Read The Denver Cereal Page 10

  “I . . .” They both started.

  Her father smiled at Valerie then nodded. He touched her arm.

  “It’s nice to see you, Val.” Turning to Jacob, their father said, “I’ve done my part. I’ll be with your mother.”

  “See you later, Dad,” Jacob said.

  Jacob and Valerie watched their father walked toward the suite’s exit. At the door, he turned to raise his hand to them then walked out.

  “What does he mean be with Mom?”

  “He reads Mom the paper every day. Remember he used to do that when we were kids. After the jobsites are up and running, he spends the morning at the cemetery.”

  “Guilty conscience,” Valerie sneered.

  “Or something,” Jacob said. “You know Val, not everything is as it seems.”

  “Thank you, Buddha.” Valerie followed him into a conference room.

  “What? What are YOU doing here?” their stepsister asked in horror.

  Hopping to her feet, she pulled at the seated Trevor. Trevor stood slowly as Jacob and Valerie sat down across from the couple. They sat in silence for a moment.

  “My Daddy will be so mad when he finds out you are here to ruin my life AGAIN,” the vicious blonde screeched at them. “And the week of my wedding.”

  “Actually, your Daddy is still in prison,” Valerie said in an even tone.

  Their stepsister launched herself across the table at Valerie. Jacob blocked Valerie from the attack while Trevor held their stepsister back.

  “Now kitten, you can’t to get too upset,” Trevor said. “Remember what the doctor said. Getting upset is bad for the baby.”

  As the couple made dreamy eyes at each other, Jacob and Valerie leaned back in their chairs. Jacob looked at Max, who nodded. Jacob raised an eyebrow.

  “I hate to break up the love here. But we have a lot of ground to cover,” Max Hargreaves said. “Will you please return to your seats?”

  “I will do what I like around my . . . employees,” the stepsister said with a dismissive flip of her hand.

  “Actually, I am employed by Jacob and Valerie,” Max said. “Please sit down.”

  The couple plopped down holding hands. When their stepsister noticed Jacob again, she squinted her eyes. Her lip curled with disgust.

  “We’ll see how you act when I run the company,” she spit at him.

  “Ah, that’s exactly why we wanted to be here today,” Valerie said.

  Max gave Valerie a stern look. She shrugged her apology.

  “Before we start,” Max said, “I will remind you that you signed a confidentiality agreement. You are restricted from mentioning any detail from this meeting, including who is present at this meeting. Is that clear?”

  The stepsister and Trevor nodded their heads. Max laid a document in front of the couple.

  “You’ll see from these documents that Lipson Construction is owned in it’s entirety by Jacob and Valerie Marlowe-Lipson,” Max said. “You’ll note the date of purchase.”

  Max pointed to a date on the paper.

  “Four and a half years ago, Jacob and Valerie Marlowe-Lipson purchased the remaining shares of Lipson construction from their father for ten million dollars.”

  “But . . .” Their stepsister’s oft pouting lip began to vibrate.

  “Please let me continue,” Max said. “At that time a seven year plan was set into motion converting Lipson Construction from private owner to an employee owned company. The initial transfer of ownership began at the beginning of this year and should finish within the next three years.”

  After a moment of stunned silence, their stepsister flipped her hair.

  “I’ll just inherit from Daddy,” she said.

  Valerie wanted to slap her smug little face. This wicked woman had nearly destroyed Valerie’s life by selling Valerie’s personal information, hacked from her father’s accounts, to the press. From photos to lies, the press paid thousands of dollars for Valerie’s tidbits. Every time Valerie moved or changed her phone number, this little witch sold Valerie’s private life to the highest bidder. When Jake put a stop to her antics, she came after him. Of course, Jake could care less.

  Valerie was about to scream at the step-whore when Jacob reached for her hand. They had agreed to let the lawyers discuss the details then follow up with options. Valerie held Jacob’s hand with both of her hands. She could do this.

  “At the time of the Lipson Construction purchase, six trusts were set up.” Max retrieved the corporation sale documents and presented another document. “Each of your mother’s children received a one million dollar trust payable on their twenty-fifth birthday. In the event that Mr. Lipson does not remain married to your mother, she will receive a two million dollar trust. You will also notice that only Mr. Lipson’s children will inherit wealth or possessions from Mr. Lipson. You’ll notice your mother’s signature here . . . and here.”

  “But . . . but . . . that’s just them,” the stepsister said pointing to Valerie and Jacob. “What about my little sisters?”

  “That’s an interesting point of discussion for another time . . .”


  Chickens come home?

  Walking from the bright day into the dark hospital lobby, Jill was unsure of where to go. Jacob said Katy had been moved to a private room. Stepping toward the reception area, Jill opened her mouth to ask for Katy when she heard:


  Trailing an attending nurse, Katy ran down the hallway toward Jill. In a rush of emotion, Jill lifted her precious daughter into her arms. For one moment, for a lifetime, sensation and sound slipped away in a cloud of joy.

  The world stopped as a mother held her small child.


  “What does this mean in reference to our . . .” Trevor corrected himself. “I mean honey bunny’s financial support? It was her understanding that her father was going to support her.”

  Valerie took a breath to remind the little malicious ‘honey bunny’ that her father was in prison, but Jacob placed the toe of his boot over her shoe. Valerie nodded. I can do this.

  “The trust attorneys will discuss the nature of the trust. I am the Marlowe-Lipson’s contract attorney,” Max Hargreaves said. “The final contractual issue is that the trusts are payable at the age of twenty-five. I believe you are . . .”

  “Twenty-one,” the stepsister said with a flip of her hair.

  “According to this contract, you are not able draw from your trust for four more years. You will note here that your mother is the one who specified the age. I believe she thought the trust would give you financial support after you graduated from college.” Max pointed to a handwritten addition made by the stepsister’s mother. “I don’t think anyone could have foreseen . . .”

  Max looked from the stepsister to Trevor then stopped talking.

  “I’ll just talk to Mommy. She’ll change this in an instant,” the tiny blonde said.

  “These contracts cannot be modified without voiding the entire agreement. I’m fairly certain the parties involved, including your mother, will not renegotiate.”

  “We’ll see about that,” their stepsister smirked at Max.

  There was a tap at the door and Jill’s lawyer, Diane Radman, stuck her head in the conference room.

  “Excuse me for a minute,” Max said.

  Max and Diane whispered back and forth near the door. Max nodded, then shook her hand and she left the room.

  “Why is she here?” Trevor asked.

  “Who is that, Trevy?” the stepsister asked.

  “That’s Jill’s attorney,” Trevor said.

  “This is an outrage. What bullshit is that trailer trash pulling now?” The stepsister jumped to her feet. “That bitch can’t take care of her own child! My God, her negligence put our child in the hospital. And now she wants to horn in on MY business.”

  Valerie put the pointed toe of her Jimmy Choo’s into Jacob’s calf to keep him from explo
ding. He grimaced his thanks to her.

  “Now smoochums,” Trevor said. He stood to wrap his arms around the tiny woman. “You have to be patient. We’ll have custody soon enough.”

  Max set a piece of paper on the table.

  “This is an ex-parte restraining order. Signed by the judge a half hour ago after the testimony of a Homeland Security Agent, a hospital social worker, as well as a neighbor from your old apartment building. This order says that Trevor may not cause physical pain or injury or the threat of pain or injury to Jillian or Katherine Roper. Further, Trevor is not allowed any contact with Jillian or Katherine Roper. You may wish to hire an attorney to explain the ramifications of this agreement. There will be a permanent order hearing in fourteen days.”

  “What?” Trevor’s face flushed bright red with fury.

  Unable to rip their eyes away, Valerie and Jacob watched Trevor flash into full blown rage. As his voice raised and his entire body went red, Max touched their shoulders. The contract portion of the meeting was over. They stood to follow Max out of the room. Trevor would need to calm down before he learned about honey bunny’s trust.


  “I waited for you for about forty hours, Mommy,” Katy said.

  Katy walked between Jill and Mike toward her room. The nurse said Katy was well enough to go home, but they needed the doctor to release her.

  “Forty hours?”

  “Maybe fifty. A long time and I’m really little. That’s most of my life! I woke up and missed you. Then that nice lady? The one I was walking with? She said I was really, really, really sick but I don’t remember being even a little sick. Was I really sick, Uncle Mike?”

  Mike held Katy’s other hand as they walked toward her hospital room.

  “You were very sick, baby,” Mike said. “We were really scared for you.”

  “Mommy? Do you like that guy who took us to the zoo? Do you think he would take us to the zoo again?”

  “I don’t know, Katy-baby. Probably.”

  “I really liked him. I thought he was nice and cute too. Plus he likes ketchup on his French Fries like I do and he got me a green balloon. I love green AND I love balloons. A green balloon is the best balloon. Mommy, what happened to my balloon?”

  “I don’t know, sweetie,” Jill said.

  She hoped Katy wouldn’t be upset by the loss of her balloon. Sometimes, Katy could intensely focus on a single object. She would cry uncontrollably until she had that specific thing. But today, Katy shrugged.

  “I bet that guy . . . Mommy, what was his name?”

  “Jacob,” Jill said.

  “I bet Jacob can find me another balloon. Don’t you think Jacob can find me one, Uncle Mike?”

  “I’m sure he can, Katy,” Mike said.

  “He’s going to be my Daddy.”

  Shocked, Jill’s head jerked to look at her daughter.

  “And THEN he’s going to make me a little sister!”

  Jill burst out laughing.


  “A million dollars? I get a million dollars?”

  The stepsister squealed with delight. She clutched Trevor and they kissed. Valerie snatched Jacob’s hand in an effort to remain silent.

  “Yes and no,” the trust attorney said. “You get the annuity on one million dollars.”

  “What does that mean?” Trevor asked. After his rampage, Trevor was eerily reserved and calm.

  “You receive the interest generated from the trust’s investments. The trust is currently making around four percent.”

  “What does that mean in dollars?” the stepsister said.

  “You will receive forty thousand dollars,” the attorney said.

  “A month?” Trevor asked.

  “A year.”

  “WHAT?” The step sister launched to her feet. “I can’t live on forty thousand dollars a year!”

  Valerie had to take a few deep cleansing breaths to keep from beating the crap out of the stepsister. The paltry forty thousand came from her parent’s blood, sweat and tears. Jacob put his arm around her to reassure her. Valerie looked at him and nodded.

  “Why don’t I get the million dollars?”

  “The principle of the trust cannot be touched. In the event of your death, the trust will becometheproperty of the primary owners.”

  “Who is that?” Trevor asked.

  “Jacob and Valerie Marlowe-Lipson.”

  “What do butt-boy and sluttina have to do with MY money?” the stepsister screeched.

  “Jacob and Valerie Marlowe-Lipson are the only people who can negotiate any of the details of the trust.”

  “What does that mean?” Trevor asked.

  “The trust is set to begin annuity when your fiancé is twenty-five. It is our understanding you wish to begin payments now. Jacob and Valerie are the only ones who can change that date.”

  “Oh,” the stepsister said. She plopped back into her chair. “Can they change the amount?”

  “No,” the attorney said. “The only thing that will change your annuity is a significant change in the stock market.”

  “Oh,” the step sister said. “What about my wedding?”

  “Jacob Marlowe-Lipson promised his father at the time of sale of Lipson Construction that he would pay for your mother’s children’s weddings,” Max Hargreaves said. “He has already paid for your engagement party and will make the final payments on your wedding after Sunday.”

  The stepsister was slow to process the information. Nodding, she looked from Valerie to Jacob as if to assess what to do next. When Valerie looked at Trevor, she felt a chill run up her spine. He was working something else out.

  The stepsister’s face shifted to a big, charming smile.

  “Ah,come on. Val? Jake? You have lots of money. This little trust is just sitting there. Everyone knows how generous the Lipson’s are. Why not show your sister a little generosity and give me my money now?”


  “Lots of water. Rest,” Jill said to the doctor.

  She held Katy in her arms while Mike carried Katy’s car seat and her medications. After her initial burst of conversation and activity, Katy was worn out. Katy pressed her face against Jill’s neck.

  “Meds every four hours,” the doctor said.

  “Yes,” Jill said. “I . . . Thanks.”

  “She’s a great little girl,” the doctor said. “We’re going to miss having her around. Were you able to schedule the follow ups?”

  “I . . . I have the list of people. I’ll call when Katy’s settled.”

  “Perfect,” the doctor said. “Bye Katy.”

  Katy lifted her head from Jill’s shoulder and waved to the doctor. They walked out of the hospital toward Mike’s Bronco.


  “Yes, Katy-baby,” Jill said.

  “I think I’m sick,” Katy said.

  “I know, Katy-baby,” Jill said. “We’ll get you home and you’ll feel better.”

  “Oh . . . home . . . how nice,” Katy murmured.

  Katy was sound asleep when Jill settled her into her car seat. Katy slept through the drive to the apartment, the trip upstairs and her return to her own bed. Jill left her door open so she could hear Katy if she needed anything.

  “I’ll leave the car,” Mike said. “That way if you need to go to the doctor or get something, you can just get it.”

  “Are you sure?” Jill asked. “I don’t want to take your wheels.”

  “I’m sure,” Mike said. “Trevor took your car?”

  Jill nodded.

  “You can keep this one,” Mike said. “If I need it, I’ll come get it. The Castle’s only a couple blocks from here. You’re all right here?”

  Jill nodded.

  “Val and I want to have the family over for dinner tonight . . . you know, to talk about being married and all. Do you think that will be too much?”

  “No, I think it will be nice to get together around something happy. Is Meg planning a pot l

  “Of course.”

  “Great, I’ll bring some pot.”

  Mike laughed at their usual joke.

  “Love you, Jilly.” Mike hugged his sister.

  “Love you, Mikey.”

  Jill walked Mike to the door. Leaning against the door, she almost collapsed to the floor in sheer relief. She and her baby girl were finally safe and sound at home.


  Valerie and Jacob stood at the elevator outside the attorney’s office. Exhausted from the emotional meeting, they leaned against each other in silent support. Expecting Max, they turned to look when the office door opened.

  “May I speak to you for a moment?” Trevor asked. “No, just Jacob.”

  Valerie watched Jacob walk to the door of the attorney’s office. She couldn’t see Trevor’s face to read his lips or hear what he said, but when Jacob stumbled back from Trevor, she caught Trevor’s eyes. Pure evil shone clear and cold in that man’s eyes. Trevor nodded in satisfaction. Jacob shook his head as if he didn’t understand what Trevor said. Trevor put his hand on Jacob’s shoulder.

  “Jacob Marlowe, the elevator is here,” Valerie bellowed in her bossy older sister voice.

  Jacob jerked at the sound. When he turned, she saw that he was blanched white.

  “Get. Your. Ass. On. This. Elevator. NOW,” Valerie said.

  Jacob walked toward her as if in a trance. Trevor looked like the cat who ate the canary.

  “NOW,” Valerie commanded.

  Jacob jerked out of his trance and trotted to the elevator. When the doors closed, he all but collapsed to the floor. Valerie bent to him.

  “What is it?”

  “He said . . . he could smell Jill on me . . . But I showered, Val. How? He said . . . He’s going to tell Jill I set this whole thing up so I could fuck her . . . I . . . I orchestrated everything . . . even Scooter . . . and the pregnancy . . . and the tattoo removal and . . . Val, even Scooter. And . . . and . . . she’ll believe him because . . . they’re soul mates . . . I . . . Jill loves him . . .I . . .”

  Valerie’s lip curled. Half carrying, half dragging her little brother to the car, she stuck him in the passenger’s seat. She wrenched the keys from his hand and started the Jeep. Jacob mumbled something. The tips of his fingers came together then opened over and over again. Valerie leaned her head to his mouth.

  “She’s all I ever wanted and, poof, she’s gone. She’s all I ever wanted and, poof, she’s gone. She’s all I ever wanted and, poof, she’s gone.”

  “STOP IT!” Valerie commanded.