Read The Devil's Due Page 5

at all. He reaches down with his left hand grasping not the knife sticking out of his chest, but the mans hand who was still clutching the knife. He pulls the mans hand slowly from the knife, but does not let go of his hand. Reaching over with his right hand, the priest grabs the handle of the knife and slowly pulls it out of his chest. The blood no longer flowing from any of his gunshot wounds or the knife wound.

  The priests voice changing, becoming deeper and inhuman....demonic. "Now it is my turn, you pathetic little worm. When I am finished with you, you will have a new home...with me." He begins to tighten his grip on the gunman's hand, squeezing it tighter and tighter. There is the sound of cracking and breaking bones as the priest crushes every single bone in the mans hand, some of them popping right out of his skin from the immense pressure being applied to them. A look of sheer terror, anguish and torture masking the mans face as it contorts to this new agony. He can barely utter a sound at this point. His body wracked with pain. His heart filled with fear. His body going limp, his feet hardly touching the ground as he looks down and then back up at the priest. Without any effort at all, the mans weight was being totally supported by the priest's hand that was crushing his own. Suspending him there so that he would not fall to the floor...not yet that is.

  Now with his right hand still holding the bloody knife that he pulled from his own heart, the priest holds it up in front of the mans eyes. A low guttural snicker creep's from his mouth, which has become filled with brown pointy teeth and a tongue as black a coal. He seemed to slowly be changing right before both the men's eyes, becoming something not human at all. He eases the knife lower until it is just above the mans left hip, then he softly moves the tip of the knife until it is pushing against the mans skin, but not piercing through it. He looks at the man dangling in front of him, then down at the knife, and gives a small nod of his head up and down, as if asking the man if this is the right spot. "Please don't, please...I'm begging you. I'll do anything you want." The man cried out in a whisper. The priest just gave him an evil smile. He slowly pushes the knife into the mans lower abdomen. Blood immediately pours from the wound as the mans body jerks backwards from the sharp pain of the knife entering him. His mouth wide open, gasping for air in loud pants of searing pain. The priest begins slowly moving the knife to the right and upward, looking deep into the mans eyes. His head tilted slightly to the side, a smile and look of content on his face, as if he wanted to savor every moment of this mans death.

  Blood and internal organs spewing out from the deep gash as it ripped through his stomach. The man gasping louder and louder, trying desperately to shove the intestines and organs back into himself with his mutilated hand. As the knife reaches the top if the mans ribcage, the priest releases the mans hand. His body hits the floor with a splat, as it lands in a pool of blood and entrails. Falling backwards, leaning against the wall behind him. He slides down to the floor, his head and neck bent upward on the wall. Neck broken from the fall, his eyes staring in a lifeless last look of terror. "There will be plenty of time for begging where you are going." Now turning around to face the other gunman. Taking off his large black hat and letting it fall behind his head, a choker cord around his neck preventing it from falling to the floor. His hair was all gray except for a few locks at each temple. They were a reddish yellow and orange tint. "No witnesses, I believe that is what you last said to me, is it not you fool?" The gunman having just witnessed what happened to his accomplice, could not run, he could not fire his gun. He could only watch in horror, knowing that he was going to be next. The priest did not walk over to him, but seemed to glide across the floor on a cushion of air. Standing directly in front of him now, so close he could smell the foul breath coming from the priest's mouth. It was the putrid odor of a dead animal lying by the side of the road baking in the sun, rotten, disgusting...nauseating.

  The mans eyes grew wide at the sight of this creature that had just minutes ago been a human priest. There was a ripping, cracking noise as sharp yellowish-brown horns started to push their way through the priest's skull on the left and right sides. His head was shaking violently, and a low growling sound came from him, as if a mad dog shaking a bone in his mouth. His nose was growing larger too. It was becoming bigger and blackening, nostrils flaring as a wet slimy ooze seemed to saturate the thing. His ears grew also, until they were too large, distorted and pointed at the top. Coarse dark hair grew from all areas of his face and head. His eyes glowed the deepest of red. He opened his mouth and a long black tongue emerged, moving through the air, a snake with a mind of its own. At the end, it split into two distinct pointed tips. A bone-chilling fear ran up the gunman's spine. He felt terror as he never knew existed at this moment. There was wet squishy sound, and another foul odor rose into the air. The gunman realized that his bowels had released, and the smell was that of his own feces emptying into his pants. The priest waved a hand in front of the gunman, releasing him from the bonds that held him from moving. The man felt his release, and he knew this would be the only chance he would have to escape, or die trying.

  Firing four shots into the creature's chest, its upper body jolting backwards as each bullet struck it. Sensing this was not going to stop the beast, the gunman fired two more shots directly into its head. As the first bullet smashed through the forehead of the creature, the second entered through the left eye. The back of the creature's skull exploding in a shower of blood, brains, hair and skull fragments. There was a loud unearthly scream of anger and pain, it shook the room so violently that items began to fall off of the shelves. The creature's head fell backwards, and it seemed for a moment it was going to topple over dead. The gunman felt a feeling of relief, thinking he had beaten the thing. Soon then the air filled with an ominous silence. The gunman watched in amazement as the creature's body straightened itself, its head slowly starting to upright itself. As the face of the thing became more visible, the man could clearly see one hole in the forehead and that the left eye was no longer amber ed, but a black hole of dripping, and creeping yellow slime. There was a sound resembling raindrops beginning to fall, growing heavier, getting louder and more frequent. It was the creatures blood, brains and pieces of the skull, all being sucked through the air and back into the thing's head. It was repairing itself right before the gunman's eyes, the last thing to return was the left eyeball. The eerie red glow slowly returning, until both eyes were once again a fierce amber red. They were as bright as any light bulbs in the store, but somehow deeper...sinister.

  The beast tilted its neck to the left and then to the right, cracking its neck as if to help it all settle back together more securely.

  It begins moving its jaws around, as if chewing gum or trying to clear a piece of food wedged in between two teeth. Then it spat out two objects at the gunman, both bouncing off of his chest and falling to the floor. Looking down the man could see that they were the two bullets that he had fired into the beasts face. They must have been sucked back into his skull along with everything else. The thing's mouth opened and the long black, forked tongue came slithering out. It rose up into the air slowly, side to side and up and down until it was hovering in front of the gunman, just above his head. He felt a feeling of extreme dread come over him as once again, he was frozen in place, unable to move, incapable of running or to cry out for help. He knew that he was now doomed, and could only wish that it would be over quickly."You did not learn anything from your friend's mistake." The beast's voice was deep, raspy, inhuman and louder than any human voice that he had ever heard. It sounded as if it rose up from the depths of hell channeling through the beast, as if he were an amplifier or speaker. The gunman realized what the thing meant and quickly tried to throw away his gun, not wanting his own hand to be boiled and melted by a molten ball of steel. As hard as he tried, the gun would not release from his hand.

  "It's too late for that now, little worm. You forget that you cannot move." The gunman waited in horror for the gun to heat up in his hand, but it did not. In fact, it felt rather
cool to him, as a matter of fact. It felt too chilly to him as he realized it was progressively getting colder and colder. The gun became extremely icy, and very painful as it started actually to freeze in his hand. Looking down, he could see his hand was also beginning to freeze solid, turning into actual ice before him. The pain was excruciating. He tried to scream out in agonizing pain, but his mouth would not open. "I will allow you to speak dog, what do you wish to convey to me." The mans mouth was free. He let out a horrible long scream of a man being tortured. "AHH, what music to my ears you play. However, we have much more for you to learn, so shall we begin?" The beast turned its eyes to the gunman's frozen hand. He began to get a small evil smile on his face. "You no longer will be needing that. Let me help you." The beast's tongue began to coil backwards, then it bolted back as a bullwhip would. The long black tongue snapping forward directly at the mans crystallized hand, there was a loud crack as it struck his hand. Then a shattering sound, and the mans hand was gone, lying