Read The Deluge: An Historical Novel of Poland, Sweden, and Russia. Vol. 2 (of 2) Page 4


  What had happened to Pan Andrei, and in what way had he been able tocarry out his plan?

  After leaving the fortress he advanced some time with a sure and warystep. At the very end of the slope he halted and listened. It wassilent around,--so silent in fact that his steps were heard clearly onthe snow. In proportion as he receded from the walls, he stepped morecarefully. He halted again, and again listened. He was somewhat afraidof slipping and falling, and thus dampening his precious roll; he drewout his rapier therefore and leaned on it. That helped him greatly.Thus feeling his way, after the course of half an hour he heard aslight sound directly in front.

  "Ah! they are watching. The sortie has taught them wariness," thoughthe.

  And he went farther now very slowly. He was glad that he had not goneastray, for the darkness was such that he could not see the end of therapier.

  "Those trenches are considerably farther: I am advancing well then!"whispered he to himself.

  He hoped also not to find men before the intrenchment; for, properlyspeaking, they had nothing to do there, especially at night. It mightbe that at something like a hundred or fewer yards apart singlesentries were stationed; but he hoped to pass them in such darkness. Itwas joyous in his soul.

  Kmita was not only daring but audacious. The thought of bursting thegigantic gun delighted him to the bottom of his soul,--not only asheroism, not only as an immortal service to the besieged, but as aterrible damage to the Swedes. He imagined how Miller would beastounded, how he would gnash his teeth, how he would gaze inhelplessness on those walls; and at moments pure laughter seized him.

  And as he had himself said, he felt no emotion, no fear, no unquiet. Itdid not even enter his head to what an awful danger he was exposinghimself. He went on as a school-boy goes to an orchard to make havocamong apples. He recalled other times when he harried Hovanski, stoleup at night to a camp of thirty thousand with two hundred such fightersas himself.

  His comrades stood before his mind: Kokosinski, the giganticKulvyets-Hippocentaurus, the spotted Ranitski, of senatorial stock, andothers; then for a moment he sighed after them. "If they were herenow," thought he, "we might blow up six guns." Then the feeling ofloneliness oppressed him somewhat, but only for a short while; soonmemory brought before his eyes Olenka. Love spoke in him withimmeasurable power. He was moved to tenderness. If she could see him,the heart would rejoice in her this time. Perhaps she thinks yet thathe is serving the Swedes. He is serving them nicely! And soon he willoblige them! What will happen when she learns of all these perils? Whatwill she think? She will think surely, "He is a whirlwind, but when itcomes to a deed which no other can do, he will do it; where anotherdares not go, he will go. Such a man is that Kmita!"

  "Another such deed I shall never accomplish," said Pan Andrei; andboastfulness seized him completely. Still, in spite of these thoughtshe did not forget where he was, whither he was going, what he intendedto do; and he began to advance like a wolf on a night pasture. Helooked behind once and a second time. No church, no cloister! All wascovered with thick, impenetrable gloom. He noted, however, by the time,that he must have advanced far already, and that the trench might beright there.

  "I am curious to know if there are sentries," thought he.

  But he had not advanced two steps after giving himself this question,when, in front of him, was heard the tramp of measured steps and anumber of voices inquired at various distances,--

  "Who goes?"

  Pan Andrei stood as if fixed to the earth. He felt hot.

  "Ours," answered a number of voices.

  "The watchword!"


  "The counter-sign!"

  "The crown."

  Kmita saw at this moment that there was a change of sentries. "I'llgive you Upsala and a crown!" And he rejoiced. This was really for hima very favorable circumstance, for he might pass the line of guards atthe moment of changing sentries, when the tramp of the soldiers drownedhis own steps.

  In fact, he did so without the least difficulty, and went after thereturning soldiers rather boldly up to the trench itself. There theymade a turn to go around it; but he pushed quickly into the ditch andhid in it.

  Meanwhile objects had become somewhat more visible; Pan Andrei thankedHeaven, for in the previous darkness he could not by feeling have foundthe gun sought for. Now, by throwing back his head and straining hisvision, he saw above him a black line, indicating the edge of thetrench, and also the black outlines of the baskets between which stoodthe guns.

  He could indeed see their jaws thrust out a little above the trench.Advancing slowly in the ditch, he discovered the great gun at last. Hehalted and began to listen. From the intrenchment a noise came,--amurmur; evidently the infantry were near the guns, in readiness. Butthe height of the intrenchment concealed Kmita; they might hear him,they could not see him. Now he had only to rise from below to the mouthof the gun, which was high above his head.

  Fortunately the sides of the ditch were not too steep; and besides theembankment freshly made, or moist with water, had not frozen, since forsome time there had been a thaw.

  Taking note of all this, Kmita began to sink holes quietly in the slopeof the intrenchment and to climb slowly to the gun. After fifteenminutes' work he was able to seize the opening of the culverin. Soon hewas hanging in the air, but his uncommon strength permitted him to holdhimself thus till he pushed the roll into the jaws of the cannon.

  "Here's dog sausage for thee!" muttered he, "only don't choke with it!"

  Then he slipped down and began to look for the string, which, fastenedto the inner side of the roll, was hanging to the ditch. After a whilehe felt it with his hand. But then came the greatest difficulty, for hehad to strike fire and ignite the string.

  Kmita waited for a moment, thinking that the noise would increasesomewhat among the soldiers in the breastworks. At last he began tostrike the flint lightly with the steel. But that moment above his headwas heard in German the question,--

  "Who is there in the ditch?"

  "It is I, Hans!" answered Kmita, without hesitation; "the devils havetaken my ramrod into the ditch, and I am striking fire to find it."

  "All right, all right," said the gunner. "It is your luck there is nofiring, for the wind would have taken your head off."

  "Ah!" thought Kmita, "the gun besides my charge has still its own,--somuch the better."

  At that moment the sulphur-string caught, and delicate little sparksbegan to run upward along its dry exterior.

  It was time to disappear. Kmita hurried along the ditch with all thestrength in his legs, not losing an instant, not thinking overmuch ofthe noise he was making. But when he had run twenty yards, curiosityovercame in him the feeling of his terrible danger.

  "The string has gone out, there is moisture in the air!" thought he;and he stopped. Casting a look behind, he saw a little spark yet, butmuch higher than he had left it.

  "Eh, am I not too near?" thought he; and fear hurried him forward.

  He pushed on at full speed; all at once he struck a stone and fell. Atthat moment a terrible roar rent the air; the earth trembled, pieces ofwood, iron, stones, lumps of ice and earth, whistled about his ears,and here his sensations ended.

  After that were heard new explosions in turn. These were powder-boxesstanding near the cannon which exploded from the shock.

  But Kmita did not hear these; he lay as if dead in the ditch. He didnot hear also how, after a time of deep silence, the groans of men wereheard, cries and shouts for help; how nearly half the army, Swedish andallied, assembled.

  The confusion and uproar lasted long, till from the chaos of testimonythe Swedish general reached the fact that the siege-gun had been blownup of purpose by some one. Search was ordered immediately. In themorning the searching soldiers found Kmita lying in the ditch.

  It appeared that he was merely stunned from the explosion. He had lost,to begin with, control of his hands and feet. His powerlessness
lastedthe whole ensuing day. They nursed him with the utmost care. In theevening he had recovered his power almost completely.

  He was brought then by command before Miller, who occupied the middleplace at the table in his quarters; around him sat the Prince of Hesse,Count Veyhard, Sadovski, all the noted officers of the Swedes, of thePoles, Zbrojek, Kalinski, and Kuklinovski. The last at sight of Kmitabecame blue, his eyes burned like two coals, and his mustaches began toquiver. Without awaiting the question of the general, he said,--

  "I know this bird. He is from the Chenstohova garrison. His name isBabinich."

  Kmita was silent; pallor and weariness were evident on his face, buthis glance was bold and his countenance calm.

  "Did you blow up the siege-gun?" asked Miller.

  "I did."

  "How did you do it?"

  Kmita stated all briefly, concealed nothing. The officers looked at oneanother in amazement.

  "A hero!" whispered the Prince of Hesse to Sadovski.

  But Sadovski inclined to Count Veyhard. "Count Veyhard," asked he, "howare we to take a fortress with such defenders? What do you think, willthey surrender?"

  "There are more of us in the fortress ready for such deeds," saidKmita. "You know not the day nor the hour."

  "I too have more than one halter in the camp," said Miller.

  "We know that. But you will not take Yasna Gora while there is one manalive there."

  A moment of silence followed. Then Miller inquired,--

  "Is your name Babinich?"

  Pan Andrei thought that after what he had done, and in presence ofdeath, the time had come in which he had no need to conceal his name.Let people forget the faults and transgressions bound up with it; letglory and devotion shine over them.

  "My name is not Babinich," said he, with a certain pride, "my name isAndrei Kmita; I was colonel of my own personal squadron in theLithuanian contingent."

  Hardly had Kuklinovski heard this when he sprang up as if possessed,stuck out his eyes, opened his mouth, and began to strike his sideswith his hands. At last he cried,--

  "General, I beg for a word without delay, without delay."

  A murmur rose at the same time among the Polish officers, which theSwedes heard with wonder, since for them the name Kmita meant nothing.They noted at once that this must be no common soldier, for Zbrojekrose, and approaching the prisoner said,--

  "Worthy colonel, in the straits in which you are I cannot help you; butgive me your hand, I pray."

  Kmita raised his head and began to snort.

  "I will not give a hand to traitors who serve against their country!"

  Zbrojek's face flushed. Kalinski, who stood right behind him, withdrew.The Swedish officers surrounded them at once, asking what man thisKmita was whose name had made such an impression. During this timeKuklinovski had squeezed Miller up to the window, and said,--

  "For your worthiness the name Kmita is nothing; but he is the firstsoldier, the first colonel, in the whole Commonwealth. All know of him,all know that name; once he served Radzivill and the Swedes; now it isclear that he has gone over to Yan Kazimir. There is not his equalamong soldiers, save me. He was the only man who could go alone andblow up that gun. From this one deed you may know him. He foughtHovanski, so that a reward was put on his head. He with two or threehundred men kept up the whole war after the defeat at Shklov, untilothers were found who, imitating him, began to tear at the enemy. He isthe most dangerous man in all the country--"

  "Why do you sing his praises to me?" inquired Miller. "That he isdangerous I know to my own irreparable loss."

  "What does your worthiness think of doing with him?"

  "I should give orders to hang him; but being a soldier myself, I knowhow to value daring and bravery. Besides, he is a noble of highbirth,--I will order him shot, and that to-day."

  "Your worthiness, it is not for me to instruct the most celebratedsoldier and statesman of modern times; but I permit myself to say thatthat man is too famous. If you shoot him, Zbrojek's squadron andKalinski's will withdraw at the latest this very day, and go over toYan Kazimir."

  "If that is true, I'll have them cut to pieces before they go!" criedMiller.

  "Your worthiness, a terrible responsibility! for if that becomesknown,--and the cutting down of two squadrons is hard to hide,--thewhole Polish army will leave Karl Gustav; at present their loyalty istottering, as you know. The hetmans are not reliable. Pan Konyetspolskiwith six thousand of the best cavalry is at the side of our king. Thatforce is no trifle. God defend us if these too should turn against us,against the person of his Royal Grace! Besides, this fortress defendsitself; and to cut down the squadrons of Zbrojek and Kalinski is noeasy matter, for Wolf is here too with his infantry. They might come toan agreement with the garrison of the fortress."

  "A hundred horned devils!" cried Miller; "what do you want,Kuklinovski? do you want me to give Kmita his life? That cannot be."

  "I want," answered Kuklinovski, "you to give him to me."

  "What will you do with him?"

  "Ah, I--will tear him alive from his skin."

  "You did not know even his real name, you do not know him. What haveyou against him?"

  "I made his acquaintance first in the fortress, where I have been twiceas an envoy to the monks."

  "Have you reasons for vengeance?"

  "Your worthiness, I wished privately to bring him to our camp. He,taking advantage of the fact that I laid aside my office of envoy,insulted me, Kuklinovski, as no man in life has insulted me."

  "What did he do to you?"

  Kuklinovski trembled and gnashed his teeth. "Better not speak of it.Only give him to me. He is doomed to death anyhow, and I would likebefore his end to have a little amusement with him,--all the morebecause he is the Kmita whom formerly I venerated, and who repaid me insuch fashion. Give him to me; it will be better for you. If I rub himout, Zbrojek and Kalinski and with them all the Polish knighthood willfall not upon you, but upon me, and I'll help myself. There will not beanger, wry faces, and mutiny. It will be my private matter aboutKmita's skin, of which I shall have a drum made."

  Miller fell to thinking; a sudden suspicion flashed over his face.

  "Kuklinovski," said he, "maybe you wish to save him?"

  Kuklinovski smiled quietly, but that smile was so terrible and sincerethat Miller ceased to doubt.

  "Perhaps you give sound advice," said he.

  "For all my services I beg this reward only."

  "Take him, then."

  Now both returned to the room where the rest of the officers wereassembled. Miller turned to them and said,--

  "In view of the services of Pan Kuklinovski I place at his absolutedisposal this prisoner."

  A moment of silence followed; then Pan Zbrojek put his hands on hissides, and asked with a certain accent of contempt,--

  "And what does Pan Kuklinovski think to do with the prisoner?"

  Kuklinovski bent, straightened himself quickly, his lips opened with anill-omened smile, and his eyes began to quiver.

  "Whoso is not pleased with what I do to the prisoner, knows where tofind me." And he shook his sabre.

  "Your promise, Pan Kuklinovski," said Zbrojek.

  "Promise, promise!"

  When he had said this he approached Kmita. "Follow me, little worm;come after me, famous soldier. Thou'rt a trifle weak; thou needstswathing,--I'll swathe thee."

  "Ruffian!" said Kmita.

  "Very good, very good, daring soul! Meanwhile step along."

  The officers remained in the room; Kuklinovski mounted his horse beforethe quarters. Having with him three soldiers, he commanded one of themto lead Kmita by a lariat; and all went together toward Lgota, whereKuklinovski's regiment was quartered.

  On the way Kmita prayed ardently. He saw that death was approaching,and he committed himself with his whole soul to God. He was so sunk inprayer and in his own doom that he did not hear what Kuklinovski saidto him; he did not know even how long the road was.

They stopped at last before an empty, half-ruined barn, standing in theopen field, at some distance from the quarters of Kuklinovski'sregiment. The colonel ordered them to lead Kmita in, and turninghimself to one of the soldiers, said,--

  "Hurry for me to the camp, bring ropes and a tar bucket!"

  The soldier galloped with all the breath in his horse, and in quarterof an hour returned at the same pace, with a comrade. They had broughtthe requisite articles.

  "Strip this spark naked!" ordered Kuklinovski; "tie his hands and feetbehind him with a rope, and then fasten him to a beam."

  "Ruffian!" said Kmita.

  "Good, good! we can talk yet, we have time!"

  Meanwhile one of the soldiers climbed up on the beam, and the othersfell to dragging the clothes from Kmita. When he was naked the threeexecutioners placed Pan Andrei with his face to the ground, bound hishands and feet with a long rope, then passing it still around his waistthey threw the other end to the soldier sitting on the beam.

  "Now raise him, and let the man on the beam pull the rope and tie it!"said Kuklinovski.

  In a moment the order was obeyed.

  "Let him go!"

  The rope squeaked. Pan Andrei was hanging parallel with the earth, afew ells above the threshing-floor. Then Kuklinovski dipped tow in theburning tar-bucket, walked up to him, and said,--

  "Well, Pan Kmita, did not I say that there are two colonels in theCommonwealth?--only two, I and thou! And thou didst not wish to joincompany with Kuklinovski, and kicked him! Well, little worm, thou artright! Not for thee is the company of Kuklinovski, for Kuklinovski isbetter. Hei! a famous colonel is Pan Kmita, and Kuklinovski has him inhis hand, and Kuklinovski is roasting his sides!"

  "Ruffian!" repeated Kmita, for the third time.

  "This is how he will roast his sides!" finished Kuklinovski, and hetouched Kmita's side with the burning tow; then he said,--

  "Not too much at first; we have time."

  Just then the tramp of horses was heard near the barn-door.

  "Whom are the devils bringing?" asked Kuklinovski.

  The door squeaked and a soldier entered. "General Miller wishes to seeyour grace at once!"

  "Ah! that is thou, old man?" asked Kuklinovski. "What business? Whatdevil?"

  "The general asks your grace to come to him straightway."

  "Who came from the general?"

  "There was a Swedish officer; he has ridden off already. He had almostdriven the breath out of his horse."

  "I'll go," said Kuklinovski. Then he turned to Kmita: "It was hot forthee; cool off now, little worm. I'll come again soon, we'll haveanother talk."

  "What shall be done with the prisoner?" asked one of the soldiers.

  "Leave him as he is. I shall return directly. Let one go with me."

  The colonel went out, and with him that soldier who had sat on the beamat first. There remained only three, but soon three new ones enteredthe barn.

  "You may go to sleep," said he who had reported Miller's order toKuklinovski, "the colonel has left the guard to us."

  "We prefer to remain," replied one of the first three soldiers, "to seethe wonder; for such a--"

  Suddenly he stopped. A certain unearthly sound was wrested from histhroat like the call of a strangled cock. He threw out his arms andfell as if struck by lightning.

  At the same moment the cry of "Pound" was heard through the barn, andtwo of the newly arrived rushed like leopards on the two remainingsoldiers. A terrible, short struggle surged up, lighted by the gleamsof the burning tar-bucket. After a moment two bodies fell in the straw,for a moment longer were heard the gasps of the dying, then that voicerose which at first seemed familiar to Kmita.

  "Your grace, it is I, Kyemlich, and my sons. We have been waiting sincemorning for a chance, we have been watching since morning." Thenhe turned to his sons: "Now out, rogues, free the colonel in abreath,--quickly!"

  And before Kmita was able to understand what was taking place thereappeared near him the two bushy forelocks of Kosma and Damian, like twogigantic distaffs. The ropes were soon cut, and Kmita stood on hisfeet. He tottered at first; his stiffened lips were barely able tosay,--

  "That is you?--I am thankful."

  "It is I!" answered the terrible old man. "Mother of God! Oh--let hisgrace dress quickly. You rogues--" And he began to give Kmita hisclothes.

  "The horses are standing at the door," said he. "From here the way isopen. There are guards; maybe they would let no one in, but as toletting out, they will let out. We know the password. How does yourgrace feel?"

  "He burned my side, but only a little. My feet are weak--"

  "Drink some gorailka."

  Kmita seized with eagerness the flask the old man gave him, andemptying half of it said,--

  "I was stiff from the cold. I shall be better at once."

  "Your grace will grow warm on the saddle. The horses are waiting."

  "In a moment I shall be better," repeated Kmita. "My side is smarting alittle--that's nothing!--I am quite well." And he sat on the edge of agrain-bin.

  After a while he recovered his strength really, and looked with perfectpresence of mind on the ill-omened faces of the three Kyemliches,lighted by the yellowish flame of the burning pitch. The old man stoodbefore him.

  "Your grace, there is need of haste. The horses are waiting."

  But in Pan Andrei the Kmita of old times was roused altogether.

  "Oh, impossible!" cried he, suddenly; "now I am waiting for thattraitor."

  The Kyemliches looked amazed, but uttered not a word,--so accustomedwere they from former times to listen blindly to this leader.

  The veins came out on his forehead; his eyes were burning in the dark,like two stars, such was the hate and the desire of vengeance thatgleamed in them. That which he did then was madness, he might pay forit with his life; but his life was made up of a series of suchmadnesses. His side pained him fiercely, so that every moment he seizedit unwittingly with his hand; but he was thinking only of Kuklinovski,and he was ready to wait for him even till morning.

  "Listen!" said he; "did Miller really call him?"

  "No," answered the old man. "I invented that to manage the others heremore easily. It would have been hard for us three against five, forsome one might have raised a cry."

  "That was well. He will return alone or in company. If there are anypeople with him, then strike at once on them. Leave him to me. Then tohorse! Has any one pistols?"

  "I have," said Kosma.

  "Give them here! Are they loaded, is there powder in the pan?"


  "Very well. If he comes back alone, when he enters spring on him andshut his mouth. You can stuff his own cap into it."

  "According to command," said the old man. "Your grace permits us now tosearch these? We are poor men."

  He pointed to the corpses lying on the straw.

  "No! Be on the watch. What you find on Kuklinovski will be yours."

  "If he returns alone," said the old man, "I fear nothing. I shall standbehind the door; and even if some one from the quarters should come, Ishall say that the colonel gave orders not to admit."

  "That will do. Watch!"

  The tramp of a horse was heard behind the barn. Kmita sprang up andstood in the shadow at the wall. Kosma and Damian took their placesnear the door, like two cats waiting for a mouse.

  "He is alone," said the old man.

  "Alone," repeated Kosma and Damian.

  The tramp approached, was right there and halted suddenly.

  "Come out here, some one,--hold the horse!"

  The old man jumped out quickly. A moment of silence followed, then tothose waiting in the barn came the following conversation,--

  "Is that you, Kyemlich? What the thunder! art mad, or an idiot? It isnight, Miller is asleep. The guard will not give admission; they saythat no officer went away. How is that?"

  "The officer is waiting here in the barn for your grace. He came rightaway after you rode off; he says that he misse
d your grace."

  "What does all this mean? But the prisoner?"

  "Is hanging."

  The door squeaked, and Kuklinovski pushed into the barn; but before hehad gone a step two iron hands caught him by the throat, and smotheredhis cry of terror. Kosma and Damian, with the adroitness of genuinemurderers, hurled him to the ground, put their knees on his breast,pressed him so that his ribs began to crack, and gagged him in thetwinkle of an eye.

  Kmita came forward, and holding the pitch light to his eyes, said,--

  "Ah! this is Pan Kuklinovski! Now I have something to say to you!"

  Kuklinovski's face was blue, the veins were so swollen that it seemedthey might burst any moment; but in his eyes, which were coming out ofhis head and bloodshot, there was quite as much wonder as terror.

  "Strip him and put him on the beam!" cried Kmita.

  Kosma and Damian fell to stripping him as zealously as if they wishedto take the skin from him together with his clothing.

  In a quarter of an hour Kuklinovski was hanging by his hands and feet,like a half goose, on the beam. Then Kmita put his hands on his hipsand began to brag terribly.

  "Well, Pan Kuklinovski," said he, "who is better, Kmita or Kuklinovski?"Then he seized the burning tow and took a step nearer. "Thy camp isdistant one shot from a bow, thy thousand ruffians are within call,there is thy Swedish general a little beyond, and thou art hanging herefrom this same beam from which 'twas thy thought to roast me.--Learn toknow Kmita! Thou hadst the thought to be equal to Kmita, to belong tohis company, to be compared with him? Thou cut-purse, thou low ruffian,terror of old women, thou offscouring of man. Lord Scoundrel ofScoundrelton! Wry-mouth, trash, slave! I might have thee cut up like akid, like a capon; but I choose to roast thee alive as thou didst thinkto roast me."

  Saying this, he raised the tow and applied it to the side of thehanging, hapless man; but he held it longer, until the odor of theburned flesh began to spread through the barn.

  Kuklinovski writhed till the rope was swinging with him. His eyes,fastened on Kmita, expressed terrible pain and a dumb imploring forpity; from his gagged lips came woful groans; but war had hardened theheart of Pan Andrei, and there was no pity in him, above all, none fortraitors.

  Removing at last the tow from Kuklinovski's side, he put it for a whileunder his nose, rubbed with it his mustaches, his eyelashes, and hisbrows; then he said,--

  "I give thee thy life to meditate on Kmita. Thou wilt hang here tillmorning, and now pray to God that people find thee before thou artfrozen."

  Then he turned to Kosma and Damian. "To horse!" cried he, and went outof the barn.

  Half an hour later around the four riders were quiet hills, silent andempty fields. The fresh breeze, not filled with smoke of powder,entered their lungs. Kmita rode ahead, the Kyemliches after him. Theyspoke in low voices. Pan Andrei was silent, or rather he was repeatingin silence the morning "Our Father," for it was not long before dawn.

  From time to time a hiss or even a low groan was rent from his lips,when his burned side pained him greatly. But at the same time he felton horseback and free; and the thought that he had blown up thegreatest siege gun, and besides that had torn himself from the hands ofKuklinovski and had wrought vengeance on him, filled Pan Andrei withsuch consolation that in view of it the pain was nothing.

  Meanwhile a quiet dialogue between the father and the sons turned intoa loud dispute.

  "The money belt is good," said the greedy old man; "but where are therings? He had rings on his fingers; in one was a stone worth twentyducats."

  "I forgot to take it," answered Kosma.

  "I wish you were killed! Let the old man think of everything, and theserascals haven't wit for a copper! You forgot the rings, you thieves?You lie like dogs!"

  "Then turn back, father, and look," muttered Damian.

  "You lie, you thieves! You hide things. You wrong your oldfather,--such sons! I wish that I had not begotten you. You will diewithout a blessing."

  Kmita reined in his horse somewhat. "Come this way!" called he.

  The dispute ceased, the Kyemliches hurried up, and they rode fartherfour abreast.

  "And do you know the road to the Silesian boundary?"asked Pan Andrei.

  "O Mother of God! we know, we know," answered the old man.

  "There are no Swedish parties on the road?"

  "No, for all are at Chenstohova, unless we might meet a single man; butGod give us one!"

  A moment of silence followed.

  "Then you served with Kuklinovski?" asked Kmita.

  "We did, for we thought that being near we might serve the holy monksand your grace, and so it has happened. We did not serve against thefortress,--God save us from that! we took no pay unless we foundsomething on Swedes."

  "How on Swedes?"

  "For we wanted to serve the Most Holy Lady even outside the walls;therefore we rode around the camp at night or in the daytime, as theLord God gave us; and when any of the Swedes happened alone, thenwe--that is--O Refuge of sinners!--we--"

  "Pounded him!" finished Kosma and Damian.

  Kmita laughed. "Kuklinovski had good servants in you. But did he knowabout this?"

  "He received a share, an income. He knew, and the scoundrel commandedus to give a thaler a head. Otherwise he threatened to betray us. Sucha robber,--he wronged poor men! And we have kept faith with your grace,for not such is service with you. Your grace adds besides of your own;but he, a thaler a head, for our toil, for our labor. On him may God--"

  "I will reward you abundantly for what you have done," said Kmita. "Idid not expect this of you."

  The distant sound of guns interrupted further words. Evidently theSwedes had begun to fire with the first dawn. After a while the roarincreased. Kmita stopped his horse; it seemed to him that hedistinguished the sound of the fortress cannon from the cannon of theSwedes, therefore he clinched his fist, and threatening with it in thedirection of the enemies' camp said,--

  "Fire away, fire away! Where is your greatest gun now?"