Read The Demon Hunter Page 13

  The only sound was the soft pant of her breath as his lips moved from her neck to her collarbone, and the softer swoosh of snowflakes falling from the sky, melting upon his bare back, settling around them and peppering the moss with crystals that sparkled in the moonlight. Crystals that landed upon her clothing and hair and made her shine like the ethereal being she was.

  Devon found the hem of her t-shirt, eager to see her… all of her. She arched her back, allowing him easy access to the garment. The shirt gone, he hesitated. Her chest was covered by an odd undergarment he wasn’t sure how to remove. Small cups that covered her breasts, hiding them from view, yet pushing them into soft mounds that begged to be touched.

  His fingers hovered over the white straps. With a pitiful plea, he asked, “help me.”

  She reached around her back, and unclicked a clasp. “There.”

  His hands trembled as he slid his fingers under the white straps across her shoulders and slid the garment down her arms. She couldn’t be real. This must be a dream. Heat swept through his body, an aching need settling deep within his groin. She was perfect, a piece of art, proof that heaven existed.

  Unable to wait a moment longer, he cupped her soft breasts, the mauve nipples puckered and hard under his palms. Snowflakes kissed her chest, melting against her skin leaving tiny droplets of water that he wanted to lick from her flesh. Devon leaned down and brushed a kiss to each soft breast. Ellie sucked in a breath, her fingers slipping into his hair, gripping the strands almost painfully.

  “Do you want me, Ellie?” He took a hardened nipple between his lips and drew the puckered nub into his mouth. Ellie gasped, arching her back. “Tell me you want me.”

  “I do,” she whispered. “Please, Devon.”

  Her admittance sent his senses spinning and an odd need pulsed between them, a need to feel, to touch, to experience more in this world then pain and death. Did she feel it? The connection? He didn’t miss the way her hands trembled as they moved from his shoulders, down his biceps. Even as he knew his feelings were wrong, he prayed she felt the same way.

  Devon found the waistband of her trousers. She didn’t push aside his hands like the virginal blushing maidens he’d known in his former life. Instead, Ellie lifted her hips as he pulled the trousers down her smooth thighs, uncovering a tiny undergarment that hid her femininity.

  Lord, she smelled lovely, like lilacs and woman. He slid his finger underneath that small triangle and pulled the material to the side. He had to taste her. He pushed her thighs apart and settled his mouth against her mound.

  Ellie gasped, calling out his name as his tongue swept between her damp folds. Euphoria. She tasted as sweet as she smelled. Desire jolted through him. He could no longer hold back. With a growl, he pulled down the thin underclothing and tossed the material aside so she was completely naked. No shame, no embarrassment, she only looked at him as if she wanted him as much as he wanted her.

  Tucking his feet underneath him, he surged upward, quickly tearing free his own clothing. His erection pulsed forward, long and hard. He would deny himself no longer. Naked, he stretched atop her, skin to skin, heat to heat.

  “You’re so warm,” she whispered, nuzzling her face against his shoulder. Her body was damp from the snowflakes, chilled from the cold. He would make her hot, burning for his touch.

  “How long it’s been since I’ve kissed another.” His mouth found hers, his tongue delving between her warm lips. He captured her with that kiss. When he nudged her thighs apart with his knee, she eagerly spread her legs. There was no hesitation on her part. His erection grew painful as it rested against the silky folds of her femininity. How he wanted to surge into her warmth, soak in her essence.

  Devon moaned against her mouth. How much more must he endure? His right hand slid over her hip, down her thigh. He shifted, bringing his hand up her body toward those sweet folds. How many years had it been since he’d had a woman? Caught in a world of pain and torture. And now here… between her soft thighs… it was like heaven. His hand brushed over the soft curls, his fingers slipping between her damp folds. So ready. She was so damn ready for him.

  He pulled his fingers free of her tight sheath. “Do you want this, Ellie?”

  He shifted once more, pressing his erection between her folds. Although it was cold in the night, sweat dampened his skin. Surely she knew that this could change everything between them. With baited breath, he awaited her answer.

  She boldly stared into his eyes. “Yes, I want you now.”

  Her fingernails bit into his back, urging him forward. Her plea was more than he could bear. Devon lifted his hips and surged into her warmth. His entire body gave a delicious shudder as she tightened around him. For a moment, he didn’t move, merely savored the feel of being held close.

  Ellie gasped and hooked her shapely legs over his thighs, taking him deeper still. Devon had never felt anything so wonderfully sweet. Bloody hell, he never wanted to leave her warmth. He never wanted to leave this woman. It felt as if he’d returned home, returned to where he belonged.

  “Oh God, you feel so good,” she mumbled against his shoulder, lifting her hips to his.

  “Slow down,” he whispered into her hair. “I beg of you.”

  Even as he said the words, he couldn’t help but touch her. She was ripe for him. Devon slid his hands around her back, cupping her curvy arse. He felt mad with her touch, mad with the need for her. The fire coursing through his body was almost insatiable. His soul hummed for more. His body demanded satisfaction.

  Devon lifted ever so slightly, then surged into her warmth again and again. He didn’t need to ask if she enjoyed their lovemaking, the evidence was clear in the husky gasp of her breath, in the lust-filled glaze of her eyes, in the way she lifted her hips, meeting him thrust for thrust. She was the most beautiful person he’d ever seen. Beyond this earth, even beyond heavens. She was made of the stars.

  “Devon,” her voice trembled.

  Her sheath tightened around his shaft, her body clung to him. His groin ached with the need for release, but he would see her come before he did. He watched the way her face glowed, the way her body shivered. He didn’t want to miss a moment of her release. He lifted his hips, surging into her once more.

  Ellie cried out, arching her back as her body trembled. Lord, he felt her all the way into his soul. Devon’s skin tingled, his body taut as his mind cried out to take her, all of her. Finally, he gave in.

  Ellie clung to him with a desperate need that fed his soul. “Yes, Devon, please!”

  He surged into her one last time, exploding into oblivion. At the same time, she cried out, clenching around him, squeezing him dry. Time stood still, the euphoria lingering on waves and waves of pleasure that pulsed between them. For one moment, he merely savored the feeling of being completely and utterly whole again.

  But all too soon he floated back into reality, his body sated, his soul satisfied… for now. Not even his wife had aroused such desire within him. Was it their powers combined? The force of the dark arts?

  Bemused, he rolled off her, his back hitting the damp moss as he stared up at the skeletal branches. The snow had stopped, the night quiet, but for their harsh breathing. What the hell had just happened? He swore they’d left this earthen plane. He swore she’d taken a piece of his soul. He pressed his hand to his chest, just to make sure his heart still beat.

  He could feel the warmth of her body next to his, hear the soft pant of her breath, smell her scent… Already he missed being inside her. He could admit to himself that he had needed this… needed her. His body felt cleansed, replenished in some way by their lovemaking. Perhaps her energy had entered his body, perhaps they had combined in some inexplicable way.

  Yet, a part of him felt guilty. That Victorian man deep down. He had no intentions of marrying her, and, in fact, would probably be sent to the afterlife once this was all over. Did she expect more, merely because they’d been intimate?

  “I’m sorry,” he said, his
voice gruff.

  She sat up, her startled gaze landing on him. “Why?”

  Her question confused him, flustered him. No Victorian woman would ever ask such a thing. No, a Victorian woman would either be crying with shame, or planning her wedding by this point. She obviously didn’t feel bad, so why did he? “Because… we shouldn’t have.”

  She smiled, but was it his imagination, or did her smile not quite reach her eyes? “Don’t be sorry. It was… nice.”

  Annoyed, Devon sat upright and reached for his trousers. Nice? Not exactly the praise a man wanted after making a woman come. Besides, it was more than nice. It was bloody amazing and she knew it. Christ, his body still hummed. But he’d be damned if he’d argue the point. Instead, Devon stood and pulled on his short trousers, ignoring the way his body still trembled. Why was she acting as if their lovemaking didn’t matter?

  He pulled on his shoes. “We can’t do it again.”

  “Okay.” She had agreed readily. Too readily, in his opinion. She pulled her shirt over her head, covering her lovely body. Although she was now fully clothed, he still noticed the odd glow around her. Her aura was different, brighter, bluer. From their lovemaking?

  “We’ll return to Terri’s for supplies, but we can’t stay long.”

  “Why?” she asked.

  He blinked, confused. “Because it’s dangerous.”

  “No.” He could see her flush even in the moonlight. “Why can’t we… do it… again?”

  He stiffened, startled by her question. Was she merely trying to upset him by her bold question? “The only reason….” He raked his hands through his hair. “When a person does magic, it can leave you feeling…”

  She sighed. “Devon, I had sex with you because I wanted you.”

  His hands curled. “It’s not good to get attached.” Damn it all, if lust didn’t surge through his body at the mere thought of having her once more. She certainly seemed willing enough. Their bonding had strengthened him like no food or rest could. So why not take her again?

  He turned away, needing a moment to compose himself. The snow had melted already. Gone, no indication it had been there. Much like life. So unique, yet gone within a blink. “I can’t do it again.” He must keep his mind focused on the goal. And the goal was not to fall for a woman. He could not become reliant on her.

  “You can’t have sex again?” she asked softly, her face showing her confusion.

  “No. I can’t… become attached.” His back to her, he didn’t dare turn around. There, he’d admitted it, admitted that he felt something for her. He was a bloody poet, indeed.

  She was quiet for a moment. “You’re afraid you’ll become attached to me and I’ll die?”

  He didn’t respond. He couldn’t. Just the thought made him ill.

  She gave him a small, half-smile. “Everyone dies, Devon.”

  He finally looked at her, turning to face the woman who had burrowed deep into his soul within a mere few days. “This won’t be a natural death, Ellie. If you stay with me, if you fight this demon, it will be painful… torture.”

  She swallowed hard and tilted her chin high, that stubborn look he was coming to know so well flashing across her eyes. “I’m not afraid.”

  He drew his knuckles down the side of her face, a gentle caress. “You should be.”

  Chapter 10

  Crossroads, England

  “Ashley. Ashley, wake up.”

  Someone tapped her shoulder, pulling her from slumber. But Ashley didn’t want to wake. Cristian was warm and comforting at her side, so very comfortable. And sleep was nice… so very nice. She snuggled closer to Cristian’s hard body and started to drift into oblivion once more.

  “Ashley,” the voice whispered.

  This time she was unable to ignore the urgency in the tone. An odd voice, hollow, soft, echoing. Reality doused any lingering exhaustion and Ashley came awake with a start. For a moment she merely lay there, staring up at the ceiling, almost afraid to move. She knew that sort of voice well, but hadn’t heard it in some time.

  A ghost.

  She thought she’d gotten rid of any lingering spirits six months ago. Apparently not, or they were back for more fun. With a groan, she rolled away from Cristian and searched her dark room. There, in the far corner was a small, blue light that flickered in and out of focus like a bad connection on a T.V. set.

  Ashley bolted upright. She recognized that small form, that blue dress, but it couldn’t be. The child had gone onto the afterlife.

  “Maggie?” Ashley whispered.

  The child ghost nodded, her golden curls bouncing as her round face came into focus. Ashley searched the child’s features, all the way to her little black boots. Last time she’d seen Maggie, the ghost-child had been a skeletal looking creature, her energy sucked dry from the demon who had been buried in Ashley’s home. Now, she looked healthy, vibrant, almost like a normal child. Yet, she couldn’t ignore the pure energy pulsing from her form, an energy that swept through the room in waves and produced a peace within her she hadn’t thought possible.

  “I’m dreaming,” Ashley whispered, shoving aside her cotton duvet. She had to be dreaming. Cristian had sent Maggie to the afterlife over six months ago.

  The child gave her a sad smile, one that worried her, gave her pause. “You’re not.”

  Ashley stood, her legs trembling with some unidentifiable emotion she couldn’t quite understand. If she wasn’t dreaming, if Maggie truly was here… she knew, without a doubt, Maggie’s return couldn’t be good. “What is it? Why are you back?”

  “I’m only here for a moment.”

  Ashley hesitated, it could be a trick. It had to be. Maybe it wasn’t really Maggie, they’d been fooled before. But never before had she felt such pure energy in the child’s presence. Ashley pressed a hand to her racing heart. It had to be her.

  “You’re… happy now?” she couldn’t help but ask.

  Damn it all, she’d had a special fondness for the child and seeing her once again was bringing back unwanted memories and emotions. It was no secret Maggie hadn’t exactly been an angel on earth. Were they treating her well in the afterlife?

  She gave Ashley a genuine smile this time, one that bespoke of contentedness, one that put Ashley at instant ease. “Yes, all has been forgiven.”

  A smile so pure, Ashley knew, deep down, it truly was Maggie. Her heart clenched, her throat tightening. “Good.” She swallowed hard. “I’m glad.”

  She’d grown fond of the little devil-child and had mourned her absence when Cristian had sent her to the afterlife. So many nights she’d worried about Maggie. “But if all’s well, then why are you here?”

  The child’s smile fell as she floated toward Ashley. “To warn you.”

  Even though she wore a t-shirt and shorts and the room was warm, a shiver ran over Ashley’s body. She’d known, hadn’t she? The moment she’d seen Maggie floating in her room, deep down she’d known something was wrong. “Tell me.”

  “You released the demon and Devon.”

  Ashley nodded.

  “But they didn’t go to the afterlife Ashley, they’re here… on earth.”

  Shock and horror combined, leaving Ashley frozen in place. No, it couldn’t be. Devon, alive once more? The demon… here? Why hadn’t she listened to her instincts? The spell hadn’t worked right the first time, why would it have worked right the second time? “Where are they?”

  Maggie flickered. “They went home.”

  Ashley stepped closer to her, afraid she wouldn’t get the answers she needed before the child vanished as quickly as she had arrived. “Home? What does that mean? Where did they go?”

  “I don’t know.” Maggie wavered, her light fading so she was almost opaque.

  “No!” Ashley surged forward, as if she could keep the child ghost with her. “Please, don’t leave!”

  “I have to go,” Maggie whispered, disappearing. “I’m sorry.”

  Just like that, the child was gone, only th
e echo of her voice remaining. Silence grew pressing, heavy. Ashley stumbled backwards and sank onto the edge of the bed. The demon had returned to earth. Would they ever be rid of him? Who the hell knew what he was doing even now. And Devon… where was he?

  “What’d she say?” Cristian asked, his Scottish burr familiar and comforting.

  Ashley turned. The duvet was around his hips, his muscled chest deliciously bare. How she wished she could crawl back into bed with him. Pretend she hadn’t received Maggie’s message. Take comfort in his warmth and strength. But they’d had six months together. If they could get rid of the demon, they would have the rest of their lives in relative peace.

  She sighed, realizing that she should have known he’d be awake. Even though he’d become human, his instincts had not dulled. He watched her with those steel colored eyes, waiting patiently for answers. Answers she was reluctant to give.

  She reached over and flipped on the bedside Tiffany style lamp. “You saw her?”

  “No. Just… felt ye move. Heard ye talking.” She knew it was hard for him, not having the full use of his powers since he’d become human. There were certain things he could still do, but they weren’t even sure if those powers would last.

  “It didn’t work,” Ashley admitted in a rush of words.

  He rested his hand on her thigh. “Slow down.”

  She took in a deep breath. “The spell sort of worked. Devon and the demon… your father…were released.” His father. It was still difficult for her to say the words and even though he didn’t react, she knew it was hard for him as well. She stood and went around the bed to his side.

  He quirked a dark brow. “But?”

  She settled on his lap and pressed her lips to his for a quick, comforting kiss. She savored that brief moment. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she breathed in his scent…leather and musky male. “But… they were released onto earth, not to the afterlife.”