Read The Demon Hunter (The Hunter Series) Page 12

  “What are they?” Ellie demanded, stumbling to her feet, taking his hand.

  Like massive bats, they circled overhead, black shadows against a mid-night blue background. But they were no bats. “Witches.”

  He had to give her credit, she didn’t even flinch. “I take it not the good kind?”


  Ten, perhaps fifteen, dark shadows swarmed above, flying in a circle. The dark, violet shade of energy produced swirls that would have been almost beautiful if he hadn’t known what those swirls were… their dark auras, their dark magic.

  Ellie stumbled toward the forest, Devon following, protecting her back. She might be attempting to put on a brave face, but he could see the nervousness in her wide eyes. “What are they doing?”

  “A spell of some sort.” Over the wind that whispered through the weeds, he could hear the murmured words of old magic combining together in an unnatural hum.

  “What’s that buzz? Do you feel it?” She tightened her grip. “Like… electricity in the air. I know I’ve felt it before.”

  A burst of wind swept through the field. The air began to howl, tugging, pulling at their hair and clothes. A fierce gale produced from the magic swirling above.

  “It’s their magic.” He jerked her forward. “We need to make it to the woods. The trees will provide a natural dome of pure protection.”

  “If we make it.”

  He didn’t respond, but she was right. He burst forward, taking her with him, but he was slowed by her weight and she could barely get her feet to move as fast as they needed. She stumbled again. He turned to lift her, carry her if need be, but her hand ripped from his as she fell.

  “Just go! I know you can transport. Just go!”

  Kneeling upon the silver grass, her hair whipping around her, she looked beautiful, ethereal, otherworldly. Vulnerable. He dropped to his knees beside her. “Don’t be ridiculous. I’m not leaving you.” He slipped his arms around her waist and started to draw her to her feet, when he felt the slight tingling of magic growing around him.

  “Devon!” Ellie cried out in warning.

  He spun around just in time to see a dark shadow flying straight at them.

  “From earth and air,” the witch called out, “make fire appear!” A sudden fireball appeared in front of the witch, highlighting pale features of fierce determination. Devon threw himself atop Ellie, knocking her to the ground.

  “What are you doing?” Ellie squirmed beneath him.

  “Lay still!” He covered her with his body, wrapping his arms around her waist just as the fire hit his back. The pain was instantaneous, bursting across his body with an intensity that had him gasping for air. Devon barely heard the high-pitched cackle of victory calls as the witches realized they’d hit their mark.

  His muscles gave out and he crumpled to his side. But the movement only sent more pain across his back. The burnt remains of his shirt fluttered on the breeze, tickling his injured skin like nails across his tender flesh.

  “Devon?” Ellie crawled toward him, her face a light of hope in the hell he currently resided. “Devon, we have to run before they return!”

  He tilted his head just enough to stare up at the purple sky. Just enough to see another dark shadow diving through the air toward them. He reacted without thought.

  “Luminus!” He threw his right arm forward, steeling his trembling muscles. Fire glowed from the end of his fingertips. “Now!”

  The energy in his body rushed to his hand. The light flared through the air like a comet and hit the approaching witch. Her cry raised the fine hairs on his neck, but victory tasted sweet. The shadow fell to the ground some distance away. One down, at least ten more to go.

  Ellie latched onto his hand, jerking at his arm. “Devon, let’s go! Remember the trees?”

  His strength depleted, he fell onto his side, barely aware of her words. The world had gone dark as he floated in a reality of burning pain. He would heal, and much, much sooner than most. But for now, he could only float in a dark sea of agony.

  “Devon?” Ellie rested a hand on his shoulder, touching the raw flesh. The pain of her contact sent him jerking back into reality. Devon jumped, hissing.

  “Oh my God, she hit you!”

  He could sense her crawling around him. Heard the sharply drawn intake of breath as she finally noticed his wound. Could sense her indecision. “You’re hurt.” Her voice cracked on some unidentifiable emotion he didn’t want to contemplate.

  “Just…go,” he managed weakly. “I might be able to hold them off so you can make it to the trees.”

  “Then what, Devon? Without you…”

  Without him, what? How he wanted to believe she cared and didn’t merely need his protection. Before he died, which could very likely be now, he wanted to believe that someone, anyone, would mourn his loss. Above Ellie the dark shadows swarmed, their high-pitched screams growing more frantic, sorrowful cries of mourning, of revenge.

  “I’ll heal. Much quicker than humans. Please, just go.”

  “I won’t leave you.”

  “And you’ll die for it!” he snapped out, too annoyed with her bravado to be touched. “Damn you, Ellie!”

  “Give…give me your powers,” she demanded, holding out a trembling hand. F

  Blast it! Why wouldn’t she leave? “I haven’t a clue how it works, Ellie. You know that. I have no idea why you had my powers when we first met, but don’t now.”

  She gripped his hands tightly, almost painfully. The shadows overhead were circling tightly together and he knew they were combining their powers. Soon, they would be no match for the gaggle of witches above.

  “Damn it!” Ellie shook his hand, as if trying to shake loose his abilities. “Why won’t they absorb?”

  “Perhaps it only works when you first meet someone.” He held her hand still. “Ellie, please, for me, just go!”

  “Shut up,” she snapped.

  He would have laughed, if the movement wouldn’t have been painful.

  “It will work.” She tightened her grip on his hands. There, in the darkness, she knelt beside him and closed her eyes. There, with the moon overhead and the dark shadows of witches flying above. There, with the wind whipping her hair around her face, like some goddess of old, she knelt there, with him, refusing to leave. Perhaps she feared being alone, perhaps she had actually grown fond of him. Whatever the reason, she hadn’t left.

  “It’s not working Ellie,” he said softly, gently.

  “Damn it!” She released his hold. “It’s like there’s something blocking your powers from me!”

  “We don’t have time to figure out the details. Run to the trees. I’ll be able to hold them off until I heal completely.”

  It was a lie, of course. The pain was as bad as two minutes ago. It wasn’t healing fast enough. Perhaps the witches had done something to the spell, perhaps he was too weak. But hell, he wasn’t afraid of dying. When one died as often as he had, it sort of lost its mystery.

  “No!” She cupped the sides of his face and for some odd reason, she fell onto his chest and crushed her lips to his.

  Her heat was like a balm, soaking through his body, numbing the pain. A tingling awareness loosened his muscles, gave him strength. Devon wrapped his arms around her waist, his fingers pressing into her back, urging her closer. He was like a man starving and she was the nourishment his body and soul so desperately needed. There, laying upon the damp grass, with witches flying overhead, a primal lust like he’d never felt before surged through his body, hardening his groin.

  A high-pitched screech rent the air. Close. Too close.

  Ellie tore away from him, breathing heavily. Without pause, she rolled to her back and jumped to her feet. Before he had time to react to her sudden disappearance, she lifted her right arm.

  “Luminus!” she cried.

  Her hand began to glow yellow.

  “Luminus!” she cried once more, her voice strong over the roar of the wind.

ire burst from her fingertips, hitting the shadow coming toward them. Stunned, Devon merely watched as she killed witch after witch, their screams a symphony of pain. Dark shadows tumbled from the night sky, crashing to the ground like meteorites.

  “Shite,” Devon whispered, shoving his hands into the damp earth and sitting upright.

  There was no hesitation on her part. Ellie didn’t pause as she continued to wreak devastation upon the underworld. Didn’t pause as they threw fire toward her, missing and hitting the ground in bolts of lightning that set the field alight.

  There was an odd feeling that surged through him as he watched the little empath stand her ground, the moon outlining her curvy body with a heavenly glow that made him itch to touch her. The lust within him surged and blood rushed to his groin. He knew, in the back of his mind, it was the dark magic making the desire flare. But he also knew he’d wanted her from the moment he saw her, magic or not.

  “Do you feel better?” she called out, not bothering to glance back at him.

  “Yes, I… do.” The pain was gone. Energy pulsed through his body, a fire that flowed through his veins. Slowly, Devon stretched his arms, testing his body. There was no pain. He had healed and much faster than he should have, thanks to her.

  She threw another bolt of fire, hitting a witch and sending her tumbling to the ground. “Great, then mind helping me? Kind of overwhelmed here.”

  “You seem to be doing quite well without me.”

  She managed to throw him a glare.

  Grinning, Devon jumped to his feet and pushed her gently behind him. He’d never felt more alive. Never felt more free. “If you’re going to steal my powers, let me show you how to use them to their full potential.”

  He closed his eyes and focused, drawing the energy of the night toward him. His hands grew warm, the energy traveling through his body, pulsing with a strength he didn’t recognize as his own. Lightning burst from his palms, exploding into the air. For one brief moment it seemed like day, brilliant light highlighting the blooms nestled between blades of grass, the bodies upon the ground, the witches in the sky. Every detail exposed.

  Thunder shook the ground, clouds rolling over the moon and throwing the field into utter darkness. The screech of surrender was exactly what he was hoping to hear. The wind picked up, howling, crying around them. Ellie stumbled, off balance, but her gaze was pinned to the sky.

  The dark swarm of shadows dipped low, scooping up their dead.

  “What are they doing?”

  “They won’t leave them here,” Devon called out over the wind. “They use their dead to harness the remaining power from their bodies.”

  One by one, their dark shadows fled into the night sky until they were alone. Devon lowered his arms. With one last crackle, the lightning stopped. The wind softened into a gentle breeze that swayed the wildflowers as the clouds quickly dissipated.

  “They’re gone?” Ellie asked softly.

  “For now.” Devon latched onto her hand. Although they were alone, the power remained. Their power, connected, throbbing from his hand to hers. For a moment, they merely stood there, staring at each other. He knew, in the back of his mind, that he had to get her to safety. “Come. It would be best to head to the trees.”

  He tugged on her hand and together they raced across the field toward the forest. The darkness beckoned, the green haze of protection that hovered over the plant life welcomed them. Devon pushed aside the low hanging branch of an oak and they stumbled toward the forest floor. Ellie collapsed onto the soft moss, her breathing harsh, raising the soft mounds of her breasts enticingly with each intake. She lay upon the moss like an offering from nature.

  “You all right?” He knelt beside her, resting his hand on her shoulder, needing to touch her, to feel her warmth. Blast it, he couldn’t stop touching her.

  She closed her eyes, her lashes dark fans upon her upper cheeks. “Yeah, just… odd.”

  Her tongue darted out, licking her lower lip. His blood stirred as he studied her fine features, the way her skin glowed from the moonlight that managed to pierce the thick canopy above. He had to resist the urge to reach for her, wanting to sink his fingers into the silky strands of hair that had come loose. The need to touch her, to taste her was overwhelming. His cock throbbed against his trousers. He could lean over her, push her thighs apart…

  “Have they left you then? My powers?” he asked, his voice gruff.

  Her fingers curled and her lashes lifted, fluttering. For one moment she merely lay there, staring up at him, her gaze so heated, he felt it to his soul. He knew she’d felt that attraction in the field as much as he had. Magic would do that to a person.

  “Yes, they’re gone.” She frowned. “At least I think so.”

  He pulled away, settling back. Needing distance before he did something stupid.

  “No.” She pressed her hands into the damp earth and struggled to sit up, her hair falling in waves down her back. “Don’t.” For one long moment, she merely stared at him, electricity pulsing between them. He couldn’t help but notice the flush to her cheeks, the way her pupils were dilated, and knew he looked much the same way. Need. Desire. Attraction.

  “Don’t what?” he asked softly.

  “Don’t pull away.” She swallowed hard. “You’re healed?” On her knees, she crawled the few feet to him, pausing close, so close he could feel the heat of her breath.

  He nodded, wondering why she asked. “All healed.”

  She leaned forward, her breasts brushing softly against his chest. Lust surged through is body, an all-consuming need he couldn’t control. Hell, he couldn’t do this. Couldn’t be this close to her. Couldn’t be with her day after day without having her completely.

  “You’re sure?” She wrapped her arms around his waist and spread her hands across his back, resting the side of her face against his neck.

  Why the hell was she torturing him? Devon closed his eyes, resisting the urge to groan. “I tend to heal more quickly than others. And I think somehow your powers helped.”

  She gripped the hem of his t-shirt and slowly lifted the shredded material, pulling it over his head and tossing it aside. He didn’t dare protest her boldness. He wanted her too badly. She pressed her warm hands to his chest, her gaze locked to his, as if daring him to deny her. Like hell he would. Her touch sent him reeling and he was acutely reminded of their lips meeting. Her soft body sinking into his…

  “You produced the storm?” she said, tilting her head back and staring directly into his eyes. “What else can you do?”

  Damn, but it was hard to concentrate with her so close. “I can harness the power of nature.”

  She quirked a brow. “Anything to do with nature?”

  He nodded, his hands fisting at his sides as he resisted the urge to grab her and slam his pelvis to hers. “I suppose.”

  “Make it snow.”

  “What?” He tried to keep track of the conversation, but it was hard with her hands on his stomach.

  “Snow. Make it snow.”

  He paused for a moment, contemplating her odd request. For some reason, he had the insane thought that he would give her anything at the moment. Slowly, he lifted his hands and closed his eyes. He imagined the flakes twirling and spinning toward them, a white land of purity. Moments later, he felt the whisper of cold flakes hitting his skin, melting against his warm flesh. He wasn’t surprised, yet Ellie was.

  “My God,” she whispered.

  Devon opened his eyes. White snowflakes settled on her hair, contrasting against the dark strands. Tiny crystals clung to her lashes and made her seem like a fairy maiden from long ago. Ellie laughed, the sound like angels singing. When she looked at him, her gaze sparkling with surprise and mirth, he could no longer hold back. Devon grasped her upper arms and pulled her forward.

  With the snow falling around them, pressing chill kisses to their skin, Devon molded his lips to hers. She didn’t stiffen in surprise, didn’t pull back in anger. God help her, Ellie sa
nk into him, wrapping her arms around his shoulders, her every curve molded to his body.

  Warmth and electricity swept through his very being, making his skin tingle with a feeling he’d never experienced before. Devon was whole, grounded here on this earth for the first time in a long, long while. Her lips parted on a sigh, and taking advantage, he slid his tongue into her warm mouth.

  But deepening the kiss only fueled his lust. Devon sank his fingers into her silky hair, cupping the back of her head. He couldn’t stop. Had to have more. She met his tongue thrust for thrust, pressing her lush breasts to him and urging him onward, but still it wasn’t enough.

  What would she look like naked, with only the moonlight upon her body? How would those lush breasts feel in his palms? His cock thickened, throbbing almost painfully.

  When he could take no more, when he wanted to shove her backward and thrust into her body, he finally pulled away. “Too much. You taste too sweet,” he whispered, dropping kisses to her jaw line, lower to the elegant column of her neck.

  Lord, he couldn’t control himself. As the snow fell softly around them, whispers of comfort that drifted from the sky, she leaned backward falling to the soft moss. Devon stretched his body atop hers, pressing his lips to her sweet mouth for another devastating kiss. So many years. It had been so damn long without touching…feeling, another human being. Her hands roamed over his bare back, her fingers, warm, kneading the muscle and urging him onward.

  The only sound was the soft pant of her breath as his lips moved from her neck to her collarbone, and the softer swoosh of snowflakes falling from the sky, melting upon his bare back, settling around them and peppering the moss with crystals that sparkled in the moonlight. Crystals that landed upon her clothing and hair and made her shine like the ethereal being she was.

  Devon found the hem of her t-shirt, eager to see her… all of her. She arched her back, allowing him easy access to the garment. The shirt gone, he hesitated. Her chest was covered by an odd undergarment he wasn’t sure how to remove. Small cups that covered her breasts, hiding them from view, yet pushing them into soft mounds that begged to be touched.