Read The Demon Hunter (The Hunter Series) Page 28

Dredging what control she had left, she tried to focus on the area around her. Beastly gray masks leered back at her… demons, vampires, werewolves… wrinkled faces, pale faces, red eyes glowing, muzzles snapping closer…closer. Her heart leapt into her throat. Ellie tore her attention from the monsters and studied her surroundings. There must be something… anything…

  Fire, the word whispered through her head.

  Flames danced wickedly around the lawn, jumping and hissing, taunting with their heat. Fire could kill vampires, werewolves, even demons. Fire could kill anything. A tingling awareness of success shot through her body. She clung to that feeling like a lifeline, used it to pull herself from the pits of hell.

  Hands gripped her once more, but she ignored their burning touch, ignored their angry words of frustration. They knew they were losing her. Focusing on her remaining strength, she drew the dark energy up through her body, felt it claw its way through her muscles and bones. The monsters seemed to disappear, their cries and roars fading, the only sound left was the pounding of her heart.

  Was it her imagination, or did the flames waver, swaying back and forth? She focused harder, even as firm fingers pulled her to her feet, drawing her back.

  Surge, surge, surge, she repeated over and over in her mind.

  The flames burst upward, a wall of orange and red heat. She didn’t know whose powers she was using, didn’t care. A woman in front of her released a startled cry. The witch stumbled back, her wide, dark gaze on Ellie. As she fell to the ground, the fire swept toward her, licking at her robes. A grin of satisfaction lifted Ellie’s lips, but she had no time to gloat. If she could only keep a grip on the powers surging, thrumming through her…

  “She’s controlling the flames!” someone cried out.

  The hands released her and she fell to her knees, but she didn’t relent. Her hair fell in waves around her face, jeans soaked with dew, but she barely noticed. Slowly, she lifted her head and narrowed her eyes, focusing once more. Most of the demons were beyond the flames. If she could control the fire…

  The flames burst upward and outward, drawing started cries from the monsters nearby. Sparks of light caught the breeze and swirled through the air like red snowflakes. Pretty really, and the fact that she was responsible made her almost giddy with pride.

  “Damn ye!” Cristian’s father cried out, dropping to his knees beside her.

  That close, the demon’s energy flared through her body, overtaking the others. Her heart beat slowed, two beats, together. His and hers. He gripped her shoulders and drew her up close. In his gaze, she could see the reflection of the flames around them. His blood surged through her, his soul nestled deep within.

  Her concentration lost, the flames around them wavered in and out of focus. Her gut twisted, burning, and she fell away from him, hitting the hard ground as bile raced up her throat. Before she could give into the temptation to vomit all over the front lawn, massive palms gripped her upper arms, pulling her to her feet. Sharp claws bit into her sensitive skin, jerking her left, right, both directions at the same time. Something shifted within, climbing its way to the surface, something dark and murky…her last shred of strength.

  “We have to kill her. She’s lost control,” someone cried. “Use the fire!”

  Oh God, they were going to burn her alive.

  With a growl, she tore free from their grip. The energy shifted, refocusing. As they came at her, she waved her arms through the air, much like the demon had done inside the pub. The beasts swept through the night sky, their bodies twisting and tumbling, their cries covered by the hiss of burning flesh.

  The fire had been fed. Appeased, she turned, surveying the garden, looking for Cristian’s father. Ellie felt oddly renewed, determined. She’d managed to block half the beasts with the ring of flames that swept around the front lawn, jumping into the night sky. But there were others, always others. Some were fighting amongst themselves, some fleeing, others coming toward her.

  A demon with the face of a bull charged forward, smoke billowing from his wide nostrils. She could see every shift of every brown hair on the animal’s head and neck. She knew he weighed 405 pounds. And she knew he’d cry like a babe when she ripped his head off.

  The desire to kill, to tear his bulky arms from his body, was forefront in her mind. Her fingers curled, her nails biting into her palms. How she wanted to see his blood soaking the ground, to breathe in the scent of his decaying body.


  With a growl, she burst forward, charging the beast. Heat burned through her body, a roiling wave that made the world glow. Words formed together in a roar, a hissing wave that swept through her ears. White hot need shot through her body…desire to kill.


  A hazy red tint pulsed around her. In the distance beasts screamed, swords clashing, like some sort medieval fantasy game come to life. Instead of fear, Ellie felt alive, glowing from within, as if she belonged amongst this death and destruction.

  “Kill her!” the bull of a demon growled.

  He lowered his head, those horn weapons on their own, but she wasn’t afraid. Never afraid. Ellie swept her arms wide and a massive bolt of lightning burst from the skies, hitting the animal, branching out and striking five more. Delighted peals of laughter slipped from her lips.

  So powerful. So damn strong. She could kill anyone.

  Around her the ground trembled, beasts toppling over in their haste to reach her, like fire ants after a meal. She didn’t question her powers, only knew she held the world in her hands. Thrilled with her abilities, she spun around looking for her next victim and that’s when she spotted the demon…Cristian’s father. Sword in hand, he was racing toward her, his face intent.

  “Sword!” she demanded.

  Although he looked shocked, she wasn’t surprised when the cool feel of metal met her palm. His sword gone, the demon stumbled to a stop. She could do anything, feel everything, be everywhere. The world pulsed around her, the voices of the beasts muffled cries that no longer mattered.

  The demon disappeared. Ellie felt him behind her and spun around, sword raised.

  “Ye think ye can survive this?” His lips lifted into a snarl, those eyes pulsing with a red light that seemed to pierce her very soul, that made her hesitate for a brief moment. “I’m the only thing blocking the powers from completely killing ye!”

  She should care, shouldn’t she? Yet, she didn’t. She only wanted him dead. Only wanted to feel the blade of her sword pierce his skin and sink through his gut, to see his blood drain from his body. Unable to control her lust, she lifted the sword high. She knew even before she brought the sword down that he would disappear and reappear behind her. A small smile slipped across her lips as she spun around and jabbed the sword forward.

  He didn’t see it coming and for some reason his surprise delighted her all the more. The point of the blade pierced his gut easily, slipping into his body. It hit his backbone and stopped short. She could have shoved it all the way through, yet she wanted to see him suffer, wanted to see the sword in his body. He was her trophy. His mouth gaped open, although no scream came. As he wavered, dropping to his knees, her heart pounded with a sense of excitement she’d never felt before.

  “What is your name,” she demanded.

  His lips lifted into a snarl. “I am the evil that lurks within all of you.” His voice had changed, becoming deeper, different, in some way. “I am the devil that reins supreme, who lurks deep within all. Who—”

  “Oh, shut up!” She swiped her sword downward. His head tumbled from his neck, rolling across the grass while his body fell to the ground.

  “You’re not so handsome now.” Through the darkness, spread a pool of blood. Ellie closed her eyes and breathed deeply, the scent intoxicating. Panting with excitement, she fell to her knees, her hands hovering over the blood, and then her gaze met his glassy eyes and something shifted within her. A realization of what she’d done… A sickening feel of dread… Humanity.

lt swarmed her body, vibrating through her, tearing at her insides. Ellie moaned, wrapping her arms around herself, as if that could lessen the pain. The wind burst from the skies, tugging at her clothing and hair. Ellie stumbled to her feet, but couldn’t seem to feel her body. Her head throbbed, her brain bursting with pain as the stars swirled above on a black sky.

  “Ellie!” someone called.

  She couldn’t turn, couldn’t identify the voice. The wind howled around her, the hazy red glow pulsing vibrant scarlet as the beasts fled. The air grew chill, her flesh clammy.

  “Ellie!” someone called once more, closer this time.

  She wanted to turn, to get help, but her knees buckled and for a split moment she floated. Life no longer seemed to exist. Warm arms wrapped around her waist, jerking her back into the present. She wanted to fight him off, but could no longer feel her body. Instead, she rested against a hard chest and drew comfort from the man’s touch.

  “Ellie, look at me,” a beautiful man with golden hair hovered over her, his blue eyes wide with concern. Was he an angel come to take her soul? “Don’t leave me, Ellie. Please.”

  She wanted to reach out and tell him everything would be well, but he seemed so very far away. She wanted to look at him, wanted to tell him how much she cared… she wanted to tell him good bye, but she couldn’t. The darkness called. The darkness promised reprieve. Giving into temptation, she lowered her lashes and fell into the night.

  Ellie, someone whispered her name through the darkness. A voice she didn’t know, yet somehow recognized. A voice that calmed her. Hello, Ellie.

  She lifted her lashes. The lawn and pub were gone. Ellie stood on a cobbled lane, while golden light pulsed around her, warming, comforting. Where was she? Confused, she turned, searching for answers.

  A man with dark hair and a kind face stood only a few feet away. He smiled at her, a warm smile that was like a hug from a loved one, the sort of hug she vaguely remembered. Without thought, she stepped closer toward the tall, thin man. Peace. She felt so much peace. Nothing mattered. Everything was wonderful. Kind.

  Come with me, he said the words without moving his mouth. Said the words while still smiling encouragingly at her.

  Realization whispered through her body. Sudden tears stung her eyes. “Father?”

  He nodded. Your mother and I have been waiting for you.


  “Ellie!” Devon laid her gently upon the ground and grabbed her upper arms. Her body was chill… so damn cold. At his touch, she didn’t even stir. Panic swelled within, tearing at his insides. “Ellie, please, open your eyes. Look at me. Say something, anything.”

  She remained still, completely and utterly devoid of life.

  “No!” Devon shook her gently.

  Thanks to Camile, they’d arrived just in time to see the demon die. Yet, Devon’s thrilling sense of victory was short lived when he’d been forced to watch Ellie collapse. He didn’t know where the others were, didn’t care. A shivered warning of unease whispered across his skin. Devon spun around as a vampire started their way, the animal’s attention focused on Ellie like predator after prey.

  “Don’t touch her!” Devon pulled the sword from the scabbard on his back and jumped to his feet, swinging the blade in one movement. No one would touch her. The blade hit the vampire’s neck with a satisfying thud. The beast’s head lopped to the side and tumbled to the ground. His body crumbled.

  Panting, Devon dropped to his knees again and rested his ear to Ellie’s chest. The heart beat was so slow that a normal human would never have heard it. Still alive, but dying. Her face pale, her lips blue. He could practically see the life training from her body, being swept away on an ocean of energy.

  “No!” He lifted her, cradling Ellie against his chest. “No, please, God, please!”

  “Devon,” Cristian snapped. “Watch out!”

  Before Devon could respond, Cristian brought his sword up, using the flat of his blade to hit a werewolf across the face. The animal screeched, stumbling to the side. Devon knew he should be on his feet, should be planning the best course of action and protecting himself and others, but he couldn’t seem to care.

  Even though around them the fire blazed, the heat so intense that sweat ran down the side of his face and the high-pitched screech of evilness raised the fine hairs on his neck, he felt a world away. Only he and Ellie trapped in this moment of life and death.

  “They’re retreating,” Ashley panted with exertion as she stumbled to a stop beside them. “Now that the demon’s dead, they’re retreating.”

  Seeing Ellie she stilled, her glee giving way to shock. She dropped to her knees, pressing two fingers to Ellie’s neck, but he knew what she would find. Slowly, she lifted her haunted gaze to Devon. He didn’t want to look at her; he didn’t want to see the sorrow, the sympathy hovering in her gaze.

  “Mother Nature hear my cry,” vaguely he was aware of Camile doing a spell and tossing herbs into the air. “Save this parched earth with your tears.”

  Devon closed his eyes and leaned into Ellie, pressing his face into her hair, breathing in her warm scent. If only he could talk to her, hold her, she would live. He was sure of it. “Please, Ellie. Please don’t fade on me.”

  Thunder rumbled through the sky, making the very ground tremble.

  “Devon,” Ashley whispered, her tone saying so much that he didn’t want to accept.

  “No!” He shoved her hands away from Ellie, as if preventing her from saying the words would keep the truth from being real. “No!”

  She stood and stepped back, resting her head against Cristian’s shoulder. Taking comfort in the man who would always be there for her. But he… he would have no one. Even if they both died, he knew he would go to a different plane than Ellie.

  “She’s fine,” Devon whispered, his voice trembling. “She merely needs her necklace.” With one arm around her neck, he used his free hand to search the grass, looking for the crystal. The other’s merely stood there. “Help me, damn it all!”

  “All right,” Ashley dropped to her knees and began to search through the weeds.

  “If we can find the necklace… Camile can do the cleansing spell…” A soft rain began to fall from the dark sky, the fire around them sizzling in protest. Camile’s spell had worked. Her spells always worked, it had been Rose tampering with them. Yes, Camile could cleanse Ellie.

  “Devon,” Camile said softly, kneeling beside him. “I don’t know the spell.”

  “You do!” Devon cried out, latching onto her right shoulder and facing her in a rush of anger. Miranda stood behind her, tears streaming down her face as she stared at Ellie in horror, accepting that death would come to her friend. Damn them all to hell! They’d given up already. He wouldn’t, not ever.

  “I’ll… start searching.” Camile turned and raced toward the pub, Miranda following.

  He placed Ellie gently upon the grass once more and pressed his hands to her chest. If he touched her, he knew he’d keep her anchored in this world. She would live; she would stay here with him.

  “They’ll find the spell, we’ll save her.” His tone left no room for argument.

  The rain thickened, pouring down his face in rivulets that stung his eyes, but he didn’t dare look away from her, barely blinked, afraid if he looked away for even a moment, she would disappear. He wouldn’t let her go, he couldn’t. He shifted closer, curling over her, protecting her from the rain as much as he could.

  “Devon,” a deep voice called to him.

  A familiar voice that sent the feeling of warmth, of love, of understanding through his body. Devon surged to his feet and spun around. Michael stood beside him, his long white robe ethereal, his long beard wavering on the breeze, yet no rain touched him. Although he looked like a normal human, one couldn’t deny the golden aura of energy pulsing from the angel. Hope and fear mingled together, clashing inside him.

  Devon’s hands fisted. “She’s dying!”

  Michael’s blue gaze shift
ed to Ellie’s still body. He shrugged, looking completely unconcerned. “She was able to kill the demon because she absorbed his power. That energy must go somewhere. When she dies, it will die with her. It will be buried in the ground, lost.”

  His even tone disturbed, threw a bolt of anger through Devon that left him panting. Ellie was pale, so damn pale. She didn’t deserve this. Ellie deserved a life on earth. As hard as this life was, it was still a privilege, a gift.

  He slammed his fist against his own chest, his shirt soaked with rain. “Then I’ll take it. Put the energy inside me.”

  Michael lifted a dark brow. “It will kill you, and it won’t be a painless death.”

  “I don’t care.” Devon surged toward the angel. “Do it!”

  There was no sign of intimidation or even anger on the angel’s face, only mild curiosity. He didn’t understand, couldn’t understand. A branch of lightening briefly lit the skies, followed by a rumble of thunder. Camile’s spell, or God’s displeasure?

  Slowly, Michael nodded and Devon almost sank to his knees in gratitude.

  “Very well.” He extended his arms and raised his hands, palm up.

  “Devon?” Ashley started toward him, but Cristian was quick to wrap an arm around her waist and draw her back. “What’s happening?”

  “Let him be,” Cristian said softly. “It’s his life to do with what he pleases.”

  Devon didn’t dare respond, didn’t dare look anywhere but at Ellie. He sank to his knees beside her and focused upon her pale face, trails of rain marking her skin with crystalline kisses that sparkled in the moonlight.

  “Are you ready?” Michael asked.

  Devon nodded.

  Almost immediately a ray of light pierced the clouds and surrounded them with its warmth. The rain faded. It was as if the sun had suddenly burst to life, night turned into day. Heat soaked through his flesh, tingling inside his body. A feeling that felt oddly comforting, not deadly, as Michael had implied. Heaven on earth… for the briefest of moments.

  “What’s happening?” Ashley asked.