Read The Devil's Intended-Love & Evil In Palm Beach Page 33

you would see this. That “Twit” hired a photographer to follow us there. It was all staged. Look closely at the shots. Can’t you tell I don’t look happy?”

   She tried to take a look, but he went in again for more kissing and Kristen couldn’t see or breathe. She was at one with him and did not want to stop. He was so romantic and tender. His lips were so sensuous that she felt faint.

   He started talking again “We had some bad weather over there so we couldn’t fly back until this afternoon. I was afraid to call you and figured that I should just come over to show you how much I care for you now. I am sorry if I made you feel bad at any time.”

   Kristen believed him and now tried to talk but Anthony would not let her. “Kristen, I want you to be my girl. I can’t imagine being without you again. Please let this happen. I think we were meant to be. I have never felt like this before. Let me show you.”

   He picked her up from the couch and carried her up her stairs to her bedroom. They fell on the bed together and tore at each other until they both were naked.

   Anthony raised his powerful thighs and began making love to her. He was filled with raw, pulsating emotion. She lay paralyzed as he consumed her. When they reached their pinnacle, he held her tightly and was determined to never let her go. 

   After an hour of lying reposed and completely silent, the couple embraced again. Anthony whispered in her ear. “I am staying with you tonight. I can’t bear to be without you. I love you Kristen, you need to know that.” Kristen put her arms around him tighter and said softly “I love you too Anthony.” Anthony smiled and said “You are mine forever."



   The romance between Kristen and Anthony continued at a strong, unrelenting pace over the following months. He was always full of surprises and would often fly Kristen off to quickie excursions to South America and the Caribbean. 

    They also traveled from the major European cities to the quaint chateaus in the country. Anthony spoke French and German almost as fluently as Italian. He knew his way around and had friends throughout the world. Kristen had traveled to many of the same places before on her own or with her parents, but she now enjoyed seeing the world through his eyes. She never had a chance to grow tired of him. He had so much to offer.

   Kristen was never in doubt again that Anthony was very serious about her when he showed her his family’s hometown in Sicily and introduced her to several of his relatives. He started buying her jewelry and priceless artwork. Their tastes were similar and he always delighted her.    

   In his spare time, they would lie out on his yacht sunning or occasionally snorkel. They had a verbal agreement. She was only willing to get in the water if he stayed right next to her so he would get eaten first by the sharks. He made her cut up her credit cards and he opened new accounts for her, footing all the bills. He encouraged her to buy a classier wardrobe and set her up with designers. They attended all the top parties and charity functions. Kristen was proud to be seen with him. He was well-liked by everyone.

   One day he surprised her with the news that they would be attending a major ball at Mar-a-Lago. It was considered to be one of the top events of the Season and was always attended by dignitaries from around the world. Kristen was excited for the next three weeks awaiting the night.

   Anthony paid an exorbitant amount to have her ball gown custom made by a top fashion house and rushed to her in time. It arrived the day before the gala in the late afternoon.

   Kristen spent the next day dressing for the party and Anthony was absolutely stunned when she paraded herself in front of him. “My God! You look like a Princess!” He proudly smiled at her as he took her arm and led her to the white limousine waiting outside.

   Kristen loved everything about Mar-a-Lago! It was filled with magnificent paintings and furnishings. She especially loved the lion statues in front. She was readily provided with a handsome military escort as she strode down the red carpet into the ballroom. The gowns that were present at the event were breathtaking and all were very unique. Nothing off the rack at this party. Everyone shimmered!

   She danced with Anthony and smiled up at him with adoring eyes. He was truly her prince! He looked down at her and pulled her even closer. They were the perfect couple and it seemed that they were put on earth for each other. Kristen could not imagine finding anyone else that she could be happy with. They were for keeps!

   Anthony introduced Kristen to the various royalty and Hollywood moguls that paraded past them. She was now on a first name basis with the wealthiest people in the world and she loved this life. Even though her parents had been well-known in various circles, she now outshined them. She wished they were here to enjoy it too. She knew this was one of her mother’s favorite balls. Kristen was sad when the magical night ended, but her fairy tale life continued on the enchanted island.

   Kristen enjoyed all of Florida, and especially loved the discos of South Beach. The couple would drive down to Miami in his different sports cars to go to the newest clubs. Anthony was a silent partner at the latest hotspot to be seen, and brought Kristen with him on one trip to check up on the staff. It was well into the wee hours. He left her seated at a table accompanied by a large glass of flavored vodka while he went to the back office. Kristen watched the crowd dance and was quite content that she had her man and no longer needed to be part of the dating ritual. She looked around at all the excitement going on around her and saw a figure approach her through the smoky haze.

   As it drew closer, the familiar face of Gregory slowly materialized. He had been dancing and sweat was soaking through the white satin shirt that clung tightly to his muscles. He came up to her and gave her a kiss on the lips. A spark went through her body and she sat straight up in her chair. “Kristen! How nice to see you! What brings you way down to Miami?”

   Kristen hesitated; she still liked Gregory and did not want to ruin it by mentioning Anthony. She knew he would walk off. She avoided the question. “Gregory! You look great! How have you been?” Gregory sat down next to her, pulling his chair closer. He nuzzled her neck. Kristen closed her eyes and swooned, just a bit.  She thought “He is so alluring. I can’t stop this. It is always like he has a weird hold over me.” She laughed to herself “Maybe they do worship the Devil at that club. That would explain it all!”

   Gregory said “Kristen, I have been thinking of you quite a lot since I last saw you. Why did you disappear?” Kristen laughed “You were the one that took off. Who was that woman anyway? Your wife? Was that her house that we went to?” Gregory shrugged “Does it really matter? We are here now, together once again; fate is such a sweet thing. You are quite the temptress.” He moved in on her very vulnerable neck again and Kristen pulled back.

   Gregory looked puzzled. “Don’t you want me Kristen? Why the distance?" He whispered in her ear “Let’s go get a room. I am staying in the hotel next door. You know you want me.” He then started murmuring in hot breaths what he wanted to do with her. As he slid his hand in between her legs, Kristen braced, longing for him to explore further. As he began to push upward, she melted into his touch until she realized where she was again. She shifted her body just slightly from his advance and picked up her drink. She was really surprised at herself and blamed it on the late hour and the liquor. But, it could not be denied. Gregory was really something!

   Gregory pulled the glass from her. He dipped into the liquid and parted her lips with his finger. Kristen looked over his shoulder and saw Anthony re-emerging from the back. Kristen gave him a little push. “Gregory, you need to go. I am here with someone.” Gregory just ignored her and began with his hand starting on her knee again. Kristen stood up, straightened her dress, and rushed over towards Anthony.

   Anthony had his back turned and did not see who she had been sitting with. He put his arm around her shoulder “Ah, there you are. Come in back. I want you to meet one of my partners.” As they walked, Kristen did not see it when Anthony slowl
y turned his head to the side and shot a stare straight at Gregory.

   But Gregory did notice Anthony. He took a drink from Kristen’s glass and sat there, legs spread apart, casting a defiant look right back at him. He then lit up a cigarette and blew a nonchalant smoke ring into the air. Anthony cocked his chin up at Gregory and nodded at some of the staff members that were standing against the wall. Gregory looked a bit closer and it finally dawned on him who Kristen was with. He now looked worried and immediately stumped out the cigarette. Two bouncers began to approach him as he stood up and quickly proceeded to leave the club. They followed quietly behind him.

   Anthony spent another hour at a desk in the office as he kept Kristen carefully planted in a corner. He did not offer her any more alcohol. Then they left for the long drive back to Palm Beach instead of staying the night down there, as originally planned. He never mentioned Gregory to her, and as far as Kristen knew, he never saw anything. But Anthony realized that the time was coming soon when he needed to clearly mark his territory.

   Kristen continued to have a very good month. She loved being in Palm Beach and all the culture and beauty that it offered. Her love also grew even more for Anthony. In the short slice of