Read The Destiny of Matthew Page 20

  Chapter Twenty

  After Matthew and Hannah had walked for about ten minutes, Matthew suddenly stopped. ‘What was it Martha said about my having intelligence?’ he said to Hannah. She looked at him confused. He continued, ‘We don’t need to walk any further to the Clearing. We can go there by using the Travelling Stones. I left two of them in my rucksack with the Spear.’ He then got the other two out of his pocket and gave her one.

  She nearly dropped it as though it were hot. ‘It’s ok, Hannah. It won’t hurt you. I’ve used it several times with no bad effects,’ said Matthew

  ‘So I just rub it three times like this and I’ll -’ she asked and then disappeared. Matthew did the same and instantly found an astonished Hannah by the Tree at the Clearing.

  ‘That was amazing!’ she said jumping up and down a little in excitement.

  ‘Yes, I was impressed myself when I first used them as well,’ said Matthew as he retrieved his rucksack containing the Spear from the bushes by the Tree.

  ‘Well, aren’t you going to show me it?’ asked Hannah.

  ‘Of course,’ said Matthew looking around him quickly then getting it out and giving it to her.

  She handled it like it was some kind of religious relic. ‘It certainly feels like it has power,’ she said as she looked carefully at it, stroking its point, before handing it back to Matthew

  ‘Right, we had better hurry to Martha. The Baron may have discovered your disappearance and he will probably guess that I helped you,’ he said as he put it back in his rucksack.

  ‘Yes, Sir,’ said Hannah in a mocking tone.

  ‘Oh, I nearly forgot. I’ll leave the stones in the bushes so we can return here quickly,’ Matthew said as he crouched down and put them there. They then left the Clearing.

  After they passed over the bridge, Hannah stopped and looked back. ‘I’ve just realised that was the first time I’ve been over the bridge. And nothing happened to me, even when handling the Spear!’ she said. ‘We are brought up to fear the Clearing and that strange things can happen to you if you enter it. Nothing happening might mean something.’

  Matthew said nothing. He was a little impatient to move on but thought about how many strange things had happened to him since he entered the Clearing. The fact that he did not want to return to his own world yet was an important part of this. Yes, there was certainly something strange about the Clearing, he thought.

  They then moved off down the path in the darkness. After 15 minutes or so, Hannah said ‘We should move into the forest. It’ll be quicker. What do you think?’

  ‘You’re the expert,’ said Matthew, thinking that it was not just Curt and Tobias who were treating him with more respect now. ‘Please lead on,’ he said. Hannah again spotted some paths that Matthew could not even make out and they walked through the dark forest. Apart from the occasional sound of an owl, it was quiet. But Matthew could still not see much in the cloudy night. It was, however, a little chilly, even though they were walking quite fast considering the terrain.

  Eventually, after about forty minutes they came to the track leading to the cross roads. Matthew thought it must now be just before dawn, judging by the beginning sounds of life. Hannah led them across into the forest on the other side. Matthew felt a little safer now. He knew if the Baron had discovered what had happened he would probably send his soldiers to the Clearing, which Hannah and he were now further from.

  About an hour later, they came to a stream. Hannah bent down to drink from it. Matthew did the same. He also splashed his face; he was beginning to get tired and needed something to keep him alert. They then continued their journey. It was now light. They found an apple tree on the way and greedily ate their fill. Then a couple of hours after this they approached Martha’s cottage.

  As they did so, Matthew could see the door was open. The outside of it still looked wild but Matthew now recognised the difference between this and untidiness. They went through the door to find Martha preparing some food. ‘Sit at the table,’ she said. ‘I’ve got some breakfast for you.’

  Matthew and Hannah looked at each other with only a little surprise as they put their belongings down and sat down. ‘We’ve come to ask you –‘

  ‘I know why you are here,’ said Martha. Eat first then we will talk.’ They did so with eagerness. They were both hungry after their long journey, especially Hannah who had been eating prison gruel for a week. When they finished Martha took their plates away and went to sit by the fire on her rocking chair. Matthew felt Hans the cat at his feet again and went to stroke him.

  ‘You had better show me the Spear,’ Martha requested.

  Matthew got up and took the Spear out of his rucksack and gave it to Martha. He then returned to his chair and Hans.

  ‘Whosoever shall possess the Spear and know its secrets shall control the destiny of the world, for good or ill,’ Martha said looking at the Spear. ‘It was foretold that one day it would come to the Land and that the stranger who brought it would determine whether it would be used for good or ill. Now this is reality.’

  ‘But what can Matthew do with it?’ asked Hannah.

  ‘Well, he could in theory use it himself, as he is the possessor, though it would take him too long to learn its secrets; time we do not have. But it cannot be used without you,’ said Martha looking at Matthew.

  ‘Why not?’ asked Matthew.

  ‘Because you and it are from the same world. The Baron is not and the only way he can use it is through you, answered Martha.

  ‘How can he do that?’ Matthew asked.

  ‘You would have to willingly allow him to,’ said Martha.

  ‘It’s easy then. If he catches me I will just refuse to help him,’ said Matthew.

  ‘Your memory seems to be short,’ Martha said. ‘You willingly brought the Spear here, at the Baron’s request. He could also make you “willingly” help him again, perhaps this time using his magic to bend your will, which could seriously damage your mind.’

  Matthew gulped. ‘Ok. So I’ll take the Spear back to my world and hide it somewhere. This is what Curt suggested. It seems he was right.‘

  ‘You have not been listening, Matthew. You and the Spear are here for a reason. You can determine how it will be help against the Baron who gets stronger each day, even without the Spear,’ said Martha.

  But how can I help those against the Baron if I cannot use the Spear myself?’ asked Matthew

  ‘Martha means that she can use the Spear through you,’ Hannah said excitedly.

  ‘No, no, child. It is only those who are from the world of the Spear of Destiny who can use it,’ said Martha.

  ‘But I thought you said the Baron could not use it himself because he is not from Matthew’s world?’ said Hannah.

  ‘Not totally, he isn’t. But one of his ancestors did come from Matthew’s world. I do not know all the details, but because the Baron’s family now have only a small part of their blood originating from Matthew’s world they have to use someone from it to wield the Spear’s power.’

  Matthew then remembered seeing the name of Von Hugel in the Castle, the name of the Baron in his own world who had taken possession of the Spear and then sold it on to the Hapsburgs.

  ‘I think your visions, Matthew, have already shown you that there is at least one against the Baron who can use it besides him,’ said Martha continuing to stare into the fire.

  Matthew did not bother asking her how she knew about his visions. ‘You mean a girl?’ he asked, remembering the image of the one appealing for his help each time he returned to the Clearing.

  Martha nodded.

  Hannah butted in, ‘You mean the Baron’s sister. She is still alive?’

  ‘Where was the proof that she was ever dead?’ asked Martha rhetorically.

  ‘That’s right. We just assumed she was after Curt had told us he had seen some blood around her family quarters in the Castle before he was dismissed from service,’ said Hannah. ‘But will she know how
to use it? I thought it was only the Baron who knew about magic.’

  ‘The family of the Castle know all about magic and its use for evil and good,’ said Martha. ‘If you listened more you would be wiser.’

  ‘Sorry,’ Hannah said as she blushed.

  Matthew then asked ‘Where is the sister?’

  ‘Where did the vision you had tell you where she was?’ asked Martha.

  ‘Well, she was in a kind of room but not a prison. It seemed like a bedroom. There was a window but only the sort found in a – in a Castle!’ he replied. ‘She must be there somewhere.’

  ‘So, we’ve got to rescue the Baron’s sister somehow and let her use the Spear with Matthew?’ asked Hannah rhetorically.

  ‘So it would seem,’ said Martha.

  ‘Can you tell us anything else that will help us,’ asked Hannah.

  ‘I know some things but not all. But I will tell you, Matthew, one thing more,’ said Martha as she looked at him and then the Spear. ‘When the time of decision arrives, what seems the right thing to do may not be.’

  Matthew did not even bother trying to imagine what she could mean, for he knew he would tie himself in knots doing so, but he filed it in his memory.

  Martha then said, ‘Again I’m sorry to say that it is time for you to go. I know you are tired but there is much happening back at the Castle and now is the time for action.’ She then got up with the Spear and gave it back to Matthew

  Matthew put it back in his rucksack while Hannah gathered her belongings. They then went to say goodbye to Martha. Matthew stroked Hans goodbye and then stood in front of her. ‘I’m glad that you are listening to your instincts more and not thinking too much about things. You seem to have learnt much in the short time you have been in the Land. We may meet again, young man,’ she said to him as she hugged him.

  Matthew smiled at her, much happier than the last time he had said goodbye to her. Hannah then hugged Martha herself. After this they walked a little from the cottage and Matthew said, ‘Get out your Travelling stone.’ He got his out and said to Hannah, ‘I’ll see you back at the Clearing.’