Read The Decameron (Day 6 to Day 10) Page 51

  _Madame_ Dianora, _the Wife of Signior_ Gilberto, _being immodestlyaffected by Signior_ Ansaldo, _to free herselfe from his tediousimportunity, she appointed him to performe (in her judgement) an actof impossibility, namely, to give her a Garden, as plentifully storedwith fragrant Flowers in January, as in the flourishing moneth of_ May.Ansaldo, _by meanes of a bond which he made to a Magitian, performedher request. Signior_ Gilberto, _the Ladyes Husband, gave consent, thathis Wife should fulfill her promise made to_ Ansaldo. _Who hearing thebountifull mind of her Husband; released her of her promise: And theMagitian likewise discharged Signior_ Ansaldo, _without taking anything of him._

  The fift Novell.

  _Admonishing all Ladies and Gentlewomen, that are desirous to preservetheir chastity, free from all blemish and taxation: to make no promiseof yeelding to any, under a compact or covenant, how impossible soeverit may seeme to be._

  Not any one in all the Company, but extolled the worthy Act of Signior_Gentile_ to the skies; till the King gave command to Madame _?millia_,that she should follow next with her Tale, who boldly stepping up,began in this order.

  Gracious Ladies, I thinke there is none heere present among us, but(with good reason) may maintaine, that Signiour _Gentile_ performed amagnificent deede: but whosoever saith, it is impossible to do more;perhaps is ignorant in such actions, as can and may be done, as I meaneto make good unto you, by a Novell not over-long or tedious.

  The Countrey of _Fretulium_, better knowne by the name of _ForumJulii_; although it be subject to much cold, yet it is pleasant, inregard of many goodly Mountaines, Rivers, and cleare running Springs,wherewith it is not meanly stored. Within those Territories, is a Citycalled _Udina_, where sometime lived a faire and Noble Lady, namedMadame _Dianora_, Wife to a rich and woorthie Knight, called Signior_Gilberto_, a man of very great fame and merite.

  This beautifull** Lady, beeing very modest and vertuously inclined, washighly affected by a Noble Baron of those parts, tearmed by the nameof Signior _Ansaldo Gradense_, a man of very great spirit, bountifull,active in Armes, and yet very affable and courteous, which caused himto be the better respected. His love to this Lady was extraordinary,hardly to bee contained within any moderate compasse, striving to beein like manner affected of her: to which end, she wanted no dailysolicitings, Letters, Ambassages and Love-tokens, all proving to nopurpose.

  This vertuous Lady, being wearied with his often temptations, andseeing, that by denying whatsoever he demanded, yet he wold not giveover his suite, but so much the more importunatly still pursued her:began to bethinke herselfe, how she might best be rid of him, byimposing some such taske upon him, as should bee impossible (in heropinion) for him to effect. An olde woman, whom hee imployed for hiscontinual messenger to her, as shee came one day about her ordinaryerrand, with her she communed in this manner. Good woman (quoth she)thou hast so often assured me, that Signior _Ansaldo_ loveth me aboveall other Women in the world, offering me wonderfull gifts and presentsin his name, which I have alwayes refused, and so still will do, inregard I am not to be woon by any such allurements: yet if I could besoundly perswaded, that his affection is answerable to thy peremptoryprotestations, I shoulde (perhaps) be the sooner wonne, to listen tohis suite in milder manner, then hitherto I have done. Wherefore, if hewill give me assurance, to perform such a businesse as I mean to enjoynehim, he shall the speedier heare better answer from me, and I willconfirme it with mine oath.

  Wonderfully pleased was Mistresse _Maquerella_, to heare a reply ofsuch comfortable hope; and therefore desired the Lady, to tel hir whatshe wold have done. Listen to me wel (answerd Madam _Dianora_) thematter which I would have him to effect for me, is; without the wals ofour City, and during the month of Januarie nexte ensuing, to provide mea Garden, as fairely furnished with all kind of fragrant flowers, asthe flourishing month of May can yeelde no better. If he be not ableto accomplish this imposition, then I command him, never hereafter tosolicite me any more, either by thee, or any other whatsoever; for,if he do importune me afterward, as hitherto I have concealed hissecret conspiring, both from my husband, and all my friends; so willI then lay his dishonest suite open to the world, that he may receivepunishment accordingly, for offering to wrong a Gentleman in his wife.

  When Signior _Ansaldo_ heard her demand, and the offer besidethereupon** made him (although it seemed no easie matter; but a thingmeerly impossible to be done) he considered advisedly, that she madethis motion to no other end, but onely to bereave him of all his hope,ever to enjoy what so earnestly hee desired: neverthelesse, he wouldnot so give it utterly over, but would needs approve what could bedone. Heereupon, hee sent into divers partes of the world, to find outany one that was able to advise him in this doubtfull case. In the end,one was brought to him, who beeing well recompenced for his paines,by the Art of Nigromancie would undertake to do it. With him Signior_Ansaldo_ covenanted, binding himselfe to pay a great summe of mony,upon performance of so rare a deed, awaiting (in hopefull expectation)for the month of Januaries comming.

  It being come, and the weather then in extreamity of cold, every thingbeing covered with ice and snow; the Magitian prevailed so by hisArt, that after the Christmas Holy dayes were past, and the Calendsof January entred: in one night, and without the Cittie Wals, thegoodliest Garden of flowers and fruites, was sodainely sprung up, as(in opinion of such as beheld it) never was the like seen before.Now Ladies, I think I need not demand the question, whether Signior_Ansaldo_ were wel pleased, or no, who going to beholde it, saw it mostplenteously stored, with al kind of fruit trees, flowers, herbes andplants, as no one could be named, that was wanting in this artificiallgarden. And having gathered some pretty store of them, secretly he sentthem to Madam _Dianora_, inviting hir to come see her Garden, perfectedaccording to her owne desire, and uppon view thereof, to confesse theintegrity of his love to her; considering and remembring withall, thepromise shee had made him under solemne oath, that she might be reputedfor a woman of her word.

  When the Lady beheld the fruites and flowers, and heard many otherthinges re-counted, so wonderfully growing in the same Garden: shebegan to repent her rash promise made; yet not withstanding herrepentance, as Women are covetous to see all rarities; so, accompaniedwith divers Ladies and Gentlewomen more, she went to see the Garden;and having commended it with much admiration, she returned home againe,the most sorrowfull Woman as ever lived, considering what she had tyedher selfe to, for enjoying this Garden. So excessive grew her griefeand affliction, that it could not be so clouded or concealed: but herHusband tooke notice of it, and would needs understand the occasionthereof. Long the Lady (in regard of shame and modesty) sate withoutreturning any answer; but being in the end constrained, she disclosdthe whole History to him.

  At the first, Signior _Gilberto_ waxed exceeding angry, but when hefurther considered withall, the pure and honest intention of his Wife;wisely he pacified his former distemper, and saide. _Dianora_, it isnot the part of a wise and honest woman, to lend an eare to ambassagesof such immodest nature, much lesse to compound or make agreement forher honesty, with any person, under any condition whatsoever. Thoseperswasions which the heart listeneth to, by allurement of the eare,have greater power then many do imagine, & nothing is so uneasieor difficult, but in a lovers judgement it appeareth possible. Illdidst thou therefore first of all to listen, but worse (afterward) tocontract.

  But, because I know the purity of thy soule, I will yeelde (to disobligethee of thy promise) as perhaps no wise man else would do: moovedthereto onely by feare of the Magitian, who seeing Signior _Ansaldo_displeased, because thou makest a mockage of him; will do some suchviolent wrong to us, as we shall be never able to recover. Wherefore,I would have thee go to Signior _Ansaldo_, and if thou canst (byany meanes) obtaine of him, the safe-keeping of thy honour, and fulldischarge of thy promise; it shall be an eternall fame to thee, andthe crowne of a most victorious conquest. But if it must needs beotherwise, lend him thy body onely for once, but not thy will: foractions committed by constraint, wher
ein the will is no way guilty, arehalfe pardonable by the necessity.

  Madame _Dianora_, hearing her husbands words, wept exceedingly, andavouched, that shee had not deserved any such especiall grace of him,and therefore she would rather dye, then doe it. Neverthelesse, it wasthe will of her Husband to have it so, and therefore (against her will)she gave consent. The next morning, by the breake of day, _Dianora_arose, and attiring her selfe in her very meanest garments, with twoservingmen before her, and a waiting Woman following, she went to thelodging of Signior _Ansaldo_, who hearing that Madam _Dianora_ wascome to visite him, greatly mervailed, and being risen, he called theMagitian to him, saying. Come go with me, and see what effect willfollow upon thine Art. And being come into her presence, without anybase or inordinate appetite, he did her humble reverence, embracing herhonestly, and taking her into a goodly Chamber, where a faire fire wasreadilie prepared, causing her to sit downe by him, he sayde unto heras followeth.

  Madam, I humbly intreat you to resolve me, if the affection I have longtime borne you, and yet do still, deserve any recompence at all: youwould be pleased then to tel me truly, the occasion of your instantcomming hither, and thus attended as you are. _Dianora_, blushing withmodest shame, and the teares trickling mainly down her faire cheekes,thus answered. Signior _Ansaldo_, not for any Love I beare you, or careof my faithfull promise made to you, but onely by the command of myhusband (who respecting more the paynes and travels of your inordinatelove, then his owne reputation and honor, or mine;) hath caused me tocome hither: and by vertue of his command, am ready (for once onely) tofulfill your pleasure, but far from any will or consent in my selfe.If Signior _Ansaldo_ were abashed at the first, hee began now to bemore confounded with admiration, when he heard the Lady speake in suchstrange manner: & being much moved with the liberall command of herhusband, he began to alter his inflamed heate, into most honourablerespect and compassion, returning her this answer.

  Most noble Lady, the Gods forbid (if it be so as you have sayd) that Ishould (Villain-like) soile the honour of him, that takes such unusuallcompassion of my unchaste appetite. And therefore, you may remaineheere so long as you please, in no other condition, but as mine ownenaturall borne Sister; and likewise, you may depart freely when youwill: conditionally, that (on my behalfe) you render such thankes toyour husband, as you thinke convenient for his great bounty towards me,accounting me for ever heereafter, as his loyall Brother and faithfullservant. _Dianora_ having well observed his answer, her heart beingready to mount out at her mouth with joy, said. All the world couldnever make mee beleeve (considering your honourable minde and honesty)that it would happen otherwise to me, then now it hath done; for whichnoble courtesie, I will continually remaine obliged to you. So, takingher leave, she returned home honorably attended to her husband, andrelating to him what had happened, it proved the occasion of begettingintire love and friendship, betweene himselfe and the Noble Lord_Ansaldo_.

  Now concerning the skilfull Magitian, to whom _Ansaldo_ meant togive the bountifull recompence agreed on betweene them, hee havingseene the strange liberality, which the husband expressed to Signior_Ansaldo_, and that of _Ansaldo_ to the Lady, hee presently saide.Great _Jupiter_ strike me dead with thunder, having my selfe seene ahusband so liberall of his honour, and you Sir of true noble kindnesse,if I should not be the like of my recompence: for, perceiving it tobe so worthily imployed, I am well contented that you shall keepe it.The Noble Lord was modestly ashamed, and strove (so much as in himlay) that he should take all, or the greater part thereof: but seeinghe laboured meerly in vaine, after the third day was past, and theMagitian had destroyed the Garden againe, hee gave him free liberty todepart, quite controlling all fond and unchaste affection in himselfe,either towards _Dianora_, or any Lady else, and living (ever after) asbest becommeth any Nobleman to do.

  What say you now Ladies? Shall wee make any account of the womanwel-neere dead, and the kindnesse growne cold in Signiour _Gentile_,by losse of his former hopes, comparing them with the liberality ofSignior _Ansaldo_, affecting more fervently, then ever the other did?And being (beyond hope) possessed of the booty, which (above all thingselse in the world) he most desired to have, to part with it meerlyin fond compassion? I protest (in my judgement) the one is no waycomparable to the other; that of _Gentile_, with this last of Signior_Ansaldo_.