain flow rate.”

  There was a huddle, then a break. The resumption didn’t herald a better accord. Rodham declared, “If you persist with this line we feel we have no choice but to ask for the same neutrality on the potential employment of replicants in up-scaling the new Axis energy plants. Indeed we want your cooperation in supplying the crystal for such ventures. We note your previous claim that you only have samples but this is a distortion of the reality. You may know of the legal challenge by the Chinese, and the Beijing declaration that until the current law is rescinded we can’t avail of that source. However there is a counter-claim that you, as the finders of some of this collection, can waive objections for use of that portion, which the Council stubbornly pretend they have sole rights for. Your agreement would give us a two-to-one majority over the Council. This would be helpful to us as you’ve used the crystals for many projects and profess no harmful effects have ensued.”

  Carvalho rose to his feet and stared into Rodham’s eyes. “The difference between the locations with respect to the Continuance, which is who the crystals are, is one of perception. We have always considered them to be citizens and never asked them to do anything which they don’t want to do. They are part of our charter. Here they’re viewed as machines or raw materials without being recognised as life forms – is that not how slavery came into being? I’ve heard that there may be a contingency plan to deplete our domes if you fail with other avenues. You may say that they are imprisoned life forms, but as soon as the Martian climate becomes more hospitable to the Continuance they will turn to amorphous form and proceed with their remit. Also the domes were their idea.”

  The sombre atmosphere became gladiatorial; Rodham claimed he was speaking for the five. “You’re backing us into a corner with your convenient definitions. However you are human and you must choose whether you turn your back on your species or extend the arm of cooperation. Earth’s need is great right now.”

  Carvalho had reached a point of no return. “How many times do you have to hear something before you listen? Our policy of non-interference on the issue of red crystal on Earth is twofold. It is for the legal teams here to resolve. The discovery on Mars and its custody ceased to have legal ownership when it was agreed to bring it to Earth. Secondly, the bulk of what is in Beijing is from Earth deposits, and my great friend Roberto Xiang drafted the law to protect it from such purpose as you have in mind. Even though it concerns me that this law may be repealed, it is for you people to decide. I’m not turning my back on my species; you are twisting our policy to your own ends.”

  The Chinese representative now joined the discussion. “Commander, this elevation of replicants to one of equality gives us a problem. It is one of those situations when you are for or against something. If you really do not
support the hand that has fed the Martian expansion it could produce a very difficult trading situation. We cannot continue such support in the face of dissociation and apathy. We may have to withdraw. You could also find that any remaining replicants, such as the one who assisted in the kidnap saga will no longer be welcome. They are seen as your spies.”

  “Very well - my parting sentiment is that we may suffer short term inconvenience from your withdrawal of trade agreements, but it is you who will suffer in the long term. I was going to brief you about our intention to build a Martian fleet to service our own travel schedule requirement. As you have not denied the rumour of our crystal domes being part of your intended hoard, I would advise you that the fleet will now take on other functions, such as the protection of our citizens and infrastructure. Finally, if you do not want Dupe, who we refer to as a Symbiant, to remain here, he is welcome to come to Mars. That would however leave no space for Madame Cheverry. We’ll now take our leave of you as the emotional nature of this gathering is not conducive to rational discourse.”

  Alex 2 followed Carvalho out of the chamber and they headed for the office of Ayrton de Santos.


  Chapter 17

  Carvalho wanted to contact Pascal 2 from the office of De Santos to urge full speed and resource on to the fleet he had threatened to build. The two vessels shepherding the orbiters were part of it but now it appeared they may need weaponry. Alex 2 suggested that he prepare the transmission in Axis written form so they would understand the urgency and it would be safe from prying Earth eyes. They also wanted to tip off Dupree that Dupe may be the subject of investigation, so they could be prepared in advance. De Santos was becoming increasingly paranoid about being linked with Martian agenda. He asked if they would make this their last request of him. Carvalho and Alex 2 were pretty much isolated and decided to leave as soon as Madame Cheverry could be ready.