Read The Decameron (Day 6 to Day 10) Page 48

  Ghinotto di Tacco; _tooke the Lord Abbot of_ Clugni _as his prisoner,and cured him of a grievous disease, which he had in his stomacke, andafterward set him at liberty. The same Lord Abbot, when hee returnedfrom the Court of Rome, reconciled_ Ghinotto _to Pope_ Boniface; _whomade him a Knight, and Lord Prior of a goodly Hospitall._

  The second Novell.

  _Wherein is declared that good men doe sometimes fall into badconditions, onely occasioned thereto by necessity: And what meanes areto be used, for their reducing to goodnesse againe._

  The magnificence and Royall bounty, which King _Alphonso_ bestowed onthe Florentine knight, passed through the whole assembly with no meanapplause; & the King (who gave it the greatest praise of al) commandedMadame _Eliza_, to take the second turne in order; whereupon, thus shebegan.

  Faire Ladies, if a king shewed himselfe magnificently minded, andexpressed his liberall bounty to such a man, as had done him good andhonourable services: it can be termed no more then a vertuous deed welldone, and becomming a King. But what will we say, when we heare thata Prelate of the Church, shewed himselfe wondrously magnificent, andto such a one as was his enemy: can any malicious tongue speake illof him? Undoubtedly, no other answere is to be made, but the action ofthe King was meerely vertue, and that of the Prelate, no lesse thena miracle: for how can it be otherwise, when they are more greedilycovetous then women, and deadly enemies to all liberality? And althoughevery man (naturally) desireth revenge for injuries and abuses doneunto him: yet men of the Church, in regard that dayly they preachedpatience, and commaund (above all things else) remission of sinnes: itwould appeare a mighty blemish in them, to be more froward and furiousthen other men. But I am to speake of a reverend Prelate of the Church,as also concerning his munificent bounty, to one that was his enemy,and yet became his reconciled friend, as you shall perceive by myNovell.

  _Ghinotto di Tacco_, for his insolent and stout robberies, became a manvery farre famed, who being banished from _Sienna_, and an enemy tothe Countes _Disanta Fiore_: prevailed so by his bold and headstrongperswasions, that the Towne of _Raticonfani_ rebelled against theChurch of Rome, wherein he remaining; all passengers whatsoever,travelling any way thereabout, were robde and rifled by his theevingCompanions. At the time whereof now I speake, _Boniface_ the eight,governed as Pope at Rome, and the Lord Abbot of _Clugni_ (accounted tobe one of the richest Prelates in the world) came to Rome, and thereeither by some surfeit, excesse of feeding, or otherwise, his stomackebeing grievously offended and pained; the Phisitians advised him, totravell to the Bathes at _Sienna_, where he should receive immediatecure. In which respect, his departure being licenced by the Pope,to set onward thither, with great and pompous Cariages, of Horses,Mules, and a goodly traine, without hearing any rumour of the theevishConsorts.

  _Ghinotto di Tacco_, being advertised of his comming, spred abouthis scouts and nettes, and without missing so much as one Page, shutup the Abbot, with all his traine and baggage, in a place of narrowrestraint, out of which he could by no meanes escape. When this wasdone, he sent one of his most sufficient attendants, (well accompanyed)to the Lord Abbot, who said to him in his Masters name, that if hisLordship were so pleased, hee might come and visite _Ghinotto_ at hisCastle. Which the Abbot hearing, answered chollerickly, that he wouldnot come thither, because hee had nothing to say to _Ghinotto_: butmeant to proceed on in his journy, and would faine see, who durstpresume to hinder his passe. To which rough words, the messenger thusmildely answered. My Lord (quoth he) you are arrived in such a place,where we feare no other force, but the all-controlling power of heaven,clearely exempted from the Popes thunder-cracks, of maledictions,interdictions, excommunications, or whatsoever else: and thereforeit would bee much better for you, if you pleased to do as _Ghinotto_adviseth you.

  During the time of this their interparlance, the place was suddenlyround ingirt with strongly armed theeves, and the Lord Abbotperceiving, that both he and all his followers were surprized: tookehis way (though very impatiently) towards the Castle, and likewise allhis company and carriages with him. Being dismounted, hee was conducted(as _Ghinotto_ had appointed) all alone, into a small Chamber of theCastle, it being very darke and uneasie: but the rest of his traine,every one according to his ranck and quality, were all well lodgedin the Castle, their horses, goods and all things else, deliveredinto secure keeping, without the least touch of injury or prejudice.All which being orderly done, _Ghinotto_ himselfe went to the LordAbbot, and said. My Lord, _Ghinotto_, to whom you are a welcome guest,requesteth, that it might be your pleasure to tell him, whither you aretravelling, and upon what occasion?

  The Lord Abbot being a very wise man, and his angry distemper moremoderately qualified; revealed whither he went, and the cause ofhis going thither. Which when _Ghinotto_ had heard, hee departedcourteously from him, and began to consider with himselfe, how he mightcure the Abbot; yet without any Bathe. So, commanding a good fire to bekept continually in his small Chamber, and very good attendance on him:the next morning, he came to visite him againe, bringing a faire whiteNapkin on his arme, and in it two slices or toasts of fine Manchet, agoodly cleare Glasse, full of the purest white-Bastard of _Corniglia_(but indeed, of the Abbots owne provision brought thither with him) andthen hee spoke to him in this manner.

  My Lord, when _Ghinotto_ was yonger then now he is, he studyedPhysicke, and he commanded me to tell you, that the very best medicine,he could ever learne, against any disease in the stomacke, was thiswhich he had provided for your Lordship, as an especial preparative,and which he should finde to be very comfortable. The Abbot, who hada better stomacke to eate, then any will or desire to talke: althoughhee did it somewhat disdainfully, yet hee eate up both the toastes,and roundly dranke off the Glasse of Bastard. Afterward, divers otherspeeches passed betweene them, the one still advising in Phisicallmanner, and the other seeming to care little for it: but moved manyquestions concerning _Ghinotto_, and earnestly requesting to see him.Such speeches as favoured of the Abbots discontentment, and came fromhim in passion; were clouded with courteous acceptance, & not the leastsigne of any mislike: but assuring his Lordship, that _Ghinotto_intended very shortly to see him, and so they parted for that time.

  Nor returned he any more, till the next morning with the like twotoastes of bread, and such another Glasse of white Bastard, as he hadbrought him at the first, continuing the same course for divers dayesafter: till the Abbot had eaten (and very hungerly too) a pretty storeof dryed Beanes, which _Ghinotto_ purposely, (yet secretly) had hiddenin the Chamber. Whereupon he demaunded of him (as seeming to be soenjoyned by his pretended master) in what temper he found his stomackenow? I should finde my stomacke well enough (answered the Lord Abbot)if I could get forth of thy masters fingers, and then have some goodfood to feed on: for his medicines have made me so soundly stomackt,that I am ready to starve with hunger.

  When _Ghinotto_ was gone from him, hee then prepared a very faireChamber for him, adorning it with the Abbots owne rich hangings, asalso his Plate and other moveables, such as were alwayes used for hisservice. A costly dinner he provided likewise, whereto he inviteddivers of the Towne, and many of the Abbots chiefest followers: thengoing to him againe the next morning, he said. My Lord, seeing you doefeele your stomacke so well, it is time you should come forth of theInfirmary. And taking him by the hand, he brought him into the preparedChamber, where he left him with his owne people, and went to give orderfor the dinners serving in, that it might be performed in magnificentmanner.

  The Lord Abbot recreated himselfe a while with his owne people,to whom he recounted, the course of his life since hee saw them;and they likewise told him, how kindly they had bin initeated by_Ghinotto_. But when dinner time was come, the Lord Abbot and all hiscompany, were served with Costly viands and excellent Wines, without_Ghinottoes_ making himselfe knowne to the Abbot: till after he hadbeene entertained some few dayes in this order: into the great Hall ofthe Castle, _Ghinotto_ caused all the Abbots goods and furniture to beebrought, and likewise into a spacio
us Court, whereon the windowes of thesaid Court gazed, all his mules and horses, with their sumpters, evento the very silliest of them, which being done, _Ghinotto_ went to theAbbot, and demaunded of him, how he felt his stomacke now, and whetherit would serve him to venter on horsebacke as yet, or no? The LordAbbot answered, that he found his stomacke perfectly recovered, hisbody strong enough to endure travell, and all things well, so hee weredelivered from _Ghinotto_.

  Hereupon, he brought him into the hall where his furniture was, asalso all his people, & commanding a window to be opned, whereat hemight behold his horses, he said. My Lord, let me plainely give youto understand, that neither cowardise, or basenesse of minde, induced_Ghinotto di Tacco_ (which is my selfe) to become a lurking robber onthe high-wayes, an enemy to the Pope, and so (consequently) to theRomane Court: but onely to save his owne life and honour, knowinghimselfe to be a Gentleman cast out of his owne house, and having(beside) infinite enemies. But because you seeme to be a worthy Lord,I will not (although I have cured your stomacks disease) deale withyou as I doe to others, whose goods (when they fall into my power)I take such part of as I please: but rather am well contented, thatmy necessities being considered by your selfe, you spare me out aproportion of the things you have heere, answerable to your owneliking. For all are present here before you, both in this Hall, andin the Court beneath, free from any spoyle, or the least impairing.Wherefore, give a part, or take all, if you please, and then departhence when you will, or abide heere still, for now you are at your ownefree liberty.

  The Lord Abbot wondred not a little, that a robber on the high wayes,should have such a bold and liberall spirit, which appeared verypleasing to him; and instantly, his former hatred and spleene against_Ghinotto_, became converted into cordiall love and kindnes, so that(imbracing him in his armes) he said. I protest upon my vow made toReligion, that to win the love of such a man, as I plainely perceivethee to be: I would undergo far greater injuries, then those which Ihave received at thy hands. Accursed be cruell destiny, that forcedthee to so base a kind of life, and did not blesse thee with a fairerfortune. After he had thus spoken, he left there the greater part ofall his goods, and returned back againe to Rome, with fewer horses, anda meaner traine.

  During these passed accidents, the Pope had received intelligence ofthe Lord Abbots surprizall, which was not a little displeasing to him:but when he saw him returned, he demaunded, what benefit he receivedat the Bathes? Whereto the Abbot, merrily smyling, thus replyed.Holy Father, I met with a most skilfull Physitian neerer hand, whoseexperience is beyond the power of the Bathes, for by him I am veryperfectly cured: and so discoursed all at large. The Pope laughingheartely, and the Abbot continuing on still his report, moved with anhigh and magnificent courage, he demaunded one gracious favour of thePope: who imagining that he would request a matter of greater moment,then he did, freely offered to grant, whatsoever he desired.

  Holy Father, answered the Lord Abbot, all the humble suit which Imake to you, is, that you would be pleased to receive into your graceand favor, _Ghinotto di Tacco_ my Physitian, because among all thevertuous men, deserving to have especial account made of them I nevermet with any equall to him both in honour and honesty. Whatsoeverinjury he did to me, I impute it as a greater in-fortune, then any wayhe deserveth to be charged withall. Which wretched condition of his,if you were pleased to alter, and bestow on him some better meanes ofmaintenance, to live like a worthy man, as he is no lesse: I make nodoubt, but (in very short time) hee will appeare as pleasing to yourholinesse, as (in my best judgement) I thinke him to be.

  The Pope, who was of a magnanimious spirit, and one that highlyaffected men of vertue, hearing the commendable motion made by theAbbot; returned answere, that he was as willing to grant it, as theother desired it, sending Letters of safe conduct for his commingthither. _Ghinotto_ receiving such assurance from the Court of Rome,came thither immediatly, to the great joy of the Lord Abbot: and thePope finding him to be a man of valour and worth, upon reconciliation,remitted all former errors, creating him knight, and Lord Prior of thevery chiefest Hospitall in Rome. In which Office he lived long timeafter, as a loyall servant to the Church, and an honest thankefullfriend to the Lord Abbot of _Clugny_.