Read The Devil's Intended-Love & Evil In Palm Beach Page 12

over to a wooden table and lit up a large candle. Kristen thought she saw three long knives laying on it. He pulled a black scarf from his coat pocket, turned her around suddenly, and tied it over her eyes. She thought she was going drop right down on the floor, every muscle in her body grew weak and she slumped. He held her up around her waist and brought her to the structure. “No please” she meekly cried out. Karl said “You will need to remain completely quiet. Raise your feet.” She lifted them one at a time and he removed her spiky heels.

   Kristen submissively let him raise her arms and place each hand into a cuff. She could feel the coldness of the metal against her veins. She could feel him place mittens on her hands that didn’t have thumbs.

  “Open your mouth” He inserted a very small ball that tasted like dirty rubber and strapped it around her head. She could hear him step back from her and then she felt the platform move away from her feet. Her toes still touched the floor, but she was in a stretched position and uncomfortable. She could hear his shoes as he walked out and then the door closed. 

   He left her hanging for what was probably an hour. “Karl?” She muttered with the ball in place. It was getting really cold in there and she could feel her feet start to numb. She thought maybe she could try to work at the poles with her weight and pull them out of the wall. She tried several times to reach up and then bounce down. She felt the pole bend slightly, but it was still secured tightly. It made a loud clanging noise. 

   She heard heavy footsteps coming down the stairs and she stopped her movement. The door opened and she could hear more than one person walk in. She realized that maybe there were three of them as she heard folding chairs being opened and placed in front of her. Kristen was terrified. She tried making noises with the ball in her mouth. There was only silence. 

   One of the chairs squeaked as it pushed back. She could hear footsteps and then a sound that she thought was a knife being lifted off the table. She could sense someone was coming up to her and she could feel the warm breath close against her face.

   “Uhh, Uhh” Kristen tried to make grunting noises as she struggled and pushed back her body away from the stranger. She could smell cologne and she knew it was a man. “Karl, Karl?” she tried to get the words out.

   The ball went deeper into her mouth and she was gagging on her own saliva. She could feel the sharp point of the knife being pushed slightly into her throat. It was then run down the length of her chest, barely touching it. 

   She started making choking noises. She could feel hands on her face. The ball was then unstrapped and a wad of cloth replaced it before she could scream out. It smelled like medicine and tasted like lemons. She could hear another figure coming toward her. She then felt the dull side of a blade being brought up along the inside of her leg and under her skirt. It stopped.

   The chairs were now being folded up and pulled along the floor. She could hear them being stacked against the wall. The door closed and she could hear all of them go back upstairs and into a room above her. She was alone for several minutes.

   Someone came silently in the room and walked up to her. Her cuffs and mittens were taken off. A stiff hand guided her out of the room and into another one. She could feel there was heat in there and began to feel better. But she also thought this was the end and that someone was going to kill her.

   “Kristen.” She heard Karl’s voice from the other side of the room. She felt strangely comforted. The cloth was taken from her mouth and that person walked away. Her blindfold was then removed by someone else. It was Karl! He returned it to his pocket. She did not talk and knew not to express anger or any emotion. He made her feel safe. Now she thought she knew what it was all about…

   Kristen felt listless as she walked around her house for the next week. She accepted that the encounter had definitely affected her and she was becoming darker. Her fear had drawn her closer to him. It was sadly true that perhaps Karl was actually incapable of romantic feelings when it came to her, but she still wanted to break through that stone exterior. She knew that she was not in love with Karl. She was addicted.

   The fact that he didn’t want her made Kristen desire him more. She kept picturing them in bed together and her emotions could not be suppressed.  She thought of more excuses to talk to him. She wanted to ask him about the cadre of men that night and what they were doing while they were watching her.

   Kristen knew he had more in store for her if he thought she could handle it. It had been long enough not hearing from him. She couldn’t resist calling him again and dialed the number. There was no answer and no voicemail.

   She was afraid that he had left town and had no further use for her. Kristen couldn’t stand it. She had to talk to him! She kept re-dialing the number. After the fourth try, a voicemail came on. She said “Karl, I need to talk to you. I am ready.”

   Her phone rang immediately. She picked it up and started rambling “Karl, I need to see you, I really do.” Karl sounded annoyed “Will you calm down? I am not someone you want to get to know.” Kristen said “I know you will like me, just give me a chance.” Karl answered firmly “We are not playing a game Kristen; you are not ready.” He hung up.

   Kristen went outside and walked around the block. She kept her cell phone with her. She felt very nervous. Karl called her back “Meet me at midnight. 3242 W. Market Street.” Kristen wanted to ask him if that address was in the city, but he was already gone.

   She was excited all day long. Around 8PM she was already dressed and decided to hang out with Ashley downtown before meeting him. When Ashley saw her, she said “What is going on with those eyes. You look like a punk!”

   Kristen had put several coats of eyeliner and mascara on for a dramatic effect. She was wearing fishnets, a lace bustier, a short black spandex skirt, and of course her tallest steel heels.

   “Come on Kristen, you can’t look like that, we’re going to a Jazz bar.” Kristen replied “I don’t want to go there. Let’s go to one of the alternative bars. I want to hear a real band.” They headed over in their separate cars.

   When they went into the place they immediately saw some friends and sat at a large table. Ashley danced non-stop while Kristen got as intoxicated as possible. She needed to be completely out of it in order to feel normal with Karl. It was finally nearing midnight and Kristen announced she was leaving.

   Ashley had no idea where Kristen was going and said “I’m coming with you.” Kristen said quickly “You can’t.” Kristen went to her car and drove off. Ashley called after her. “What’s wrong with you?” Kristen muttered to herself “You would never understand.”

   The meeting place turned out to be nightclub that Kristen thought had closed down. She pulled up. Karl was outside talking to some men. As usual, he looked very polished. She emerged from the car and walked slowly up to him. “You look like a clown” he said displeased. She walked behind him into the building.

   The place was crowded and it looked like an S&M party was going at full speed. There were topless waitresses walking about carrying small silver trays and handing out hors d’oeuvres and beverages. They were wearing dog collars with very pointy spikes on their necks, black thongs, thigh highs and nothing else.

   There were decidedly more men in the place. Kristen thought many of the girls looked like they were hired to be there since they had similar outfits on. Most of the men were wearing wedding rings. She had never noticed before that Karl was not wearing one.

   Karl planted Kristen on a low couch and walked away. He had not said a word to her since they entered. She saw him walk up to an older Asian woman who was wearing a red rubber jump suit. He pulled her by her pony tail into another room. Kristen watched jealously and wanted to go after him.

   A short, fat man came to her dressed entirely in white leather and a tiny derby hat tilted to the side. He resembled a dented marshmallow and was carrying a whip. “Stand up!” he barked. He looked like he was getting ready to go at he

   A large bouncer in black t-shirt came up to him. “She’s Karl’s.” The man nodded and strode off.

   Kristen had nothing to do but observe. The room filled up as more people filed in and then would break off into the various back rooms. Kristen desperately wanted to go in there and see what was going on. It also seemed obvious that no waitresses were coming up to her with the free drinks like they were offering everyone else. She wanted one!

   She saw the bouncer still standing by her and wondered if he was assigned to her. She thought she would make a run for the back zone to see if he would try to stop her. Karl had now been gone for almost an hour and she was getting impatient. She was in the mood for trouble!

   Kristen smiled at the bouncer “Where’s the bathroom please.” He looked down at her and pointed towards a hall by the front door. Kristen slowly got up and walked towards that direction and away from him.

   She grabbed a drink off a tray that was sitting on a table. She sipped it and kept looking behind her to see if he was watching. She then turned and walked quickly along the wall back towards the other rooms.

   “Her” bouncer came towards her taking long steps and stopped her. He picked her up and carried her down some stairs to the right of them. He said