Read The Deluge: An Historical Novel of Poland, Sweden, and Russia. Vol. 2 (of 2) Page 2


  According to the wish of his officers, Miller began negotiations again.There came to the cloister from the Swedish camp a well-known Polishnoble, respected for his age and his eloquence. They received himgraciously on Yasna Gora, judging that only in seeming and throughconstraint would he argue for surrender, but in reality would add totheir courage and confirm the news, which had broken through thebesieged wall, of the rising in Great Poland; of the dislike of thequarter troops to Sweden; of the negotiations of Yan Kazimir with theCossacks, who, as it were, seemed willing to return to obedience;finally, of the tremendous declaration of the Khan of the Tartars, thathe was marching with aid to the vanquished king, all of whose enemieshe would pursue with fire and sword.

  But how the monks were mistaken! The personage brought indeed a largebundle of news,--but news that was appalling, news to cool the mostfervent zeal, to crush the most invincible resolution, stagger the mostardent faith.

  The priests and the nobles gathered around him in the council chamber,in the midst of silence and attention; from his lips sincerity itselfseemed to flow, and pain for the fate of the country. He placed hishand frequently on his white head as if wishing to restrain an outburstof despair; he gazed on the crucifix; he had tears in his eyes, and inslow, broken accents, he uttered the following words:--

  "Ah, what times the suffering country has lived to! All help is past:it is incumbent to yield to the King of the Swedes. For whom in realityhave you, revered fathers, and you lords brothers, the nobles, seizedyour swords? For whom are you sparing neither watching nor toil, norsuffering nor blood? For whom, through resistance,--unfortunatelyvain,--are you exposing yourselves and holy places to the terriblevengeance of the invincible legions of Sweden? Is it for Yan Kazimir?But he has already disregarded our kingdom. Do you not know that he hasalready made his choice, and preferring wealth, joyous feasts; andpeaceful delights to a troublesome throne, has abdicated in favor ofKarl Gustav? You are not willing to leave him, but he has left you, youare unwilling to break your oath, he has broken it; you are ready todie for him, but he cares not for you nor for any of us. Our lawfulking now is Karl Gustav! Be careful, then, lest you draw on your heads,not merely anger, vengeance, and ruin, but sin before heaven, thecross, and the Most Holy Lady; for you are raising insolent hands, notagainst invaders, but against your own king."

  These words were received in silence, as though death were flyingthrough that chamber. What could be more terrible than news of theabdication of Yan Kazimir? It was in truth news monstrously improbable;but that old noble gave it there in presence of the cross, in presenceof the image of Mary, and with tears in his eyes.

  But if it were true, further resistance was in fact madness. The noblescovered their eyes with their hands, the monks pulled their cowls overtheir heads, and silence, as of the grave, continued unbroken; butKordetski, the prior, began to whisper earnest prayer with his pallidlips, and his eyes, calm, deep, clear, and piercing, were fixed on thespeaker immovably.

  The noble felt that inquiring glance, was ill at ease and oppressed byit; he wished to preserve the marks of importance, benignity,compassionate virtue, good wishes, but could not; he began to castrestless glances on the other fathers, and after a while he spokefurther:--

  "It is the worst thing to inflame stubbornness by a long abuse ofpatience. The result of your resistance will be the destruction of thisholy church, and the infliction on you--God avert it!--of a terribleand cruel rule, which you will be forced to obey. Aversion to the worldand avoidance of its questions are the weapons of monks. What have youto do with the uproar of war,--you, whom the precepts of your ordercall to retirement and silence? My brothers, revered and most belovedfathers! do not take on your hearts, do not take on your consciences,such a terrible responsibility. It was not you who built this sacredretreat, not for you alone must it serve! Permit that it flourish, andthat it bless this land for long ages, so that our sons and grandsonsmay rejoice in it."

  Here the traitor opened his arms and fell into tears. The nobles weresilent, the fathers were silent; doubt had seized all. Their heartswere tortured, and despair was at hand; the memory of baffled anduseless endeavors weighed on their minds like lead.

  "I am waiting for your answer, fathers," said the venerable traitor,dropping his head on his breast.

  Kordetski now rose, and with a voice in which there was not the leasthesitation or doubt, spoke as if with the vision of a prophet,--

  "Your statement that Yan Kazimir has abandoned us, has abdicated andtransferred his rights to Karl Gustav, is a calumny. Hope has enteredthe heart of our banished king, and never has he toiled more zealouslythan he is toiling at this moment to secure the salvation of thecountry, to secure his throne, and bring us aid in oppression."

  The mask fell in an instant from the face of the traitor; malignity anddeceit were reflected in it as clearly as if dragons had crept out atonce from the dens of his soul, in which till that moment they had heldthemselves hidden.

  "Whence this intelligence, whence this certainty?" inquired he.

  "Whence?" answered the prior, pointing to a great crucifix hanging onthe wall. "Go! place your finger on the pierced feet of Christ, andrepeat what you have told us."

  The traitor began to bend as if under the crushing of an iron hand, anda new dragon, terror, crawled forth to his face.

  Kordetski, the prior, stood lordly, terrible as Moses; rays seemed toshoot from his temples.

  "Go, repeat!" said he, without lowering his hand, in a voice sopowerful that the shaken arches of the council chamber trembled andechoed as if in fear,--"Go, repeat!"

  A moment of silence followed; at last the stifled voice of the visitorwas heard,--

  "I wash my hands--"

  "Like Pilate!" finished Kordetski.

  The traitor rose and walked out of the room. He hurried through theyard of the cloister, and when he found himself outside the gate, hebegan to run, almost as if something were hunting him from the cloisterto the Swedes.

  Zamoyski went to Charnyetski and Kmita, who had not been in the hall,to tell them what had happened.

  "Did that envoy bring any good?" asked Charnyetski; "he had anhonest face."

  "God guard us from such honest men!" answered Zamoyski; "he broughtdoubt and temptation."

  "What did he say?" asked Kmita, raising a little the lighted matchwhich he was holding in his hand.

  "He spoke like a hired traitor."

  "That is why he hastens so now, I suppose," said Charnyetski. "See! heis running with almost full speed to the Swedish camp. Oh, I would senda ball after him!"

  "A good thing!" said Kmita, and he put the match to the cannon.

  The thunder of the gun was heard before Zamoyski and Charnyetski couldsee what had happened. Zamoyski caught his head.

  "In God's name!" cried he, "what have you done?--he was an envoy."

  "I have done ill!" answered Kmita; "for I missed. He is on his feetagain and hastens farther. Oh! why did it go over him?" Here he turnedto Zamoyski. "Though I had hit him in the loins, they could not haveproved that we fired at him purposely, and God knows I could not holdthe match in my fingers; it came down of itself. Never should I havefired at an envoy who was a Swede, but at sight of Polish traitors myentrails revolt."

  "Oh, curb yourself; for there would be trouble, and they would be readyto injure our envoys."

  But Charnyetski was content in his soul; for Kmita heard him mutter,"At least that traitor will be sure not to come on an embassy again."

  This did not escape the ear of Zamoyski, for he answered: "If not thisone, others will be found; and do you, gentlemen, make no opposition totheir negotiations, do not interrupt them of your own will; for themore they drag on, the more it results to our profit. Succor, if Godsends it, will have time to assemble, and a hard winter is coming,making the siege more and more difficult. Delay is loss for the enemy,but brings profit to us."

  Zamoyski then went to the chamber, where,
after the envoy's departure,consultation was still going on. The words of the traitor had startledmen; minds and souls were excited. They did not believe, it is true, inthe abdication of Yan Kazimir; but the envoy had held up to theirvision the power of the Swedes, which previous days of success hadpermitted them to forget. Now it confronted their minds with all thatterror before which towns and fortresses not such as theirs had beenfrightened,--Poznan, Warsaw, Cracow, not counting the multitude ofcastles which had opened their gates to the conqueror; how could YasnaGora defend itself in a general deluge of defeats?

  "We shall defend ourselves a week longer, two, three," thought tothemselves some of the nobles and some of the monks; "but what farther,what end will there be to these efforts?"

  The whole country was like a ship already deep in the abyss, and thatcloister was peering up like the top of a mast through the waves. Couldthose wrecked ones, clinging to the mast, think not merely of savingthemselves, but of raising that vessel from under the ocean?

  According to man's calculations they could not, and still, at themoment when Zamoyski re-entered the hall, Kordetski was saying,--

  "My brothers! if you sleep not, neither do I sleep. When you areimploring our Patroness for rescue, I too am praying. Weariness, toil,weakness, cling to my bones as well as to yours; responsibility in likemanner weighs upon me--nay, more perhaps, than upon you. Why have Ifaith while you seem in doubt? Enter into yourselves; or is it thatyour eyes, blinded by earthly power, see not a power greater than theSwedes? Or think you that no defence will suffice, that no hand canovercome that preponderance? If that is the case your thoughts aresinful, and you blaspheme against the mercy of God, against theall-might of our Lord, against the power of that Patroness whoseservants you call yourselves. Who of you will dare to say that thatMost Holy Queen cannot shield us and send victory? Therefore let usbeseech her, let us implore night and day, till by our endurance, ourhumility, our tears, our sacrifice of body and health, we soften herheart, and pray away our previous sins."

  "Father," said one of the nobles, "it is not a question for us of ourlives or of our wives and children; but we tremble at the thought ofthe insults which may be put on the image, should the enemy capture thefortress by storm."

  "And we do not wish to take on ourselves the responsibility," addedanother.

  "For no one has a right to take it, not even the prior," added a third.

  And the opposition increased, and gained boldness, all the more sincemany monks maintained silence. The prior, instead of answeringdirectly, began to pray.

  "O Mother of Thy only Son!" said he, raising his hands and his eyestoward heaven, "if Thou hast visited us so that in Thy capital weshould give an example to others of endurance, of bravery, offaithfulness to Thee, to the country, to the king,--if Thou hast chosenthis place in order to rouse by it the consciences of men and save thewhole country, have mercy on those who desire to restrain, to stop thefountain of Thy grace, to hinder Thy miracles, and resist Thy holywill." Here he remained a moment in ecstasy, and then turned to themonks and nobles: "What man will take on his shoulders thisresponsibility,--the responsibility of stopping the miracles of MaryHer grace. Her salvation for this kingdom and the Catholic faith?"

  "In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost!" answered a number ofvoices, "God preserve us from that!"

  "Such a man will not be found!" cried Zamoyski.

  And those of the monks in whose hearts doubt had been plunging began tobeat their breasts, for no small fear had now seized them; and none ofthe councillors thought of surrender that evening.

  But though the hearts of the older men were strengthened, thedestructive planting of that hireling had given forth fruits of poison.

  News of the abdication of Yan Kazimir and the improbability of succorwent from the nobles to the women, from the women to the servants; theservants spread it among the soldiers, on whom it made the very worstimpression. The peasants were astonished least of all; but experiencedsoldiers, accustomed to calculate the turns of war in soldier fashiononly, began to assemble and explain to one another the impossibility offurther defence, complaining of the stubbornness of monks, who did notunderstand the position; and, finally, to conspire and talk in secret.

  A certain gunner, a German of suspected fidelity, proposed that thesoldiers themselves take the matter in hand, and come to anunderstanding with the Swedes touching the surrender of the fortress.Others caught at this idea; but there were those who not only opposedthe treason resolutely, but informed Kordetski of it without delay.

  Kordetski, who knew how to join with the firmest trust in the powers ofheaven the greatest earthly adroitness and caution, destroyed thesecretly spreading treason in its inception.

  First of all he expelled from the fortress the leaders of the treason,and at the head of them that gunner, having no fear whatever of whatthey could inform the Swedes regarding the state of the fortress andits weak sides; then, doubling the monthly wages of the garrison, hetook from them an oath to defend the cloister to the last drop of theirblood.

  But he redoubled also his watchfulness, resolving to look with morecare to the paid soldiers, as well as the nobles, and even his ownmonks. The older fathers were detailed to the night choirs; theyounger, besides the service of God, were obliged to render service onthe walls.

  Next day a review of the infantry was held. To each bastion one noblewith his servants, ten monks and two reliable gunners were detailed.All these were bound to watch, night and day, the places confided tothem.

  Pan Mosinski took his place at the northeastern bastion; he was a goodsoldier, the man whose little child had survived in a miraculousmanner, though a bomb fell near its cradle. With him Father HilarySlavoshevski kept guard. On the western bastion was Father Myeletski,of the nobles Pan Mikolai Kryshtoporski, a man surly and abrupt inspeech, but of unterrified valor. The southeastern bastion was occupiedby Charnyetski and Kmita, and with them was Father Adam Stypulski, whohad formerly been a hussar. He, when the need came, tucked up hishabit, aimed cannon, and took no more heed of the balls flying over hishead than did the old sergeant Soroka. Finally, to the southwesternbastion were appointed Pan Skorjevski and Father Daniel Ryhtalski, whowere distinguished by this, that both could abstain from sleep two andthree nights in succession without harm to their health or theirstrength.

  Fathers Dobrosh and Malahovski were appointed over the sentries.Persons unfitted for fighting were appointed to the roofs. The armoryand all military implements Father Lyassota took under his care; afterFather Dobrosh, he took also the office of master of the fires. In thenight he had to illuminate the walls so that infantry of the enemymight not approach them. He arranged sockets and iron-holders on thetowers, on which flamed at night torches and lights.

  In fact, the whole tower looked every night like one gigantic torch. Itis true that this lightened cannonading for the Swedes; but it mightserve as a sign that the fortress was holding out yet, if, perchance,some army should march to relieve the besieged.

  So then not only had designs of surrender crept apart into nothing, butthe besieged turned with still greater zeal to defence. Next morningthe prior walked along the walls, like a shepherd through a sheepfold,saw that everything was right, smiled kindly, praised the chiefs andthe soldiers, and coming to Charnyetski, said with radiant face,--

  "Our beloved leader, Pan Zamoyski, rejoices equally with me, for hesays that we are now twice as strong as at first. A new spirit hasentered men's hearts, the grace of the Most Holy Lady will do the rest;but meanwhile I will take to negotiations again. We will delay and putoff, for by such means the blood of people will be spared."

  "Oh, revered father!" said Kmita, "what good are negotiations? Loss oftime! Better another sortie to-night, and we will cut up those dogs."

  Kordetski (for he was in good humor) smiled as a mother smiles at awayward child; then he raised a band of straw lying near the gun, andpretended to strike Pan Andrei with it on the shoulders: "And you willinterfere here, you Lithuanian plag
ue; you will lap blood as a wolf,and give an example of disobedience; here it is for you, here it is foryou!"

  Kmita, delighted as a schoolboy, dodged to the right and to the left,and as if teasing purposely, repeated: "Kill the Swedes! kill, kill,kill!"

  And so they gave comfort to one another, having ardent souls devoted tothe country. But Kordetski did not omit negotiations, seeing thatMiller desired them earnestly and caught after every pretext. Thisdesire pleased Kordetski, for he divined, without trouble, that itcould not be going well with the enemy if he was so anxious to finish.

  Days passed then, one after another, in which guns and muskets were notindeed silent, but pens were working mainly. In this way the siege wasprolonged, and winter was coming harsher and harsher. On the Carpathiansummits clouds hatched in their precipitous nests storms, frost, andsnows, and then came forth on the country, leading their icydescendants. At night the Swedes cowered around fires, choosing to diefrom the balls of the cloister rather than freeze.

  A hard winter had rendered difficult the digging of trenches and themaking of mines. There was no progress in the siege. In the mouthsnot merely of officers, but of the whole army, there was only oneword,--"negociations."

  The priests feigned at first a desire to surrender. Father Dobrosh andthe learned priest Sebastyan Stavitski came to Miller as envoys. Theygave him some hope of agreement. He had barely heard this when heopened his arms and was ready to seize them with joy to his embraces.It was no longer a question of Chenstohova, but of the whole country.The surrender of Yasna Gora would have removed the last hope of thepatriots, and pushed the Commonwealth finally into the arms of the Kingof Sweden; while, on the contrary, resistance, and that a victoriousresistance, might change hearts and call out a terrible new war. Signswere not wanting. Miller knew this, felt what he had undertaken, what aterrible responsibility was weighing on him; he knew that either thefavor of the king, with the baton of a marshal, honors, a title, werewaiting for him, or final fall. Since he had begun to convince himselfthat he could not crack this "nut," he received the priests withunheard-of honor, as if they were embassadors from the Emperor ofGermany or the Sultan. He invited them to a feast, he drank to theirhonor, and also to the health of the prior and Pan Zamoyski; he gavethem fish for the cloister; finally, he offered conditions of surrenderso gracious that he did not doubt for a moment that they would beaccepted in haste.

  The fathers thanked him humbly, as beseemed monks; they took the paperand went their way. Miller promised the opening of the gates at eightof the following morning. Joy indescribable reigned in the camp of theSwedes. The soldiers left the trenches, approached the walls, and beganto address the besieged.

  But it was announced from the cloister that in an affair of such weightthe prior must consult the whole Congregation; the monks thereforebegged for one day's delay. Miller consented without hesitation.Meanwhile they were counselling in the chamber till late at night.

  Though Miller was an old and trained warrior, though there was not,perhaps, in the whole Swedish army a general who had conducted morenegotiations with various places than that Poliorcetes, still his heartbeat unquietly when next morning he saw two white habits approachinghis quarters.

  They were not the same fathers. First walked Father Bleshynski, areader of philosophy, bearing a sealed letter; after him came FatherMalahovski, with hands crossed on his breast, with drooping head and aface slightly pale.

  The general received them surrounded by his staff and all his notedcolonels; and when he had answered politely the submissive bow ofFather Bleshynski, he took the letter from his hand hastily and beganto read.

  But all at once his face changed terribly: a wave of blood flew to hishead; his eyes were bursting forth, his neck grew thick, and terribleanger raised the hair under his wig. For a while speech was taken fromhim; he only indicated with his hand the letter to the Prince of Hesse,who ran over it with his eyes, and turning to the colonels, saidcalmly,--

  "The monks declare only this much, that they cannot renounce YanKazimir before the primate proclaims a new king; or speaking in otherwords, they will not recognize Karl Gustav."

  Here the Prince of Hesse laughed. Sadovski fixed a jeering glance onMiller, and Count Veyhard began to pluck his own beard from rage. Aterrible murmur of excitement rose among those present.

  Then Miller struck his palms on his knees and cried,--

  "Guards, guards!"

  The mustached faces of four musketeers showed themselves quickly in thedoor.

  "Take those shaven sticks," cried the general, "and confine them! AndPan Sadovski, do you trumpet for me under the cloister, that if theyopen fire from one cannon on the walls, I will hang these two monks thenext moment."

  The two priests were led out amid ridicule and the scoffing ofsoldiers. The musketeers put their own caps on the priests' heads, orrather on their faces to cover their eyes, and led them of purpose tovarious obstacles. When either of the priests stumbled or fell, anoutburst of laughter was heard in the crowds; but the fallen man theyraised with the butts of muskets, and pretending to support, theypushed him by the loins and the shoulders. Some threw horse-dung at thepriests; others took snow and rubbed it on their shaven crowns, or letit roll down on their habits. The soldiers tore strings from trumpets,and tying one end to the neck of each priest, held the other, andimitating men taking cattle to a fair, called out the prices.

  Both fathers walked on in silence, with hands crossed on their breastsand prayers on their lips. Finally, trembling from cold and insulted,they were enclosed in a barn; around the place guards armed withmuskets were stationed.

  Miller's command, or rather his threat, was trumpeted under thecloister walls.

  The fathers were frightened, and the troops were benumbed from thethreat. The cannon were silent; a council was assembled, they knew notwhat to do. To leave the fathers in cruel hands was impossible; and ifthey sent others, Miller would detain them as well. A few hours laterhe himself sent a messenger, asking what the monks thought of doing.

  They answered that until the fathers were freed no negotiations couldtake place; for how could the monks believe that the general wouldobserve conditions with them if, despite the chief law of nations, heimprisoned envoys whose sacredness even barbarians respect?

  To this declaration there was no ready answer; hence terribleuncertainty weighed on the cloister and froze the zeal of itsdefenders.

  The Swedish army dug new trenches in haste, filled baskets with earth,planted cannon; insolent soldiers pushed forward to within half amusket-shot of the walls. They threatened the church, the defenders;half-drunken soldiers shouted, raising their hands toward the walls,"Surrender the cloister, or you will see your monks hanging!"

  Others blasphemed terribly against the Mother of God and the Catholicfaith. The besieged, out of respect to the life of the fathers, had tolisten with patience. Rage stopped the breath in Kmita's breast. Hetore the hair on his head, the clothing on his breast, and wringing hishands, said to Charnyetski,--

  "I asked, 'Of what use is negotiation with criminals?' Now stand andsuffer, while they are crawling into our eyes and blaspheming! Motherof God, have mercy on me, and give me patience! By the living God, theywill begin soon to climb the walls! Hold me, chain me like a murderer,for I shall not contain myself."

  But the Swedes came ever nearer, blaspheming more boldly.

  Meanwhile a fresh event brought the besieged to despair. StefanCharnyetski in surrendering Cracow had obtained the condition of goingout with all his troops, and remaining with them in Silesia till theend of the war. Seven hundred infantry of those troops of the royalguard, under command of Colonel Wolf, were near the boundary, andtrusting in stipulations, were not on their guard. Count Veyhardpersuaded Miller to capture those men.

  Miller sent Count Veyhard himself, with two thousand cavalry, whocrossing the boundary at night attacked those troops during sleep, andcaptured them to the last man. When they were brought to the Swedishcamp, Miller commanded to lead them
around the wall, so as to show thepriests that that army from which they had hoped succor would servespecially for the capture of Chenstohova.

  The sight of that brilliant guard of the king dragged along the wallswas crushing to the besieged, for no one doubted that Miller wouldforce them first to the storm.

  Panic spread again among the troops of the cloister; some of thesoldiers began to break their weapons and exclaim that there was helpno longer, that it was necessary to surrender at the earliest. Even thehearts of the nobles had fallen; some of them appeared before Kordetskiagain with entreaties to take pity on their children, on the sacredplace, on the image, and on the Congregation of monks. The courage ofthe prior and Pan Zamoyski was barely enough to put down this movement.

  But Kordetski had the liberation of the imprisoned fathers on his mindfirst of all, and he took the best method; for he wrote to Miller thathe would sacrifice those brothers willingly for the good of the church.Let the general condemn them to death; all would know in future what toexpect from him, and what faith to give his promises.

  Miller was joyful, for he thought the affair was approaching its end.But he did not trust the words of Kordetski at once, nor his readinessto sacrifice the monks. He sent therefore one of them, FatherBleshynski, to the cloister, binding him first with an oath to explainthe power of the Swedes and the impossibility of resistance. The monkrepeated everything faithfully, but his eyes spoke something else, andconcluding he said,--

  "But prizing life less than the good of the Congregation, I am waitingfor the will of the council; and whatsoever you decide I will laybefore the enemy most faithfully."

  They directed him to say: "The monks are anxious to treat, but cannotbelieve a general who imprisons envoys." Next day the other envoy ofthe fathers came to the cloister, and returned with a similar answer.

  After this both heard the sentence of death. The sentence was read atMiller's quarters in presence of the staff and distinguished officers.All observed carefully the faces of the monks, curious to learn whatimpression the sentence would make; and with the greatest amazementthey saw in both a joy as great, as unearthly, as if the highestfortune had been announced to them. The pale faces of the monks flushedsuddenly, their eyes were filled with light, and Father Malahovski saidwith a voice trembling from emotion,--

  "Ah! why should we not die to-day, since we are predestined to fall asacrifice for our Lord and the king?"

  Miller commanded to lead them forth straightway. The officers looked atone another. At last one remarked; "A struggle with such fanaticism isdifficult."

  The Prince of Hesse added: "Only the first Christians had such faith.Is that what you wish to say?" Then he turned to Count Veyhard. "PanVeyhard," said he, "I should be glad to know what you think of thesemonks?"

  "I have no need to trouble my head over them," answered he, insolently;"the general has already taken care of them."

  Then Sadovski stepped forward to the middle of the room, stood beforeMiller, and said with decision: "Your worthiness, do not command toexecute these monks."

  "But why not?"

  "Because there will be no talk of negotiations after that; for thegarrison of the fortress will be flaming with vengeance, and those menwill rather fall one upon the other than surrender."

  "Wittemberg will send me heavy guns."

  "Your worthiness, do not do this deed," continued Sadovski, with force;"they are envoys who have come here with confidence."

  "I shall not have them hanged on confidence, but on gibbets."

  "The echo of this deed will spread through the whole country, willenrage all hearts, and turn them away from us."

  "Give me peace with your echoes; I have heard of them already a hundredtimes."

  "Your worthiness will not do this without the knowledge of his RoyalGrace?"

  "You have no right to remind me of my duties to the king."

  "But I have the right to ask for permission to resign from service, andto present my reasons to his Royal Grace. I wish to be a soldier, notan executioner."

  The Prince of Hesse issued from the circle in the middle of the room,and said ostentatiously,--

  "Give me your hand. Pan Sadovski; you are a gentleman, a noble, and anhonest man."

  "What does this mean?" roared Miller, springing from his seat.

  "General," answered the Prince of Hesse, "I permit myself to remarkthat Pan Sadovski is an honorable man, and I judge that there isnothing in this against discipline."

  Miller did not like the Prince of Hesse; but that cool, polite, andalso contemptuous manner of speaking, special to men of high rank,imposed on him, as it does on many persons of low birth. Miller madegreat efforts to acquire this manner, but had no success. He restrainedhis outburst, however, and said calmly,--

  "The monks will be hanged to-morrow."

  "That is not my affair," answered the Prince of Hesse; "but in thatevent let your worthiness order an attack on those two thousand Poleswho are in our camp, for if you do not they will attack us. Even now itis less dangerous for a Swedish soldier to go among a pack of wolvesthan among their tents. This is all I have to say, and now I permitmyself to wish you success." When he had said this he left thequarters.

  Miller saw that he had gone too far. But he did not withdraw hisorders, and that same day gibbets wore erected in view of the wholecloister. At the same time the soldiers, taking advantage of the truce,pushed still nearer the walls, not ceasing to jeer, insult, blaspheme,and challenge. Whole throngs of them climbed the mountain, stood asclosely together as if they intended to make an assault.

  That time Kmita, whom they had not chained as he had requested, did notin fact restrain himself, and thundered from a cannon into the thickestgroup, with such effect that he laid down in a row all those who stoodin front of the shot. That was like a watchword; for at once, withoutorders, and even in spite of orders, all the cannons began to play,muskets and guns thundered.

  The Swedes, exposed to fire from every side, fled from the fortresswith howling and screaming, many falling dead on the road.

  Charnyetski sprang to Kmita: "Do you know that for that the reward is abullet in the head?"

  "I know, all one to me. Let me be--"

  "In that case aim surely,"

  Kmita aimed surely; soon, however, he missed. A great movement rosemeanwhile in the Swedish camp, but it was so evident that the Swedeswere the first to violate the truce, that Miller himself recognized inhis soul that the besieged were in the right.

  What is more, Kmita did not even suspect that with his shots he hadperhaps saved the lives of the fathers; but Miller, because of theseshots, became convinced that the monks in the last extremity werereally ready to sacrifice their two brethren for the good of the churchand the cloister.

  The shots beat into his head this idea also, that if a hair were tofall from the heads of the envoys, he would not hear from the cloisteranything save similar thunders; so next day he invited the twoimprisoned monks to dinner, and the day after he sent them to thecloister.

  Kordetski wept when he saw them, all took them in their arms and wereastonished at hearing from their mouths that it was specially owing tothose shots that they were saved. The prior, who had been angry atKmita, called him at once and said,--

  "I was angry because I thought that you had destroyed the two fathers;but the Most Holy Lady evidently inspired you. This is a sign of Herfavor, be rejoiced."

  "Dearest, beloved father, there will be no more negotiations, willthere?" asked Kmita, kissing Kordetski's hands.

  But barely had he finished speaking, when a trumpet was heard at thegates, and an envoy from Miller entered the cloister.

  This was Pan Kuklinovski, colonel of the volunteer squadron attachedto the Swedes. The greatest ruffians without honor or faith served inthat squadron, in part dissidents such as Lutherans, Arians,Calvinists,--whereby was explained their friendship for Sweden; but athirst for robbery and plunder attracted them mainly to Miller's army.That band, made up of nobles, outlaws, fugitives
from prison and fromthe hands of a master, of attendants, and of gallows-birds snatchedfrom the rope, was somewhat like Kmita's old party, save in this, thatKmita's men fought as do lions, and those preferred to plunder, offerviolence to noble women, break open stables and treasure chests. ButKuklinovski himself had less resemblance to Kmita. Age had mixed graywith his hair. He had a face dried, insolent, and shameless. His eyes,which were unusually prominent and greedy, indicated violence ofcharacter. He was one of those soldiers in whom, because of a turbulentlife and continuous wars, conscience had been burned out to the bottom.A multitude of such men strolled about in that time, after the ThirtyYears' War, through all Germany and Poland. They were ready to serveany man, and more than once a mere simple incident determined the sideon which they were to stand.

  Country and faith, in a word all things sacred, were thoroughlyindifferent to them. They recognized nothing but war, and sought in itpleasure, dissipation, profit, and oblivion of life. But still whenthey had chosen some side they served it loyally enough, and thatthrough a certain soldier-robber honor, so as not to close the careerto themselves and to others. Such a man was Kuklinovski. Stern daringand immeasurable stubbornness had won for him consideration among thedisorderly. It was easy for him to find men. He had served in variousarms and services. He had been ataman in the Saitch; he had ledregiments in Wallachia; in Germany he had enlisted volunteers in theThirty Years' War, and had won a certain fame as a leader of cavalry.His crooked legs, bent in bow fashion, showed that he had spent thegreater part of his life on horseback. He was as thin as a splinter,and somewhat bent from profligacy. Much blood, shed not in war only,weighed upon him. And still he was not a man wholly wicked by nature;he felt at times nobler influences. But he was spoiled to the marrow ofhis bones, and insolent to the last degree. Frequently had he said inintimate company, in drink; "More than one deed was done for which thethunderbolt should have fallen, but it fell not."

  The effect of this impunity was that he did not believe in the justiceof God, and punishment, not only during life, but after death. In otherwords, he did not believe in God; still, he believed in the devil, inwitches, in astrologers, and in alchemy. He wore the Polish dress, forhe thought it most fitting for cavalry; but his mustache, still black,he trimmed in Swedish fashion, and spread at the ends turned upward. Inspeaking he made every word diminutive, like a child; this produced astrange impression when heard from the mouth of such a devil incarnateand such a cruel ruffian, who was ever gulping human blood. He talkedmuch and boastingly; clearly he thought himself a celebrated personage,and one of the first cavalry colonels on earth.

  Miller, who, though on a broader pattern, belonged himself to a similarclass, valued him greatly, and loved specially to seat him at his owntable. At that juncture Kuklinovski forced himself on the general as anassistant, guaranteeing that he would with his eloquence bring thepriests to their senses at once.

  Earlier, when, after the arrest of the priests, Pan Zamoyski waspreparing to visit Miller's camp and asked for a hostage, Miller sentKuklinovski; but Zamoyski and the prior would not accept him, as notbeing of requisite rank.

  From that moment, touched in his self-love, Kuklinovski conceived amortal hatred for the defenders of Yasna Gora, and determined toinjure them with all his power. Therefore he chose himself as anembassy,--first for the embassy itself, and second so as to surveyeverything and cast evil seed here and there. Since he was long knownto Charnyetski he approached the gate guarded by him; but Charnyetskiwas sleeping at the time,--Kmita, taking his place, conducted the guestto the council hall.

  Kuklinovski looked at Pan Andrei with the eye of a specialist, and atonce he was pleased not only with the form but the bearing of the younghero, which might serve as a model.

  "A soldier," said he, raising his hand to his cap, "knows at once areal soldier. I did not think that the priests had such men in theirservice. What is your rank, I pray?"

  Id Kmita, who had the zeal of a new convert, the soul revolted at sightof Poles who served Swedes; still, he remembered the recent anger ofKordetski at his disregard of negotiations; therefore he answeredcoldly, but calmly,--

  "I am Babinich, former colonel in the Lithuanian army, but now avolunteer in the service of the Most Holy Lady."

  "And I am Kuklinovski, also colonel, of whom you must have heard; forduring more than one little war men mentioned frequently that name andthis sabre [here he struck at his side], not only here in theCommonwealth, but in foreign countries."

  "With the forehead," said Kmita, "I have heard."

  "Well, so you are from Lithuania, and in that land are famous soldiers.We know of each other, for the trumpet of fame is to be heard from oneend of the world to the other. Do you know there, worthy sir, a certainKmita?"

  The question fell so suddenly that Pan Andrei was as if fixed to thespot. "But why do you ask of him?"

  "Because I love him, though I know him not, for we are alike as twoboots of one pair; and I always repeat this, with your permission,'There are two genuine soldiers in the Commonwealth,--I in the kingdom,and Kmita in Lithuania,'--a pair of dear doves, is not that true? Didyou know him personally?"

  "Would to God that you were killed!" thought Kmita; but, rememberingKuklinovski's character of envoy, he answered aloud: "I did not knowhim personally. But now come in, for the council is waiting."

  When he had said this, he indicated the door through which a priestcame out to receive the guest. Kuklinovski entered the chamber with himat once, but first he turned to Kmita: "It would please me," said he,"if at my return you and none other were to conduct me out."

  "I will wait here," answered Kmita. And he was left alone. After awhile he began to walk back and forth with quick steps; his whole soulwas roused within him, and his heart was filled with blood, black fromanger.

  "Pitch does not stick to a garment like evil fame to a man," mutteredhe. "This scoundrel, this wretch, this traitor calls me boldly hisbrother, and thinks he has me as a comrade. See to what I have come!All gallows-birds proclaim me their own, and no decent man calls me tomind without horror. I have done little yet, little! If I could onlygive a lesson to this rascal! It cannot be but that I shall put myscore on him."

  The council lasted long in the chamber. It had grown dark. Kmita waswaiting yet.

  At last Kuklinovski appeared. Pan Andrei could not see the colonel'sface, but he inferred from his quick panting, that the mission hadfailed, and had been also displeasing, for the envoy had lost desirefor talk. They walked on then for some time in silence. Kmitadetermined meanwhile to get at the truth, and said with feignedsympathy,--

  "Surely, you are coming with nothing.--Our priests are stubborn; and,between you and me, they act ill, for we cannot defend ourselvesforever."

  Kuklinovski halted and pulled him by the sleeve. "And do you think thatthey act ill? You have your senses; these priests will be ground intobran,--I guarantee that! They are unwilling to obey Kuklinovski; theywill obey his sword."

  "You see, it is not a question of the priests with me," said Kmita,"but of this place, which is holy, that is not to be denied, but whichthe later it is surrendered the more severe must the conditions be. Iswhat men say true, that through the country tumults are rising, thathere and there they are slashing the Swedes, and that the Khan ismarching with aid? If that is true, Miller must retreat."

  "I tell you in confidence, a wish for Swedish broth is rising in thecountry, and likely in the army as well; that is true. They are talkingof the Khan also. But Miller will not retreat; in a couple of daysheavy artillery will come. We'll dig these foxes out of their hole, andthen what will be will be!--But you have sense."

  "Here is the gate!" said Kmita; "here I must leave you, unless you wishme to attend you down the slope?"

  "Attend me, attend me! A couple of days ago you fired after an envoy."

  "Indeed! What do you mean?"

  "Maybe unwillingly. But better attend me; I have a few words to say toyou."

  "And I to you."

nbsp; "That is well."

  They went outside the gate and sank in the darkness. Here Kuklinovskistopped, and taking Kmita again by the sleeve, began to speak,--

  "You, Sir Cavalier, seem to me adroit and foreseeing, and besides Ifeel in you a soldier, blood and bone. What the devil do you stick topriests for, and not to soldiers? Why be a serving lad for priests?There is a better and a pleasanter company with us,--with cups, dice,and women. Do you understand?"

  Here he pressed Kmita's arm with his fingers. "This house," continuedhe, pointing with his finger to the fortress, "is on fire, and a foolis he who flees not from a house when 'tis burning. Maybe you fear thename of traitor? Spit on those who would call you that! Come to ourcompany; I, Kuklinovski, propose this. Obey, if you like; if you don'tlike, obey not--there will be no offence. General Miller will receiveyou well, I guarantee that; you have touched my heart, and I speak thusfrom good wishes. Ours is a joyous company, joyous! A soldier's freedomis in this,--to serve whom he likes. Monks are nothing to you! If a bitof virtue hinders you, then cough it out. Remember this also, thathonest men serve with us. How many nobles, magnates, hetmans! What canbe better? Who takes the part of our little Kazimir? No man saveSapyeha alone, who is bending Radzivill."

  Kmita grew curious; "Did you say that Sapyeha is bending Radzivill?"

  "I did. He is troubling him terribly there in Podlyasye, and isbesieging him now in Tykotsin. But we do not disturb him."

  "Why is that?"

  "Because the King of Sweden wants them to devour one another. Radzivillwas never reliable; he was thinking of himself. Besides, he is barelybreathing. Whoever lets himself be besieged is in a fix, he isfinished."

  "Will not the Swedes go to succor him?"

  "Who is to go? The king himself is in Prussia, for there lies the greatquestion. The elector has wriggled out hitherto; he will not wriggleout this time. In Great Poland is war, Wittemberg is needed in Cracow,Douglas has work with the hill-men; so they have left Radzivill tohimself. Let Sapyeha devour him. Sapyeha has grown, that is true, buthis turn will come also. Our Karl, when he finishes with Prussia, willtwist the horns of Sapyeha. Now there is no power against him, for allLithuania stands at his side."

  "But Jmud?"

  "Pontus de la Gardie holds that in his paws, and heavy are the paws, Iknow him."

  "How is it that Radzivill has fallen, he whose power was equal to thatof kings?"

  "It is quenching already, quenching--"

  "Wonderful are the ordinances of God!"

  "The wheel of war changes. But no more of this. Well, what? Do you makeup your mind to my proposition? You'll not be sorry! Come to us. If itis too hurried to-day, think till to-morrow, till the day after, beforethe heavy artillery comes. These people here trust you evidently, sinceyou pass through the gate as you do now. Or come with letters and goback no more."

  "You attract others to the Swedish side, for you are an envoy ofSweden," said Kmita; "it does not beseem you to act otherwise, thoughin your soul who knows what you think? There are those who serve theSwedes, but wish them ill in their hearts."

  "Word of a cavalier!" answered Kuklinovski, "that I speak sincerely,and not because I am filling the function of an envoy. Outside the gateI am no longer an envoy; and if you wish I will remove the office ofenvoy of my own will, and speak to you as a private man. Throw thatvile fortress to the devil!"

  "Do you say this as a private man?"


  "And may I give answer to you as to a private man?"

  "As true as life I propose it myself."

  "Then listen, Pan Kuklinovski," Here Kmita inclined and looked into thevery eyes of the ruffian. "You are a rascal, a traitor, a scoundrel, acrab-monger, an arch-cur! Have you enough, or shall I spit in your eyesyet?"

  Kuklinovski was astounded to such a degree that for a time there wassilence.

  "What is this? How is this? Do I hear correctly?"

  "Have you enough, you cur? or do you wish me to spit in your eyes?"

  Kuklinovski drew his sabre; but Kmita caught him with his iron hand bythe wrist, twisted his arm, wrested the sabre from him, then slappedhim on the cheek so that the sound went out in the darkness; seized himby the other side, turned him in his hand like a top, and kicking himwith all his strength, cried,--

  "To a private man, not to an envoy!"

  Kuklinovski rolled down like a stone thrown from a ballista. Pan Andreiwent quietly to the gate.

  The two men parted on the slope of the eminence; hence it was difficultto see them from the walls. But Kmita found waiting for him at the gateKordetski, who took him aside at once, and asked,--

  "What were you doing so long with Kuklinovski."

  "I was entering into confidence with him," answered Pan Andrei.

  "What did he say?"

  "He said that it was true concerning the Khan."

  "Praise be to God, who can change the hearts of pagans and make friendsout of enemies."

  "He told me that Great Poland is moving."

  "Praise be to God!"

  "That the quarter soldiers are more and more unwilling to remain withthe Swedes; that in Podlyasye, the voevoda of Vityebsk, Sapyeha, hasbeaten the traitor Radzivill, and that he has all honest people withhim. As all Lithuania stands by him, except Jmud, which De la Gardiehas taken."

  "Praise be to God! Have you had no other talk with each other?"

  "Yes; Kuklinovski tried afterward to persuade me to go over to theSwedes."

  "I expected that," said the prior; "he is a bad man. And what did youanswer?"

  "You see he told me, revered father, as follows: 'I put aside my officeof envoy, which without that is finished beyond the gates, and Ipersuade you as a private man.' And I to make sure asked, 'May I answeras to a private man?' He said, 'Yes'--then--"

  "What then?"

  "Then I gave it to him in the snout, and he rolled down hill."

  "In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost!"

  "Be not angry, father; I acted very carefully, and that he will not saya word about the matter to any man is certain."

  The priest was silent for a time, then said; "That you acted honestly,I know. I am only troubled at this, that you have gained a new enemy.He is a terrible man."

  "One more, one less!" said Kmita. Then he bent to the ear of thepriest. "But Prince Boguslav, he at least is an enemy! What is such aKuklinovski? I don't even look back at him."