Read The Deluge: An Historical Novel of Poland, Sweden, and Russia. Vol. 1 (of 2) Page 39


  To the supper, besides the sword-bearer of Rossyeni and Olenka, wereinvited the most distinguished officers of Kyedani and some attendantsof Prince Boguslav. He came himself in such array and so lordly that heattracted all eyes. His wig was dressed in beautiful waving curls; hisface in delicacy of color called to mind milk and roses; his smallmustache seemed to be of silken hair, and his eyes stars. He wasdressed in black, in a kaftan made of stripes of silk and velvet, thesleeves of which were slashed and fastened together the length of thearm. Around his neck he had a broad collar, of the most marvellousBrabant lace, of inestimable value, and at the wrists ruffles of thesame material. A gold chain fell on his breast, and over the rightshoulder along the whole kaftan went to his left hip a sword-strap ofDutch leather, so set with diamonds that it looked like a strip ofchanging light. The hilt of his sword glittered in like manner, andin his shoe-buckles gleamed the two largest diamonds, as large ashazel-nuts. The whole figure seemed imposing, and as noble as it wasbeautiful.

  In one hand he held a lace handkerchief; in the other he carried,according to the fashion of the time, on his sword-hilt, a hat adornedwith curling black ostrich feathers of uncommon length.

  All, not excepting Prince Yanush, looked at him with wonder andadmiration. His youthful years came to the memory of the princevoevoda, when he in the same way surpassed all at the French court withhis beauty and his wealth. Those years were now far away, but it seemedat that moment to the hetman that he was living again in that brilliantcavalier who bore the same name.

  Prince Yanush grew vivacious, and in passing he touched with his indexfinger the breast of his cousin.

  "Light strikes from you as from the moon," said he. "Is it not forPanna Billevich that you are so arrayed?"

  "The moon enters easily everywhere," answered Boguslav, boastingly.

  And then he began to talk with Ganhoff, near whom he halted, perhaps ofpurpose to exhibit himself the better, for Ganhoff was a manmarvellously ugly; he had a face dark and pitted with small-pox, a noselike the beak of a hawk, and mustaches curled upward. He looked likethe spirit of darkness, but Boguslav near him like the spirit of light.

  The ladies entered,--Pani Korf and Olenka. Boguslav cast a swift glanceat Olenka, and bowed promptly to Pani Korf; he was just putting hisfingers to his mouth, to send in cavalier fashion a kiss to PannaBillevich, when he saw her exquisite beauty, both proud and dignified.He changed his tactics in an instant, caught his hat in his right hand,and advancing toward the lady bowed so low that he almost bent in two;the curls of his wig fell on both sides of his shoulders, his swordtook a position parallel with the floor, and he remained thus, movingpurposely his cap and sweeping the floor in front of Olenka with theostrich feather, in sign of respect. A more courtly homage he could nothave given to the Queen of France. Panna Billevich, who had learned ofhis coming, divined at once who stood before her; therefore seizing herrobe with the tips of her fingers, she gave him in return a courtesyequally profound.

  All wondered at the beauty and grace of manners of the two, which wasevident from the greeting itself,--grace not over usual in Kyedani,for, as a Wallachian, Yanush's princess was more in love with easternsplendor than with courtliness, and Yanush's daughter was still alittle girl.

  Boguslav now raised his head, shook the curls of his wig over hisshoulders, and striking his heels together with force, moved quicklytoward Olenka; at the same time he threw his hat to a page and gave herhis hand.

  "I do not believe my eyes, and see as it were in a dream what I see,"said he, conducting her to the table; "but tell me, beautiful goddess,by what miracle you have descended from Olympus to Kyedani?"

  "Though simply a noble woman, not a goddess," answered Olenka, "I amnot so simple-minded as to take the words of your highness as anythingbeyond courtesy."

  "Though I tried to be politest of all, your glass would tell more thanI."

  "It would not tell more, but more truly," answered Olenka, pursing hermouth according to the fashion of the time.

  "Were there a mirror in the room, I would conduct you to itstraightway; meanwhile look into my eyes, and you will see if theiradmiration is not sincere."

  Here Boguslav bent his head before Olenka; his eyes gleamed large,black as velvet, sweet, piercing, and at the same time burning. Underthe influence of their fire the maiden's face was covered with a purpleblush. She dropped her glance and pushed away somewhat, for she feltthat with his arm Boguslav pressed lightly her arm to his side.

  So he came to the table. He sat near her, and it was evident that intruth her beauty had made an uncommon impression on him. He expected tofind a woman of the nobles, shapely as a deer, laughing and playful asa nutcracker, ruddy as a poppy-flower; but he found a proud lady, inwhose black brows unbending will was revealed, in whose eyes werereason and dignity, in whose whole face was the transparent repose of achild; and at the same time she was so noble in bearing, so charmingand wonderful, that at any king's castle she might be the object ofhomage and courtship from the first cavaliers of the realm.

  Her beauty aroused admiration and desire; but at the same time therewas in it a majesty which curbed these, so that despite himselfBoguslav thought, "I pressed her arm too early; with such a onesubtlety is needed, not haste!"

  Nevertheless he determined to possess her heart, and he felt a wilddelight at the thought that the moment would come when the majesty ofthe maiden and that purest beauty would yield to his love or hishatred. The threatening face of Kmita stood athwart these imaginings;but to that insolent man this was but an incentive the more. Under theinfluence of these feelings he grew radiant; blood began to play inhim, as in an Oriental steed; all his faculties flashed up uncommonly,and light gleamed from his whole form as from his diamonds.

  Conversation at the table became general, or rather it was turned intoa universal chorus of praise and flattery of Boguslav, which thebrilliant cavalier heard with a smile, but without overweening delight,since it was common and of daily occurrence. They spoke first of hismilitary deeds and duels. The names of the conquered princes,margraves, barons, streamed as if out of a sleeve. He threw incarelessly from time to time one more. The listeners were astonished;Prince Yanush stroked his long mustaches with delight, and at lastGanhoff said,--

  "Even if fortune and birth did not stand in my way, I should not liketo stand in the way of your highness, and the only wonder to me is thatmen of such daring have been found."

  "What is to be done, Ganhoff? There are men of iron visage and wild-catglance, whose appearance alone causes terror; but God has denied methat power,--even a young lady would not be frightened at my face."

  "Just as darkness is not afraid of a torch," said Pani Korf, simperingand posing, "until the torch burns in it."

  Boguslav laughed, and Pani Korf talked on without ceasing to pose,--

  "Duels concern soldiers more, but we ladies would be glad to hear ofyour love affairs, tidings of which have come to us."

  "Untrue ones, my lady benefactress, untrue,--they have all merely grownon the road. Proposals were made for me, of course. Her Grace, theQueen of France was so kind--"

  "With the Princess de Rohan," added Yanush.

  "With another too,--De la Forse," added Boguslav; "but even a kingcannot command his own heart to love, and we do not need, praise be toGod, to seek wealth in France, hence there could be no bread out ofthat flour. Graceful ladies they were, 'tis true, and beautiful beyondimagination; but we have still more beautiful, and I need not go out ofthis hall to find such."

  Here he looked long at Olenka, who, feigning not to hear, began to saysomething to the sword-bearer; and Pani Korf raised her voice again,--

  "There is no lack here of beauties; still there are none who in fortuneand birth could be the equal of your highness."

  "Permit me, my benefactress, to differ," responded Boguslav, withanimation; "for first I do not think that a Polish noble lady isinferior in any way to a Rohan or De la Forse; s
econd, it is not anovelty for the Radzivills to marry a noble woman, since history givesmany examples of that. I assure you, my benefactress, that that noblelady who should become Radzivill would have the step and precedence ofprincesses in France."

  "An affable lord!" whispered the sword-bearer to Olenka.

  "That is how I have always understood," continued Boguslav, "thoughmore than once have I been ashamed of Polish nobles, when I comparethem with those abroad; for never would that have happened there whichhas happened in this Commonwealth,--that all should desert their king,nay, even men are ready to lay in wait for his life. A French noble maypermit the worst action, but he will not betray his king--"

  Those present began to look at one another and at the prince withastonishment. Prince Yanush frowned and grew stern; but Olenka fixedher blue eyes on Boguslav's face with an expression of admiration andthankfulness.

  "Pardon, your highness," said Boguslav, turning to Yanush, who was notable yet to recover himself, "I know that you could not act otherwise,for all Lithuania would have perished if you had followed my advice;but respecting you as older, and loving you as a brother, I shall notcease to dispute with you touching Yan Kazimir. We are among ourselves,I speak therefore what I think. Our insufficiently lamented king, good,kind, pious, and doubly dear to me,--I was the first of Poles to attendhim when he was freed from durance in France. I was almost a child atthe time, but all the more I shall never forget him; and gladly would Igive my blood to protect him, at least from those who plot against hissacred person."

  Though Yanush understood Boguslav's game now, still it seemed to himtoo bold and too hazardous for such a trifling object; thereforewithout hiding his displeasure he said,--

  "In God's name, of what designs against the safety of our ex-king areyou speaking? Who cherishes them, where could such a monster be foundamong the Polish people? True as life, such a thing has not happened inthe Commonwealth since the beginning of the world."

  Boguslav hung his head.

  "Not longer than a month ago," said he, with sadness in his voice, "onthe road between Podlyasye and Electoral Prussia, when I was going toTanrogi, there came to me a noble of respectable family. That noble,not being aware of my real love for our gracious king, and thinkingthat I, like others, was an enemy of his, promised for a considerablereward to go to Silesia, carry off Yan Kazimir and deliver him to theSwedes, either living or dead."

  All were dumb with amazement.

  "And when with anger and disgust I rejected such an offer," saidBoguslav, in conclusion, "that man with brazen forehead said, 'I willgo to Radzeyovski; he will buy and pay me gold by the pound.'"

  "I am not a friend of the ex-king," said Yanush; "but if the noble hadmade me a proposal like that, I should have placed him by a wall, andin front of him six musketeers."

  "At the first moment I wanted to do so, but did not," answeredBoguslav, "as the conversation was with four eyes, and people might cryout against the violence and tyranny of the Radzivills. I frightenedhim, however, by saying that Radzeyovski and the King of Sweden, evenHmelnitski, would put him to death for such a proposal; in one word, Ibrought that criminal so far that he abandoned his plan."

  "That was not right; it was not proper to let him go living, hedeserved at least the impaling-stake," cried Korf.

  Boguslav turned suddenly to Yanush.

  "I cherish also the hope that punishment will not miss him, and first Ipropose that he perish not by an ordinary death; but your highnessalone is able to punish him, for he is your attendant and yourcolonel."

  "In God's name! my colonel? Who is he,--who? Speak!

  "His name is Kmita," said Boguslav.

  "Kmita!" repeated all, with astonishment.

  "That is not true!" cried Panna Billevich at once, rising from herchair, with flashing eyes and heaving breast.

  Deep silence followed. Some had not recovered yet from the fearful newsgiven by Boguslav; others were astonished at the boldness of that ladywho had dared to throw a lie in the eyes of Prince Boguslav; thesword-bearer began to stutter, "Olenka! Olenka!" But Boguslav veiledhis face in sorrow, and said without anger,--

  "If he is your relative or betrothed, I am grieved that I mentionedthis fact; but cast him out of your heart, for he is not worthy of you,O lady."

  She remained yet a moment in pain, flushed, and astonished; but bydegrees her face became cool, until it was cold and pale. She sank downin the chair, and said,--

  "Forgive me, your highness, I made an unseemly contradiction. All ispossible for that man."

  "May God punish me if I feel aught save pity!" answered Boguslav,mildly.

  "Ho was the betrothed of this lady," said Prince Yanush, "and I myselfmade the match. He was a young man, hot-headed; he caused a world ofturmoil. I saved him from justice, for he was a good soldier. I sawthat he was lawless, and would be; but that he, a noble, could think ofsuch infamy, I did not expect."

  "He is an evil man; that I knew long since," said Ganhoff.

  "And why did you not forewarn me?" inquired Yanush, in a tone ofreproach.

  "I was afraid that your highness might suspect me of envy, for he hadeverywhere the first step before me."

  "_Horribile dictu et auditu_ (horrible in the speaking and thehearing)," said Korf.

  "Gracious gentlemen," exclaimed Boguslav, "let us give peace to him. Ifit is grievous for you to hear of this, what must it be for PannaBillevich?"

  "Your highness, be pleased not to consider me," said Olenka; "I canlisten to everything now."

  The evening was drawing toward its close. Water was given for thewashing of fingers; then Prince Yanush rose first and gave his arm toPani Korf, and Prince Boguslav to Olenka.

  "God has punished the traitor already," said he to her; "for whoso haslost you has lost heaven. It is less than two hours since I first sawyou, charming lady, and I should be glad to see you forever, not inpain and in tears, but in joy and in happiness."

  "I thank your highness," answered Olenka.

  After the departure of the ladies the men returned to the table to seekconsolation in cups, which went around frequently. Prince Boguslavdrank deeply, for he was satisfied with himself. Prince Yanushconversed with the sword-bearer of Rossyeni.

  "I march to-morrow with the army for Podlyasye," said he. "A Swedishgarrison will come to Kyedani. God knows when I shall return. Youcannot stay here with the maiden; it would not be a fit place for heramong soldiers. You will both go with Prince Boguslav to Taurogi, whereshe may stay with my wife among her ladies in waiting."

  "Your highness," answered the sword-bearer, "God has given us a cornerof our own; why should we go to strange places? It is a great kindnessof your highness to think of us: but not wishing to abuse favor, weprefer to return to our own roof."

  The prince was unable to explain to the sword-bearer all the reasonsfor which he would not let Olenka out of his hands at any price; butsome of them he told with all the rough outspokenness of a magnate.

  "If you wish to accept it as a favor, all the better, but I will tellyou that it is precaution as well. You will be a hostage there; youwill be responsible to me for all the Billeviches, who I know well donot rank themselves among my friends, and are ready to raise Jmud inrebellion when I am gone. Advise them to sit in peace, and do nothingagainst the Swedes, for your head and that of your niece will answerfor their acts."

  At this juncture patience was evidently lacking to the sword-bearer,for he answered quickly,--

  "It would be idle for me to appeal to my rights as a noble. Power is onthe side of your highness, and it is all one to me where I must sit inprison; I prefer even that place to this."

  "Enough!" said the prince, threateningly.

  "What is enough, is enough!" answered the sword-bearer. "God grant tothis violence an end, and to justice new power. Speaking briefly, donot threaten, your highness, for I fear not."

  Evidently Boguslav saw lightnings of anger gleaming on the face ofYanush, for he approached quickly.

  "What is
the question?" asked he, standing between them.

  "I was telling the hetman," said the sword-bearer, with irritation,"that I choose imprisonment in Taurogi rather than in Kyedani."

  "In Taurogi there is for you not a prison, but my house, in which youwill be as if at home. I know that the hetman chooses to see in you ahostage; I see only a dear guest."

  "I thank your highness," answered the sword-bearer.

  "And I thank you. Let us strike glasses and drink together, for theysay that a libation must be made to friendship, or it will wither atits birth."

  So saying, Boguslav conducted the sword-bearer to the table, and theyfell to touching glasses and drinking to each other often andfrequently. An hour later the sword-bearer turned with somewhatuncertain step toward his room, repeating in an undertone,--

  "An amiable lord! A worthy lord! A more honest one could not be foundwith a lantern,--gold, pure gold! I would gladly shed my blood forhim!"

  Meanwhile the cousins found themselves alone. They had something yet totalk over, and besides, certain letters came; a page was sent to bringthese from Ganhoff.

  "Evidently," said Yanush, "there is not a word of truth in what youreported of Kmita?"

  "Evidently. You know best yourself. But, well? Acknowledge, was notMazarin right? With one move to take terrible vengeance on an enemy,and to make a breach in that beautiful fortress,--well, who could dothat? This is called intrigue worthy of the first court in the world!But that Panna Billevich is a pearl, and charming too, lordly anddistinguished as if of princely blood. I thought I should spring frommy skin."

  "Remember that you have given your word,--remember that he will ruin usif he publishes those letters."

  "What brows! What a queenly look, so that respect seizes one! Whence isthere such a girl, such well-nigh royal majesty? I saw once in Antwerp,splendidly embroidered on Gobelin tapestry Diana hunting the curiousActaeon with dogs. She was like this one as cup is like cup."

  "Look out that Kmita does not publish the letters, for then the dogswould gnaw us to death."

  "Not true! I will turn Kmita into an Actaeon, and hunt him to death. Ihave struck him down on two fields, and it will come to battle betweenus yet."

  Further conversation was interrupted by the entrance of a page with aletter. The voevoda of Vilna took the letter in his hand and made thesign of the cross. He did that always to guard against evil tidings;then, instead of opening, he began to examine it carefully. All at oncehis countenance changed.

  "Sapyeha's arms are on the seal!" exclaimed he; "it is from the voevodaof Vityebsk."

  "Open quickly!" said Boguslav.

  The hetman opened and began to read, interrupting himself from time totime with exclamations.

  "He is marching on Podlyasye! He asks if I have no messages forTykotsin! An insult to me! Still worse; for listen to what he writesfurther,--

  "'Do you wish civil war, your highness? do you wish to sink one moresword in the bosom of the mother? If you do, come to Podlyasye. I amwaiting for you, and I trust that God will punish your pride with myhands. But if you have pity on the country, if conscience stirs withinyou, if you value your deeds of past times and you wish to makereparation, the field is open before you. Instead of beginning a civilwar, summon the general militia, raise the peasants, and strike theSwedes while Pontus, feeling secure, suspects nothing and is exercisingno vigilance. From Hovanski you will have no hindrance, for reportscome to me from Moscow that they are thinking there of an expeditionagainst Livonia, though they keep that a secret. Besides, if Hovanskiwished to undertake anything I hold him in check, and if I could havesincere trust I would certainly help you with all my forces to save thecountry. All depends on you, for there is time yet to turn from theroad and efface your faults. Then it will appear clearly that you didnot accept Swedish protection for personal purposes, but to avert finaldefeat from Lithuania. May God thus inspire you; for this I implore himdaily, though your highness is pleased to accuse me of envy.

  "'P. S. I have heard that the siege of Nyesvyej is raised, and thatPrince Michael will join us as soon as he repairs his losses. See, yourhighness, how nobly your family act, and consider their example; inevery case remember that you have now a boat and a carriage.'[28]

  "Have you heard?" asked Prince Yanush, when he had finished reading.

  "I have heard--and what?" answered Boguslav, looking quickly at hiscousin.

  "It would be necessary to abjure all, leave all, tear down our workwith our own hands."

  "Break with the powerful Karl Gustav, and seize the exiled Yan Kazimirby the feet, that he might deign to forgive and receive us back to hisservice, and also implore Sapyeha's intercession."

  Yanush's face was filled with blood.

  "Have you considered how he writes to me: 'Correct yourself, and I willforgive you,' as a lord to an underling."

  "He would write differently if six thousand sabres were hanging overhis neck."

  "Still--" Here Prince Yanush fell to thinking gloomily.

  "Still, what?"

  "Perhaps for the country it would be salvation to do as Sapyehaadvises."

  "But for you,--for me, for the Radzivills?"

  Yanush made no answer; he dropped his head on his fists and thought.

  "Let it be so!" said he, at last; "let it be accomplished!"

  "What have you decided?"

  "To-morrow I march on Podlyasye, and in a week I shall strike onSapyeha."

  "You are a Radzivill!" cried Boguslav. And they grasped each other'shands.

  After a while Boguslav went to rest. Yanush remained alone. Once, and asecond time he passed through the room with heavy steps. At last heclapped his hands. A page entered the room.

  "Let the astrologer come in an hour to me with a ready figure," saidhe.

  The page went out, and the prince began again to walk and repeat hisCalvinistic prayers. After that he sang a psalm in an undertone,stopping frequently, for his breath failed him, and looking from timeto time through the window at the stars twinkling in the sky.

  By degrees the lights were quenched in the castle; but besides theastrologer and the prince one other person was watching in a room, andthat was Olenka Billevich.

  Kneeling before her bed, she clasped both hands over her head, andwhispered with closed eyes,--

  "Have mercy on us! Have mercy on us!"

  The first time since Kmita's departure she would not, she could notpray for him.