Read The Deluge: An Historical Novel of Poland, Sweden, and Russia. Vol. 1 (of 2) Page 8


  For a number of subsequent days Pan Andrei was at Vodokty daily; andeach time he returned more in love, and admired more and more hisOlenka. He lauded her to the skies, too, before his companions, till ona certain day he said to them,--

  "My dear lambs, you will go to-day to beat with the forehead; then, aswe have stipulated with the maiden, we will go to Mitruny to have asleigh-ride through the forests and look at the third estate. She willentertain us there, and do you bear yourselves decently; for I wouldcut into hash the man who offended her in anything."

  The cavaliers hurried willingly to prepare, and soon four sleighs werebearing the eager young men to Vodokty. Kmita sat in the first sleigh,which was highly ornamented and had the form of a silvery bear. Thissleigh was drawn by three captured Kalmuk horses in variegated harness,in ribbons and peacock feathers, according to the Smolensk fashion,borrowed from more distant neighbors. A young fellow sitting in theneck of the bear drove the horses. Pan Andrei was dressed in a greenvelvet coat buttoned on golden cords and trimmed with sable, and wore asable cap with a heron's feather. He was gladsome, joyous, and spoke toKokosinski sitting at his side,--

  "Listen, Kokoshko! I suppose we played tricks wild beyond measure ontwo evenings, and especially the first, when the skulls and theportraits suffered. But the case of the girls was still worse. TheDevil always pushes forward that Zend, and then on whom does he poundout the punishment? On me. I am afraid that people will talk, for inthis place my reputation is at stake."

  "Hang yourself on your reputation; it is good for nothing else, justlike ours."

  "And who is to blame for that, if not you men? Remember, Kokoshko, theyheld me for a disturbing spirit in Orsha, and tongues were sharpened onme like knives on a whetstone."

  "But who dragged Pan Tumgrat out in the frost with a horse; who cut upthat official, who asked whether men walked on two feet in Orsha or onfour? Who hacked the Vyzinskis, father and son? Who broke up the lastprovincial Diet?"

  "I broke up the Diet in Orsha, not somewhere else; that was a homeaffair. Pan Tumgrat forgave me when he was dying; and as to the others,speak not, for a duel may happen to the most innocent."

  "I have not told all yet; I have not spoken of the trials in the army,of which two are still waiting for you."

  "Not for me, but for you men; for I am to blame only for letting yourob the people. But no more of this! Shut your mouth, Kokoshko, and saynothing to Olenka about the duels, and especially nothing of thatshooting at the portraits and of the girls. If it is told, I shall laythe blame on you. I have informed the servants and the girls that if aword is said, I will order belts taken out of their skins."

  "Have yourself shod like a horse, Yendrus, if you are in such dread ofyour maiden. You were another man in Orsha. I see already that you willgo in leading-strings, and there is no good in that. Some ancientphilosopher says, 'If you will not manage Kahna, Kahna will manageyou.' You have given yourself to be tied up in all things."

  "You are a fool, Kokoshko! But as to Olenka you will stand on one footand then on the other when you put eyes on her, for another woman withsuch proper intent is not to be found. What is good she will praise ina moment, but the bad she will blame without waiting; for she judgesaccording to virtue, and has in herself a ready measure. The lateunder-chamberlain reared her in that way. Should you wish to boast ofwarlike daring before her, and say that you trampled on justice, youwill soon be ashamed; for at once she will say, 'An honorable citizenshould not do that; it is against the country.' She will speak so toyou that it will be as if some one had slapped you on the face, andyou'll wonder that you did not know these things yourself. Tfu! shame!We have raised fearful disorder, and now must stand open-eyed beforevirtue and innocence. The worst was those girls--"

  "By no means the worst. I have heard that in the villages there aregirls of the petty nobility like blood and milk, and probably notstubborn at all."

  "Who told you?" asked Kmita, quickly.

  "Who told me? Who, if not Zend? Yesterday while trying the roan steedhe rode to Volmontovichi; he merely rode along the highway, but he sawmany titmice, for they were coming from vespers. 'I thought,' said he,'that I should fly off the horse, they were so handsome and pretty.'And whenever he looked at any one of them she showed her teethdirectly. And no wonder! for all the grown men of the nobles have goneto Rossyeni, and it is dreary for the titmice alone."

  Kmita punched his companion in the side with his fist. "Let us go,Kokoshko, some time in the evening,--pretend we are astray,--shall we?"

  "But your reputation?"

  "Oh, to the Devil! Shut your mouth! Go alone, if that is the way; butbetter drop the matter. It would not pass without talk, and I want tolive in peace with the nobles here, for the late under-chamberlain madethem Olenka's guardians."

  "You have spoken of that, but I would not believe it. How did he havesuch intimacy with homespuns?"

  "Because he went with them to war, and I heard of this in Orsha, whenhe said that there was honorable blood in those Lauda men. But to tellthe truth, Kokoshko, it was an immediate wonder to me, for it is as ifhe had made them guards over me."

  "You will yield to them and bow to your boots before dish-cloths."

  "First may the pestilence choke them! Be quiet, for I am angry! Theywill bow to me and serve me. Their quota is ready at every call."

  "Some one else will command this quota. Zend says that there is acolonel here among them--I forget his name--Volodyovski or something?He led them at Shklov. They fought well, it appears, but were combedout there."

  "I have heard of a Volodyovski, a famous warrior--But here is Vodoktyin sight."

  "Hei, it is well for people in Jmud; for there is stern order. The oldman must have been a born manager. And the house,--I see how it looks.The enemy brought fire here seldom, and the people could build."

  "I think that she cannot have heard yet of that outburst in Lyubich,"said Kmita, as if to himself. Then he turned to his comrade: "MyKokoshko, I tell you, and do you repeat it to the others, that you mustbear yourselves decently here; and if any man permits himself anything,as God is dear to me, I will cut him up like chopped straw."

  "Well, they have saddled you!"

  "Saddled, saddled not, I will cut you up!"

  "Don't look at my Kasia or I'll cut you to pieces," said Kokosinski,phlegmatically.

  "Fire out thy whip!" shouted Kmita to the driver.

  The youth standing in the neck of the silvery bear whirled his whip,and cracked it very adroitly; other drivers followed his example, andthey drove with a rattling, quick motion, joyous as at a carnival.

  Stepping out of the sleighs, they came first to an antechamber as largeas a granary, an unpainted room; thence Kmita conducted them to thedining-hall, ornamented as in Lyubich with skulls and antlers of slainbeasts. Here they halted, looking carefully and with curiosity at thedoor of the adjoining room, by which Panna Aleksandra was to enter.Meanwhile, evidently keeping in mind Kmita's warning, they spoke withone another in subdued tones, as in a church.

  "You are a fellow of speech," whispered Uhlik to Kokosinski, "you willgreet her for us all."

  "I was arranging something to say on the road," answered Kokosinski,"but I know not whether it will be smooth enough, for Yendrusinterrupted my ideas."

  "Let it be as it comes, if with spirit. But here she is!"

  Panna Aleksandra entered, halting a little on the threshold, as if inwonder at such a large company. Kmita himself stood for a while as iffixed to the floor in admiration of her beauty; for hitherto he hadseen her only in the evening, and in the day she seemed still morebeautiful. Her eyes had the color of star-thistles; the dark browsabove them were in contrast to the forehead as ebony with white, andher yellow hair shone like a crown on the head of a queen. Not droppingher eyes, she had the self-possessed mien of a lady receiving guests inher own house, with clear face seeming still clearer from the blackdress trimmed with ermine. Such a dignified and exa
lted lady thewarriors had not seen; they were accustomed to women of another type.So they stood in a rank as if for the enrolling of a company, andshuffling their feet they also bowed together in a row; but Kmitapushed forward, and kissing the hand of the lady a number of times,said,--

  "See, my jewel, I have brought you fellow soldiers with whom I foughtin the last war."

  "It is for me no small honor," answered Panna Billevich, "to receive inmy house such worthy cavaliers, of whose virtue and excellent qualitiesI have heard from their commander, Pan Kmita."

  When she had said this she took her skirt with the tips of her fingers,and raising it slightly, courtesied with unusual dignity. Kmita bit hislips, but at the same time he was flushed, since his maiden had spokenwith such spirit.

  The worthy cavaliers continuing to shuffle their feet, all nudged atthe same moment Pan Kokosinski: "Well, begin!"

  Kokosinski moved forward one step, cleared his throat, and began asfollows: "Serene great mighty lady, under-chamberlain's daughter--"

  "Chief-hunter's daughter," corrected Kmita.

  "Serene great mighty lady, chief-hunter's daughter, but to us rightmerciful benefactress," repeated Kokosinski,--"pardon, your ladyship,if I have erred in the title--"

  "A harmless mistake," replied Panna Aleksandra, "and it lessens in nowise such an eloquent cavalier--"

  "Serene great mighty lady, chief-hunter's daughter, benefactress, andour right merciful lady, I know not what becomes me in the name of allOrsha to celebrate more,--the extraordinary beauty and virtue of yourladyship, our benefactress, or the unspeakable happiness of the captainand our fellow-soldier, Pan Kmita; for though I were to approach theclouds, though I were to reach the clouds themselves--I say, theclouds--"

  "But come down out of those clouds!" cried Kmita.

  With that the cavaliers burst into one enormous laugh; but all at onceremembering the command of Kmita, they seized their mustaches withtheir hands.

  Kokosinski was confused in the highest degree. He grew purple, andsaid, "Do the greeting yourselves, pagans, since you confuse me."

  Panna Aleksandra took again, with the tips of her fingers, her skirt."I could not follow you gentlemen in eloquence," said she, "but I knowthat I am unworthy of those homages which you give me in the name ofall Orsha."

  And again she made a courtesy with exceeding dignity, and it wassomehow out of place for the Orsha roisterers in the presence of thatcourtly maiden. They strove to exhibit themselves as men of politeness,but it did not become them. Therefore they began to pull theirmustaches, to mutter and handle their sabres, till Kmita said,--

  "We have come here as if in a carnival, with the thought to take youwith us and drive to Mitruny through the forest, as was the arrangementyesterday. The snow-road is firm, and God has given frosty weather."

  "I have already sent Aunt Kulvyets to Mitruny to prepare dinner. Butnow, gentlemen, wait just a little till I put on something warm."

  Then she turned and went out.

  Kmita sprang to his comrades. "Well, my dear lambs, isn't she aprincess? Now, Kokosinski, you said that she had saddled me, and whywere you as a little boy before her? Where have you seen her like?"

  "There was no call to interrupt me; though I do not deny that I did notexpect to address such a person."

  "The late under-chamberlain," said Kmita, "lived with her most of thetime in Kyedani, at the court of the prince voevoda, or lived with theHleboviches; and there she acquired those high manners. But herbeauty,--what of that? You cannot let your breath go yet."

  "We have appeared as fools," said Ranitski, in anger; "but the biggestfool was Kokosinski."

  "Traitor! why punch me with your elbow? You should have appearedyourself, with your spotted mouth."

  "Harmony, lambs, harmony!" said Kmita; "I will let you admire, but notwrangle."

  "I would spring into the fire for her," said Rekuts. "Hew me down,Yendrus, but I'll not deny that."

  Kmita did not think of cutting down; he was satisfied, twisted hismustache, and gazed on his comrades with triumph. Now Panna Aleksandraentered, wearing a marten-skin cap, under which her bright faceappeared still brighter. They went out on the porch.

  "Then shall we ride in this sleigh?" asked the lady, pointing to thesilvery bear. "I have not seen a more beautiful sleigh in my life."

  "I know not who has used it hitherto, for it was captured. It suits mevery well, for on my shield is a lady on a bear. There are other Kmitaswho have banners on their shield, but they are descended from FilonKmita of Charnobil; he was not of the same house from which the greatKmitas are descended."

  "And when did you capture this bear sleigh?"

  "Lately, in this war. We poor exiles who have fallen away from fortunehave only what war gives us in plunder. But as I serve that ladyfaithfully, she has rewarded me."

  "May God grant a better; for war rewards one, but presses tears fromthe whole dear fatherland."

  "God and the hetmans will change that."

  Meanwhile Kmita wrapped Panna Aleksandra in the beautiful sleigh robeof white cloth lined with white wolfskin; then taking his own seat, hecried to the driver, "Move on!" and the horses sprang forward at a run.

  The cold wind struck their faces with its rush; they were silent,therefore, and nothing was heard save the wheezing of frozen snow underthe runners, the snorting of the horses, their tramp, and the cry ofthe driver.

  At last Pan Andrei bent toward Olenka. "Is it pleasant for you?"

  "Pleasant," answered she, raising her sleeve and holding it to hermouth to ward off the rush of air.

  The sleigh dashed on like a whirlwind. The day was bright, frosty; thesnow sparkled as if some one were scattering sparks on it. From thewhite roofs of the cottages, which were like piles of snow, rosy smokecurled in high columns. Flocks of crows from among the leafless treesby the roadside flew before the sleighs with shrill cawing.

  About eighty rods from Vodokty they came out on a broad road into darkpine-woods which stood gloomy, hoary, and silent as if sleeping underthe thick snow-bunches. The trees flitted before the eye, appeared tobe fleeing to some place in the rear of the sleigh; but the sleigh flewon, every moment swiftly, more swiftly, as if the horses had wings.From such driving the head turns, and ecstasy seizes one; it seizedPanna Aleksandra. She leaned back, closed her eyes, and yieldedcompletely to the impetus. She felt a sweet powerlessness, and itseemed to her that that boyar of Orsha had taken her by violence: thathe is rushing away like a whirlwind, and she growing weak has nostrength to oppose or to cry,--and they are flying, flying each momentmore swiftly. Olenka feels that arms are embracing her; then on hercheek as it were a hot burning stamp. Her eyes will not open, as if ina dream; and they fly, fly.

  An inquiring voice first roused the sleeping lady: "Do you love me?"

  She opened her eyes. "As my own soul."

  "And I for life and death."

  Again the sable cap of Kmita bent over the marten-skin cap of Olenka.She knew not herself which gave her more delight,--the kisses or themagic ride.

  And they flew farther, but always through pine-woods, throughpine-woods. Trees fled to the rear in whole regiments. The snow waswheezing, the horses snorting; but the man and the maiden were happy.

  "I would ride to the end of the world in this way," cried Kmita.

  "What are we doing? This is a sin!" whispered Olenka.

  "What sin? Let us commit it again."

  "Impossible! Mitruny is not far."

  "Far or near, 'tis all one!"

  And Kmita rose in the sleigh, stretched his arms upward, and began toshout as if in a full breast he could not find place for his joy:"Hei-ha! hei-ha!"

  "Hei-hop! hoop-ha!" answered the comrades from the sleighs behind.

  "Why do you shout so?" asked the lady.

  "Oh, so, from delight! And shout you as well!"

  "Hei-ha!" was heard the resonant, thin alto voice.

  "O thou, my queen! I fall at thy feet."

  "The company will laugh."
br />   After the ecstasy a noisy joyousness seized them, as wild as thedriving was wild. Kmita began to sing,--

  "Look thou, my girl! look through the door, To the rich fields! Oh, knights from the pine-woods are coming, my mother, Oh, that's my fate! Look not, my daughter! cover thy eyes, With thy white hands, For thy heart will spring out of thy bosom With them to the war."

  "Who taught you such lovely songs?" asked Panna Aleksandra.

  "War, Olenka. In the camp we sang them to one another to drive awaysadness."

  Further conversation was interrupted by a loud calling from the rearsleighs: "Stop! stop! Hei there--stop!"

  Pan Andrei turned around in anger, wondering how it came to the headsof his comrades to call and stop him. He saw a few tens of steps fromthe sleigh a horseman approaching at full speed of the horse.

  "As God lives, that is my sergeant Soroka; what can have happened?"said Pan Andrei.

  That moment the sergeant coming up, reined his horse on his haunches,and began to speak with a panting voice: "Captain!--"

  "What is the matter, Soroka?"

  "Upita is on fire; they are fighting!"

  "Jesus Mary!" screamed Olenka.

  "Have no fear!--Who is fighting?"

  "The soldiers with the townspeople. There is a fire on the square! Thetownspeople are enraged, and they have sent to Ponyevyej for agarrison. But I galloped here to your grace. I can barely draw breath."

  During this conversation the sleighs behind caught up; Kokosinski,Ranitski, Kulvyets-Hippocentaurus, Uhlik, Rekuts, and Zend, springingout on the snow, surrounded the speakers with a circle.

  "What is the matter?" asked Kmita.

  "The townspeople would not give supplies for horses or men, becausethere was no order for it; the soldiers began to take by force. Webesieged the mayor and those who barricaded themselves in the square.Firing was begun, and we burned two houses; at present there isterrible violence, and ringing of bells--"

  Kmita's eyes gleamed with wrath.

  "We must go to the rescue!" shouted Kokosinski.

  "The rabble are oppressing the army!" cried Ranitski, whose whole facewas covered at once with red, white, and dark spots. "Check, check!mighty lords!"

  Zend laughed exactly as a screech-owl hoots, till the horses werefrightened; and Rekuts raised his eyes and piped, "Strike, whosobelieves in God! smoke out the ruffians!"

  "Be silent!" roared Kmita, till the woods echoed, and Zend, who stoodnearest, staggered like a drunken man. "There is no need of you there,no need of slashing! Sit all of you in two sleighs, leave me the third.Drive back to Lyubich; wait there unless I send for succor."

  "How is that?" asked Ranitski, opposing.

  But Pan Andrei laid a hand on his throat, and his eyes gleamed moreterribly. "Not a breath out of you!" said he, threateningly.

  They were silent; evidently they feared him, though usually on suchfamiliar footing.

  "Go back, Olenka, to Vodokty," said Kmita, "or go for your AuntKulvyets to Mitruny. Well, our party was not a success. But it will bequieter there soon; only a few heads will fly off. Be in good healthand at rest; I shall be quick to return."

  Having said this, he kissed her hand, and wrapped her in the wolf-skin;then he took his seat in the other sleigh, and cried to the driver, "ToUpita!"