Read The Denver Cereal Page 22

  “It was your photos that finally woke me to my life,” Sam said.

  “My photos?” Valerie asked. “But . . .”

  “I was approached by someone saying they had naked photos of you. I paid . . . a lot of money for them. Originals. When I saw them, I knew what they were. I called Patrick Hargreaves. You know, Alex and Max’s dad? I knew he was in the military before he was a senator. I figured he’d know what to do.”

  Valerie nodded her head.

  “He confirmed that Mike was missing. He took the photos, saying he’d look into it,” Sam said. “The next time I had lunch with Tiffanie, we decided that I would move in. We would try it as a married couple. Everyone believed my trophy wife and I were happily married.”


  “It didn’t go very well. I had loved your mother for more than half my life. I couldn’t imagine even sleeping in the same bed with another woman. I moved into one of the spare bedrooms in Tiffanie’s show home.”

  Sam fell silent. Not sure what to do, Valerie changed into another outfit. She was zipping the skirt when Sam said,

  “I thought about killing myself every moment of every day.”

  Valerie gasped.

  “My children were gone. My Celia was gone. I . . . I don’t know how long we went on like that. One night, Tiffanie came in and . . . “

  “She was pregnant already,” Delphie said. She came into the living room from the kitchen. Her crossed arms and pursed lips betrayed her indignation. “She wanted to pretend that Becky was Sam’s child. But Sam can’t . . . and . . .”

  “That didn’t go very well either,” Sam said. “I moved back here the next day.”

  “God, I hate that woman. I just . . .”

  “Delphinium, please. For me. Let’s not do that today,” Sam said. “I just have one more day.”

  “Sorry, Sam.” Delphie smiled.

  “Would you mind telling Val the rest? I have to find my tux.”

  “I had it cleaned,” Delphie said. “It’s in your closet.”

  “And the shirt?”

  “Of course.”

  Sam smiled his thanks.

  “You have to find the cufflinks yourself. I couldn’t find them.”

  “The cufflinks? It’s going to be a long day.”

  “Why don’t you shower? I’ll tell Val the rest.”

  Sam nodded. He was half way out of the room when Valerie said, “Dad?”

  Sam turned and Valerie ran into his arms. They held each other and cried. After a moment, Sam kissed her cheek and went down the hall to his room.

  “He lives in the birch room, the one Celia died in. He’s happiest there, I think,” Delphie said.

  “Is it hard for you?” Valerie asked.

  “That Sam is hung up on Celia?”

  Valerie nodded.

  “I’m hung up on Celia. No, it’s not hard.” Delphie smiled slightly. “After all these years of knowing him, it’s nice to have a deeper relationship. Does it bother you?”

  “No, I used to say to Mike that I didn’t know why he was with Tiffanie and not you.”

  Delphie smiled. “Would you like to hear the rest of this?”

  “I think I need to,” Valerie said.

  Delphie nodded her head toward the couch. They sat next to each other.

  “For whatever reason, we still don’t know why, your naked photos arrived in the mail the day after he moved out. So Sam leaves the house and the next day the photos arrive. They were in a brown envelope addressed to Sam. We were told that a clerk sent them without realizing what they were. Well, the envelope was intercepted by . . .”

  “The step-whore.” Valerie’s lip curled.

  “Exactly. So this thing happens with Tiffanie. Sam moves out and plans to divorce her when he finds out she’s pregnant with Becky. The photos are stolen, which he doesn’t know anything about until they show up in the press. Then she . . .”

  “The step-whore.”

  “Yes, honey. I wish you wouldn’t call her that. It’s not good for you to hold so much anger.”

  “It’s what she is,” Valerie said.

  “Let’s not argue. Your stepsister had just graduated from high school. Sam offered her a job. Like everyone who starts at Lipson, she worked the roads.”

  “Work the roads until we see if you fit. If you fit, the roads will show you where you fit,” Valerie repeated a Lipson Construction motto.

  “Exactly, except she didn’t like it much. She told everyone that she owned the company. She . . . Anyway, Sam flew to Maine and asked Jake to buy the rest of Lipson. I think Sam planned to sell the company and then kill himself. Jake and Sam argued for . . . days. The third day into it, Jake called me. I flew to Maine.”

  “You flew? In a plane?”

  “Yes. Like all psychics, plane trips are hard on me, but Jake was desperate. Sam and I weren’t, well, together then. I think Jake didn’t know what else to do. Sam was a mess . . . a complete mess.” Delphie sighed. “I had no idea he was so bad.”

  “Please tell me what happened,” Valerie said. “I’ve asked Jake and he won’t tell me.”

  “I don’t really know what happened between them. I was able to convince Sam it was all right to trust Jake. That was my part.”

  “Dad didn’t trust Jake?” Valerie’s voice reflected her disbelief. Sam and Jake were always two peas in a pod.

  “Sam wasn’t really himself.” Delphie shook her head at the memory. “The upshot was that Jake bought the company. He made you buy some of it.”

  “He tricked me into buying four percent,” Valerie said. She imitated Jake’s voice. “Please, Val! I have to borrow some money. I need to get this property and I can’t afford it.” Valerie returned to her own voice. “All bullshit.”

  “I’m not surprised. He was on a tear. His way or forget it. Sam was such a wreck he couldn’t see that Jake’s way was really the best.”

  “What did Jake do?”

  “For starters, he put an end to the bullshit. Your stepsister was escorted off Lipson grounds. The lawyers went after the publications that published your photos. Money was no object. The publications couldn’t prove it was you and they didn’t have releases. I don’t know how much it cost, but Jake won reparations from everyone who published the photos. Blocked from these two avenues of cash, your stepsister started selling your details to the press. Jake pulled no punches. She was arrested and spent time in jail until she took a plea bargain. I think she’s still on probation.”


  “Jake was done with the entire mess. He bought the fishing cabin in Dexter and made Sam live there. That was another round of . . . Well, Sam was at the cabin a week before he came to his senses. Sam needed to fish, breathe fresh air, and live in peace. He was all but destroyed by all this . . . turmoil.”

  “But Tiffanie was pregnant and . . .” Valerie said.

  “He wouldn’t divorce her,” Delphie finished.

  They sat contemplating Sam Lipson for a moment.

  “It’s not really Becky’s fault that her mother is . . .” Delphie sighed. “That’s pretty much it. Jake came home. This place was literally falling down. Sam was in Dexter and I was camped out here. Mike showed up the day after Jake came back to Denver. Jake and Mike went to work on the Castle. By the time your stepsister was out of jail, and Becky was born, the Castle was almost livable. Sam returned from his sabbatical ready to start living again.”

  “Why didn’t Tiffanie divorce Dad?”

  “Jake worried that Tiffanie would use a divorce to destroy Sam. Sam was very fragile. More public drama would have ruined him. So Jake set up those trusts. If Tiffanie files for divorce, she voids everything. He and Tiffanie are meeting on Monday to sign the divorce papers Jake set up four years ago.”

  “Why is Dad going to the wedding?”

  “He promised he would. Your father keeps his word. It’s important to him.” Delphie shrugged. “Since Becky and all of that, T
iffanie has been on her best behavior. She knows she screwed up. I personally think she’s horrified by the monster her daughter has become.”

  “I’m horrified at what her daughter has become,” Valerie said.

  “Your publicist will be here in a few minutes,” Delphie said. “She’s at Starbucks with some little person.”

  “Thanks,” Valerie said. “Why do you think the step-whore went after Trevor?”

  “Birds of a feather? I don’t know. She did it with deliberate purpose. I think she wanted to hurt Jake, or maybe Sam. But what they did to Jill? To Katy?”

  Valerie shuddered.

  “Let’s just be glad our Jill is free,” Delphie said. “I’ll get the door.”

  Delphie was standing next to the door when there was a knock.

  “Oooh, honey, what are you wearing?” Ramon flew across the threshold to Valerie. He squealed. “This is . . . NO. Don’t say it.”

  “Claire Martins.”

  “I told you not to say it.” Ramon twirled around the room until he saw the gowns. He fluttered over to the gowns. “Oh. Oh. Oh.”

  “She wants me to be the spokesmodel for a new off-the-rack line. This is . . .”

  “NO! Claire Martins has a new line! You’re the look of a Martins line?” Ramon fell on the floor in a mock faint. “I’ve died and gone to heaven.”

  “I thought we were dressing the troglodyte,” Jen whispered to Val.

  “Mike? My husband?”

  “Right, your husband.”

  “They’ve done that as well,” Valerie said. “Or they are going to. Frederic, Claire’s son, is working with men. Mike’s one of his first men. Did you book Oprah?”

  “Thursday,” Jen said.

  “I think Frederic said Thursday would work. He’s creating a special tux for Friday,” Valerie said. “You should see Mike. He’s been waxed. He even got a haircut. He’s drop-dead gorgeous.”

  Jen fell to the floor in an imitation of Ramon’s mock faint. Valerie stood over Jen and Ramon laughing. Jen opened one eye.

  “Is this Mike as good in bed as he is at coming up with miracles?”

  “Yeah,” Valerie laughed.

  Ramon opened one eye. “Does he have a brother?”

  Valerie fell on the floor next to them.


  A gradual unveiling

  “Oooh, that looks fun,” Valerie said. She pointed to a red bite mark above Sandy’s left breast.

  Valerie, Jill, and Sandy were looking at dresses in the second floor of Mike’s art studio. The entire floor had been converted to Valerie’s designer dress storage. Since Jill was going to wear one of Claire’s gowns, Valerie was acting as personal shopper for Sandy. Jill was zipping Sandy into a royal blue silk Dior gown.

  “Sandy is dating Aden,” Jill said.

  “Aden!” Valerie squealed. “Really!”

  “Yeah, why?” Sandy asked. “Am I too fat for this dress?”

  “The zipper’s jammed,” Jill said.

  “Mike’s fault,” Valerie said. “He drives me to all these events then . . . well . . .”

  She lifted and dropped her eyebrows to indicate how Mike had jammed the zipper. The women laughed.

  “I had it cleaned, but they didn’t unstick the zipper.” Valerie held the fabric so Jill could work loose the zipper.

  “Wait. Why did you react like that about Aden?” Sandy asked.

  Sandy’s natural mistrust had returned full force at church. She already told Jill she was not going to see Aden again. Jill worked to keep her friend open to the possibility of Aden, but was losing the battle.

  “He’s one of your men.”

  “Aden?” Valerie was so surprised she stepped back. “I’ve never been with Aden. I don’t know anyone who has.”

  “So why did you squeal?”

  Sandy felt an overwhelming desire to run away, get out of the warm closet of this spoiled rich girl. Before she could run away, Valerie put her hands on Sandy’s shoulders and looked into her eyes. While Valerie never had an ounce of psychic capacity, she was very emotionally intuitive. She felt Sandy’s aching, frightened heart as if it were her own.

  “I squealed because he seems like he would be very fun. I’ve known him a long, long time. I’m excited for him to find someone great. Mom used to say . . .”

  Valerie clamped her mouth shut. She spun in place and moved into the sea of dresses.

  “Oh no, you don’t.” Sandy caught Valerie’s wrist. “What did your mom say?”

  Valerie sighed.

  “Celia used to say that we had to get Aden ready for when he met his baker,” Valerie said. “She thought it was a funny turn of words. I stopped talking because you’re a hairdresser, right?”

  Sandy nodded.

  “Mike and I thought it might be Candy, you know, because she is a pastry chef. But, Candy’s gay.” Valerie looked away. “I didn’t want to tell you because you’re not a baker . . .”

  “Sandy’s a great baker,” Jill said. “She can make anything just by feel. She does it to relax, so she didn’t want to do it for work..”

  “You baked the scones for breakfast?”

  Sandy nodded. With her eyes wide, Valerie squealed again.

  “YOU’RE THE BAKER! Oh, Jake will just die!” Valerie looked around the upstairs and shook her head. “Get out of that dress.”

  “But it’s nice,” Sandy said. “It fits.”

  “We’re going shopping for something very special, very sexy to seal the Aden deal. That’s a man you don’t want to get away,” Valerie said. “Not that he would. I bet he’s smitten. Still, I’m sure Jill will let you wear some of her diamonds.”

  Valerie clamped her mouth closed again.

  “What diamonds?” Jill asked. “Jake said that: ‘Val has your diamonds.’ I thought he was hallucinating.”

  Valerie clapped her hands together like Katy did when she was excited.


  Jacob opened his eyes to a silent room. He knew he was in the hospital. He just couldn’t remember why. With deliberate care, he wiggled his toes, then his fingers. His right arm felt funny. With his left hand, he felt the gauze on his right shoulder and arm.

  Shoulder injury. Okay.

  He racked his mind for details. How did he get here? Hockey? Shooting accident? No, hunting season is in the fall. Judging from the light, it was still summer. Had to be a construction accident.

  He should know this.

  “So you’re awake,” the nurse said.

  Ah, great, Nasty Nurse. Why do I remember her and not why I’m here?

  “When will I be released?” Jacob managed.

  If Nasty Nurse knew he was foggy, he wouldn’t make it home. Every cell in his body wanted to be at the Castle.

  “Today,” she said.

  “It’s Sunday?” Jacob guessed.

  “Right,” the nurse said. “You want me to call someone?”

  Jacob calculated. Dad would be at Trevor’s wedding. Aden and Blane, too. Valerie was in LA faking an engagement to that producer. Delphie doesn’t drive.

  “Yeah, can you call my friend Mike?”

  “What about your girlfriend?” the nurse sneered.

  “My girlfriend?”

  The nurse snorted at him.

  “I figured as much. That sweet girl’s just one of a crowd, eh?” she sneered. “You men are all the same.”

  “Okay,” Jacob said. “Mike’s number should be in my file.”

  “You can call him yourself.”

  “I don’t seem to have my phone.”

  The nurse curled her lip at him. With her hands on her hips, she seemed to cackle.

  “You’ll get your phone after the doctor takes a look at you.”

  The nurse slammed the door behind her.


  What girlfriend?


  “Okay,” Valerie said.

  She was in full actress mode. Her audience? Jill and Sandy. They p
icked up Sam and Mike on their way through the kitchen.

  “Is this going to take long? The limo is due here in . . .”


  Valerie mock glared at Sam and they laughed. Mike held a clipboard in one hand while his other hand ran over Val’s round behind. She leaned into him. They were standing near a fireplace in the basement of the Castle.

  “How long have you been divorced?” Valerie asked Jill.

  “Um . . . Trevor asked me in January. It was supposed to go through in three months but he screwed up the paperwork. It was a big mess, but my lawyer sorted it all out and resubmitted the paperwork. The engagement party was three weeks ago. The divorce was final the next day.”

  “Six months since Trevor originally filed?” Valerie asked.

  “Almost seven,” Jill said. “Right?” She looked at Sandy for confirmation.

  “Almost seven months,” Sandy repeated, then added in a mock whisper, “Thank God.”


  “It’s not exactly right. She’s supposed to be divorced for six months but . . .” Mike looked at Valerie, then Sam. “Objections?”

  “Sounds fine to me,” Sam said.


  “I don’t care and I know Jake could give a shit.”

  “Check,” Mike said.

  Valerie cleared her throat. “Mr. McGuinsey no longer has access to any of your financial records or accounts?”

  “Mike set that up,” Jill said. “Wait. Mike insisted on that.”


  “Check,” Mike said.

  “Mike will you read the instructions,” Valerie said. “See, I’d make a great game show host.”

  “Maybe when you’re ancient and wrinkly.” Mike kissed her.

  “Wrinkly? Like that’s going to happen,” Valerie laughed. “Rules.”

  “Jillian Roper is to inherit my entire diamond collection. However, they are willed in trust.”

  “What are you talking about?” Jill asked.

  “Celia wanted you to have her diamonds, Jill,” Sam said. “There are conditions on the gift. That’s what they’re telling you.”

  “I can’t take her diamonds!” Jill said. “What about Val? Gosh, you must be so . . .”

  “Excited,” Valerie said.

  “Let them finish,” Sandy said. She whispered to Jill, “We’ll sort it out later.”

  Jill nodded. She and Sandy could work out anything.

  “I’ll be good,” Jill said.

  “Basically,” Sam said. “Celia willed you her diamonds. But you were only able to know about the inheritance, and receive the diamonds, when you were financially separate from Trevor. Celia was afraid that he would take the diamonds or the money from you.”