Read The Darwinian Extension: Completion Page 6

  Fav waited, and thinking he had concluded his report asked, “What is your proposal?”

  The reply was immediate. “As most of our technical, leisure, and exploration conversation is with human language, I am proposing to make a wristband with which humans and Symbiants can engage in colour display. The speech will remain unaltered. I would make it simple to use, only four general colours – yellow, green, violet and black, all operated by buttons. They do not have to use it; it would be very helpful if they did on occasions.” Fav and Jet flashed yellow-orange bands and Doc trundled off. Fav would introduce the idea to Carvalho.


  Chapter 9

  When Carvalho arrived Stella Aragones was just finishing her rounds. “Commander, you’re punctual. Please let us visit Mr. Singh first; I have left his check-up until you came.” He smiled and followed her. The unbuttoned white coat did not prevent him from appreciating her languid stride and the weird aroma of a ‘clinical perfume’. She was tall, on the slender side, and her speech was accompanied or corroborated by almost ballerina-like hand movements. It reminded him of his youth in Portugal when all the young women seemed to talk with their hands. “How is Varanda?”

  “He’s progressing well. The anti-rejection fluids have to be reduced yet, but so far so good. He tires quickly at the moment if he has to cope with multiple conversations in the vicinity but that will self-tune in due course. We have to remember the years of trauma he has suffered.”

  Carvalho greeted the patient and had a short chat with his family. When they retired to Stella’s office she seemed a little nervous. “I wasn’t sure what to read into this part of your visit. Do you expect problems from Earth?”

  “I’ve come to understand that Mars is always news back there; just like the stock market and the weather, it is on every bulletin. Everything we do or don’t do is magnified for public consumption. In this case I’m anticipating the headlines being about our right to play God. It’s really the first major concession to ‘Synthumans’ as one religious group has labelled Mr. Singh. I have to admit I have questions about how far we will proceed in the path the Axis took. Having said that, I grew up thinking that hearts, lungs and the many other substitute functions we had developed were routine, and the ethical aspect did not arise. There were those who protested and it took several years for that to recede, but this is a bit more complex for some. Even if I disagree with them I feel bound to keep listening. I want humanity to be absolutely cognizant of the need to take progress in sensible steps. For example the reaction in some Earth citizens may be to follow Varanda and apply for Martian status. That demand would be best handled in digestible volumes. I’m more interested in what next?”

  “Well, I suppose you have reviewed this with Pascal 2, so I assume he has mentioned that he is working with the Axis in trying to restore their reproductive system.” Carvalho nodded.

  Stella continued, “I believe that we could benefit from similar studies. Sooner or later this will surface with a vengeance. The plight of the Axis is a very strong argument if they believe that the whole exodus from 55 Cancri has been unfulfilling because of inability to procreate. They knew they were infertile before they left, they just thought survival was more important. If we can learn from their current work, we may be able to diffuse some concerns the ethical lobby has.”

  “Exactly what do you mean by ‘learn from’?”

  “Help the Axis together with Pascal 2, so that if we can demonstrate success as reported through a species which has experienced this the hard way, it’s an equally strong argument to be considered.”

  Carvalho beamed. “I’m relieved to hear we are on the same wavelength Doctor.” She was smart as well as attractive. He was intrigued by this woman.

  There are sometimes moments when you will never forget where you were at the time. Carvalho was really enjoying Stella’s company when Alex 2 made contact. “Reuben de la Cruz has been on Earth TV, helping the police with information about his son. Evander has been kidnapped. There has been a ransom call demanding an exchange within one week. We have also received a transmission from Ayrton de Santos; it is marked for your eyes only and urgent attention.”

  “I’m on my way,” said Carvalho. He apologised to Stella and said he hoped to be back when she was happy for him to speak with Singh on a professional basis.


  The kidnap had caused the youth project to be put on temporary hold. Intelligence personnel and police had their ideas but little else. It was believed that the offer of Evander’s life in exchange for all of the Beijing red crystal was typical of organised crime rings. The detail which worried them was the accuracy of the quantity they knew existed. The call had threatened Evander’s termination if the quantity varied from that figure. It wasn’t easy to see how they knew this without inside information.

  Logan was in a spin. De Santos was mystified. China and USA were asking for assurances that it was classified as terrorism and that ‘we don’t give in to such people’. Protection was hurriedly arranged for the other four who had been assigned guaranteed places in the target twenty-five.


  When Carvalho got back to Marineris Central Alex 2 brought him up to date with Earth broadcasts and his concern deepened when the transmission from De Santos merely said he had no idea how the information could be so accurate, but a friend from the Middle East had a theory. He needed to speak to Sadat, and realised something that he had known for some time would catch Mars out one day. The shuttles had schedules dictated by Earth needs more than Mars and they were all back there. He had resisted building craft solely for Martian requirements. That would have to change. He contacted Fav and explained why he needed his help again. Having discussed the type required, the second craft for the geothermal orbit plan was modified to have inter-planet capability, but for three personnel only.

  He would not avail of this for the trip, which he needed to make for contact with Sadat. The next shuttle to arrive on Mars was not scheduled to take off for eight days.

  It was difficult to focus on the enthusiasm of Alex 2 and Pascal 2, and their respective progress on propulsion theory and restoration of reproductive capability. He didn’t seem to have much difficulty with his own enthusiasm for Stella’s proposal on helping with the latter. He rebuked himself for trying to justify this when it was obviously a serious physical and emotional attraction.


  Logan felt that he was out of his depth. He was causing more panic than calm by his frenetic ‘order followed by counter-order’ personality. He had been on a downward spiral since day one of his short tenure. Things were about to get worse.

  It seemed as if everyone on the planet had an idea on how to deal with the kidnappers. Reuben de la Cruz was unhappy that with only four days to the deadline there did not appear, in his opinion, to be a coherent plan. The alternative was that he had simply been bypassed. Ayrton de Santos had been asked to prepare the crystal for urgent shipment if all else failed. When he confronted Logan with this strange instruction he was amazed at the response. “Mr. Logan, I can get the crystal ready as requested, but even if we ignore the small matter of the legal aspect, when and to where is it likely to be shipped?”

  “We don’t know.”

  “I thought so. You are aware that it is to be kept in cold storage and secure containers.”

  “Oh yes, is there a problem with that?”

  De Santos replied with deliberation. “Well, if the kidnappers have made such a point about the accuracy of how much we have, and the consequences of a shortfall, how do you think they would check all of these containers – there are more than two hundred. How long do you think it would take at the rendezvous?”

  “Oh, I see. Don’t worry we aren’t going to give it to them.”

  “So how do you get them to hand over the boy?”

  Logan shuffled. “We are not the experts on dealing with kidnappers who are likely to be part of an organised crime ring. I am therefore not p
rivy to the mechanics; I just have to supply the decoy crystal.”

  De Santos winced. “Decoy?”

  “Yes. Look, the FBI is the most experienced in this field. It is felt that this crime ring is probably operating out of South America. First of all, the boy is Brazilian and the drug trade is rife in the continent. On top of that the bureau believes the only way they could know how much crystal we have is via a mole. They want the intended preparation and shipment to be verifiable by this insider, and that would apply even if we were going to deliver it. If the kidnappers were to suspect it was not going to be shipped it would pose further risk to the boy. How they will handle the actual exchange is a closely guarded secret. Now can you just get the damn stuff ready to go?” De Santos gestured affirmation.

  He also felt Carvalho should know of this. When he got back to his office he had a visitor. Sadat apologised for appearing without an appointment. “Forgive the sudden urgency but I have no means of direct contact with Commander Carvalho to deliver some information. Now that I understand he will not be able to be here before this kidnap deadline I would like to speak with him.”

  De Santos reminded him of time delay and said, “Speak means transmission. Am I allowed to know the subject matter?”

  “That is your choice. You can transmit my message if you wish.”

  The message content disappointed the Brazilian. It suggested immediate contact with Singh, and in particular to ask him about ‘Condor’.


  When Art Legrange alerted Carvalho to the incoming personal message from a Mr. Sadat, he reacted quickly. Having read it he speculated that the open, direct communication may be about the kidnap. He explained the situation as best he could to Stella, recognising that Singh may not be ready, but Evander was running out of time. She astonished him. “I understand Commander. My first responsibility is to my patient, however you trusted me to perform this operation when you could have instructed Pascal 2. I therefore reciprocate this trust in your judgement that Singh’s stage of recovery is subjective, but the boy’s predicament is not. You may speak with my patient if you allow me to determine when he has to rest. Would that be acceptable?” It was acceptable.


  Chapter 10

  When Red had thrown the navigation hurdle to the group they moaned but did not challenge the imposed detour from the more interesting discussion. They knew this was not only valid but a prerequisite to the project; if this was not addressed now it was a ‘theory killer’.

  They threw ideas around and none of them relieved the frustration. Yamamoto said, partly in jest, “I suppose we’ll have to go back to charting the high seas of the cosmos.” Red asked him to enlarge on this.

  “I wasn’t entirely serious, but I suppose I was suggesting if all else failed we could try to take account of known criteria such as planets, the asteroid belt and comets. There are calculations to determine if they will be in our way when ‘they arrive at us’, so we choose our departure to a desired point on that basis. When it comes to unknown space we have to do what the ancient mariners did until their maps were reliable – take it in steps. We scan, we calculate, we move that part toward us. I suppose it would also give us an acceptable way of up-scaling the whole concept if and when we have one. It’s just a thought. Hey, I didn’t expect you to take it so seriously.” They did take it seriously enough to say they should continue to develop it further. Red and Dan agreed.

  The conversation with Singh caused a domino effect. The mention of the word Condor caused pupil dilation and an enquiry as to where he had heard it. Carvalho said it was a source he could not reveal but one who had recommended this meeting. “I’m acutely aware of Dr. Aragones’ concern about any conversation which may impact your recovery, so I would.....”

  Singh waved his hand in what Carvalho thought was protest, and Stella was ready to call a halt to the session. Then he spoke quietly and calmly. “It will be a relief to get this off my chest but I must ask the doctor to allow the two of us to discuss this in private. Five minutes is all it will take.” Stella did not like this at all, but complied, with the caveat that it was not a second over five minutes.

  “Commander, what I am about to say is known to a handful of individuals and I could therefore guess who directed you to me. The meetings of the ‘five’ have recently become fractious. The Chino-American position has become more and more arrogant, and demands on the others to comply with their reasoning are now at crisis level. You are aware of one attempt to obtain red crystal from Mars. The next in line is to seize that in Beijing’s keeping. This ultimate route, in the event of the others failing is utterly unacceptable, but could materialise if the kidnap situation I have followed on TV goes wrong. Without India, Russia and USAr knowing precisely why this is so important to them we are at a loss to explain their behaviour. If all other sources prove negative they have demanded agreement to recover substantial quantities from your domes, by force if necessary. The smoke screen is one which they have allowed and encouraged to justify their interest; it is Symbiant assistance in building infrastructure, but it is still a smokescreen. That is all I have. You would be well advised to get back there and glean more from your contact.”

  Carvalho stared blankly and was still in ‘stasis’ when Stella returned. She was happy that no beeps had occurred and Singh was still calm. Carvalho thanked Mr. Singh and Stella, and then departed in considerable mental turmoil. During the journey back to Marineris Central he wrestled with the threat then gravitated to any influence he could have on the kidnap scenario. He couldn’t share the bombshell with anyone.

  He contacted Fav to make sure there was no way he could perform a miracle with the new craft. “I am afraid not Commander. While we are speaking can I ask a favour?”

  “Go ahead.”

  He told Carvalho of Doc’s wristband request. This kind of request put everything into perspective for Carvalho. In one location there was common purpose, in the other there was an overlay of divisive politicking.

  It was a long shot but he contacted De Santos. When he had been brought up to date with the Brazilian’s chat with Logan, it gave Carvalho the final push. “I was wondering if you still have the means to contact Pascal Dupree, the doctor from Copernicus, who took a post in Sudan?”

  “I believe we may have; I can check.” The time delay was frustrating. “Ok, please try to get him to Beijing. He has some Scarlet. Ask him to bring it with him; it is a matter of life and death.”

  “May I know what this is about? I’ve never met him and he might be reluctant to drop everything and arrive on my say so.” Carvalho pondered. “Yes of course. When we returned from the first Mars mission Pascal Dupree had stowed some crystal to take to Sudan. In order to improve the chances of getting it past the checks in Beijing he asked Indira Banjani, Natalia Balinsky and yours truly to take some through for him. We all made it but then got separated, and we were individually accompanied by security to our departure points, as there was a hunt for Alex 2. Later the three of us posted our samples to him in the secure containers – mine from Portugal and theirs from USA. Now listen carefully. In view of what you have just told me we need better odds in saving Evander’s life. If Pascal Dupree can replicate again, and I convince Logan that he could orchestrate the exchange with the kidnappers via that Symbiant (as there is no knowledge of others on Earth) it would pretty well guarantee success. No other Earth inhabitant could meet them alone and have the odds in their favour. The risk of not delivering the crystal or substituting a dummy version and being found out is not an option. Can we do this?”

  ‘Jesus Christos,’ thought De Santos, it could work. “I am more confident in this plan than the FBI approach Commander, but how will you sell it to Logan? And then he has to convince the Bureau?”

  “Logan is in over his head in this job, I don’t see him passing up this chance to gain esteem. The Bureau will be more difficult but you can agree with them to release the crystal, with the penalty of a lawsuit if they do not r
eturn it in full, after the exchange. After all, it’s still in reality under a legal embargo in the vaults. It may give Logan the power trip he is looking for. In order to avoid him suspecting collusion I will, if he goes for the Symbiant idea, refer to you on the legal threat. However first things first, you need to convey this to Pascal Dupree. I’m sure he will want to help and declare that it was the last of his crystal. It would be best if he performed the replication in Beijing from the coordination standpoint with the FBI, as they will not relinquish total control.”

  “I’ll get on to it immediately Commander, I’ll clear it with Dupree and then simply wait for Logan to contact me.”


  Ayrton de Santos had managed to convince Dupree of the veracity of this ridiculous request primarily because of the even more ludicrous Russian roulette the FBI seemed to accept with a boy’s life. In addition, an awkward blend of anarchism and morality had always been his hallmark. He had agreed to travel to Beijing with the last dregs of his stash. He left his young ‘son’ to continue the aid to his Sudanese flock. De Santos was reflecting on how his activity had recently changed from boffin to political agent. The next jolt came from Sadat. “I have to speak to... er sorry, transmit to Commander Carvalho again. This is of the utmost urgency.”

  De Santos was struggling with who knew what, and had to resist the urge to follow his scientific discipline and record observations. He also did not want to have Logan walk in on any irregular meeting or transmission. Sadat was insistent that somehow this had to happen. “I’ll get back to you within the hour Mr. Sadat.”

  He decided to try to precipitate something with Logan by personally taking the shipping detail for the crystal, which required a signature. “I’m still not happy about this but it is your call and your signature. It also needs to have your seal of office stamped here and here.” Logan looked flushed and agitated. “Please sit down Ayrton. Do you know the whereabouts of a Pascal Dupree? Apparently he was the medical presence on Mars a long time ago.”