Read The Devil's Intended-Love & Evil In Palm Beach Page 14

strawberries over here.” Her girlfriends were immediately interested and were even more curious when they saw that Kristen was not amused. Robert inquired “Aren’t you going to introduce me?” Kristen gave him a blank look. He became boisterous “Hey, you know what girls? I don’t even know her name.” 

   “What a Vamp,” laughed Ashley. “You don’t even let men know your name anymore.” “It’s Marilyn Monroe,” Kristen said cynically picking up her drink and departing from the table.

   Kristen walked down to the end of the bar where a good-looking man turned away from talking to his date to admire her as she stood there with her foot tapping impatiently. Kristen could hear her friends all laughing hard together and could tell Robert was quickly turning them into his new admirers. It would be hard to go back there. 

   Robert came up to her after a while. “Oh good,” Kristen said “It’s safe to go back now” and turned to walk to her seat. He said, “Aww, Kristen. I come in peace.” Kristen glared down the bar at her friends for betraying her by divulging her name. Robert smiled "There is a really great private party going on right now a few blocks away. A friend of mine from Hollywood is throwing it. Do you want to go? “Kristen looked at him suspiciously and said slowly "Well, maybe for an hour.” He was definitely hard to resist. She wasn't ready to give up on him so easily.”

   He said, “Now, this might upset you, but I really need to go back to my hotel first and get my cell phone. I can't live without it." Kristen looked reluctant. Robert pleaded "It will be fun! The limo is out front waiting.” He started to walk away. “Well?  Are you coming?” Kristen looked over at her friends and gave them a nod. She then said "OK, I'll do it." Her girlfriends laughed as she left and called out “You go girl!”

   Kristen dragged her feet as she followed him and said “You better mean it this time.” The car was at the curb and it seemed that the driver was gone because Robert opened the door for her. He helped her in with his arm around her waist. The minute she sat down, he tried to kiss her. Kristen pulled back. Robert laughed, got out of the car, and went to sit in the front seat. Kristen was feeling a bit mean now.  “You know Robert; I don't know if I should trust you. You are good looking, but you kind of have a pasty and pale appearance, and you don’t look like you are from Los Angeles. Did you just get out of prison or something?” Robert reached up towards the rear-view mirror and turned it directly at her. She watched his face in it and thought he looked surprised at her, like she was right, like she was on to something.

   “Maybe you had better go Kristen” he said drawling her name out. He then turned the mirror back and pushed the button to close the privacy partition. He waved as it blocked her off.

   By then the driver had returned. Kristen knocked on the middle window and said “I am sorry; I won't insult you anymore." Robert re-opened the partition, turned his head and flashed a big grin. "Now that's better Kristen. That's what I want to hear." He opened the door and went back to sit close to her. Kristen let him put his arm around her shoulders and was now feeling quite cozy and adventurous. 

   They only drove a few blocks and ended up at the Intercontinental. Robert graciously helped her out and they held hands as they walked into the spectacular lobby. Robert said, “Kristen, Take the elevator to the 4th floor, I’ll meet you in the hallway.” He pulled out his phone and walked over to a corner. Kristen stared at him "I thought you said your phone was here?" Robert nonchalantly answered "Guess, I was wrong." He then motioned to her be quiet and started speaking into it.

   Kristen was ready to turn around and walk the short distance back to her girlfriends, but, she pushed the elevator button anyway. She waited upstairs for him a full ten minutes before she heard the bell announce his belated arrival. They walked in silence to his room. He inserted his key card and said “Don’t worry I’m not going to touch you. I just want your company tonight.” Kristen did not know why, but she felt a strong attachment to him. She went off to the restroom and had to go through his bedroom to get there. She sat down on the bed to remove her heels. She noticed on his table that there were a few boxes and red heart gift wrap paper lying on the floor.

   One of the gifts was a man’s watch that was sitting propped up in its box. The bed was messed up and it looked like he had just had an “afternoon delight” with someone else and that was probably why he wasn’t interested in her tonight. “Oh, how lovely for him” Kristen said. She read the little gift tag on the box. “I love you so much sweetheart! Happy Valentine’s. Love, Jeannie.” The watch was cheap looking, maybe worth twenty dollars, tops. Kristen now realized that she would just be wasting her time with him. 

   She went back to the other room. He was sitting back comfortably with a large cocktail and did not even ask her if she wanted one. She sat next to him. Robert promptly got up and went into the bedroom for a minute. When he came back, he had a DVD, and was now wearing a pink T-shirt and tight black jogging shorts. He went over and inserted the DVD in the player and sat down in a chair on the opposite side of the room. The picture came on the screen showing two figures wearing clown costumes holding whips. Kristen could not distinguish their gender.

   She looked away disinterested and said "Is everyone into S&M these days? What is it with you guys? You are all so twisted! Aren't you at least going to make me a drink?" Robert intently watched the movie and totally ignored her. He was really starting to annoy her with his inattention. He then inserted another disc. This one was in German with subtitles and pictured a man wearing a baby bonnet and a diaper sitting inside a bird cage.

   Kristen groaned "Oh, come on Robert. Pay some attention to me or I am leaving." She was feeling very frisky from the Martinis she had at the lounge and she jumped on his lap. Robert flipped her over and pinned her down on the couch. He began kissing her. “What do I have to do? Should I tie you up to get some peace?”

   He giggled and went over to his suitcase. He pulled out a monstrous roll of white twine. He had her outstretch her arms and tied up each one. He buzzed around like a bee and ran the twine through the furniture and off the wall sconces, all through the room.

   One-third of the room ended up looking like an elaborate spider web. He tied open each of her legs and attached the string to the front door and bedroom doorknobs. She was defenseless and laughing hard. 

   He pulled a can of whipped cream out from the bedroom. Kristen knew he had this from his earlier date too. He caught her off-guard and shoved his head up her dress pulling off her red lace thong with his teeth. He covered her completely in the white, frothy cream and then kneeled before her and completely dug his face into it. Kristen writhed in the throes of an incredible orgasm. It was too intense. She couldn’t take it and tried to push him away. As she squirmed, her legs stretched out and the door would open and close. They both went into hysterics. Robert then had to stop because he was laughing so hard he was snorting the cream up his nose.

   Robert left her tied up while he went over to the small bar in the corner. “Enough of this crap! Cut me loose!” Kristen laughingly demanded. He opened a drawer and brought out some scissors to free her. She then went to go clean up. 

   A few minutes later she could hear the front door shut loudly. She rushed out to find Robert was gone. Kristen was astounded and proclaimed to the ceiling "Who is this guy? So much for the one-night stand. What a jerk!" She then gathered her things and left. She didn't care if he came back or not.

   A few days later when Robert was almost banished from her thoughts; he called! He started right in apologizing and did not give her a chance to talk. "I know Kristen we started out on the wrong foot, but I really want to make it up to you by letting you in on a great investment opportunity. Just bring yourself and your checkbook to the Westin Hotel tonight and I will explain it all. Seriously. You will want to know about this. Be sure to dress up." Kristen was curious and she still wasn't sure if she wanted Robert out of her life yet. He was so darn interesting!

   When sh
e arrived that evening, Robert was wearing a designer suit and sitting in a booth with three men, also in expensive attire. She walked in looking fantastic in Yves St. Laurent and Louboutins. He looked impressed. and handed her a menu. “Order some dinner. Anything you want.” The men started talking business.

   Through the snippets of conversation, Kristen was now learning more about Robert. It seems that he was the head of an investment company in Los Angeles. His companions were there to get in on the action of a takeover he was waging on a smaller company. He was there to raise more money to buy their stock.

   The dinner lasted two hours and then the men began to depart. The waitress handed the bill to one of them. “How nice” Kristen was amused, and not surprised that they paid for the meal, not Robert.

   Robert made two phone calls. During the first one, he was talking in hushed tones and it sounded like he was talking to a girlfriend. He saw Kristen watching him and covered his hand over his mouth. He then got up and walked into the hall. He was on the phone for about fifteen minutes.  

   Kristen was thinking of walking out on him and began to stand up. He smiled and waved at her from the hall, holding