Read The Deluge: An Historical Novel of Poland, Sweden, and Russia. Vol. 1 (of 2) Page 13


  These thoughts did not let Volodyovski sleep on the night following.For a number of days he was thinking continually of Panna Aleksandra,and saw that she had dropped deeply into his heart. Besides, the Laudanobles wished to bring about a marriage between them. It is true thatshe had refused him without hesitation, but at that time she neitherknew him nor had seen him. Now it was something quite different. He hadwrested her in knightly fashion from the hands of a man of violence,had exposed himself to bullets and sabres, had captured her like afortress. Whose is she, if not his? Can she refuse him anything, evenher hand? Well, shall he not try? Perhaps affection has begun in herfrom gratitude, since it happens often in the world that the rescuedlady gives straightway her hand to her rescuer. If she has notconceived an affection for him as yet, it behooves him all the more toexert himself in the matter.

  "But if she remembers and loves the other man still?"

  "It cannot be," repeated Volodyovski to himself; "if she had notrejected him, he would not have taken her by force. She showed, it istrue, uncommon kindness to him; but it is a woman's work to take pityon the wounded, even if they are enemies. She is young, withoutguardianship; it is time for her to marry. It is clear that shehas no vocation for the cloister, or she would have entered onealready. There has been time enough. Men will annoy such a comely ladycontinually,--some for her fortune, others for her beauty, and stillothers for her high blood. Oh, a defence the reality of which she cansee with her own eyes will be dear to her. It is time too for thee tosettle down, my dear Michael!" said Volodyovski to himself. "Thou artyoung yet, but the years hurry swiftly. Thou wilt win not fortune inservice, but rather more wounds in thy skin, and to thy giddy life willcome an end."

  Here through the memory of Pan Volodyovski passed a whole line of youngladies after whom he had sighed in his life. Among them were some verybeautiful and of high blood, but one more charming and distinguishedthere was not. Besides, the people of these parts exalted that familyand that lady, and from her eyes there looked such honesty that may Godgive no worse wife to the best man.

  Pan Volodyovski felt that a prize was meeting him which might not comea second time, and this the more since he had rendered the lady suchuncommon service. "Why delay?" said he to himself. "What better can Iwait for? I must try."

  Pshaw! but war is at hand. His arm was well. It was a shame for aknight to go courting when his country was stretching forth its handsimploring deliverance. Pan Michael had the heart of an honest soldier;and though he had served almost from boyhood, though he had taken partin nearly all the wars of his time, he knew what he owed his country,and he dreamed not of rest.

  Precisely because he had served his country not for gain, reward, orpraise, but from his soul, had he in that regard a clean conscience, hefelt his worth, and that gave him solace. "Others were frolicking, butI was fighting," thought he. "The Lord God will reward the littlesoldier, and will help him this time."

  But he saw that soon there would be no time for courting; there wasneed to act promptly, and put everything on the hazard at once,--tomake a proposal on the spot, and either marry after short bans or eat awatermelon.[12] "I have eaten more than one; I'll eat another thistime," muttered Volodyovski, moving his yellow mustaches. "What harmwill it do?"

  But there was one side to this sudden decision which did not pleasehim. He put the question to himself if going with a visit so soon aftersaving the lady he would not be like an importunate creditor who wishesa debt to be paid with usury and as quickly as possible. Perhaps itwill not be in knightly fashion? Nonsense! for what can gratitude beasked, if not for service? And if this haste does not please the heartof the lady, if she looks askance at him, why, he can say to her,"Gracious lady, I would have come courting one year, and gazed at youas if I were near-sighted; but I am a soldier, and the trumpets aresounding for battle!"

  "So I'll go," said Pan Volodyovski.

  But after a while another thought entered his head: if she says, "Go towar, noble soldier, and after the war you will visit me during one yearand look at me like a nearsighted man, for I will not give in a momentmy soul and my body to one whom I know not!"

  Then all will be lost! That it would be lost Pan Volodyovski feltperfectly; for leaving aside the lady whom in the interval some otherman might marry, Volodyovski was not sure of his own constancy.Conscience declared that in him love was kindled like straw, butquenched as quickly.

  Then all will be lost! And then wander on farther, thou soldier, avagrant from one camp to another, from battle to battle, with no roofin the world, with no living soul of thy kindred! Search the fourcorners of earth when the war will be over, not knowing a place for thyheart save the barracks!

  At last Volodyovski knew not what to do. It had become in a certainfashion narrow and stifling for him in the Patsuneli house; he took hiscap therefore to go out on the road and enjoy the May sun. On thethreshold he came upon one of Kmita's men taken prisoner, who in thedivision of spoils had come to old Pakosh, The Cossack was warminghimself in the sun and playing on a bandura.

  "What art thou doing here? asked Volodyovski.

  "I am playing," answered the Cossack, raising his thin face,

  "Whence art thou?" asked Volodyovski, glad to have some interruption tohis thoughts.

  "From afar, from the Viahla."

  "Why not run away like the rest of thy comrades? Oh, such kind of sons!The nobles spared your lives in Lyubich so as to have laborers, andyour comrades all ran away as soon as the ropes were removed."

  "I will not run away. I'll die here like a dog."

  "So it has pleased thee here?"

  "He runs away who feels better in the field; it is better for me here.I had my leg shot through, and the old man's daughter here dressed it,and she spoke a kind word. Such a beauty I have not seen before with myeyes. Why should I go away?"

  "Which one pleased thee so?"


  "And so thou wilt remain?"

  "If I die, they will carry me out; if not, I will remain."

  "Dost thou think to earn Pakosh's daughter?"

  "I know not."

  "He would give death to such a poor fellow before he would hisdaughter."

  "I have gold pieces buried in the woods," said the Cossack,--"twopurses."

  "From robbery?"

  "From robbery."

  "Even if thou hadst a pot of gold, thou art a peasant and Pakosh is anoble."

  "I am an attendant boyar."

  "If thou art an attendant boyar, thou art worse than a peasant, forthou'rt a traitor. How couldst thou serve the enemy?"

  "I did not serve the enemy."

  "And where did Pan Kmita find thee and thy comrades?"

  "On the road. I served with the full hetman; but the squadron went topieces, for we had nothing to eat. I had no reason to go home, for myhouse was burned. Others went to rob on the road, and I went withthem."

  Volodyovski wondered greatly, for hitherto he had thought that Kmitahad attacked Olenka with forces obtained from the enemy.

  "So Pan Kmita did not get thee from Trubetskoi?"

  "Most of the other men had served before with Trubetskoi and Hovanski,but they had run away too and taken to the road."

  "Why did you go with Pan Kmita?"

  "Because he is a splendid ataman. We were told that when he called onany one to go with him, thalers as it were flowed out of a bag, to thatman. That's why we went. Well, God did not give us good luck!"

  Volodyovski began to rack his head, and to think that they hadblackened Kmita too much; then he looked at the pale attendant boyarand again racked his head.

  "And so thou art in love with her?"

  "Oi, so much!"

  Volodyovski walked away, and while going he thought: "That is aresolute man. He did not break his head; he fell in love and remained.Such men are best. If he is really an attendant boyar, he is of thesame rank as the village nobles. When he digs up his gold pieces,perhaps the old ma
n will give him Maryska. And why? Because he did notgo to drumming with his fingers, but made up his mind that he would gether. I'll make up my mind too."

  Thus meditating, Volodyovski walked along the road in the sunshine.Sometimes he would stop, fix his eyes on the ground or raise them tothe sky, then again go farther, till all at once he saw a flock of wildducks flying through the air. He began to soothsay whether he should goor not. It came out that he was to go.

  "I will go; it cannot be otherwise."

  When he had said this he turned toward the house; but on the way hewent once more to the stable, before which his two servants wereplaying dice.

  "Syruts, is Basior's mane plaited?"

  "Plaited, Colonel!"

  Volodyovski went into the stable. Basior neighed at him from themanger; the knight approached the horse, patted him on the side, andthen began to count the braids on his neck. "Go--not go--go." Again thesoothsaying came out favorably.

  "Saddle the horse and dress decently," commanded Volodyovski.

  Then he went to the house quickly, and began to dress. He put on highcavalry boots, yellow, with gilded spurs, and a new red uniform,besides a rapier with steel scabbard, the hilt ornamented with gold; inaddition a half breastplate of bright steel covering only the upperpart of the breast near the neck. He had also a lynxskin cap with abeautiful heron feather; but since that was worn only with a Polishdress, he left it in the trunk, put on a Swedish helmet with a vizor,and went out before the porch.

  "Where is your grace going?" asked old Pakosh, who was sitting on therailing.

  "Where am I going? It is proper for me to go and inquire after thehealth of your lady; if not, she might think me rude."

  "From your grace there is a blaze like fire. Every bulfinch is a foolin comparison! Unless the lady is without eyes, she will fall in lovein a minute."

  Just then the two youngest daughters of Pakosh hurried up on their wayhome from the forenoon milking, each with a pail of milk. When they sawVolodyovski they stood as if fixed to the earth from wonder.

  "Is it a king or not?" asked Zonia.

  "Your grace is like one going to a wedding," added Marysia.

  "Maybe there will be a wedding," laughed old Pakosh, "for he is goingto see our lady."

  Before the old man had stopped speaking the full pail dropped from thehand of Marysia, and a stream of milk flowed along till it reached thefeet of Volodyovski.

  "Pay attention to what you are holding!" said Pakosh, angrily. "Giddything!"

  Marysia said nothing; she raised the pail and walked off in silence.

  Volodyovski mounted his horse; his two servants followed him, ridingabreast, and the three moved on toward Vodokty. The day was beautiful.The May sun played on the breastplate and helmet of the colonel, sothat when at a distance he was gleaming among the willows it seemedthat another sun was pushing along the road.

  "I am curious to know whether I shall come back with a ring or amelon?" said the knight to himself.

  "What is your grace saying?" asked Syruts.

  "Thou art a blockhead!"

  Syruts reined in his horse, and Volodyovski continued: "The whole luckof the matter is that it is not the first time!"

  This idea gave him uncommon comfort.

  When he arrived at Vodokty, Panna Aleksandra did not recognize him atthe first moment, and he had to repeat his name. She greeted himheartily, but ceremoniously and with a certain constraint; but hepresented himself befittingly,--for though a soldier, not a courtier,he had still lived long at great houses, had been among people. Hebowed to her therefore with great respect, and placing his hand on hisheart spoke as follows:--

  "I have come to inquire about the health of my lady benefactress,whether some pain has not come from the fright. I ought to have donethis the day after, but I did not wish to give annoyance."

  "It is very kind of you to keep me in mind after having saved me fromsuch straits. Sit down, for you are a welcome guest."

  "My lady," replied Volodyovski, "had I forgotten you I should not havedeserved the favor which God sent when he permitted me to give aid toso worthy a person."

  "No, I ought to thank first God, and then you."

  "Then let us both thank; for I implore nothing else than this,--that hegrant me to defend you as often as need comes."

  Pan Michael now moved his waxed mustaches, which curled up higher thanhis nose, for he was satisfied with himself for having gone straight in_medias res_ and placed his sentiments, so to speak, on the table. Shesat embarrassed and silent, but beautiful as a spring day. A slightflush came on her cheeks, and she covered her eyes with the long lashesfrom which shadows fell on the pupils.

  "That confusion is a good sign," thought Volodyovski; and coughing heproceeded: "You know, I suppose, that I led the Lauda men after yourgrandfather?"

  "I know," answered Olenka. "My late grandfather was unable to make thelast campaign, but he was wonderfully glad when he heard whom thevoevoda of Vilna had appointed to the command, and said that he knewyou by reputation as a splendid soldier."

  "Did he say that?"

  "I myself heard how he praised you to the skies, and how the Lauda mendid the same after the campaign."

  "I am a simple soldier, not worthy of being exalted to the skies, norabove other men. Still I rejoice that I am not quite a stranger, foryou do not think now that an unknown and uncertain guest has fallenwith the last rain from the clouds. Many people are wandering about whocall themselves persons of high family and say they are in office, andGod knows who they are; perhaps often they are not even nobles."

  Pan Volodyovski gave the conversation this turn with the intent tospeak of himself and of what manner of man he was. Olenka answered atonce,--

  "No one would think that of you, for there are nobles of the same namein Lithuania."

  "But they have the seal Ossorya, while I am a Korchak Volodyovski andwe take our origin from Hungary from a certain noble, Atylla, who whilepursued by his enemies made a vow to the Most Holy Lady that he wouldturn from Paganism to the Catholic faith if he should escape withhis life. He kept this vow after he had crossed three rivers insafety,--the same rivers that we bear on our shield."

  "Then your family is not from those parts?"

  "No, my lady, I am from the Ukraine of the Russian Volodyovskis, and tothis time I own villages there which the enemy have occupied; but Iserve in the army from youth, thinking less of land than of the harminflicted on our country by strangers. I have served from the earliestyears with the voevoda of Rus, our not sufficiently lamented PrinceYeremi, with whom I have been in all his wars. I was at Mahnovka and atKonstantinoff; I endured the hunger of Zbaraj, and after Berestechkoour gracious lord the king pressed my head. God is my witness that Ihave not come here to praise myself, but desire that you might know, mylady, that I am no hanger-on, whose work is in shouting and who spareshis own blood, but that my life has been passed in honorable service inwhich some little fame was won, and my conscience stained in nothing,so God be my aid! And to this worthy people can give testimony."

  "Would that all were like you!" sighed Olenka.

  "Surely you have now in mind that man of violence who dared to raisehis godless hand against you."

  Panna Aleksandra fixed her eyes on the floor, and said not a word.

  "He has received pay for his deeds," continued Volodyovski, "though itis said that he will recover, still he will not escape punishment. Allhonorable people condemn him, and even too much; for they say that hehad relations with the enemy so as to obtain reinforcements,--which isuntrue, for those men with whom he attacked you did not come from theenemy, but were collected on the highway."

  "How do you know that?" asked the lady, raising her blue eyes toVolodyovski.

  "From the Cossacks themselves. He is a wonderful man, that Kmita; forwhen I accused him of treason before the duel he made no denial, thoughI accused him unjustly. It is clear that there is a devilish pride inhim."

  "And have you said everywhere that he is not a trai

  "I have not, for I did not know that he was not a traitor; but now Iwill say so. It is wrong to cast such a calumny even on our owngreatest enemy."

  Panna Aleksandra's eyes rested a second time on the little knight withan expression of sympathy and gratitude. "You are so honorable a manthat your equal is rare."

  Volodyovski fell to twitching his mustaches time after time withcontentment. "To business, Michael dear!" said he, mentally. Then aloudto the lady: "I will say more: I blame Pan Kmita's method, but I do notwonder that he tried to obtain you, my lady, in whose service Venusherself might act as a maid. Despair urged him on to an evil deed, andwill surely urge him a second time, should opportunity offer. How willyou remain alone, with such beauty and without protection? There aremore men like Kmita in the world; you will rouse more such ardors, andwill expose your honor to fresh perils. God sent me favor that I wasable to free you, but now the trumpets of Gradivus call me. Who willwatch over you? My gracious lady, they accuse soldiers of fickleness,but unjustly. Neither is my heart of rock, and it cannot remainindifferent to so many excellent charms."

  Here Volodyovski fell on both knees before Olenka. "My gracious lady,"said he, while kneeling, "I inherited the command after yourgrandfather; let me inherit the granddaughter too. Give me guardianshipover you; let me enjoy the bliss of mutual affection. Take me as aperpetual protection, and you will be at rest and free from care, forthough I go to the war my name itself will defend you."

  The lady sprang from the chair and heard Pan Volodyovski withastonishment; but he still spoke on:--

  "I am a poor soldier, but a noble, and a man of honor. I swear to youthat on my shield and on my conscience not the slightest stain can befound. I am at fault perhaps in this haste; but understand too that Iam called by the country, which will not yield even for you. Will younot comfort me,--will you not give me solace, will you not say a kindword?"

  "You ask the impossible. As God lives, that cannot be!" answeredOlenka, with fright.

  "It depends on your will."

  "For that reason I say no to you promptly." Here she frowned. "Worthysir, I am indebted to you much, I do not deny it. Ask what you like, Iam ready to give everything except my hand."

  Pan Volodyovski rose. "Then you do not wish me, my lady? Is that true?"

  "I cannot."

  "And that is your last word?"

  "The last and irrevocable word."

  "Perhaps the haste only has displeased you. Give me some hope."

  "I cannot, I cannot."

  "Then there is no success for me here, as elsewhere there was none. Myworthy lady, offer not pay for services, I have not come for that; andif I ask your hand it is not as pay, but from your own good-will. Wereyou to say that you give it because you must, I would not take it.Where there is no freedom there is no happiness. You have disdained me.God grant that a worse do not meet you. I go from this house as Ientered, save this that I shall not come here again. I am accountedhere as nobody. Well, let it be so. Be happy even with that very Kmita,for perhaps you are angry because I placed a sabre between you. If heseems better to you, then in truth you are not for me."

  Olenka seized her temples with her hands, and repeated a number oftimes: "O God! O God! O God!"

  But that pain of hers made no impression on Volodyovski, who, when hehad bowed, went out angry and wrathful; then he mounted at once androde off.

  "A foot of mine shall never stand there again!" said he, aloud.

  His attendant Syruts riding behind pushed up at once. "What does yourgrace say?"

  "Blockhead!" answered Volodyovski.

  "You told me that when we were coming hither."

  Silence followed; then Volodyovski began to mutter again: "Ah, I wasentertained there with ingratitude, paid for affection with contempt.It will come to me surely to serve in the cavalry till death; that isfated. Such a devil of a lot fell to me,--every move a refusal! Thereis no justice on earth. What did she find against me?"

  Here Pan Michael frowned, and began to work mightily with his brain;all at once he slapped his leg with his hand. "I know now," shouted he;"she loves that fellow yet,--it cannot be otherwise."

  But this idea did not clear his face. "So much the worse for me,"thought he, after a while; "for if she loves him yet, she will not stoploving him. He has already done his worst. He may go to war, win glory,repair his reputation. And it is not right to hinder him; he shouldrather be aided, for that is a service to the country. He is a goodsoldier, 'tis true. But how did he fascinate her so? Who can tell? Somehave such fortune that if one of them looks on a woman she is ready tofollow him into fire. If a man only knew how this is done or could getsome captive spirit, perhaps he might effect something. Merit has noweight with a fair head. Pan Zagloba said wisely that a fox and a womanare the most treacherous creatures alive. But I grieve that all islost. Oh, she is a terribly beautiful woman, and honorable andvirtuous, as they say; ambitious as the devil,--that's evident. Whoknows that she will marry him though she loves him, for he has offendedand disappointed her sorely. He might have won her in peace, but hechose to be lawless. She is willing to resign everything,--marriage andchildren. It is grievous for me, but maybe it is worse for her, poorthing!"

  Here Volodyovski fell into a tit of tenderness over the fate of Olenka,and began to rack his brain and smack his lips. At last he said,--

  "May God aid her! I have no ill feeling against her! It is not thefirst refusal for me, but for her it is the first suffering. The poorwoman can scarcely recover now from sorrows. I have put out her eyeswith this Kmita, and besides have given her gall to drink. It was notright to do that, and I must repair the wrong. I wish bullets hadstruck me, for I have acted rudely. I will write a letter askingforgiveness, and then help her in what way I can."

  Further thoughts concerning Pan Kmita were interrupted by the attendantSyruts, who riding forward again said: "Pardon, but over there on thehill is Pan Kharlamp riding with some one else."


  "Over there!"

  "It is true that two horsemen are visible, but Pan Kharlamp remainedwith the prince voevoda of Vilna. How dost thou know him so far away?"

  "By his cream-colored horse. The whole array knows that horseanywhere."

  "As true as I live, there is a cream-colored horse in view, but it maybe some other man's horse."

  "When I recognize the gait, it is surely Pan Kharlamp."

  They spurred on; the other horsemen did the same, and soon Volodyovskisaw that Pan Kharlamp was in fact approaching.

  Pan Kharlamp was the lieutenant of a light-horse squadron in theLithuanian quota. Pan Volodyovski's acquaintance of long standing, anold soldier and a good one. Once he and the little knight hadquarrelled fiercely, but afterward while serving together andcampaigning they acquired a love for each other. Volodyovski sprangforward quickly, and opening his arms cried,--

  "How do you prosper, O Great-nose? Whence do you come?"

  The officer--who in truth deserved the nickname of Great-nose, for hehad a mighty nose--fell into the embraces of the colonel, and greetedhim joyously; then after he had recovered his breath, he said, "I havecome to you with a commission and money."

  "But from whom?"

  "From the prince voevoda of Vilna, our hetman. He sends you acommission to begin a levy at once, and another commission to PanKmita, who must be in this neighborhood."

  "To Pan Kmita also? How shall we both make a levy in one neighborhood?"

  "He is to go to Troki, and you to remain in these parts."

  "How did you know where to look for me?"

  "The hetman himself inquired carefully till the people from this placewho have remained near him told where to find you. I came with sureinformation. You are in great and continual favor there. I have heardthe prince himself say that he had not hoped to inherit anything fromPrince Yeremi, but still he did inherit the greatest of knights."

  "May God grant him to inherit the military success of Yeremi! It is agreat honor for me to conduct
a levy. I will set about it at once.There is no lack of warlike people here, if there was only somethingwith which to give them an outfit. Have you brought much money?"

  "You will count it at Patsuneli."

  "So you have been there already? But be careful; for there are shapelygirls in Patsuneli, like poppies in a garden."

  "Ah, that is why stopping there pleased you! But wait, I have a privateletter from the hetman to you."

  "Then give it."

  Kharlamp drew forth a letter with the small seal of the Radzivills.Volodyovski opened it and began to read:--

  Worthy Colonel Pan Volodyovski,--Knowing your sincere wish to serve thecountry, I send you a commission to make a levy, and not as is usuallydone, but with great haste, for _periculum in mora_ (there is danger indelay). If you wish to give us joy, then let the squadron be musteredand ready for the campaign by the end of July, or the middle of Augustat the latest. We are anxious to know how you can find good horses,especially since we send money sparingly, for more we could not hammerfrom the under-treasurer, who after his old fashion is unfriendly tous. Give one half of this money to Pan Kmita, for whom Pan Kharlamp hasalso a commission. We hope that he will serve us zealously. But tidingshave come to our ears of his violence in Upita, therefore it isbetter for you to take the letter directed to him from Kharlamp, anddiscover yourself whether to deliver it to him or not. Should youconsider the accusations against him too great, and creating infamy,then do not give it, for we are afraid lest our enemies--such as theunder-treasurer, and the voevoda of Vityebsk--might raise outcriesagainst us because we commit such functions to unworthy persons. But ifyou give the letter after having found that there is nothing important,let Pan Kmita endeavor to wipe away his faults by the greatest exertionin service, and in no case to appear in the courts, for he belongs toour hetman's jurisdiction,--we and no one else will judge him. Payattention to our charge at once, in view of the confidence which wehave in your judgment and faithful service.

  Yanush Radzivill, _Prince in Birji and Dubinki, Voevoda of Vilna_.

  "The hetman is terribly anxious about horses for you," said Kharlamp,when the little knight had finished reading.

  "It will surely be difficult in the matter of horses," answeredVolodyovski. "A great number of the small nobility here will rally atthe first summons, but they have only wretched little Jmud ponies, notvery capable of service. For a good campaign it would be needful togive them all fresh horses."

  "Those are good horses; I know them of old, wonderfully enduring andactive."

  "Bah!" responded Volodyovski, "but small, and the men here are large.If they should form in line on such horses, you would think them asquadron mounted on dogs. There is where the rub is. I will work withzeal, for I am in haste myself. Leave Kmita's commission with me, asthe hetman commands; I will give it to him. It has come just inseason."

  "But why?"

  "For he has acted here in Tartar fashion and taken a lady captive.There are as many lawsuits and questions hanging over him as he hashairs on his head. It is not a week since I had a sabre-duel with him."

  "Ai!" cried Kharlamp. "If you had a sabre-duel with him, he is in bedat this moment."

  "But he is better already. In a week or two he will be well. What is tobe heard _de publicis_?"

  "Evil in the old fashion. The under-treasurer, Pan Gosyevski, the fullhetman, is ever quarrelling with the prince; and as the hetmans do notagree, affairs do not move in harmony. Still we have improved a little,and I think that if we had concord we might manage the enemy. God willpermit us yet to ride on their necks to their own land. Gosyevski is toblame for all."

  "But others say it is specially the grand hetman, Prince Radzivill."

  "They are traitors. The voevoda of Vityebsk talks that way, for he andthe under-treasurer are cronies this long time."

  "The voevoda of Vityebsk is a worthy citizen."

  "Are you on the side of Sapyeha against the Radzivills?"

  "I am on the side of the country, on whose side all should be. In thisis the evil,--that even soldiers are divided into parties, instead offighting. That Sapyeha is a worthy citizen, I would say in the presenceof the prince himself, even though I serve under him."

  "Good people have striven to bring about harmony, but with no result,"said Kharlamp. "There is a terrible movement of messengers from theking to our prince. They say that something is hatching. We expectedwith the visit of the king a call of the general militia; it has notcome! They say that it may be necessary in some places."

  "In the Ukraine, for instance."

  "I know. But once Lieutenant Brohvich told what he heard with his ownears. Tyzenhauz came from the king to our hetman, and when they hadshut themselves in they talked a long time about something whichBrohvich could not overhear; but when they came out, with his own earshe heard the hetman say, 'From this a new war may come.' We racked ourheads greatly to find what this could mean."

  "Surely he was mistaken. With whom could there be a new war? Theemperor is more friendly to us now than to our enemies, since it isproper for him to take the side of a civilized people. With the Swedesthe truce is not yet at an end, and will not be for six years; theTartars are helping us in the Ukraine, which they would not do withoutthe will of Turkey."

  "Well, we could not get at anything."

  "For there was nothing. But, praise God, I have fresh work; I began toyearn for war."

  "Do you wish to carry the commission yourself to Kmita?"

  "I do, because, as I have told you, the hetman has so ordered. It isproper for me to visit Kmita now according to knightly custom, andhaving the commission I shall have a still better chance to talk withhim. Whether I give the commission is another thing; I think that Ishall, for it is left to my discretion."

  "That suits me; I am in such haste for the road. I have a thirdcommission to Pan Stankyevich. Next I am commanded to go to Kyedani, toremove the cannon which are there; then to inspect Birji and see ifeverything is ready for defence."

  "And to Birji too?"


  "That is a wonder to me. The enemy have won no new victories, and it isfar for them to go to Birji on the boundary of Courland. And since, asI see, new squadrons are being formed, there will be men to defend eventhose parts which have fallen under the power of the enemy. TheCourlanders do not think of war with us. They are good soldiers, butfew; and Radzivill might put the breath out of them with one hand."

  "I wonder too," answered Kharlamp, "all the more that haste is enjoinedon me, and instructions given that if I find anything out of order I amto inform quickly Prince Boguslav Radzivill, who is to send Petersonthe engineer."

  "What can this mean? I hope 'tis no question of domestic war. May Godpreserve us from that! But when Prince Boguslav touches an affair thedevil will come of the amusement."

  "Say nothing against him; he is a valiant man."

  "I say nothing against his valor, but there is more of the German orFrenchman in him than the Pole. And of the Commonwealth he neverthinks; his only thought is how to raise the house of Radzivill to thehighest point and lower all others. He is the man who rouses pride inthe voevoda of Vilna, our hetman, who of himself has no lack of it; andthose quarrels with Sapyeha and Gosyevski are the tree and the fruit ofPrince Boguslav's planting."

  "I see that you are a great statesman. You should marry, Michael dear,as soon as possible, so that such wisdom is not lost."

  Volodyovski looked very attentively at his comrade. "Marry,--why isthat?"

  "Maybe you are going courting, for I see that you are dressed as onparade."

  "Give us peace!"

  "Oh, own up!"

  "Let each man eat his own melons, not inquire about those of other men.You too have eaten more than one. It is just the time now to think ofmarriage when we have a levy on our hands!"

  "Will you be ready in July?"

  "At the end of July, even if I have to dig horses out of the ground.Thank God that this
task has come, or melancholy would have devouredme."

  So tidings from the hetman and the prospect of heavy work gave greatconsolation to Pan Michael; and before he reached Patsuneli, he hadscarcely a thought of the rebuff which had met him an hour before. Newsof the commission flew quickly through the whole village. The noblescame straightway to inquire if the news was true; and when Volodyovskiconfirmed it, his words made a great impression. The readiness wasuniversal, though some were troubled because they would have to marchat the end of July before harvest. Volodyovski sent messengers to otherneighborhoods,--to Upita, and to the most considerable noble houses. Inthe evening a number of Butryms, Stakyans, and Domasheviches came.

  They began to incite one another, show greater readiness, threaten theenemy, and promise victory to themselves. The Butryms alone weresilent; but that was not taken ill, for it was known that they wouldrise as one man. Next day it was as noisy in all the villages as inbee-hives. People talked no more of Pan Kmita and Panna Aleksandra, butof the future campaign. Volodyovski also forgave Olenka sincerely therefusal, comforting himself meanwhile in his heart that that was notthe last one, as the love was not the last. At the same time hepondered somewhat on what he had to do with the letter to Kmita.