Read The Demon Prince Page 15

  Sheyla nodded. “Sometimes, the only way out is through, but the distance to the finish is so substantial that gazing at the horizon would weaken your resolve.”

  “That… is precisely what I needed to hear.”

  “Every job seems more manageable if you break it down.”

  Alastor rested his head on her shoulder and basked in the pleasure of her palms on his back. She petted him as one might a great cat, understandable, given her nature, and he found it beyond soothing. He relaxed into her arms with a flicker of wonder at her strength. There was no doubt in him that she could carry him off to bed, should she so choose, and the mental image jolted him faintly with renewed craving.

  “Your heart’s racing again.”

  “This ability is a trifle unnerving, my darling shalai. I can’t even entertain a carnal thought in private, it seems.”

  “I am… intrigued.” She tugged on his cascade of plaits hard enough that it hurt a little, and his cock leapt in reaction, stiffening at the promise of rough play. “That’s the second time you’ve named me thus. Shouldn’t you explain what it means?”

  “I believe I’ll keep this secret a bit longer.”

  Sheyla bent her head to his and bit down on his earlobe. “Is that so? Well, I have ways of making you talk.”

  “Continue in that line and you’ll certainly make me moan.” The sharp nip tingled down his spine, lingering in his ass, thighs, and cock, sweet spots where he wanted her mouth. She’d given him a sex bruise the night before, and the sore spot on his chest throbbed in reaction.

  “Do you provoke all your lovers this way?” Though her tone was light, she was watching his face, ready to gauge his answer.

  “Hm. Are you asking about those who came before?”

  “Have there been many?” That wasn’t a denial of interest, he noted.

  “A handful. I was always constrained by the awareness that anyone I desired might not dare decline my interest.”

  “You needn’t worry about me in that regard. I came to you slowly, but I am steadfast.”

  Her words rang like a pledge that she would always want him, and he shivered in delight. “Do you mind if I ask who was most recently in your bed?”

  Alastor could tell this wasn’t simple curiosity on her part, but he had no reason to hide the truth. “Dedrick.”


  There were so many ways he could take that response, and he hoped it wasn’t a bad one; he didn’t wish to think less of her. “I enjoy fucking and being fucked. Is that a problem?”

  “Hardly. I could say the same. The reason I asked is because I’ve seen the way Rowena watches you, how you’re so gentle with her, and I wondered—”

  “No,” he cut in. “She fancies herself in love with me. It would be cruel to…use that.”

  “Then I need to ask, I should have before. By being together, are we hurting him?”

  It was a considerate question, one that made him like her more, and Alastor was already half out of his mind where she was concerned. “We’ve never spoken of emotions. I don’t even know if he enjoys being with me. I’m his prince, he does as I will. Because he serves me, it’s…” He gave a helpless shrug.

  Sheyla smiled then. “Would you like to find out?”


  Sheyla could tell Alastor believed she was about to call the guard in and suggest a tryst, but he didn’t seem at all shocked. Belatedly, she recalled the bloodlust and its implications for his people. The Golgoth probably didn’t blink over group engagements; three people might qualify as tame for all she knew. Under optimal circumstances, she might be up for an adventure, but it didn’t seem like the right time for such self-indulgent behavior.

  “If that’s what you want. The invitation might ease his mind, in fact.”

  Does that mean Dedrick is worried about my relationship with the prince?

  “I was joking, though I’m not opposed to the notion. But he seems rather disapproving.”

  “He thinks I’ll get caught up in you and forget where my responsibilities lie.”

  “That’s fair,” Sheyla decided, after a moment’s consideration. “That said, I don’t have the energy to manage both of you tonight.”

  Alastor’s brows shot up. “Manage? I’m fascinated as to how you envision such an encounter unfolding.”

  Before she could respond, his comm buzzed. From his expression, it must be good news, but she wasn’t prepared for him to pull her into a jubilant hug. The prince spun her until she was dizzy and then he let her read the text.

  The ministry has voted in favor of supporting your defense initiative. Please attend the briefing, 11 am tomorrow.

  “That’s fantastic,” she said. “It should be easier to persuade that factory owner too.”

  Alastor sighed. “He’s the first of many. Fortunately, I don’t have to figure everything out tonight.”

  “This is likely to be our last respite for a while. How would you like to spend it?” Sex was the obvious answer, but Sheyla suspected he might have other desires.

  “Why don’t we see if we’ll both fit in the bath and go from there?”

  “You want me to scrub your back?” The request was endearingly simple and sweet.

  “Among other things.”

  The vertical tub design was familiar to Sheyla, as they’d had one in the residence hall where she’d occasionally slept. It had a narrow bench where you could perch to wash yourself and a handheld sprayer. She went into the bathroom to start the hot water and set up properly, switching from shower to soak. Alastor came in behind her, naked, all hugging arms and wistful eyes, so she didn’t shoo him out.

  “You should show me how to do this. I didn’t even know this was a tub.”

  “There’s nothing like this in Golgerra?”

  “No, our bath houses are more like yours in Ash Valley, with huge communal hot springs that come up through the stone.”

  “Yours are natural then. Ours are a matter of cunning design.” She beckoned. “We should get in and enjoy the steam. Shut the door behind you.”

  He did as she asked, and the heat felt exquisite misting on her tired muscles. There wasn’t a ton of room between them, but given how Alastor snuggled, he wasn’t interested in privacy or personal space. As the water rose, he relaxed against her, head on her chest.

  His hair was still in braids, so she didn’t touch them. The rest of him, she washed with gentle care, earning an ‘mmm’ of pleasure. He was excitingly thorough in offering the same service; once she had to swat his hands away.

  “Soaking is the best part,” he mumbled.

  A couple of times, Sheyla almost nodded off, but she jerked awake in time to keep from flooding the bathroom. His eyes were closed, and it seemed as if he might be dozing, so she didn’t move.

  She thought that until he said, “I’ve never done this, you know.”

  “Shared a bath?”

  He sighed, a rueful sound that emulated a laugh. “No. Attempted anything of such importance. It was nice in the plaza with you, but now I can’t stop thinking that if I fail, it’s not only my people who will suffer. That was true before, but I’ve never seen the other Numina just living their lives…”

  “I think I’m offended.” Sheyla had already spoken all the comforting words at her disposal, so it was clearly time to pick a fight.

  He sat up a bit, angling for a glimpse of her face. “Sorry?”

  “You should be. Here we are, completely naked, and you’re obsessing over work.”

  “That’s remarkably rude of me, isn’t it?” He reached for her and dusted gentle fingertips over her shoulder, trickling warm water on her skin with a delicacy that made her tingle.

  “Without a doubt.”

  “Then…where are the lines drawn tonight? You said before that you’re waiting for a certain level of anticipation.”

  Sheyla laughed softly. “It’s no fun if I tell you. I suggest you discover for yourself, what I’ll allow.”

  She made out
his sharp intake of breath, the little shiver that rolled through him. His eyes went smoky as he pulled her in for a kiss, a treat she would never deny either of them. His mouth was magical, soft and delicious, and slightly tentative, as if he wasn’t quite sure how much he could have. She answered that unspoken question with hungry thrusts of her tongue, biting down on his lower lip until he shuddered and dug his hands into her arms.

  “You like when it hurts a little,” she whispered.

  His answer came in the form of his hand covering hers, urging it onto his iron-hard cock. She squeezed like he wanted her to, but not for as long as he needed. Just as he started to hump against her curled fingers, she let go and watched his length bob urgently in the hot water.

  “You need to come, but it’s not happening yet.”

  With a pull and twist, he hauled her into his lap and she wrapped her legs and arms around him. This position granted her dominance because she could decide how much to move, how much friction she allowed their wet bodies. At first, he didn’t seem to notice, with his hands all over her ass, and it felt so good that she forgot about controlling the action for a few moments, just circling her hips in his palms as he cupped and squeezed.

  When she moaned and arched her back, he took her breast with his mouth. Sheyla pushed his head away, so her nipple popped out of his mouth with a wet sound. The whimper that escaped him told her everything about his cravings; he liked these power games, being teased and denied a little first. And giving him what he wanted… it was driving her wild. Already her pussy was soft and swollen, her clit pulsing in the hot water, so she couldn’t stop swirling her hips. Hopefully, he’d take it for more teasing, not a sign that she was about to lose it and fuck him through the wall.

  “I’m willing to do one thing for you tonight. Think carefully, then ask. In words. If you put my hand on your cock again, I’m getting out and you can finish alone.”

  “You’re vicious,” he said.

  “Good communication is important.” Sheyla knew her smile had to be feline, but she was a cat after all. “Is it so hard to choose one pleasure?”

  He was breathing hard, trying without subtlety to rub against her, but she flattened a palm between them. Alastor gazed up at her with hungry eyes, and she almost gave in, except he didn’t truly want her to. So she kissed each of his eyelids and waited.

  “If I can’t have you,” he finally whispered, “then you have me. I need a good fucking.”

  Lust nearly overwhelmed her. When he climbed into her lap and lifted his hips, she knew exactly what he wanted. She teased beneath his balls with gentle fingertips and he squirmed in pleasure the second she grazed the puckered skin. A brief tension, then he relaxed against her, his breath coming in eager gusts.

  Sheyla took her time, loving, softening, and using the warm water to ease her way. With each jerk and moan, Alastor made it clear that he couldn’t get enough and her clit ached, so she shifted to get some pressure on it.

  He sensed the move and pushed back against her. “Are you going to finish like this?”

  “I might.” She whispered that right into his ear as she took him.

  “Fuck, that’s it,” Alastor moaned.

  He lifted his ass and raised his legs to give her a better angle. She was good at this, working him just right. Dimly he felt her moving against him and he wanted to make it good for her, but he was absolutely transfixed by the pleasure spiraling through him. He could no more stop his grunts and moans than he could halt the orgasm building with each stroke of her finger.

  His head fell back against her shoulder. She reached for his cock with her other hand and toyed with him until he could feel the slickness. Then she let go, rinsing his sensitive skin. With the water sluicing over him, it was like being fucked everywhere. He trembled with need.

  “Do it for me,” she said against his ear. “Right now. I’m letting you.”

  His cock swelled, and Alastor came so hard that he probably would’ve cramped up, if he hadn’t been floating in warm water. She held her fingers still until he calmed and then she slid free of his body with a softness he appreciated. His entire body felt boneless and if he could have, he would’ve given her the world on a platter for diverting him from his worries in such a perfect way. They still prowled at the edge of his mind, but he was too pleasantly exhausted for them to gain ground.

  Sheyla was still moving against him, and he rocked with her, hoping it was enough. She shivered and made sounds, bit down on his shoulder. Feels good. Harder. The words didn’t quite come out. He was still glowing when they stumbled out of the bathroom. Probably they should eat food and get some sleep but all he wanted to do was wrap himself around her. She insisted that he eat… something. He did it to please her and then stumbled to bed. It took longer for her to join him and he was groggy, even then.

  “Are you all right?” he asked, half-asleep.

  “Why wouldn’t I be?”

  “I don’t know if… if you…well, if you didn’t, I should probably apologize and offer compensation later.”

  She wrapped her arms around him and snuggled against his back. “I did, don’t worry. This isn’t a matter that requires reparations.”

  “Good, because I’m fresh out of oomph.”

  “It’s enough to feel you close.”

  That reassurance was enough to let him fall deep, and he didn’t stir until a comm buzzed in the middle of the night, and with a whispered apology, she rolled away. In the morning, guilt overwhelmed him when he roused alone. She’d left him a series of notes on the counter. I’m on call at St. Casimir. Good luck with your meeting. There was a case next to it, along with a second memo. Take this instead of what I made before. The formula should be identical to the original serum. On the fridge, she’d left a final message:

  It’s hard to leave you. There’s fresh juice in here. I’ll miss your face.

  Alastor smiled over that, plucked the paper, folded it, and tucked it into his pocket like a talisman. To the best of his recollection, she hadn’t mentioned working at the hospital before, but it wasn’t like he could pay for her time. He drained the full dose, noting that it tasted the same, too. Bitterness lingering on his tongue, he had breakfast and got ready for the appointment. Dedrick would be accompanying him today, provided the guard agreed not to cause any trouble over minor slights.

  As if on cue, a knock sounded; it was a novelty for Alastor to open his own door. In Golgerra, ten levels of staff separated him from visitors, half of whom might try to kill him on Tycho’s orders. Dedrick had donned his good suit and wore his hair properly today, disclosing his true rank. Sometimes on patrol, he didn’t bother since he’d only had status since he started serving Alastor. Before, he occupied the lowest tier of society, equivalent to foreign captives or prisoners of war. His people had only recently been allowed entry into Golgerra, punishment for some ancient offense. Under his silent scrutiny, Ded was pulling at his jacket.

  “You look good,” he said.

  Ded flashed him a suspicious look, but there was no hidden sting in his words. “If you say so.”

  “I do. How are the men faring? I should check in on them once we finish today.”

  “They’re bored, if you want the truth. A short rest is welcome, too much and they start worrying about their families. That leads to frayed tempers and—”

  “Soon we’ll have the constable called on us,” Alastor finished.

  “Since they understand how vital it is for us to succeed, they’re on their best behavior, but I don’t know how long it’ll last.”

  “We’ll speak to the militia captain after the meeting. The sooner we get the men on the city rotation, the better. We should also meet with Gavriel and Korin, find out what they’ve accomplished so far.”

  “You’re having lunch with them today. Should I send the address to your comm?”

  “No point, unless you have other plans.”

  “My only goal is to keep you safe,” Dedrick said in a monotone.

nbsp; He’d heard variations on that theme for years, so it didn’t surprise him this time. After his conversation with Sheyla, however, guilt niggled at him that he’d never delved any deeper. This is going to be so awkward. That surety didn’t stop him from wading in.

  “I know you’re not certain getting tangled up with the Animari doctor is a good idea… for political reasons,” he started, then he couldn’t figure out where to go from there, so he stalled. “Is there any other reason you have… doubts?”

  Dedrick blinked. “I have no idea what you’re driving at, sire.”

  “I mean, do you feel bothered…?” Fuck. This is a bad idea.

  Finally, he seemed to get the gist. “Are you asking if I’m upset? Jealous?”

  Alastor mumbled, “Never mind,” wishing he hadn’t let Sheyla put questions in his head. Typically, sex wasn’t an emotional thing among his people; it was more like a good workout—sweaty and enjoyable. Bonds did form over time—and with repeated matings—but he should’ve trusted that Dedrick saw occasional bed-sport as casual and convenient.

  “If you’ll grant me leave to be candid?”

  “Of course.”

  “I take pride in serving you and I enjoy when that extends to pleasure. But you are my prince, not my mate.”

  “Understood.” An imp of mischief made him add, “You may be invited to play with us at some point, if she desires it. I don’t expect you to accede, so please don’t look on that as an extension of your service.”

  That shocked the guard into silence, and Alastor enjoyed the rare sensation of seeing Ded at a loss for words. A hot flush started at his neck and flooded upward, making his scar stand out sharper in contrast. He tugged at his collar. “You’ve… discussed this possibility with her?”

  Briefly, he considered recounting the conversation in context, but they were pressed for time, so he replied with a brisk nod. Alastor was sated so fully that he couldn’t muster a spark at the notion, even in theory. Which was good since he needed to focus, and he didn’t want Dedrick drifting into sex fantasies at the summit.

  “Don’t start anything,” he reminded the guard.