Read The Devil's Intended-Love & Evil In Palm Beach Page 28

thought again. Since her father had been extra successful, maybe he ran out of children to hand over, and now she was next?” Her sisters certainly acted like they married “Stepford” husbands.  She giggled as she paddled through the water, “Yes, I would definitely not put that past him.” 

   Mr. Stratford had always been somewhat secretive about belonging to Skull & Bones at Yale, and being a prime member in The Council on Foreign Relations. These groups had always been clouded in controversy and conspiracy theories. Whitestone seemed to be right in line with them, maybe even more so. 

   As she climbed from the pool and reached for a towel, she thought again about her last meeting with Gregory. She took one last sip of wine, and further discerned that she was getting too old for dalliances with playboys like Gregory, no matter how sexy he was. She had to get back on course and keep looking for the man she desired on all levels and couldn’t live without. She sensed she would soon find her answers. She knew she was getting closer, she could feel him, he was on the island somewhere…



   Kristen was quite looking forward to going out tonight. The Season was nearing and she enjoyed the fact that once again, there was a global selection of rich men. More yachts arrived each day at the docks at the end of Australian Street.

   At the last moment, her two friends called and said they weren’t going to go. One said it was because she was “sick of the old Palm Beach men”. “That’s just peachy” Kristen thought. “If they want to keep looking for losers in the off-island bars, then that’s what they are going to end up with.” She really didn’t mind going solo because she knew she would not be alone for long.

   She wished that Ashley would move down there from Chicago. She would never back out on plans, especially on the cherished Friday night. She was a great friend and always liked the same things that Kristen enjoyed.

   Kristen started assembling her best attractants which included her new Dior cocktail couture with the exposed back and her Chanel clutch. It took two hours before she approved her hair and make-up. It was getting close to prime time at the lounge and she needed to force herself away from the vanity.

   She clacked her way to the car in four inch Manolos. It was the perfect night, very tropical, and just the right amount of humidity.  There was also a full moon out and it lit up the ocean as she drove past it. Kristen felt hopeful and sensed that it was going to be a special night for her.

   She pulled up to one of her favorite venues and was instantly greeted by the valet service. As she walked in, the bar was alive with pop quartet music and conversation. The lights were set low to create a romantic ambience. They were also dim enough to hide the cheating spouses at the back tables from inquiring eyes.

    A few women turned towards her as she walked in. They looked over her outfit and shoes with subtle approving nods. Palm Beach was still one of the places where you were expected to dress to look like you fit in, or you were ignored, even by the staff. Jerry, the bartender greeted her and gestured toward the only empty seat left. He scooped up the reserved sign and placed her usual Absolut and orange juice in front of her.

   “How are you doing tonight?” he said as he leaned over to give her a kiss on her cheek. Kristen said “I’m on the hunt by myself tonight. It’s really better that way.” Jerry smiled and placed a bowl of cashews in front of her. “Are you dining at the bar?” Kristen laughed “No, I am just going to drink my dinner.” She looked around and saw it was a better crowd than usual. Normally, this establishment was for the more mature patrons over age sixty, way over. And the older they were, the younger their dates seemed to be. Tonight, it was refreshing to see that plenty of men of all ages were present, and not too many of the groups of young girls from West Palm. Those wannabees usually bowed out early when they realized they could not afford the drinks. 

   The circular bar had a line of liquor bottles on shelves in the middle that obscured the view of the other side. If you didn’t eventually see someone you liked on your side, you needed to pick up shop and go over there. A well-grayed man to her right began talking to her and pointed to her drink. Jerry promptly came over and placed a fresh one in front of her. Kristen was not sure she wanted the obligation that came with the drink since she was on a roll tonight and wished to remain independent until she found someone that she really wanted to converse with.

   She graciously tipped her glass towards him and gave a nod to thank him. He asked her if she would dance the next slow song with him. He was from Boston and was half-interesting to talk to as she kept her eye roving around the room for others.

   As Kristen peered through the bottles, she noticed a man staring back at her with a quizzical look. She saw him pull out a pair of glasses and studied her more intently. The song changed and she now accepted her neighbor’s request. He took her hand and maneuvered her through the couples on the dance floor.

   Even though Kristen had her back to the man who had been watching, she could still feel those eyes on her. She glanced over her shoulder at him. He had now moved a few seats closer to get a better look at her, practically leaning off his chair.

   “Robert St. Germain!” Kristen completely froze up in fear as she realized who it was. “I’ve got to get out of here. Please help me!” Kristen begged her partner. He realized how scared she was, put his hands protectively around her shoulders, and rushed her into one of the private side dining rooms. 

   Jerry, the bartender observed this and hurried over with her purse. He came into the room with them and locked the door.  Jerry said “What’s wrong?” Her dance partner looked baffled and Jerry told him “I’ll take care of her.” The man returned to the bar.

   Jerry put his hands on her shoulders to stop her trembling. Kristen said, “There is a man in there who wants to kill me!” Jerry kind of gave her a doubtful grin. Kristen said “Seriously Jerry, I knew him from Chicago and he is a real nut case.” Jerry now looked a bit worried. “How can I get out of here? Kristen pleaded.” He said, “There is a door in here that goes through the garbage area and out to the side street. You valet parked. Right?” Kristen nodded. “I will tell the valet to meet you over there. Don’t worry, you will be alright.”

   Kristen was thankful he did not try to ask her any more questions about Robert, it was too long of a story, and she had to get out of there now. “Thanks Jerry, you are seriously a life-saver.”

   As Kristen rushed out the back exit, she was very frightened, but, she was also mad that her evening was cut short right at the beginning of it. The valet was waiting with her car. Kristen decided that she was not ready to surrender the night, and that she would go to a boutique hotel down the street and hide out in their small restaurant. She gave the valet his tip, hopped in her car, drove down the short block, and then passed it onto the next valet.

  She looked nervously behind her as she walked in the hotel entrance. She felt safe now. Although it was popular, she doubted Robert was classy enough to know about this place. Most of all, he wouldn’t be able to use his phony credit cards here.

   Kristen walked through the lobby area. Next to it was the quaint area were a few people dined at the small tables. Most likely they were all married, or on dates. She continued past them as she made her way towards the Women’s Lounge. She narrowly brushed by a table of four businessmen. She noticed they stopped talking and took a look at her. She gave them a shy smile keeping her head slightly down and walked on.

   When she entered the restroom she gave herself a worried look as she checked herself out in the mirror. She straightened out her hair and put on a fresh coat of lipstick.

   As she came back out, Kristen was trying to decide if she wanted to leave, or stay and just have a bite of something. She still felt like partying and then considered going to a more “happening” place on the island and started back out towards the front door area.

   She couldn’t help noticing that one of the businessmen, who had bee
n at the table, was now sitting at the bar with his high chair half turned out facing her. He was tall, his arms were crossed, and his long legs were comfortably stretched outward. It seemed that he was deliberately trying to block her from walking by.

   Kristen looked down at his very expensive shoes anticipating that he would pull them back in. They didn’t move. She then looked up at his face. He was laughing at her. “No, no, you’re not getting out of here without letting me buy you a drink first.” The other men from his table were watching and were very amused. “Oh, if you must” Kristen said with a pretend sigh. She sidled in next to him. “Come with me. Let’s go sit in the love seat”, he said, and motioned to the waiter. He helped her off the chair and held her hand lightly as they walked over to a private area which faced away from his friends.

   His companions all waved at them and went back to their discussion. The waiter came over with a very impressive bottle of red wine and glasses and set it on the low glass table in front of them. “Will there be anything else Mr. Fiore?” “No, that will be all, thank you.” Kristen thought to herself, “Ooh, la, la, another Italiano. Maybe not ready to go that route again.”

   Mr. Fiore leaned over and poured Kristen a glass